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yo what's up guys walket here and today I'll be making a weapon enchant tier list for yall and I'll be ranking these enchants based on multiple factors like if they're good in PVE PVP and if they're easy to obtain all right let's go starting with astral astral is tough to place because it is the best PVE inchant and it's also really drippy but it's literally the hardest enchant in the game to get outside of Dev specs and whatnot I mean it's slightly easier with the discovery of the Void SE astral Farm method but that still takes hours of just waiting in a boat for something to happen so because of that I'm going to be placing astral and a tier because it's still good just really annoying to get next up we got blazing now lowkey some people think blazing is ass for some reason and I don't see anyone go blazing on flame builds anymore it's always something different but the enchant is super slept on because it basically adds extra two damage in the form of setting your opponent on fire each M1 now with base flame it's not that good only adding four extra damage in M1 but if you get a Zer Flame the flame tick damage goes up to seven which is basically basically 7even extra true damage on whatever weapon you're using but the enchant lacks when it's used on heavy weapon and isn't that good on medium weapon because the higher the swing speed the more value you can get with blazing so it's only really seen on fist builds but besides that it's still going to a tier because the cool down on the enchant is also 0.75 seconds long all right now we got chilling I think chilling is the first s tier inchant on this list chilling is a classic for PVE builds because it's affordable and the 15% damage boost you get from null fing Clarity helps so much with killing ethon and even doing helmet the enchants also drippy too with your weapon becoming a neon teal color and having Crescent particle effects I think all this justifies the S tier rating but as the list goes on we'll see if that changes next up we got the first curse enchant and honestly it might be the worst one it's curse of the [Music] bloodthirsty this inchin is fairly the worst one in the game and I know people are going to be like but walk it the 10% damage boost on every M1 lets you do so much damage no little Timmy hush think about this you're in a 1 V one situation you get a few hits on the guy you're fighting right but you start missing a few and you start losing Health at that point you're basically also giving the guy you're fighting free damage which mitigates the free damage you get yourself from the curse of the bloodthirsty basically giving you no enchant just use an enchant that Buffs you without a downside like if you want extra damage go detonation this enchant is D tier it's actually so ass now we got ooh la curse of the no life King okay now this curse is actually so good for ganks cuz you get so much passive regen and along with bloodless moves for Life steal you're basically unkillable also the new flame wisp change I think Stacks with curse of the no life King because the Wisp no longer is passive regen so extra regen from that too I guess yeah it's pretty fair um if you're fighting this you basically lost and in the depths you can't escape it either you would think that equipping a weapon with this curse would instantly pop your head but it only lowers your sanity by around 60 so if you have blind SE and like mental Fortress talents you can terrorize people in the depths too keep in mind that each M1 with curs of no life King lowers your opponent's sanity by 2% and also everyone with nlk is also running the zerf flame so yeah they got gral flame too if they're going insane also if you think that only having one life in the overall balances this the person can literally just unequip their weapon and get their life back so yeah easy s tier placement thank God this is Bandon Chima conflict all right next we got a the second garbage curse all right curse of the unbidden this curse is similar to Nemesis in which it changes your critical to something different but instead of it being cool like a Tepe slash like Nemesis it changes your critical to a counter which in theory sounds good but if you think about it it barely does nothing because if you land the counter all it does is D your opponent which really isn't that good when you got stuff like equalizer in prediction which can actually start Combos and do damage so because of that this curse is going into C tier because it's situational but it's not really that useful oh my bro another curse wait let me is that okay that's cursy yel okay this is a good inchant cuz cursor y's downside where the user takes damage barely procs and the cursor's damage is like the same as two detonations it's pretty good for like glass Cannon builds and people who don't take a lot of damage because they can handle the downside better than others but it's still a good inchant if you want some damage I'm going put it in a tier but if you're bad it's probably going to be like C tier so yeah all right next up is deferred I'm a big fan of defer I think it's a good enchant for some free damage even post Nerf for it only gives 7% more damage that's still 7% more damage without a downside basically adding three more stars onto your weapon I think the tick damage also applies hit stun for each tick which is stupid but I'm not entirely sure on that but even after all this I'm still going to put deferred in B tier because there's other enchants that help you do more damage so even though it's still decent it just gets outshined by other enchants okay um detonation one of the most meta inchant in the game it has damage it has AOE it has instagr potential it really has everything it's good for ones and especially good in ganks the explosions bypass armor and they do like 20 damage each so the enchant gets more value off people stacking hell resistances which is meta right now despite the post Shrine reinforced armor Nerf so because of this I'm going to put detonation and S tier you really can't go wrong with getting detonation on your weapon all right last ELC is a really Niche enchant I don't see it that much and I only really see it on heavy weapons because the running attacks knockback and with elastic you can pull them back in like all I've seen people use elastic on is with high Lord HEB and enforcers axe because this enchant is low-key IR relevant only really good for cheese builds and is only good if you're fighting bad players also with elastic since you pull them in with each M1 it's more difficult to full Dodge Vents and even if you dodged the vent you would have been close enough for the person to not go in full stun because of the enchant so a last is going to go into C tier because of this all right okay now we got gluttony now gluttony is only helpful if you're fighting depths gankers or if you're in like some massive water fight otherwise it's not that good in ganks because there's always going to be bags with food everywhere and in time you spawn with Max food this enchant is very Niche and I guess you can say it's good for PVE but most PVE builds are already running carnivore so food isn't a problem anyways I'm going to put this one in C tier along with elastic because just like elastic it's very Niche and has a very low amount of use cases next up is grim all right um now actually this is going into s tier and I think we're going to move chilling down to a tier you see Grim is actually better for PVE than chilling because Grim works every M1 after the damage buff proc while nullifying Clarity plus chilling it only works every second M1 you get the damage boost so it only gives it an effective DPS boost of 7% which is not as good as Grim's constant 10% boost also Grim is semi viable in PvP P2 so helps if your PVE builds getting depth skanked overall just better than chilling and you can change nullifying Clarity out if you're using Grim or keep it if you got ice Spas after that is a heroin enchant now this enchant on its own is garbage as all it does is hide the opponent's health for a short period of time but you can Farm trial of one and with the knowledge you get from leveling up get the heroine enchant stones from the blacksmith if you have the metal and store them out a banker NPC do this a few times and once you want a random enchant on a weapon you can withdraw all the stones and enchant three random weapons and turn them laass for a new enchant even though you basically get infinite enchants it still sucks because you can just do Layer Two and the enchant on its own doesn't help in PvP that much because the health hiding only lasts like 7 Seconds overall I'm going to give this enchant a DTI rating any weapons of this enchant are honestly just FIP plast rolls Herm used to be busted for PVE and PVP but having Max Health at all times for the 25% damage buff isn't realistic anymore and you would barely be benefiting from the enchant most of the times people using this enchant barely utilize it because they just get hit way too much I'm putting this enchant in C tier helps a little bit but is overshadowed by other enchants that Grant a more consistent damage buff all right we got the first spec enchant the life weave enchant this enchant grants a damage boost on the hit when procs similar to Cursed y but way more broken like 10 times damage on proc the proc is symbolized by Hive meares coming out of the floor which also replenishes the opponent's hunger it is alleged that this enchant can also steal abilities or debuff your opponents but I've never seen that or watched any footage of that happening obviously this enchant is going to S tier but good luck trying to get it because it's a Dev spec for Yaya finina all right another meta enchant we got metal this enchant strips armor per M1 landed but was nerfed and now the armor strip depends on M1 medium investment I would always see Metal Champion sword users but not as much anymore but it's still good just not as broken as it's p s I would have placed this in s tier but the Nerf bumps it down to a tier all right next up is Nemesis now don't hate me on this but Nemesis is going into B tier the only good weapon with Nemesis now is cir cleave because if your weapon doesn't do enough posture damage and the crit kind of sucks as the person you're fighting can just block the M1 it's good with kir cleave because the quick TP guard break lets you catch people's roles and is a guaranteed guard break if you predict their block but otherwise with any other weapon it's not worth giving up the crit 4 so yeah all right obfuscation this inchant used to be the strongest as used to give 50% chip damage to any weapon which was especially broken with light weapons and along with the speed boost gr on M1 you can proc Speed Demon each hit but it kind of fell off though because now it only gives % chip for light weapons 30% chip for medium at least for heavy weapons it's unchanged but no one was running off fisc on heavy weapons anyway this enchant is going into a tier because the speed boost on M1 let he proc Speed Demon easily and with rifle this enchant is busted all right Providence Thorn now I'm a big Providence Thorns fan because this enchant does percent damage and all you need to proc it is Parry a few times in a short amount of time and it auto aims and hits your opponent it's a literally free damage repairing and it's also busted for PVE too you can kill primon in like a minute 30 seconds this enchant is going into s tier because percent damage is really good cuz everyone's always trying to get the most HP on their build as possible okay we got Seer which I'm I'm going to say Seer C tier okay don't hate on me on this okay walk it gives you extra pen for each M1 landed shut up Timmy so I mean yeah I mean it does give extra pen but if you take any sort of damage you lose all of the sear pen Stacks so you have to play literally flawlessly to benefit from the pen Stacks so because of this I'm placing in C tier it's not that good of an inchant bro like okay next up we got Stone now Stone grants you extra posture damage which is helpful but usually you're already running monsters that insta guard break like fire blade ice smash so it's not as helpful I mean maybe if you're remaining strong left you would get more value but it's only good in specific specific scenarios so I'm placing this in B tier it's good sometimes but it also makes your weapon look like [ __ ] so B tier all right um another B tier enchant we got storm now storm is only good with surge because on M1 you can apply surge Rod to the opponent but if you aren running Surge and you have storm enchant you're throwing your builds this enchants extra stun is barely noticeable and the extra damage in the rain is also super situational which is why it's beat here so yeah now storm breaker storm but better in every way except one thing the crit the crit is actually so dog [ __ ] when you crit to throw your weapon out you can't even Parry for a good 2.5 seconds and you're just waiting there with your hand out for your weapon to come back well the guy you're fighting is just walloping on you this enchant honestly is going into D tier like they got to make the crit do more posture damage or maybe just even insta guard break completely it's so ass we got tained sorrow and it replaced your crit and I know there's a pattern between all these enchants that replace your critical attack being like really shitty enchants but this one is good as on crit you pulled your opponent towards you and it also applied hit stun so if your opponent uses a mantra you can pull it and cancel it with the hit stun from the crit and then uh you can Counterattack but there's another effect where on flourish your opponent is flung up into the air for extra damage so honestly all the [ __ ] puts it in s tier I just wish they made this one obtainable but I guess it's fine because they added the enforcer pull as a mantra which is basically just this weapon crit but with longer cool down all right next is tears of eating kite now this enchant used to be good with guns but the damage got nerfed it was another Niche enchant but ever since the damage was lowered it just became [ __ ] and because the enchant only procs and flourish makes it even more situational so it's going into D tier all right um now we got curse with the umbrell Knight so this one used to be good but I think they lower the damage buff so it's not as good anymore it just gets outshined by stuff like defer in detonation so I'm going to put this in beats tier because it's it's pretty average lowkey next is unstable and unstable is easy s tier obviously like come on bro it's a spec it has a 10% chance to Brock any inchant in the game and it's 10% enchants per enchant so you can proc multiple enchants if you're lucky I don't think it needs any more explaining it's just super broken so yeah s tier next is vampirism now vampirism would be S tier but it's a tier now hear me out it would have been s tier if there wasn't things like ring of pestilence or all the dead Gods canceling your healing and because so many people use these things it gets countered very easily and also it gets outshined by curse of the no life King but still good only a tier though lastly we got the worst enchant in the game we got wild now wild does not boost your damage but all it does is spread the damage out when you hit someone so if you hit someone and there's like someone else right next to them to the person you just hit the person you hit takes 100% of the damage and the person next to them takes 35% of the damage you did sounds good in theory maybe like for Boss rating but they have to be extremely close so it's actually really [ __ ] this is going into the D tier it's actually the like the worst inchant in the game oh wait I forgot solar now solar is a tier because the amount of tempo you take is actually insane and the only way to counter it is to either knock a hit or Parry such block event which is already hard to do in itself so this inchant is going into a tier and yeah that wraps up the tier list most of these enchants are good but it just depends on the situation well most top tier enchants can do well in almost any situation so use what enchant you like the most to be honest if you like the vid subscribe it helps me a lot and you can always unsub later and yeah peace out I'll see you guys later [Music] oh
Channel: w4lkit
Views: 58,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jO3N0He8K5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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