100% Completing The NEW YOKE CITY Update!! (Sonic Speed Simulator)

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the new Sonic Speed simulator update just released ending in the longer way to the New York City area as well as a ton of quest time travels child trails and most importantly a new skin Renegade Knuckles now the developers specifically intend these types of big content updates to be completed over a couple of days but instead we're going to be completing it all in one sitting why are you doing this you may ask well actually I don't really know all right here we go hell to unlock New York city so we got the gay keys from Green Hill to get into Lost Valley the gay keys from Lost Valley to get into Emerald Hill and it looks like we need to get the final gate key from Lost Valley to get into New York and it looks like we could also unlock Knuckles there though I'm pretty sure his name is uh like Rebel Knuckles no Renegade Knuckles no Renegade Renegade Renegade Knuckles no Renegade Rouge Rebel Rouge Renegade Knuckles whatever we'll find out what skin it is when we um when we unlock it alright so yeah here's the new portal for world for New York City and it's a currently graded out so we're gonna go get the final gate Kia Emerald Hill okay here we go unlock World 4 506 gate keys and it looks like the um last game key showed up Emerald Hill hero defeat Dr Eggman one time that's it we get five spins Emerald Hill boss battle let's go all right here we go I haven't done this boss fight for a while but I can still one shot the generators which is pretty Gucci oh wow and one shot Eggman one shot there we go Quest complete Emerald Hill Hero Let's go back to uh Emerald Hill to go Redeemer rewards from Knuckles okay here we go Quest um whoa Quest car defeat okay whatever Knuckles you're having a little bit of a heart attack okay claim there we go did we do it I think we did I think we did look the borders unlocked all the gay Keys have been placed what does the spin do did we claim it what were the spins for oh whatever we'll figure out that out later let's go and we go here we go New York City and it's so big holy moly this place is huge bro look how big this is oh wait this is the This Is The Place um the Eggman statue from the screenshot that we got yeah that's the robot from Sonic Prime okay can I just to me oh wow oh whoa whoa this guy's more powerful than Eggman and those guys are so powerful what the hold up let's go see oh wait look up here at the next World next World unknown and no one has a quest as well as Renegade Knuckles yeah it was Renegade Knuckles okay first before we do Nine's Quest I need to actually buy nine yeah and I'm missing out on Rusty Rose okay here we go would you like to buy Podium nine yes and Rusty Rose as well since I actually don't have the skin there we go radio perfect and there we go I've got Rusty roads and now I'm only missing out on the Christmas skins and Renegade Knuckles which we're gonna unlock right now wait which one do you want to do first do you want to do nines Quest or um knuckles I think we should do Nine's questions yeah let's do nine welcome to New York City you don't seem like you belong in this city did that portal get you here it looks like the thing malfunctioned I can fix it but you'll need to help me start by getting some chaos orbs and we have to collect 3 000 chaos orbs and that gives us XP Rings red star rings and a mysterious gate key oh this is actually a good opportunity to explore New York okay whoa whoa I just did I definitely did something oh whoa but look at these running things oh they like Auto um put you oh no never mind I'm back on but this is the thing that Sonic runs around in the show this place is so big there's like cool little posters with like the alternate version of Dr Eggman with some mysterious text I don't know what that says oh here's some robots take these guys out no I heard from some people that there's actually the rebel base like from the show from the show somewhere but I don't actually know where it is so keep your eyes peeled for that bro this place would be insane for hide and seek I like in the corners how they oh wait sorry I saw something here rebels in the building hold up I'm just underneath the Green Hill portal oh look I found it as well oh wait you're at a different entrance than me you must be on the other side yo hold up I think I'm on the other side there's like notes everywhere hold up there we go hello where are you hey what's up what's up buddy this is the tree that our symbol of Hope but I want a glitch in there yeah same the tree from the show there's like notes everywhere that don't say anything and then there's like 120 Dr Eggman he's looking very crispy oh look at all these secret notes I'm pretty sure that one says subscribe you guys should totally do anyway we're gonna keep collecting these chaos orbs we can't get sidetracked okay wait what is this thing Mario movie into Mario World because like platform things right here is a really good way to get XP or sorry chaos orbs look how much xp I'm getting oh the loopy loop from the show right here look it's still wrong all right the 2 000 chaos orbs Mark only 1 000 more to go oh no this guy's spawned inside of the car somebody send help he needs help can I get him I might be able to end his misery eh there we go it'd be cool if they could actually shoot at us like even when you go near them they like pull their guns out and it's like I'm gonna shoot you oh I'm sorry no where'd he go I'm just about yep there we go 2 000 castleps collected all right I only have a hundred more to go how can we have a hundred more and well done there we go Quest completed Quest completed Welcome to New York City okay can you know wait for me I promise I'm almost done almost all right so there's actually some vending machines here so while spin completes the last little bit of his challenge I'm gonna go check them out and make sure I have all of them so I've got all the chat on that one got all that one okay I'm missing one from here okay there we go I've got it neon blue ciao okay I've got all of these ones and the new exotic wisp with the pink wisp with holy moly 1 600 on level one oh okay I've got to get one of them that's oh that's the pink whisk that's the pink whistle of level one whoa okay yeah we're definitely gonna need to get that this video okay I'm gonna get at least one okay only five more and done okay there we go Quest completed Welcome to New York City hold up let's go check where creeps at yo what's up you got the pink wish Chow yet no I'm still hatching wait the electric white shower is actually better than the Whisk in terms of damage yeah okay I'm out of inventory space so um I haven't actually bought triple x yet so I'm just gonna buy that now because well I need it oh there we go okay let's touch this child later that's um continue doing our challenges Quest okay claim we've got the and the one mysterious geeky rings around the block you're nowhere near done working for me yet I'll need you to get some rings for me the chaos Council drones always carry a lot of them and we're gonna collect 10 million rings and then we get some red star rings as award Rings XP and a Moonlight Chow hold up I'm actually going to go into my inventory and collect um a quick to ring Chow oh wow yeah I'm almost done already oh look at this area oh my goodness I'm almost done the quest completed bro that was so easy rings around to the block completed okay well what's up now we got 10 million rings for you clean that there we go dumpster diving the chaos Council will try to take advantage of this portal if they find out about it if you clear out the drones I can keep researching without being caught okay so we have to destroy 200 drones which for some reason the icon of it is XP I don't I don't get that and we get XP Rings red 400 Red Star Rings that's actually really good five wavy black Trail don't really care about that and I'm next to gate key to world five okay let's do this okay there's some drones right here so I can just destroy these and uh can I just destroy these do these count as drones all right I need to quit my powerful track wait so these robots on the ground count as drones as well do they yep they count those are the weirdest looking drones I've ever seen okay I have one more drone to destroy and boom I am halfway there and same here destroyed this one and 100 drones to strike all right so I only have two more drones left and um oh wait I only have two more left as well all right so if we just destroyed these two right in front here we should one two there we go places complete yeah Quest complete dumpster diving okay let's go back to nine okay let's claim our Awards 400 Red Star rings and another mysterious gate key there are so many rails to reuse around this city I wonder if you grind rail enough if we can generate power for the portal go test that for me and we need to earn 5 000 rail grind points there's points hold up how do you how do you get points do you just oh it's just seconds if you get on it you get 14 off the bat if I wedge myself here okay here we go I think I found a good spot all right I think we have to like do stuff it's the faster we go yeah the faster we go the more points we get oh yeah so I'm just gonna boost really fast bro this is actually a kind of cool Quest I'm almost on 500 points so I'm just boosting I'm just Spam boosting on ground rails yeah this thing boom okay I'm almost on a thousand points how are you already on a thousand I'm only like on 700 and boom there we've got a thousand points baby yeah okay there we go I've hit 1 000 points this is definitely an interesting way to generate power using friction okay so I've actually found this pretty neat spot right here where all I've got to do is Boost go up around I'll do a couple of loop the loops land down turn around up again do the Boost and now that's kind of my infinite Point switch and look how many points I'm getting I've just kind of found this area with like a ton of grindrails and I'm just jumping and hopping oh my God I'm kind of just jump hopping between them so then I go to here then I go here then I go to this one over here and yeah I kind of just interchange between these guys I think my Way's a bit more effective though because I've got them like 500 points all right I'm on 4815 points and if I do this one more time or maybe a few more times okay one more time yeah your strategy stuff definitely way better all right this should be my last one and there we go up bro are you kidding me two points off I've only got 500 more points to gain come on there we go all right last one go up and there we go Quest completed rail grind recharge oh but I should get it done as well oh my goodness only eight more there we go real grandchild charge or whatever Quest completed let's go back to nine oh look it's uh it's it's Knuckles what's up Knuckles the knuckles and Rusty Rose oh my God oh my God big fans guys anyway claim 600 Red Star Rings that's a good haul oh New York Style Sonic I'll but we've already unlocked that oh rage level 200 we already got that as well we got that so so I think we um oh is it bugged okay so two things would have happened one we've bugged it because the next Quest was reach level 200 and we're already on level 200 or that's the last Quest but it says in progress so hmm but anyway I already have New York Sonic so let's quickly equip that and give that a little showcase okay so this right here is the New York Style Sonic this actually was already previously in the game when Sonic did the whole Sonic Prime event when they actually premiered an episode of Sonic Prime inside of Sonic Speed simulator I'm gonna hide behind this rock and watch it behind this rock so I don't get copyright so this skin isn't really new but it looks like you can also get it from this quest which is bugs why didn't the developers say this was bugged no they said they fixed it maybe if we join a new server yeah hold up let's try it let's try leave and join again all right we are in a VIP server and let me just quickly jump over to New York City all right none okay there we go and lets us claim the reward now claim oh whoa what just happened oh this is the adventure so since we've done the other Quest we can now get Adventures from nine and it also just came up with that I unlocked New York styled Sonic even though I already unlocked the guy okay here let's quickly check this out Quest Ridge level 200 already did that claim unlocked New York Style Sonic and yeah so you could get 10 red star rings from Sonic's Adventure uh I'm pretty sure you can get 25 yeah for some reason it shows up for me tells you get 25 Knuckles you get 50 and nine you get 75 so if you want to grind up on red star Rings unlocking the nine Adventures is a pretty good idea now let's go talk to Renegade and Knuckles let's see what you have cooking for us New York City Trials one all resistant members have gone through these time trials to join and fight you're no exception you want in then let's prove how strong you are and it looks like we have to complete the first time trial in New York City once sometimes one time one time and it looks like we get 150 red star rings and another mysterious gate kid okay so we actually have to purchase the time trial so let me purchase that there we go time trial unlocked and let's do this time trial judging by how many rings I have which is like 71 billion I should be able to afford all the time trials oh my goodness what was that my screen just was like oh no I accidentally retrojected there we go ring done and I got silver dang it bro New York's time trials is a lot harder okay boom I see you spinning in a little ball yeah they are a lot harder all right yeah let's exit and I'm pretty sure we've done the first Quest because it just said we had to complete it there we go Quest completed New York City Trials one all right now let's go talk to Renegade Knuckles claymel red star rings and key New York City Trials too a lot of resistance wannabes drop out in the next time trial you might be like okay complete the second time trial in New York City one times let's go do it one time let's go do it one time right where are we going this way this way boom go right no oh I miss I oh my goodness that was a rough start bro yeah these time cards are actually really fun New York City has got definitely got my favorite time trials bro how do I get silver I did so good dude these ones are actually really hard okay there we go I completed it that was so confusing exit there we go and Quest completed there we go okay Knuckles what else do you want to say New York City Trials three this final time trial is our hardest yet even our current resistance members have struggled here but maybe you'll be different show me what you've got and we've got to complete the time trial and then we get 375 red star Rings mysterious geeky and Renegade Knuckles okay let's do this all right time trial three purchase that and let's do this hopefully it's not too hard okay let's do this okay straight out of the bag Super bounce pad oh my goodness where am I going okay so far away from no God come on no absolutely falling into the abyss oh damn it I got silver I got this boy [Music] I got it well you didn't even get a medal you did that bad exit all right there we go child completed yeah we did it yay did we unlock are we gonna go talk to Renegade all right claimer to there we go character unlocked Renegade Knuckles that was amazing you're going to be a great addition to the fight here's my last gay key I'm confident that I can trust you now okay here we go Renegade and Knuckles and look at this bad boy he is so bad boy he's the baddest of the boys all right now before we finish off let's get this chow [Music] oh I got it let's go let's go oh finally bro I didn't want to do that for any longer okay where is it where is it where is it here radio pink whisp ciao oh look at it it looks so pretty look at it it's all it's glory hold up let me fully upgrade it real quick bro the damage looks like it's really hot oh yeah look at the damage I imagine if you get a full evolved team of this 136 000 damage it does so my best one is it's PR it's up there it's not the best it's not the best but it's up there and it looks cool so the extra points for that there we go look at the Wisp gang dude all four wisps they look so cool all the whisks look absolutely amazing they're my favorite ciao non ciao yeah they're so cool anyway if you guys enjoyed the video subscribe because there's still gauges and yeah
Channel: TheCreepyHeadphones
Views: 97,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TCH, Family Friendly, TheCreepyHeadphones, Gaming, HD, Roblox, Roblox Piggy, Piggy, the creepy headphones, sonic speed simulator roblox, sonic speed simulator, roblox sonic speed simulator, sonic speed sim, new yoke city, new yoke city sonic speed simulator, sonic prime, roblox, roblox brookhaven, roblox funny, roblox shorts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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