Ultimate Guide to New Yoke City (Sonic Speed Simulator Reborn)

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what up everyone my name is Impractical and welcome to the true New York City guide unlike other guides this guide will actually get you through everything you need to know about New York City and this update for Sonic Speed simulator this will not be a 15 minute guide on one character nope this will be a guide for every single thing you need including the best in slot Chows and trails not to mention I'm going to show you how to unlock everything you need to get through this update so stick around with me please leave a comment down below if this helped you like And subscribe and uh let's jump right into this video first things first you guys want to head over to Emerald Hill and pick up the quest from Knuckles this will be the final quest to get that last key so you can unlock the gates in New York city so this Quest I'm gonna be honest it's not difficult at all you guys should have been able to at least complete one of these on your own if not with a friend it's just defeat Eggman one time you don't have to stress about clears you don't have to look for anything specific on it no a no s grading you just want one clear so as long as you're able to defeat Eggman one time after you collect this Quest you're good you get the key you're able to head on to New York City I will explain all you need to do for this event well this particular boss battle is just equip your best in slots for power that's all you need you want to make sure you have your best and slots for power so you can at least one shot these generators and focus on Eggman right away get your two to three hits in and then clear out okay so I will let you guys know if you want to skip around this video that is perfectly fine there are time stamps down below this I will remind you throughout the video there are timestamps so do check out the time stamps if you're looking for something specific again this guide is going to be more of me telling you guys hey you want to check out these specific things there are not only unlocking Prime Sonic or Renegade Knuckles you're also going to be talking about best in slots for childs which Chows are the best now after the update which which trails are the best after the update uh how do I complete each of these quests I'm stuck on a quest what is the best tips to get through some of these time trials so I can get a gold on it so I will be going through all that in depth as we get through each of the points in the videos but so far we're gonna watch Omega just tear into Eggman right now because you know Omega needs this he needs his pencil least anything that Eggman makes it's just a cheap consumer model because Omega was his best creation and is the best Eggman creation out there we all Gotta Love Omega right now let him get his licks in on Eggman and then we could just progress on through this um I will let you know as a rule of thumb there will be no premium chows in this video because right now those Chows are not the ones you want to be going after trust me we'll get more further that's later on but let's move on with the video okay so we're going to be taking a look at New York City now as you can see this place looks gorgeous is everything you guys expected here are the premium channels we got the business child and the yellow hoodie Chows these channels do not focus on them trust me they're there but I'm gonna be honest there's a lot better here that can offer for free all right we're going to be looking at the vending machines now we got the 2 million vending machine these are going to be pricey 4 million we got the 10 million at really pricey and 25 million vending machine moving on over to the 8 million vending machine and the highest 50 million vending machine this is insane but going over here to the quest this is the main Hub area will you be getting your quest from both nine and Renegade all right let's look into the quest so we're going to be starting with nine nine has Welcome to New York City rings around the black dumpster diving rail grind recharge and Reacher Prime here's also the rewards for each of those quests the final quest is what you're gonna need in order to get Sonic Prime these three quests are the ones I'm going to be giving you tips on because they're the ones that most folks will struggle with dumpster diving it's pretty straightforward not difficult at all you just want to follow this General path you don't have to follow exactly to a t but just wrapping around from nine side and making a complete circle all the way to Renegade side will actually get you the most drone There's an actual path I will show the map on screen here with a complete red circle going around it to give you an idea oh this is where I gotta go and as you can see it's just a complete circle it's not hard to follow it's right there and it should be fast enough for you guys to clear the route you will see me do um just a little bit of the route here on screen again not as difficult as it is required just make sure you have some of your power trials on you and trails so that way you'll be able to clear these easily there is no focus on the Eggman Bots downstairs you're going to notice a lot of them on the street level those Eggman Bots you don't have to actually focus on that all you need to do is just focus on drones for this entire process which is pretty easy to get through honestly the drones are not that complicated part it gives you a good chance that toward the city get a good exploration around your areas you will notice this City compared to others you know other worlds actually has a lot of chaos Awards we're talking a lot of free XP a lot of rings and this is a perfect place for you to experiment with in grinding rail switching and just generally playing around with your characters and getting really good at the mechanics of the game especially with boosting and drop dashing just look how smooth you can chop from one Trail to another one area you're gonna see me hop off of here over here and take out at least two other drones then moving forward you're gonna see me take out a couple more you I'm telling you right now you're not gonna have a hard time for this objective you're going to be running into drones Non-Stop and if you're not it's because you're on street level you want to get on top of the buildings and up above for these drones now moving on to rail grind points gonna be honest for you this is a new thing where we earn points from rail grinding this is the easiest one to get done and it won't be in New York it'll be here in Green Hill as you can see I'm here with Renegade and I'm going to be jumping around just collecting the real points you can boost off the top of this to wrap around and you should be able to recharge and for fortunately I was unable to because I mistimed it used it too early but you should be able to jump around and wrap around these rails now for reach your Prime this one is a little bit tricky originally there was an issue where if you weren't over 200 when you reached this Quest it was bugged you won't be able to collect it but now the devs said they fixed it if it happens to be an issue for you try another server try restarting it or reach out on the Discord but so far just making sure you're over 200 before reaching the quest is a safe bet because I was able to unlock it and complete it that way and that's how you actually get Sonic Prime now for Renegade Knuckles here his is easily completed these are time trials you want to make sure you can complete each of the time trials it doesn't matter first second third you just need to complete each one this will be me giving you tips on time trial 1 in order to get gold this one I personally use because I will end up with 50 on the dot exactly for this time trial it won't reach gold which I found hilarious because that was a requirement for gold but it does show the general idea of how you should be going through it when you reach these rails they actually have an odd Collision or detection sometimes you might not you may be touching the rail but it won't connect and you end up hitting the Springs instead trust me I run into that problem it it's kind of very precise and tricky the devs are aware about it and they made mention in the Discord that hey this is an issue that many players have posted up especially in the suggestion forms for this but the way I found it to work for me generally is when I reach these Trail these rails I can just jump right off and catapult it and boost over to the next Railing at the top making it a lot easier now moving on to the next one next is time trial two okay so this one is the easiest in my opinion to complete the reason being it's very much straightforward all you're doing is just going from one checkpoint to another and just being smart smart about when you're gonna use those Springs to actually jump up now I will let you know the devs did get smart about these checkpoints they will put them at the top of the loopy loop so skipping like we did with the previous time trials and the other worlds won't be best recommended you'll actually notice that you're missing one and it could have been that it was at the top of the loop now going through this you will be seeing me Skip and cut through that is generally what you want to do especially to save time so use your Boost to clear those gaps all right this map well not this map but this time trial is specifically is by far one that everyone should have not a problem clearing through because there's nothing specific not much tips can be offered here now it's time trial three this one okay this one I did enjoy a lot this one actually just made it feel like you're in the real Sonic game just from the real switching jumping around right here you want to stick on the right rail because it'll lead you to the next checkpoint as you can see I just boosted right over there not a problem you want to generally try your best to stay on this top half even if you fall below to the path on the bottom that's fine but as you can see here I'm here hopping around dashing over and cutting through these gaps we want to make sure you can cut as much Corners as possible just to cut the clear time you're gonna watch me ride down through look at this just cutting right over smooth hopping on one rail do not get the middle rail either the left or the right that's the best way to clear through that now just watch this there you go right at the top and I could drop Dash down and cut over that actually saves a lot of time because there was no checkpoint on the top of that loopy loop so these are things you're gonna run through and realize as you practice you're gonna see me mess up here and there and that's perfectly fine but I'm still able to clear this and get gold which is very interesting because it can be pretty forgiving as you can see Gold's right there all right on to the best part of the guide Chows and trails starting with Chows so head to New York City get to the vending machines make sure you get plenty of rings you're going to be grinding for rings for this I will let you know right now there are three top Chows you should be chasing for for experience you want the circuit child for Rings you want the electric pink ciao and for power you want the electric white child these are the stats for their strongest trait that they have and I'm telling you right now it's insane especially for that experienced one now for pink whisks you do not want they are a waste of rings do not bother forget him because I'm telling you there are no go this is the trail that you should be going after and I'm telling you right now it is the trail to get in this game it's just something you can't ignore this is the trail you should be focusing on forget the Chows focus on this Trail all right I'm gonna show you right now you got to take a peek at this because it's 50 million rings with a one point percent chance of getting it which is insane you're gonna see me evolve and level up this Trail I'm telling you right now if you can't get the Chows if you want something to focus on this Trail is the be-all and all of all trails in this update this is the trail you need in order to make your kit as complete as possible those Childs can wait if you want to be focusing on getting 50 million rings and use your luck Childs to boost up your chance you're gonna use it for this because you're gonna see how much damage this puts out and I'm telling you at the end we're talking over one mil of power we're talking each of these stats beat each each of those individual child stats at what they excel at and I'm going to be honest guys just look at this this is just beautiful right now hey guys it's post editing and practical and so far we're going to be trying out how much damage can we pull off on Eggman with everything we've got so of course I'm gonna go all the way down switch this to Omega because why not gonna need Omega to take out Eggman of course so going over to our friends we're going to be looking at this fortunately for me because of the previous version of Sonic Speed simulator I was able to already have two electric whitechilds fused and with plenty extra despair to see them already excelling at 562 642 power that is insane so we're going to be equipping both of ours right now the idea is to equip as much power as possible this is the pink whis I say do not bother the reason why is because each of these individual stats do not excel in any area this is kind of like an all-rounder child and honestly when you're going for power rings and XP you want to get Childs that are dedicated for those specifics that not an all-rounder this is for me calculating the total at the end when it's fused and again not worth it but we'll throw it on there uh we got our circuit Childs still working on completing those for the guide but that is fine that'll come later on when they'll be completed so we're gonna have let's see our circuit Childs throw this on there again we're going for power as much as power as possible throw in the other one there you go so all in total we got two 75 000 Chows to 562 000 Childs and one three hundred and forty one thousand child of power okay so that's a lot of power thrown in there then we have the Cyber energy Trail this Trail right now look at this we're talking a total of over 1 million power okay more specifically it's one million three hundred and fifty six thousand one hundred and forty five power okay this is the be-all end-all trail so this Trail specifically and I will let you guys know the reason why I say this is the trail you should be focusing on instead of the Chows is that each of these individual stats beat the other three Chows okay it beats the electric pink Chow for Rings because it has a higher stat for Rings it beats the circuit child for XP because it has a higher XP at the end fused it beats the electric white Chow for power because at the end of it especially fused and the best thing about this you only need three of these Trails as soon as you get some of these Trails fused together okay max out three of them then fuse the three and then max out that fusion and there you go you got yourself this Behemoth right here so we're gonna be of course making sure this is equipped and it's right there and we have all this power the idea right now we're gonna have and I'll just skip up ahead alrighty then we're here so the idea is we're going to be testing this out we want to see how much damage can we put onto Eggman and will this do anything I already have high hopes for this oh there you go I gotta Dodge his ice beams all right don't want to get hit by any of this okay oh that is interesting right there so it looks like it doesn't matter oh what what's this for some reason wasn't registering any of my damage well that's just terrible but it looks like we're kind of capped at the amount of damage that we can do to Eggman which is terrible look at that it won't let me hit it for any more oh and I'm frozen there goes me getting that S rank time uh interesting enough the only way for me to get S rank is to not get Frozen at all for the duration of this and I got frozen again definitely not getting us ranked but okay that lets me know right now that all this extra power equipped won't do much to Eggman because we're capped at the damage so that's interesting to see force field down Eggman down there you go and we're gonna skip oh I actually got the S rank that is insane look at that guy so um it is interesting enough because I'm not able to one shot Eggman looks like it limits me per this and so at what point I'm wondering how much power do you need just to be capped is too much power is it even necessary to have all this power this is the best trail than gaming you guys should be working towards it but as you can see all this extra power really is not gonna do much good what it will do though is the extra XP and the Rings which is perfect for farming because you guys already know I have too much to spend I already have all this already uh definitely need to work on getting light chaos but no more best in slot we already know which are the three best in slots and what should we should be working for as you can see I'm good for rings and I'm going to keep on playing the only clutch in this game is the red star rings but right now let's get back right into the video all right so let's explore New York City we're going to be looking for the resistant base so right off the bat you're going to follow my exact path and you're going to be here wow look at this this is the resistant base so you can see the palm tree here just like from the show um it is pretty empty I would have liked if we actually saw other resistance members like just basic NPCs just to other character models to look around but it's pretty nice to actually see that they actually put this much detail into this map again there's so much more to explore with this map my thoughts are I love it I love the looks there are a few things I will pick on but before that let's take a look at the animations as you can see they updated Nine's animation he no longer just hops on his tails and drop down he fixes his hair that's actually pretty interesting compared to the previous version and I like to see that change and I would like them to continue updating these character models and add a little more individuality in between them because having them even have the same poses or animations it's kind of stale they should all be their own individual skins you know uh going down the bat we will be looking at other models we're going to be taking a look at Renegade Knuckles and just just look at them right now Renegade Knuckles looks amazing uh let's take a look at his Idol animation let's see what he does nice and wow that's a long thumb but I love it either way it is beautiful all right let's check the other Prime skins out we got where is Rouge there you go there's Prime Rouge right there and let's go take a look at her Idol animation so far I really do enjoy these skins uh these are something people should just go out and pick up especially if you want them or if you don't want to collect all of them and want specific ones let me know which one's down in the comments which is your favorite skin from this update and let's go see what else we got we have who else am I missing Rusty Rose there you go you got Rusty Rose out and Rusty Rose looks really amazing I'm glad to see that these uh these Skins are out uh Prime Sonic has been out before from the uh Netflix uh Premiere but it's nice to see that the skin is out there out and about and I do love the idol animation where she extends her legs um so let's get into the video to the part of my thoughts my complete thoughts of this update all right guys that is my guy for New York City as you can see I am really love an update there's a lot to enjoy here so much to do and see and enough to keep you guys busy especially with the best in slot Chows and trails that should help keep everybody engaged in grinding for a while so they can have the best in case for the next new update whenever we're gonna need them these Chows are not going to be the best forever but right now we don't know when the next major update is going to come out so they will be the best at the moment and we should just drive for them I hope this guide really does help everybody out I do love the game it's good there are a few issues again like I mentioned the Collision detection between these rails uh I do find that pretty annoying most times I feel like I should be hitting them but I'm not but that's just something that they can work after the fact as long as it's not a major screw up it did mess me up on time trial one but as long as it's not a major issue that causes or impedes gameplay I'm perfectly fine with it I mean it's something we could get over and get through and you know just survive it's not much of a big deal at the end of the day but I will say that this uh oh I guess I hit a wall here that's interesting I will say though that this uh this update does bring up a lot of potentials about what else we can see coming from Sonic Prime we do know that there is a season two in the works we do know that there's a lot going to be coming out for it but the main thing is when will that be coming out and how will that shape this game I will be honest there is just so much here to do there is something here I would like to show you guys and that's let's see if I can find it it is something fascinating about this so uh given my thoughts and just concluding my thoughts uh do love the game love the update played enjoy it have fun with that now uh my thing is it's the um the the the the the Boost pads okay I have an issue with the Boost pads and I don't know where exactly I may just show it on video because I know I have a clip of it but ah man where is that at I am not going to be able to find it because it's somewhere this is why we need a mini map okay so um you will see on screen right now here's this video you're gonna see that some of these uh boost pads actually have their Collision box still on them and I find that pretty hilarious but at the same time it explains a lot it explains why in time trial one when I would step on those boost pads at a weird angle that I would never line up exactly on the rail because of how wide this is so if they were able to close it up a bit I would be able to hit the rail exactly at all times but because of how wide it is and I am assuming this is a collision box just let me know when it detects for me to go to the Blue Spring because when I walk close it sends me flying as soon as I touch that outline of that red box but that is what I find fascinating if they can at least fix that part up and tighten it a bit then you know that'll be perfect for the time trials it will improve a lot of it that will be my only take another thing I would like to add is um right here we have this gate this gate is for the next world and they already have it out and folks already suspecting in the community that this might be chemical plant well um it's not this this is not chemical plant and I can prove that because uh this looks very familiar if you just look at this image right here just let's look at it very carefully okay it looks exactly like that over there you see this this right here looks exactly like this and that's exactly what it is because if we go up close and look up to it we're gonna see this Eggman sign up here we're gonna see this tall building with that feature right there there's that little bunny bending over over there uh you're gonna see it's exactly the same there there that's it that all we got is an image of what we're seeing here on screen look and then you can even look at the same Eggman right over here there's nothing special about this and um so yeah it's definitely not chemical plant we don't have any confirmation it is but just wanted to debunk that because that image is just this and uh disappointing I know but I can't wait for the next World I would like metal Madness to return that is uh the big thing I want I already did put a suggestion on the Discord for that but uh a lot of things from the original Sonic Speed simulator I would like to make a comeback I would like them to finally drop tornadoes because why not they should have dropped it along with Tails if Hawk can give us an Air Gear tail should have gave us or or tornado as a gift you know but there that's all that's all I got guys I really do hope you enjoy this guide this did take a long time to make I don't do these guides on a test server I create them on the live after any changes will make or anything is going on so that way I can stay up to date on everything but I hope you guys do enjoy it please leave a like And subscribe leave a comment down below let me know if this helped you at all and let me know if you want to see more guys like this until next time my name's impractical you guys are the best and have a great day bye foreign
Channel: MPractical
Views: 18,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ktfllF7deoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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