How to make delicious Karaage(Japanese Fried Chicken), step by step guide

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Hi everyone it's Kunihiro. Thank you for  coming back to my kitchen today I'm going   to show you how to make karaage, a Japanese  Fried Chicken step by step. So let's begin. Alright here are today's ingredients. So here  I have 600 grams of bone in skin on chicken   thighs. We usually use chicken thigh meat  to make Karaage because it's the juiciest   and the most flavorful part of a chicken. And  we prefer using ones with skin on because the   skin becomes very crispy once deep-fried  adding extra crispness to your Karaage.   And for marinating the chicken, I use salt  and black pepper, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce   2 tablespoons of sake, 1 teaspoon of sesame  oil, 2 cloves of garlic, and 10 grams of   fresh ginger. And for coating the chicken, I  have one large egg, 70 grams of corn starch,   and 70 grams of all-purpose flour. Today I'm using  corn starch, but you can substitute it with potato   or tapioca starch. The result will be the same.  Alright so let's start with chicken preparation.   The first thing we do is to wipe off the moisture  on the chicken with paper towels very well. It   will reduce The Unwanted smell of chicken. Also,  the dried chicken will absorb the marinade better. Next, we are going to debone the chicken.  So first, please identify where the bone is   and make initial incisions on the left side of  the bone running from the top to the bottom.   Make sure to run the tip of the knife  along the bone so you won't lose much meat.   At this time I'm slightly pressing the  side of the blade against the bone.   And once this much bone is  exposed, rotate the chicken   and carefully detach the meat from the other  side of the bone using the tip of the knife.   Then slide the blade along the  bone while pressing against it. Once this much bone is exposed,  slide the blade under the bone   and cut and disconnect one end of  the bone. Then stand the bone up, and cut and disconnect the  other end of the bone like this. And you'll always find the cartilage  here. So please cut it off.   Then check if there are no small bones left on  the chicken. Please remove them if you find them.   And as for the excess skin, you don't have to cut   it off. But sometimes it has lots of fat  on the edge like this one. In that case,   please cut only this part off because the  fat will not render even after deep fried.   You don't have to be nervous about removing all  the fat, but I suggest removing big and visible   ones. Okay, this is clean enough. So that's  how I debone and clean up a chicken thigh.   Next, we are going to cut the chicken into  big bite-sized pieces. So after deboning,   you'll notice the middle part where the bone was  located is thinner than both ends. So please make   a first cut at the thinner point. Now the  chicken is cut into two pieces. Then you'll   notice one is a little smaller than the other.  So please cut this smaller one in half. It's   a kind of big piece. It weighs about 30 grams.  Then please put these cut chicken into a bowl. And cut this bigger piece  into three equal size pieces.   Cutting this way will make all the  chicken pieces almost equal in size,   which is very important because equal  size meat will cook evenly in the oil. By the way, please lay these cut chicken  pieces flat like this in a bowl. It will   come in handy in the next step. Next, we are going  to season the chicken with salt and black pepper.   So please sprinkle a few pinches of salt and  black pepper over the chicken. Since we laid   out the chicken flat in the previous step,  you can easily see how much salt and black   pepper you are adding at this point. The amount  of salt and black pepper will vary depending on   the amount of chicken you have at that time, so  please lay out the chicken evenly before adding   salt and black pepper. Also, I suggest  adding a little more salt than you would   usually think was enough. If you add too little  salt at this stage, your Karaage will be bland.   Even though today's recipe uses soy  sauce, it is mainly for adding aroma,   not for adding saltiness to the chicken. So  please seasoned the chicken well at this point.   Then grate 2 cloves of garlic  over the chicken. It will add   a nice garlic flavor. But please don't add  too much because it will easily overpower   the entire dish. So stick with two if you  are preparing a similar amount of chicken.   Then grate 10 grams of fresh ginger over  the chicken. It will add a refreshing   ginger flavor. However, for the same reason as  garlic, just a little bit of ginger is enough.  Then add two tablespoons of soy sauce. It will  add a delicious soy sauce aroma. And add two   tablespoons of sake. It will reduce the chicken  smell, also soften the meat and keep it moist.   And in the end, add one teaspoon of sesame oil. it  will add a hint of nutty flavor to your Karaage.   And mix it well and let the  chicken absorb the marinade. Once you don't see any more liquid left in the  bottom of the bowl, that is the sign it's mixed   enough. So cover the chicken with plastic and  let it rest outside the fridge for 20-30 minutes.   We'll bring the chicken to room temperature while  marinating it because the cold chicken will cause   undercooking. So set this aside for now, and  let's move on to the next step. Please get a   separate bowl and put 70 grams of cornstarch  and 70 grams of all-purpose flour in it. Then   mix it well. We'll use this mixture to coat the  chicken. Some people use only starch for coating   but I believe a starch and flour mixture makes  Karaage much crispier and stays crispy longer. Okay, 20 minutes have passed. Your chicken will  look like this. Now break an egg over the chicken. And mix it well. This egg will act  as a barrier between the chicken and   the cornstarch and the flour mixture  so that the moisture of the chicken   won't mess up the crispy coating  of the Karaage after deep-frying. Next, we are going to coat the chicken  with the starch and the flour mixture. So   please arrange these items on the counter,  starting from the left, the chicken first,   the starch on the flour mixture next, and the  dry plate last. Please take a piece of chicken and coat it with lots of starch and flour mixture. Then shake off the excess powder and put  it on a dry plate. If the skin is coming   off like this piece, attach the skin to  the meat first and put it on the powder. Then shake off the excess powder  while holding the skin on the meat. After coating,   your chicken will look like this. Now let it  rest for a couple minutes and let the powder   absorb the moisture on the chicken. Doing  that will make your Karaage even crispier.   So while waiting for the chicken, let's heat  the cooking oil. Please get a large pot and   fill it with cooking oil up to two centimeters.  You don't need lots of oil for cooking Karaage.   Then turn on the heat to medium and bring the  oil temperature up to 170 degrees Celsius. Once the oil is getting hot, please turn  down the heat to medium-low. Otherwise,   the oil temperature exceeds 170 degrees very  quickly. By the way, your chicken will look like   this at this point. The starch and the flour have  absorbed more moisture from the chicken, and the   surface is moister than it was minutes ago. That  is exactly what you want, and it's ready to go. Alright, the oil is getting ready.  Let's check the temperature.   So to check the temperature of the oil, first  wet the tips of your chopsticks with water   and wipe off the water with a paper towel well. then dip the tips of your chopsticks in the  oil and look at the bubbles come out of your   chopsticks. At 170 degrees, you'll see many teeny  tiny bubbles come out of the Chopsticks like this.   You'll see a lot fewer Bubbles at 160 degrees  and at 180 degrees, you'll see bigger bubbles. So now gently put half the chicken into the oil.  If you put in all the raw chicken at once the oil   temperature will drop dramatically causing the  coating to come out soggy, so please make sure   to deep-fry the chicken in two batches. And  we are going to deep-fry them for 4 minutes.   After you put the chicken into the oil, the oil  temperature will drop to about 160 degrees. But   it will soon come back up to 170 degrees on  medium-low heat so please don't turn up the   heat at this point. The ideal temperature during  those four minutes is between 160 to 170 degrees,   so I suggest adjusting the heat  between medium-low to low heat. After 2 minutes, please turn the chicken  over and deep fry for two more minutes. And four minutes later,   please take all the chicken pieces out of  the oil and put them on a cooling rack. At this point, the core of the chicken  is still slightly uncooked. So let the   chicken rest for 4 minutes and let the  remaining heat cook the chicken entirely.   By cooking slowly with the remaining  heat, your chicken will stay juicy.   While resting the Karaage,  please clean up the oil once. And deep fry the remaining  chicken in the same way. So after 2 minutes, turn the chicken over. And after 4 minutes, take them out of the oil and   let them rest for 4 minutes  just like the first batch. And after the second batch rested for 4 minutes,   turn the heat back on, this time medium heat, and  raise the oil temperature to 180 degrees Celsius. I'm going to check the  temperature with chopsticks again.   This time at 180 degrees, you'll see many  bigger bubbles come out of chopsticks like this. Now, put all the Karaage back into the  oil and deep-fry for about a minute until   they become golden brown. The purpose  of this double frying is to crisp up   the coating and add a beautiful brown  color to it at a higher temperature.   Also, this double-frying method allows you  to serve more pieces at once. Please move   the chicken around to make the oil temperature  even so that all the pieces get brown evenly. After 30 seconds, please turn the chicken over  and deep-fry for 30 more seconds. And after one   minute, take the Karaage out, shake off the  oil well, and put them on the cooling rack. And drain the oil from the Karaage for one minute. Finally, put the Karaage pieces on a  plate. I always pile them up like this.   Then please garnish them with a lemon wedge. And in the end, put a little bit of Japanese  mayonnaise on the side and that's it. Your   delicious chicken Karaage is ready. It's very  juicy on the inside and super crispy on the   outside. Alright, so that's it for today. I hope  you enjoyed watching today's video. So if you did,   please give me a like and leave a comment below.  Also, if you haven't already, please subscribe to   my channel. Thank you so much for watching, and  I will see you soon in my next video. Bye bye
Channel: Sushi By Kunihiro
Views: 615,880
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Keywords: authentic Japanese food, Karaage, Japanese fried chicken, fried chicken, Japanese food, Sushi by Kunihiro, sushi, Japanese Cuisine
Id: SkbOKonW6nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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