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[Music] hey guys we know how much you love our vines and i think this is the first time we're gonna be reacting to it so i picked a bunch of doozies and we're gonna go through them and we're going to react i picked a bunch of really good vines for us to watch thank you thank you here's the first one coming up this is how you make a fruit salad oh my god those perfect slices that i did though wow i was trying so hard not to laugh in that shot and i was like really being squished so that you couldn't see my facial expressions of me like a lot of things like that but that was with everything i love those sword videos because i could just smash everything gabby you just pull out that sword and as soon as i say this is how you make a fruit salad just hammer that as much as you can just go crazy we were all like in terror just watching that was amazing i actually have one second i have to get oh wow bro oh geez that is the og samurai sword the mulan sword [Music] this has hit many pieces of watermelon fruits and you're very known for it like yes i am a lot of the people that we meet say i love when your daughter pulls out the sword yeah that's not sharp at all like you you you think this stuff but if you really hit someone it's gonna hurt oh yeah of course well if you hit anybody with anything yeah this even hurts but what i remember when i see that video is how much we prepared her to swing the sword so it wasn't just like here take the sword and hit the watermelon we were like okay gabby keep your hands on here make sure you don't go all the way back and hit your family make sure you don't hit your head make sure you keep it right so we prepared you for a good like 20 minutes it did easily cut through that watermelon so yeah you cut through the watermelon you need to cut through your head whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait whoa okay time to put it back this has been part of our family just as long as anyone else and it's never going anywhere it's never going anywhere guys let us know in the comments if you want to see any more swords wow let's go back and listen to that one more time oh he's got such a voice my voice is like hi there really high i'll make you enough or you can't refuse if this video gets 50 000 likes then i will sing a song wow guys like this video please guys please i want to see this i want to see this i know me too next vine last time so you were looking away and you were trying so hard not to smile but at the same time you wanted to get the perfect timing when she pulled out the sword to push it back in right you did amazing that was my goodness that was amazing we should recreate that one try to retreat it right now so one last time i need to be the one who takes you home we're gonna legit do that one day oh my goodness kids first let's hop oh [Music] but what we didn't know was that gabby was gonna get out of the van and do the this this was just totally you impromptu so when we were watching back the video and we were like yeah we all hit it and then we're like gabby what does this mean and you were like i don't know it's just really cool i did that you came up with that oh yeah this was the beginning of the queen that we know today how old were you guys there daddy must have been like nine yeah nine was my prime time like nine were the best like i was she was hitting the whip yo man we got the denim on the pajama pants though what are the shoes what's the shoes what oh my gosh what am i wearing you're wearing the fit go crazy all right let's see the next one oh man i'm getting the feels wilderness adventure yeah this isn't the wilderness why because that's the part and that's jimmy's house right there let's go back to it let's go back this fine was awesome it was one of those where that dad wanted to take the kids to the wilderness but the wilderness was really just going to the backyard somewhere who wants to go on a wilderness adventure yeah this isn't the wilderness right there [Applause] why do i kind of look like a square elf they kind of look like the donkey from the track this was before you had grown into your teeth yeah right yeah yeah i had the butt teeth you take after papa right because papa has very nice big profound teeth yo but he had like the two missing teeth right here yeah the two one right here yeah i remember that i remember always you're so cute my hair kind of looked like an arch too it was like basically like a helmet i was wearing a helmet of hair you haven't changed yeah they haven't changed at all you guys never aged i feel like you guys aged better like you guys look better than before like you got way better at makeup i remember your old makeup [Music] apple juice i was still to this day my friends message me talking about that vine only down the tree ain't my baby juice because here you have this little girl on a tricycle singing snoop dogg hitting the notes right and that i think was when the world realized wow this girl can sing she has a voice that's the video this is the video yeah that literally sent our family around the world and that's really because of this the timing yeah thank you papa for organizing it for you were the creative brains yeah so that vine wasn't actually intended for our channel it was for mtv it was like a new year's video for mtv they were doing the countdown and they wanted to have that video in the countdown for new year's and everybody liked it and now like you go on twitter and people are like it's my birthday yeah with this image and it's like wow that's pretty neat i don't know what we're gonna do this year if you guys have any ideas any ideas let us know in the comments down below what should we do for new year's this year oh my goodness guys you want to see that one more time oh my goodness even there i was trying not to laugh like it was so hard for me not to laugh that i like they were just they said played off as though you're just you're in awe and you think that it's so nuts because i was it was so hard not to laugh watching our vines again it brought back so many good memories yeah yeah and just memories of how we got to where we are today yeah from just sitting in the backyard you know smashing fruit right and just laughing to ourselves and making these little six second vines to everything we do now guys and uh we just want to say we appreciate you for coming along the ride with us we love you guys there's still so many more things we're going to be doing everybody's got their channels everybody's doing something we're all having fun and we're doing it to spread love and happiness around the world and if you guys have been here since the vine days and you're still watching our videos we just want to say thank you so much for being there for us since day one all right guys we love you and until next time [Music] you guys go thanks for watching everybody please like subscribe and leave a comment down below if you haven't subscribed yet please click on the icon on the left and a little thingy will pop up and you get to subscribe if you already have subscribed please forget everything that i have just said it's my radio voice bye
Channel: The Bee Family
Views: 4,880,901
Rating: 4.9555831 out of 5
Keywords: eh bee, vine, vlog, family, fun, ehbeefamily, eh bee family
Id: 3jmUiNVOvzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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