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yo it's been um how do I put this it's been a while it's been eight days since I uploaded okay but I'm here okay and I cooked I got another stereotypes video with hella new builds cuz you guys are asking for a part two in my Discord Shameless plug discord.gg walkit w4l kit and yeah let's just get into the video if you're jet Striker Hive Lords you're probably really funny but not actually good at the game hear me out you spam your running attack and if that lands you probably uppercut and then just repeat the process and you never get into any par trades you're probably either using the AER Circle haircut thingy because you're trolling and you either have offc enchant or vampirism enchant on your high Lord tubus if you have bombs on your builds you're probably built like lizo and you're really obese I don't know how you think playing Chim for two matches just to spend spam bombs and then go f or iron and coal just to repeat the process is fun you're probably Fist and or Vision shaper spamming your counter and a loser servants or silent heart and spamming your ankle cutter with the running attack your build is really old and when I say old I mean at least 200 years old or you're making a troll builds for the Nostalgia either way this zerve flames and shattered Katana build is still a really good combo despite the shattered crit Nerfs and so is blinds here I don't know why barely anyone has gone this build anymore but anyways let's just get on to the next stereotype this one's kind of irrelevant are you winning son you spam equalizer into either Cal trops you can use Jailer and then iron hug or you just rocket Lance if you got this build in chime you can just wait till final Circle then rocket lens whoever Into the Storm and somehow you're still hard stuck 600 ELO I don't even know how that's possible bro okay if you got this build you're probably not that good that's because why would you get Jet sharker and Gail when the Gail Dash and the Jet sharker Dash are just going to overlap so you won't even get that much value off of it unlike if you want something like jet Striker Flame or like jet Striker ice if you got this build but with a different oath especially if you have Dawn Walker or something you're probably top 250 or have at least hit Top 250 once throwing flashbang now this is what I was talking about if you got flame contractor spear you're probably crazy with your combos you always land equalizer and then flame Scorch also you probably slide as slam into judgment and also bonus points if you're running flame blind or if you're just running normal Flames with a drip instead of utilizing AER Flames if you do this you're basically nerfing yourself but your still makes up for it 90% of the time so it doesn't really matter yo my bad guys ad break but let me show youall something 96% of you guys are not subscribed yes 96% so please if you've been liking the video so far drop me a sub please I'm trying to hit 3K so I can get the CC roll in the Depok Discord which lets me get free cam and Etc so I can make better vids for y'all sorry for the app s um let's just get back to the video Chan man is is that you but okay but bro honestly this build is so good but I never see anyone run it iron sing is so good for the range buff card mixed in with the broken Grand crit it's actually just unparryable iron sing and Ice combined have so many takey talents and regular metal kit got buffed and for some reason the devs were like let's give this Monster hyper armor don't get me started if you got contractor cuz true combo by the way equalizer into metal kick with Insignia gem into ice eruption into ice cubes grusa crit does like two bars and it's unparryable by the way all true you're probably running long hair on your character so you look like that one demon SL guy and you got that one vigils armor not the good one but the the Tanish one like the starter one you know what I'm talking about and you got that transmog just for the drip you spam Gil Dash into the purple C crit because it's broken and you spam inhale on heavily wi cuz it's literally unpunishable what the dog doing not going to lie I've only seen good players with this build to be honest when I see someone in my CH match with cripp blade I always think it's going to be an easy match cuz usually they can't monate but cripp blade contractors are so good like 90% of the time also they probably aren't running Shadow Roar despite it being metac bro you suck you thought to yourself I'm going to make a curve blade hybrid build and you thought you were getting creative until you chose the Zer Flames like bro you could have chose Thunder maybe get the hybrid monster or like iron sing but no and to get you more unoriginal you're probably running Dawn Walker and probably Spectre paath and look I'm not hating on being unoriginal I myself got top 50 with Shadow Katana Salah heart so I can't be talking but I assure you there's better hybrid then curved deser flames and you probably got just K you're probably felon or and running no armor you can get that speed boost Talent let's be real nobody likes you in ganks you're horrible at PVP so all you do is just get preservation Bell or just carry the person ding the way to a campfire boring as hell like if you're good at movement play Jet Striker spear or something and actually do something in ganks instead of just carrying them away like a [ __ ] ambulance probably running contractor and got Lord Slice on your build for that Rogue lineage Shinobi kind of vibe cuz why would you get Dawn Walker when you have rapid slashes you probably have an auto clicker macro thing for your swings and are running gold bullets for that slow effect on your opponents you're probably playing just for fun and you have a Trippy character but probably not that good at the game actually you have surge path and you have the arcw DLC Monstra you know the one I'm talking about Flash Fire kick and you got flame wi DED black Arc suit and if you're calm you're running lightning impact without the card that shoots the ball falls out just for the second guard break the monster's honestly slept on because no one knows that it guard breaks and you can slide into it it's basically like a Guard breaking Heavenly [Applause] wind agamasu is that you okay but really you're running Vision shaper and like the name suggests you spam inhale on burning servants with four Rush shards on them bloodless gems too your build is probably really squishy but that doesn't even matter cuz bloodless heals are crazy on this build along with having a level five flame whisp you're basically unkillable happy wom combo you're probably a link sharter and a fanboy no disrespect or homophobia but I'm just noticing a pattern okay you're also probably LFC or hero blade so you can save points and also if you're really trying to M Max your support builds you might have like a 100 agility pre- shine or something so you can get that one card that lets you pick people up from a range or anything you're probably really chill though and probably got like an anime pfp too you're probably really bad in one once and you just Spam your monsters and ganks your jet does like three bars and vaporizes whoever you aim it at though it's like you're in type soul and you got like 900 keto from a spec and you just Spam your serah this is probably still an understatement though cuz it probably does more damage anyway I don't know how you have the patience to farm for dread rth but you did it and um yeah it's broken and yeah that's about it that's all the builds I can come up with um that had good stereotypes attached to them if you want a part three I could do another but the thing is I'm kind of running dry for stereotypes if you want to recommend me a video idea join my Discord discord.gg walkit W4 L kit and drop me a sub if you like the content it really helps motivate me to make more videos and yeah comment D if you watch to the end and peace out y'all I'll see you guys later flowers baby it's just us against the world baby got the C and patience to make a million PE seen a lot of things you never thought could change that the girl
Channel: w4lkit
Views: 31,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Ibg4L95yxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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