Unlocking The SECRET RIDERS VECTOR SKIN In Sonic Speed Simulator!!

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the new Sonic Speed simulator update is now here but if you take a look around um not much has changed but we can assure you there is a brand new skin in this update it's just hidden away but first of all um this in the world we've got a new um grand prize which is Mac Metal Sonic r3.0 and then we've also got this little this little masks oh I got it and I already got blue Android Shadow the other day I did a tweet on it and I spun it and now we both have blue Android Shadow wait where is it look at this boy oh whoa he looks a bit menacing oh finally blue Android Shadow I can't believe I spun it just then that's so crazy now let's check out the main focus of this update which is right as Vector if you guys have a look around you may see like wait vector's still here this isn't Rider's vector and that's actually because Ryder's Vector is located in the hard mode boss battle of Dr Eggman so let's jump into the boss battle hard mode and uh check out Riders Vector no look at this here we go Dr Eggman hardcore boss fight and the map is looking a bit different now over here is the spin to win and if we go in here Riders Vector right there the brand new skin and Ryder's Vector has a 1.39 chance which is twice as rare as the spin the wheel skins alright so let's jump into Dr Eggman get some spins and see if we can try and unlock Rider's Vector now we actually got a with our best child so I'm just gonna make sure I do okay yep I've got my elite team of power chair equipped okay now let's do this all right here we go let's take out these generators we've got four generators okay I wonder how hard this is gonna be okay I can two shot the generators Two Shots wait hold on let me just double check one two yeah okay I can two shot the generators okay here let me try this one one two I can two shot the generators as well oh yeah this is yeah we're really overpowered in the main surface there we go oh where's that last generator I've got it oh you got it okay he's over here damage dude what's S rank what time do you have to do to get a thing I I don't know we'll find out after this round though all right okay let's go okay it leads three million more I did it okay yeah we got an Easter egg by like six seconds and we got five spins okay let's spin let's Gamble and life has Sonic Speed simulator Fields my gambling addiction oh okay that's that's good first try that's a good starting okay now let's do Riders Vector let's make this video short and sweet oh my goodness I thought I was actually gonna get it okay let me spin one of mine I got one million okay here we go let's try this oh write a shelf okay I'm spinning again and the Rings okay this is my last spin let's do this no okay this is my last spin come on and not right as Vector I I got XP I think I used all my luck up when I got blue Android Shadow but let's keep doing this okay here we go round two Dr Eggman let's do this all right we're gonna take out these four generators Eggman has literally nothing on us we are so overpowered it's insane all right took it down another generator egg mid vulnerable uh I got frozen midair and I'm stuck on the bounce pad oh oh I got frozen I save you oh hey what's up okay this is generator over here okay I got it I got it we got another s wait we've got a minute 43 but we still got an airstrike anyway I'm not complaining we got five spins and let's spin them all right let's just quickly fly through them I gotta Chow some rings another chow and a million XP okay I got Rings uh XP Rings Rings XP oh my goodness I was so unlucky okay Eggman let's go round three let's see when you're gonna give us Riders Vector all right here we go let's check out these generators ASAP okay I got both of the hygieners I got him and one two and three there there we go easy peasy and we got it's rank which is cool okay let's gamble gamble oh I got it I got the new radioactive Trail yeah okay I got nothing interesting I want to check out this radioactive Trail okay here we go the radioactive Trail whoa it looks green it's very green okay let's go all right come on round four please give us Riders Vector this time so much of a hard mode this is easy this is like normal this is like a little bit harder all right there we go dude we couldn't okay let's spin gamble Rings Moorings Moorings more Rings more rings I rings a gel another Chow more rings and another Chow awesome wait these water Chow wait wait where are those water ninja child here these guys are extremely good for power so we want to get a lot of water ninja child because look the wooden Ninja Turtle are like one of my most powerful go oh no oh I've got a minute oh five bro dude it's so satisfying seeing no skins in like the time spin the wheel it's so good oh wait I noticed Red Shadow or mochao wait that's new hold up let me try to spin that please tell me I get it imagine if I get it must be coming pretty soon yes finally I read Shadow skin for me then we could have mentioned green and red Android Shadow skins yeah for another second I think yeah we shaved off another second we're getting slowly faster all right spin uh chill look at the new Blue Trail uh some more Chow rings and a trail I've got another one of the water ninja ciao so if I get enough of them I can evolve them and get a really good power Chow okay let's see if we can get a new PB I got high oh damn it go oh bring the Shaving off a second every single time all right let's do our spins oh I got a dark house show okay I don't care show as well and okay yeah no ride is Vector let's do this again we're slowly grinding down our PB and go oh that was so close and we just don't choke oh I got it you got it right as Vector let's go claim erable character unlocked all right where is he there he is Ryder's Vector let's Equip to that and look at him he is he's inspected with sunglasses and nude boots and gloves alrighty now let's quickly try and get you your vector and let's try to get some minutes where's the last one last one's Daniel okay we got seven seconds all the drills in quickly You're Gonna Go surely I get Victor here oh dude how have you got an advice and I haven't even got it at once character unlocked the bride is backed up bro I got two Riders vectors and a dog chaos Chow dude this is unfair oh I keep getting these I got Riders vectors for the third time three times once dude can you just like you know like give somebody a lot to me I used all my luck up on Blue Android Shadow okay I have enough water ninja chair that I can actually make another evolved one so I'm gonna make that real quick alrighty there we go five fully leveled water Ninja Turtle and now all I gotta do is go to the fusion machine punch these guys in fuse and level this fused shell up look at all the power climb up holy moly this Joe has a lot of power and now I have another max level Warden Ninja Turtle which is an extra 562 000 damage wow that's a lot now I wonder if we'll be able to one shot the generators okay can I one shot the generators and that is it yes I can now one shot the generators that's super handy come on Vector come to Daddy please oh I've got another water Ninja Turtle I got Victor again you've gotten four times I've never got it once bro this is such a scam you're thanking all my luck away [Music] yes we got him five oh my goodness I got it finally Riders Vector where is he where is he where is he he's not down there anymore he's up here yeah what's up dude you finally got the skin let's go oh my goodness it's been hours if you guys enjoyed this video if you guys could like it subscribe that would be very cool because we spent literally hours on it so like And subscribe that would really help us out and we'll see you guys in the next video goodbye bye thanks for watching
Channel: TheCreepyHeadphones
Views: 23,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TCH, Family Friendly, TheCreepyHeadphones, Gaming, HD, Roblox, Roblox Piggy, Piggy, the creepy headphones, roblox, sonic, sonic speed simulator, sonic the hedgehog, sonic movie, super sonic, sonic the hedgehog 2, sonic the hedgehog 3, dutchtuber roblox, roblox dutchtuber, roblox spelen
Id: q7jnH1ZPj1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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