ULTIMATE Execution GUIDE - Bannerlord

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what happens when you execute a prisoner two things happen you can potentially lose honor and of course you lose relation with other Clans how much relation and with whom is what several people have asked me about let me quickly discuss the potential honor loss before the relation loss if a Lord's honor is zero or greater so neutral or honorable and you execute him you'll lose honor a lot of Honor the amount is higher than any other trait gains or losses that I found however if the Lord has negative honor you will only lose relation one note only the player will lose relation for executing a lord the NPC Lords won't lose relation with each other for executing each other does that seem fair or does it really matter let me know in the comments so how much and with whom the game will look through a list of all the Clans it first looks at three criteria to to see if anyone cares about losing relation if the clan is eliminated no one cares if the clan is one of the banded factions yes the game treats them like Clans then no one cares and if the clan is the Players Clan no one cares so if it's the players Clan a bandit faction or an eliminated Clan then no relation is lost with them and we continue on with the next clan in the list the game uses two people and Compares how they are Rel at ated and uses that to determine how much relation is lost between your clan and the current clan in the list these two people are the executed Lord or the victim and the current Clan's leader the game checks to see if the clan leader is not the player or the victim if it's either of those it skips the relation loss and moves on to the next clan in the list this point is interesting to me if you execute a Clan's leader you will not lose Rel relation with that Clan I wonder if this is intentional or an oversight if neither is true we look at the victim's honor again if the victim has negative honor the relation loss is less the other clans care less about the situation in fact they care half as much as we'll see let's look at a victim with negative honor first if the clan leader of the current clan in the list is in the same Clan as the victim you will lose 30 relation with that Clan if the clan leader and the victim are friends you will lose 15 relation with that Clan if the clan leader and the victim are in the same faction you will lose five relation with that Clan now let's look at an honorable victim someone the other Lords must have respected if the clan leader and the victim are in the same Clan you will lose 60 relation with that Clan if the clan leader and the victim are friends you will lose 30 relation if the clan clan leader and the victim are in the same faction you will lose 10 relation with that Clan and one extra one if the clan leader himself is Honorable and the victim is not in a rebel Clan you will lose 10 relation with that Clan so all Clans that are not the victim's Clan his friends Clans or his faction's Clans you will lose 10 relation with them if that Clan's leader and the victim are both honorable okay let's do some in-game demonstration first we'll focus on the honor trait change or lack of change for the main character we'll execute only honorable Lords to start and count how many it takes to change our honor trait note during the character build I chose the option of you treated people well which gave me a plus one honor trait if you chose a different option this will be different for you I found some qualified candidates for victimhood we'll Circle back to the relation lost logs later after executing one Lord with a positive honor trait we lost our positive honor trait and are now neutral after executing one more Lord we are now devious minus one and if we kill three more we will be devious minus 2 so five Lords will destroy our honorable reputation and by destroy I mean nearly impossible to recover from the personality traits like honor use an XP scale to determine your level here's the scale and the levels -4000 XP or less is level -2 - 39.99 to -1000 XP is level -1999 to positive 999 is level 0er 1,00 to 39.99 is Level 1 and 4,000 or more is level two the best way to gain honor XP is successfully completing several different types of quests but you would have to complete 61 or more of them just to be neutral and another 39 to get back the honor plus one you started with and that's with the quests that give the highest amount of Honor XP there are several other quests that give less XP and would more than double the successful quests needed to well over 200 so maybe not in impossible then just very time consuming and you may have to dedicate an entire playthrough just to recover your honor sounds like the makings of a 100 day challenge did you find any of those results interesting now let's reload the save and test only executing dishonorable Lords again I looked up my prisoners and found several devious Lords notice when I execute him I don't lose the honor tradeit uh this this looks like a bug the code clearly shows the intent was not to lose honor for executing a devious Lord after debugging this it appears that the traits of the Dead hero are removed in this call the traits are null and will always be null so the method call from here will always return zero so this condition will always return true and the next method call to onl executed will always be called whether the Lord has positive or negative honor which means you will always get hit with the negative XP to your honor earlier I mentioned that honor plays a role in how much relation is lost too so that check will be wrong as well looking at the execution scene here we can see that a similar call is made to give you what should happen and this is correct information but the Lord is still alive at this point once you click that button the Lord is dead and the traits are lost and all of the code that runs after this is broken because of that all the relation loss logs that appear are wrong or at least not as intended this is a bug the intention is clear that negative honor victims should not result in a penalty to the player's honor it looks like the hero. on death method is the culprit it's likely the intent of this new method is to improve performance and not have a bunch of unused data floating around so the call to make dead which in turn calls on death and deletes the traits is the issue then four lines later you're trying to use the traits that you just deleted this is also why the get traits level method added a new guard to check for null because it appeared to one of the devs that sometimes the value can be null when in fact it's null every time I'll proceed with the rest of this information as if tail worlds will fix this bug with honoring the original intention of the logic that way the information will be accurate once they fix it in fact I tested an old version of the game 1.1.6 and this is working as expected it was broken in 1.2.0 now we'll move on to relation loss here are all of the notifications for executing obron who has negative honor the order in which I explained the relation loss earlier is important the relation loss doesn't stack if let's say the clan leader and the victim are in the same Clan and friends and in the same faction you won't lose 50 or 100 relation just the first one that triggers from that order Clan friend faction in this example it would be 30 for being in the same Clan since Lord can only be in one clan at a time you will only lose 30 relation with one clan for this one execution you can see this Lord has eight friends those friends are in seven different Clans but I lost 15 relation with only two of those Clans and five others not on this list why is that in the check to see if the clan leader and the victim are friends it checks the relation between the two if the relation is higher than 10 this check considers them friends and moves on the friends section of the encyclopedia gets its data from somewhere else so you can't reliably use the friend section of the encyclopedia to determine if this check considers them friends how confusing this should be cleaned up and or refactored so both use the same data nowhere does the game show you the relation between two other Lords only the relation between the player and other Lords so having this encyclopedia media section accurately displaying friends for the Lord and using the same data for the execution check would be ideal we can only hope that this gets updated in the future the remainder of the Lost relation is from the members of the victim's faction now let's look at the relation loss for a neutral or honorable cour here will not only lose more relation with Clans but will lose relation with more Clans again the victim can only belong to one clan so will only lose 60 relation with his clan unless he's the clan leader then we lose nothing we'll lose 30 relation with all of his friends Clans if his friend is a clan leader and this uses that different logic than the encyclopedia so you won't get help with understanding who you will lose with by looking at the encyclopedia and lastly you'll lose 10 with the rest of his factions Clans and 10 with all Clan leaders that have positive honor not neutral only plus one or plus two and this includes minor factions Clans that have Leaders with positive honor so there is a best case scenario and a worst case scenario best case being executing a devious Lord and losing no honor and less relation but the worst case is the result of every execution in 1.2.7 with that bug present hopefully tail worlds will fix this in an upcoming patch and restore the logic to work as it did in 1.1.6 that's it if I missed anything or if you have any questions let me know in the comments if you like this video execute that like button if you haven't yet subscribed execute that button here are two other videos you may like thanks for watching peace out
Channel: Hero
Views: 4,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bannerlord, Gaming, Games, Mount & Blade 2, Video Games, guide, strategy, open world, rpg, war, sandbox, action, moddable, first person, third person, Game Logic, Game Mechanics
Id: s2Oz2Qkn1SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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