Ultimate Guide to Bing AI Copilot with DallE 3 Image Generator

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Hi everyone, Kevin here. Today, we're going to  look at how you can use Bing Chat. Bing Chat is   amazing technology that's kind of like having your  own personal assistant next to you all the time.   With Bing Chat, you can have conversations, you  can generate images, you can extract text from   images as just a few examples. And we'll look  at all of the different ways that you can use   it. Bing Chat uses OpenAI's GPT-4 together with  a Microsoft technology called Prometheus, which   gives you up-to-date information. And the amazing  thing is all of this is completely free to use.   Let's check this out. To get Bing Chat, navigate  to the following website, and then you get a full   screen experience where you can interact with the  AI. This works on any operating system as well as   with any browser. However, that said, if you use  Microsoft Edge, you get longer conversations. You   can also use Bing Chat directly in the Edge  web browser. In the top right-hand corner,   click on the Bing logo, and then it opens up a  pane where you can interact with the AI. You can   also use Edge on your phone, and this also gives  you access to the AI. If you're using the latest   version of Windows 11, down on the taskbar, you  can click on the co-pilot icon, and this also   opens up a pane over on the right-hand side, and  that gives you access to Bing Chat. My preferred   way of interacting with the AI is to use the Edge  browser and also to sign in using a Microsoft   account. When you do that, you can have the  longest possible conversations with the AI, and it   also saves a history of all of your conversations.  Let's now check out some of the ways that you   can use Bing Chat. Here I am on the Bing Chat  homepage, and I personally like using it in the   web browser the best because you get the entire  screen real estate to interact with the AI. At the   very top of the page, you'll see various examples  of how you can engage with the AI so you can look   through those. As we scroll down a little bit  on the page, we can choose a conversation style,   and you have three different options. You have  creative, balanced, and also precise. When you   hover over it, you'll see a description of how the  different modes differ. However, you can also just   experiment to see which one you like. From what  I've seen, creative works very well when say you   want to compose a new email message, or maybe you  want to brainstorm some new ideas. Over here with   precise, I found that the answers tend to be much  more concise and you get accurate information.   And then over here, balanced sits in between  these two different options. One thing to note,   as you click on these different modes, you'll  notice that the background color changes and   also the button color changes down here, just as a  reminder which mode you're currently in. For this,   let's click into the creative mode. To have a  conversation with the AI, down at the very bottom,   we have a text field where you can ask anything,  and you truly can ask anything in, and you'll get   a response. You could type in your question, or  over on the right-hand side, you can also use the   microphone if you'd prefer to speak your question.  I'd like to pull together a grocery shopping list   to make chocolate chip cookies, and let's see if  the AI can help with this. One thing to note, down   at the very bottom, you can type in up to 4,000  characters, and you'd be surprised at how quickly   you can use those up. Once you type in your  question, you can press enter, or you can click on   the submit button in the bottom right-hand corner.  Let's see what the AI comes back with. And check   that out. Right up above, I have the list of all  of the different ingredients that I need to buy,   along with the associated quantity. The really  nice thing about this experience is I don't have   to dig through all these different websites to  find the ingredients and the quantities. Instead,   I just ask my question, and here I get my  response. I think that's so much quicker. One   of the nice things is, down at the very bottom, I  can also see the sources for this information. So,   I could always navigate back to the source  website. Looking up above at this information,   it's currently formatted in a bulleted list, but  I can also refine these results. So down below in   the text field, what if I say, can you show this  as a table? And let's see if the AI can modify   this. Right up above, I now have a table that  tells me all the different ingredients and the   different amounts. Down below in the bottom  right-hand corner, we see this message that   says two of 30. When I interact with the AI,  I can ask up to 30 different questions as part   of this conversation, and the AI will keep the  context of what we're talking about. Down below,   let me ask one more question. I’ll say, how  do I bake them? Well, what is them? Well,   it knows that we're talking about chocolate chip  cookies, so it should give me back the baking   instructions for chocolate chip cookies. Let's  see what it comes back with. And look at this,   over on the side, I now get baking instructions  back. And again, it remembers the context   of that conversation. Here, it gives me baking  instructions for chocolate chip cookies. And here,   I have all of the instructions. I can ask up to  27 more questions as part of this conversation,   but I think for now, I have what I need.  When I hover over one of the responses,   I get these different actions that I could take.  Here, I could like the message, or I could dislike   the message. And this helps train Bing's AI to  give better results in the future. Over here,   I could also copy the results. And here, if I  click on Export, you have a number of different   options for exporting what the AI returned back.  Over here, I could also share it, and I could also   continue on the phone by scanning in this QR code.  So, I have a number of different options. I think   I now have everything that I need to be able to  bake these chocolate chip cookies, and I'm ready   to move on to a new topic. In the bottom left-hand  corner, I can click on this New Topic button, and   that'll reset the context, and it'll also reset  the number of questions that I can ask the AI. So,   for every conversation, you can ask up to 30  questions. Let's click on New Topic. This now   gives me a clean slate to work with. At the  Kevin Cookie Company, my manager has asked me   to design three new T-shirts for the Kevin Cookie  Company. So, what should I do? Well, of course,   let's use AI to help with this. I run a cookie  company called the Kevin Cookie Company. Can you   come up with three T-shirt ideas? And let's see  what the AI comes back with. And look at that.   Here I have three different ideas. Because this is  a conversation, I could always go back to the AI,   and I could ask it to give me even more ideas. But  I think for now, I can work with these three. One   of the really neat things about Bing Chat is they  recently integrated with OpenAI's DallE 3. So,   what is that? Well, you can type in a text prompt,  and it'll generate an image from that prompt. So   down below, let's ask, can you create some visuals  for these ideas? And let's see what it comes back   with. Wow, and look at this. Here I get all of  these different designs based on those different   ideas. So, AI came up with the ideas, and then AI  also came up with different designs for T-shirts.   And it placed it on a T-shirt with the text. This  is incredible. Here, if I go down, we see all   these different beautiful designs. Now, one of the  really neat things too is here I can click on one   of these designs, and this opens up Bing's image  creator. Here, I see the T-shirt design, and it   also shows me the original prompt that the Bing  image creator used, a T-shirt with the slogan,   keep calm and eat Kevin's cookies in a large font,  and a small logo of your company on the chest. So,   look at that. Here you can see the exact text  that it used to generate this image. This is so   impressive. Back now within Bing Chat, let's test  some other examples. Let's see if maybe it could   design a logo for the Kevin Cookie Company, and  let's see what it comes up with. And look at that.   Here, I get some different options for logos  for the Kevin Cookie Company. And of course,   the text isn't all correct. Here, it's missing an  I. It doesn't say company, but it gives me a good   starting point. I could take any one of these now,  and I can continue to refine and modify it. Now,   one thing I would like to refine is we use the  colors blue and yellow for the Kevin Cookie   Company. So, let me follow up and say, can you  use the colors blue and yellow? And let's say,   let's make it 3D. Let's make it look really cool.  Let's try again. Wow, and here too, I have another   set of logos that I could choose from. And maybe  this one could be our mascot. Now, the great thing   is I can keep refining this until I get exactly  what I want. Like let's say, let's add a glass   of milk to this, and let's see what it comes  back with. Right up above, I now have a number   of different sample images of the Kevin Cookie  Company logo that incorporate a glass of milk. I   like this one right here. That looks pretty cool.  I can go back and I can continue refining until I   get exactly what I want. Not only can you use Bing  Chat to generate an image, but you can also use it   to analyze an existing image. So, what do I mean  by that? Well, in the bottom left-hand corner,   let's click on new topic to give us a clean  slate. Down at the bottom of the text prompt,   I have this icon. And when I click on this, I  can paste in an image or a link of an image.   I can also upload an image from my device, or I  could even take a picture. But what's even easier,   here I have an image on my desktop of chocolate  chip cookies. I could simply drag and drop that   into this text box, and I could place it right  there. Here, it's uploaded my image, and I can now   ask a question alongside that image. For example,  let's say I didn't know this was a chocolate chip   cookie. I could say, what type of cookie is this?  And let's see if the AI knows. And look at that.   It has correctly identified that this picture  is a chocolate chip cookie. Not only does it   identify what type of cookie it is, but it also  gives me all sorts of information about chocolate   chip cookies. That is really impressive. And I can  see us using this at the Kevin Cookie Company to   identify what types of cookies our competitors are  making. Let's go back now, and let's try uploading   another image. Here, I have one of our recipes  here at the Kevin Cookie Company for Clippy's   Scrumptious Cookie. I'll take the recipe, and here  I'll upload that. Here, I could also ask questions   about it, like let's extract the text from this  image. Let's see if it could do that. Here,   let's send it through. And right up above, here,  I can now see my image with Clippy's Scrumptious   Cookie recipe. It's just an image file. And  here, it's extracted the text from that image,   all of the text and also all of the directions.  Right up here, I could also copy this text, and I   can now use this anywhere. This is so impressive.  In the bottom left-hand corner, let's click on New   Topic one more time. With Bing Chat, you can also  direct it to other websites to analyze the content   on those websites. Let's see if it could summarize  this website. It's one of my favorite websites,   the kevincookiecompany.com. Let's see what it  comes back with. And here, it's produced a summary   of the Kevin Cookie Company website, and all this  information is right on point. As we've been going   through this, you might've noticed over on the  right-hand side, we have a history of all of the   different conversations that we've had with the  AI. Let's say I want to go back to look at that   grocery list for chocolate chip cookies. I can  click on this, and that brings me back to that   conversation that I had with the AI. And at the  very bottom, if I haven't used up my 30 questions   yet, I can continue this conversation. Over in  the history, I can click on this pencil icon,   and I could rename this conversation with the  AI. That way, it's easier to get back to the   conversations that I care about. I'll stick with  this name. Over here, you could also click on the   ellipsis, and you have a few different options to  export or share these conversations. All right,   well, that was a quick look at how you can use  Bing Chat by your very favorite AI, Kevin. Now,   one word of caution before you start proceeding  in using this, it's always very important to check   your work. Sometimes, there may be surprises and  also the occasional mistake. To watch more videos   like this one, please consider subscribing,  and I hope to see you in the next video.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
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Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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