Ultimate EH BEE FAMILY Vine & Instagram Videos Compilation | Funny Videos [30 MIN]

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aloha maura ropero when god drew leviosa with a little bit of sugar and a little bit of spice changed my wife from me to nice do you know how fast you were going back there i would have gone faster but you stopped me [Music] you going to jail what i'm here where are you i'm almost there where you don't see me no i'm right here where am i you're alive surprise [ __ ] wow eight plus that's incredible wow so proud of you that is the last time i wanted to make a funny ingredient take responsibility he'd make an ugly woman what's so funny dad dad come upstairs [Music] hello hi sweetie did you pick up the kid of course i picked up the kids oh where are my glasses on forget it come on oh come on hey just take my car cool i can take your did you hear jag new videos come on what's wrong with this door she's gonna kill me let's go the door get in the van guys we gotta go come on hurry up let's go come on get in the van let's go chop chop guys come on let's go get in the van we gotta go come on let's go we don't have much time let's go let's get out of here come on guys it's me your dad what's wrong with these guys [Music] do you actually know where you're going are you crazy don't shut your wife who's ik army i know right no no it's hello hey what does ikr mean i'm not buying you a pony for christmas grandma will buy me one right grandma i'll get you anything you want sweet pea you the man grandma can't believe it's time to go back to school back to school i can't should i wake up mama do you want to die mom dad i just can't sleep how about a bedtime song let's play outside kids let's play outside outside okay what's for dinner tonight we're having meatloaf tonight you love again when you finish school and you get a job and you're making your own money and paying your own bills in your own house that's when you get to decide what's for dinner [Music] hi i'd like to order flowers for my wife i wanted to say baby i love you and you're the only one for me can i trust you yes jimmy took my shoes his dad's a black belt i don't care if he's a gold belt i need to change schools dad are we broke why would you say that i don't know just asking wow really okay young man come over here please laziness will not be tolerated thank you very much with the advancements in technology one can do great things no i'm not hey dad i dropped your phone in the toilet you stupid [ __ ] have some more patience wait that's not my phone used my phone [Music] is that santa kissing my mom [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] no hey kids we're going to disney world haha just kidding i'm going back to sleep sweet dreams dad whatever i got his tickets to the opera oh nice i got to stick us to subra what's up bro not much bro what's up with you well my father was a drinker and one night he goes off crazy easier than usual well good morning class good morning mr johnson good morning class please open your textbooks to page 34. [Music] wow effective immediately i am now banning fidget spinners squishies and slime huh what ladies and gentlemen is your captain speaking if you follow me on instagram make sure to turn on your notifications because the timeline is all messed up now so you know honey um just wait until your father gets home you two are in big trouble hey dad it looks like you have a lot on your mind i'll i'll come back later here are you i'm almost there where right around the corner i don't see you you can't see me who is it oh wow what an amazing view yeah whatever i'm in space right now it's one of a kind open your eyes [Music] can i get your name please yes my name is big brother can you please make my bed no why would i do that make your own day please please please please please sprinkles and rainbows and unicorns and princesses and princes and knights and horses and ponies on top please [Music] no really no huh do you know who i am do you know what happens to little boys who don't help their little sisters well remember kid sleep with one eye open tonight you hear me mom what happened your daughter's being scary again oh she just wants cuddles don't be so dramatic isn't she just the cutest thing you know you should be thankful to have a younger sister like her you should apologize to her i just want to give my big brother hugs kisses give her what she wants but she's not who you think she is son promise me you'll never why no steal no kill no vape wow this pizza is really good wow do you ever stop talking [Music] laziness will not be tolerated will not be tolerated are you ready are you afraid no you're afraid of me conquering because i'm better than you oh let's close the deal thank you sir pleasure doing business with you yes guess what happened today i don't want to guess come on just guess what don't just tell me no i want you to guess you know what i i don't want to guess i said guess what happened [Music] we're a team we're a dynamic duo she's my side chick sidekick looks like we have some free time today yes we do right after we finish our to-do list why is it that every single time i go to your rooms they're never clean all i ask is for a clean room that's all i'm asking you here if you could what's so funny guys why are you laughing i'm serious no i missed my show you bad dad i missed my show go grab me some chips yes hello hi i'd like to order a dozen red roses for my wife yes oh and can you add a note thank you to my beautiful wife you are the true love of my life i want to run my fingers through your hair and kiss you softly every time i see you you send shivers down my spine [Music] i love you more than anything in this world yeah i like that [Music] good night dear good night dear good night baby [Music] are you okay i'm fine [Music] does anybody have any other questions about this cave no there is no wi-fi here knock knock who's there surprise surprise who surprise [ __ ] does this dress make me look fat the answer is no is this guy for real man [Music] no you look fine [Music] fine good night good night oh come on look at this loser look at this old man plugging his earphones into his iphone oh i thought since he was healthy no i'm all out come outside i have an idea what you're too close you're too close [Applause] wow that was great you're so beautiful i can't resist you you're so sweet wait what can you roll down the window for me please the crank it's right there if that's the crank yes what what am i a caveman okay this is the water bottle flip challenge one two stop playing super games good enough good enough no kanye i'm not gonna ask him i won't ask him don't worry about it santa why does he always run away here's how to charge your device plug this into this [Music] power of music oh what's wrong my foot's asleep i know how to wake it up where are you going someone stole my hat don't worry i got this one i believe you have something that belongs to my daughter oh yeah who are you who am i what's my name i am [Music] that's right [Music] how do you say what are those in korean [Applause] that's such an old joke oh no she looks mad okay uh say something nice you look tired you're not mad at me no you're sure i'm fine okay cool hey do you want to be frozone for halloween frozone i'm like nothing like frozone yeah that's a dumb idea oh come on i told you this was supposed to go okay okay anyways what i was saying it's a good thing we're gonna need this because i'm gonna burn through this workout there's a couch right there have a great first day at school guys we're gonna miss you so much [Music] if you listen closely you can hear an animal eating and a woodpecker tapping where's all the food there are hungry children in this country you don't need to eat but i'm hungry you know you're the favorite child right no why would you say that hey guys i made dinner tonight [Music] hey hey mama i drew a picture of you [Music] wow hey hey mom dad i just saved this baby from a burning building a baby guess who woke up [Music] [Applause] hey baby okay so you'll never guess what happened to me i'm at the mall today and i see this lady in the store and then she says to me blah blah blah blah blah blah dress blah blah blah blah are you listening to me did you hear anything i said to you of course i'm listening to you then what's the answer [Music] don't worry just say yes absolutely yes absolutely so you think i look fat in this dress you mess with my son you mess with me okay let's go [Music] dead man [Music] [Music] that's the last time you bully my son you hear me let's roll uh ladies and gentlemen welcome to flight 113 yeah and i'm your captain alongside my co-pilot enjoy your flight this is how you make a fruit salad the first oh guys we'll be back in two days we promise [Music] so what do you want for breakfast xbox one what eggs oh with the side of xbox one [Music] can one of you help me with my phone mama we're kind of busy right now who taught you how to walk you who taught you how to speak you who taught you how to eat you well guess who's going to teach me how to change the wi-fi password is that you no okay no it's an earthquake i know that's an earthquake will you please get out i'm like a cat i can sense you you're an idiot snacks hats check shoes i feel like i'm forgetting something don't tell your mother what i just said come to yoga with me no you're right it's only women anyway why didn't you tell me yoga was awesome no internet for one week okay what you want you got that wi-fi [Music] one [Music] [Music] don't worry i have a plan you're sleepwalking let's get you back to bed this is all a dream you're sleepwalking this is not real this is all a dream come on guys follow me it's all a dream who wants to go on a wilderness adventure yeah this isn't the wilderness why because that's a park and that's jimmy's house right there [Music] who wants to go rock climbing yeah this is not rock climbing what why are you ready kid aye aye captain i can't hear you dad can i have oh what do you want now every time you ask me for something what are you gonna hurry up with those grapes little fella you know i don't think you want mom and dad to know what grade you got on your math quiz do you that's more like it you better tuck those sheets tight what i beg your pardon i'm sorry i'm sorry your mother and i are very concerned about you you need to be nicer to your brother i don't know what you're talking about really stop treating your brother like a servant i don't do that come on let's go this is not the way my mother makes it dad when can i have this car when you go to college okay dad what happens when a bee comes into the van this happens i spill my car still there can you please clean your room no can we there you go here's how to charge device all you need is orange and orange juice [Music] did you hear that yeah it sounds like a chicken who used all the hot water my shower was freezing really that's a shame ours was nice and hot hey you're getting water all over the floors oh sweet oh i need this because i'm going to make a musically [Music] i thought i told you to clean your room i thought mom told you to shovel the [Music] snow [Music] i think it's time you got your own phone huh what do you think yeah really you know you're just like you say it [Music] [Music] dude ufo that's amazing let's go in here hey guys we're going dark for dinner that means no technology no distractions just us oh look at this comment i wish it was part of your family oh that's so sweet what are you doing nothing happy valentine's day because you're hot and steamy don't you think my friend's pretty yeah i think your friend's hot um she's not hot she's i just saw my ex where hi this is awkward you're grounded gee dad you're grounded and i'm changing the wi-fi password dad when can i show you when you become a man sometimes i feel like i live with a big kid you need to grow up are you listening to me did you say something you can eat that yes i need a beer [Music] i got you a gift you did i want your hands to always be soft and smooth for me what did you get for me just close your [Music] eyes [Music] because i love you and you're my perfect house [Music] you learn new things about people when you turn off technology and remove distractions for example i have a wife and kids all right pick a partner hey baby go upstairs and clean your room okay one minute no do it now okay take your time who wants to go to the water park well i need to save for college i can't wait to go to college that i don't feel so well it's because you played too many video games dad i think i need glasses it's because you play too many video games i need a new coat you know why because you play too many video games i told you you were going too fast and you played too many video games oh come on do you speak spanish hi hi are you married yep so where's your wife she's at home she's crazy you
Channel: Funny Vines
Views: 23,853,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny vines, funny vine, eh bee vines, eh bee, eh bee family, eh, bee, instagram videos compilation 2018, vine, vines, family, v2, vine2, montage, ig, instagram 2018, instagram comp, vine 2, march, try not to laugh, march 2018, ylyl, monthly, try not to laugh challenge, funny instagram videos, funny videos, try not to laugh vines, funny video, instagram, vine 2017, vines 2017, vine 2018, vines 2018, 2017, 2018, vine compilation, vines compilation, comp, compilation, instagram video
Id: uxItzrZ4luM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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