The ULTIMATE Attunement Tier List.. | Deepwoken

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now when loading into deken for your first time you have a lot of different stuff to actually choose from now this ranges from your name to your tement to your starting weapon to your origin and to your core attributes now all of these things actually have their own purpose and they're basically made to like make your build unique and actually Define it for example if I do put more into fortitude I'm going to be more tanky and this goes for the atic core attributes as well now specifically in this video I'm going to be showing you guys like what you should actually pick like based on what you actually like to play and even what's the best the two this is just my op and if you pleas again this is just my opin and if you preer any just don't get mad at me attunements yeah they are pretty [Music] crack so uh yeah I'll basically be going over all the tumans and putting them on a scale from s to D I will also be including the paths in the game such as crystallization Spectre path and Etc now going into the first Attunement nonetheless we actually got flame charm now most of you guys have probably already used flame charm before as it is the most commonly used atuman but there is a good reason for that not only does flame charm offer a lot of good and high damaging moves but it also offers a lot of mobility and support it even has a very good combo where you guard break them with Fire Blade and throw a fire Forge at them which does about a bar which is actually pretty crazy s tier now for Flames counterpart the eruption path now the eruption path isn't really all that great though it does have some very good talents such as mol defense and the floor is lava now these things do carry it somewhat though I don't think it's anywhere near flame B tier now for the next atuma n the list we actually got frost draw now Frost draw is another one of those tumans that are extremely versatile and can be pretty much used from anything from a mage build to a complete combo build now although I do think that frust draw is pretty powerful I don't really think it's anywhere near flame in this current therefore I'll have to put it in the a tier now Crystal path is kind of a different story although Crystal path did get a recent b/ Nerf depending how on how you look at it it's still pretty powerful and I'd recommend using it instead of normal Frost as you can do some pretty sweet combos with it and unlock some better mantras I'm have to put this above Frost TRW and the a tier now coming up on the list we got Thunder call Now thund call is a very skilled Attunement meaning you do got to be pretty skilled to use it if you're not very skilled it's probably not going to be that good for you but you can still try it if you want now the reason for this is thunder call does have some very good moves that are kind of hard to use but do in return give very good damage therefore I got to put it in the a tier now for Thunder calls counterpart the search path now the search path is just a direct upgrade in my opinion it's not really like ice where you actually get something different it's just kind of you do more damage and get less stun I guess and the list stun isn't even that noticeable so I don't know why you wouldn't pick like search path instead of normal Thunder but uh yeah this will definitely have to go above Thunder call in the a tier and now for my personal favorite achievement Gil breath now the reason I actually like this inumin so much is it actually offers like pretty much everything it offers great Mobility great damage and great compost now it also has a status called Suffocation now basically when you're suffocated you cannot cast a single Mantra and you take like damage over time and get stunn this is another reason to why Gil is really good so I'm going have to put this above everything in the a here now for gills a path the Spectra path now in my opinion the Spectra path is even more broken than actual Gil breath since the Spectra path basically has a mode where you can literally TP to people when you like a attack them now this has pretty much no delay so it's pretty much like a free damage every time and if you do end up hitting it you can even like do some combos after like I guess you can do like Rising wind or something like that but uh yeah this will have to go into s tier just below flame charm now for the unlockable achievements we're going to start off with shadow cast now shadow cast gimmick is basically to steal eeper and have high AOE damage moves now this can be seen with stuff like Shadow gun Rising Shadow Shadow eruption and Etc I feel as though shadow cast is a very good achievement and the only thing I don't like about it is it's pretty much mainly Mage builds and stuff like that which can be pretty easily countered and stuff and there's just far better option so I think I'll place this in the low at now since Shadow doesn't have its own path yet I'll just count the Twisted puppet's path since it is a shadow and Flame hybrid now the Twisted puppet paths does sound pretty good on paper but the thing is you actually got to invest 40 into flame and 40 into Shadow therefore it's a whole 80 investment points just to get like I don't know just a little bit better flame charm now in my opinion this isn't as good you can still make it viable but I feel like you should just rather only go flame charm or only go shadow cast therefore I'll put it into the B tier now moving on to the last and newest Attunement to De booken we basically got iron sing now iron sing did get a lot of recent Buffs since it was like LA and strength compared to the other achievements but still I don't see any reasons why you would go normal iron sing instead of the drip and compared to like scrap singer and scrap singer is basically just iron s but it just shreds armor and has a lot of very good sounds so yeah this will definitely have to go into the B here now for scrap singer as I already mentioned scrap singer is just a better iron sing there's legit no reason to not go it I mean you do I think the rots like convert convert like or disappear faster but that doesn't really matter since you can still use them just got to use them a bit quicker so yeah I'll put this into the a tier and uh yeah that's pretty much the video and I thank you guys actually so much for watching to the end since this video actually took me so so very long to actually make so uh yeah thank you again and uh here is the Finish list if you guys do want to actually see what is the best at tun now again this is just my opinion and if you guys think anything else leave it down in the comments and uh yeah [Music] peace
Channel: Aurakii
Views: 34,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h9SUIIcfMiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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