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hello everyone this is just a quick check-in from all of us at sorted to just say that we really hope you are safe and you're well we like many other channels have back filmed a whole load of content that we're going to continue to release over this period of time every Wednesday and every Sunday to hopefully keep you smiling and give us all a bit of valuable company and we are also hosting on Instagram live at 4:30 UK time every weekday a Q&A with our amazing chefs so that they can answer any questions or concerns that you guys have around cooking with limited ingredients inspiration for working with whatever food you have available right now so please come over to a salted food on Instagram 4:30 p.m. UK time to join us even if it's just hang out have fun and just spend some really valuable time together without further adieu hope you enjoy this chefs battle we are sorted a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food from cooking battles to gadget reviews and cookbook challenges to a midweek meal packs at Craigs we uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter join our community where everything we do starts with you welcome to fridge cam my name is Ben and this is James in this episode our chef e skills are put to the ultimate test in a fusion battle at random I picked Peruvian and Filipino and I picked Vietnamese and German wish us luck today our two chefs are going head-to-head in the ultimate chef versus chef fusion battle boys three hours are you ready so ready not very your time starts in three two one [Music] asuka scenes - i through work filipino and peru via luckily they're both quite close together in them what I mean is they actually have a few of the same influences the center of my dish is a chicken adobo which is kind of like a very vinegary peppercorn east Jew exists in both cultures I think which is cool it's gonna sit on a bed of quinoa which is my Peruvian element and then it's gonna go with banana catsup which is another name for ketchup and it's bananas instead of tomato my two cuisines were German and Vietnamese so what I've done is picked some iconic ingredients from German cuisine and shoehorned them into a classic dish from Vietnam that I absolutely loved when I was there but it's quite I mean it's not necessarily one that everyone's heard of cao lau hmm I'm taking sausage beer sauerkraut and pretzels and putting them into the cowl a dish which has got all the fragrance and spiced Vietnam why aren't you doing a hot dog bar maybe I'm starting with one element that I haven't even mentioned yet which is chicken Rene's I'm hoping I'm pronouncing that right and probably not but what it is is fried pork belly rind simmer it very very slowly in the water which renders all the fat out of it and then the water evaporates and then the fat renders so it ends up slow cooking and then frying in its own fat so Kerala is like a noodle dish that stems from Haiyan and it's super traditional I had it once when I was there it's kind of a room-temperature noodle dish is fragrant and I've got almost Chinese influences as well so lots of Chinese five-spice and star anis but also the fresh herb and chili no you're not no no you're not allowed to future you don't have to bring Chinese cuisine into this so what I'm gonna do is marinate the pork this is pork leg in soy sauce fish sauce sambal Chinese five-spice sugar salt and then adding the freshness of lemongrass garlic and onion marinate all up you can leave it overnight but this is gonna braise off so nicely I'm not going to bother so sear it and then braise it in beer German beer and that's he done for a couple of hours now I think the Vietnamese flavors as incredibly fresh and vibrant and spicy and it's kind of like which is that which is kind of what German food needs to lift it professional the challenge with fusion is putting two things together and ending up with something as good if not better than the two individual because otherwise you're just doing it for the sake of it and the novelty James your pork is finally it's all for now so I'm guessing what you've done there is you've created a Chevy foam that will end up on the plate later is that right making my banana catsup I've put onion garlic ginger and chili in a pan fry it off for a long time like 20 minutes half an hour to get it really flavorful then we've had my banana it's multi pureed dark sugar rum coconut vinegar allspice and then leave it for ten minutes to simmer might one hell of a ketchup and I'm kind of like talking a little bit quietly cuz I'm thinking I can get through this whole thing without been making a banana joke I know it's not done anything is it in a heap beats you because he put some pork in the pan and left it there for three hours you need to take a good hard look at yourself ha I mean you are touching it play yes so it doesn't mean anything in the carpet and the general context of life the German part is going to be sausage I'm gonna make my own sausages but I'm gonna make them Vietnamese style so it starts off with rice that I'm going to fry in a dry pan or toast in the drove dry pan to get some color and then turn that into rice powder mix it with some ginger or gallon Gayle fish sauce with ferment and pork mince and then shake them sausages little sausages so are you using some of the inspiration for my new and Mike winter Vietnam together on your holiday I mean it must have been what six seven years ago and Mike is still bitter at the fact that I was designated photographer the trip I don't know how that happened was taking a whole bunch of photos it gots the end of our trip we were on a boat in the middle Holland Bay did tall round all the little islands and the boat suddenly stops that everyone could jump in the anchor hit the boat lurched and they slid in slow motion off the side of the deck into the boat but into a bucket of salt water where everyone was rinsing their feet phone gone once you've got a nice bit of color on the rice let it cool grind it to a powder and a spice grinder and you end up with that and it's that that goes into the sausage mix so if you were to walk into a fusion restaurant and they've had five of these dishes on the menu I know what you can keep go for the thing I find about fusion food is you don't necessarily know where the line is until you've gone past it and it becomes completely opinion-based as well so how do you know how do how do you know this baby because I receive death threats when I put a paella in a burrito listen to me Jamie Iguchi me el burrito is Mexican Oh lapa yeah Valencia now and that wasn't even Batman it was to this sort of like no don't don't say don't say it because they'll come after you to it catsup spy blinking spitting just FYI you've been on the spit your sausages aren't looking great that's why it just FYI little taste us James when does your alcoholic beverage to bribe the judges arrive you know that I don't stoop to that level three German Vietnamese five kiss my catsup is simmering so now I'm gonna start the adobo which starts with a whole chicken because I want the supremum of the breasts so that's the breast with the wing on it that means that the wing is gonna hold the skin on so you're gonna get a lovely skin that doesn't shrivel up what I thought is taking three ingredients from a traditional Vietnamese pickle holy basil chili and lime juice and added it to sauerkraut which is obviously fermented cabbage flavor the caraway so the two kind of do that and become a garnish you see actually using holy basil or just coin basil if you don't like to bless it what makes kaol our noodles unique is the fact that they are cooked and soaked in lye water and it uses a specific water from the well of Haiyan I can't get that so instead I'm going to soak it in German beer more fusion doesn't like poisonous yeah I mean it's not great we know it's not poisonous it's just a chemical isn't it in large quantities most chemicals are poisonous and generally it's used in food things like century eggs mandarin oranges olives pretzels bagels thanks Jones to star in that conversation why are you guys so adverse to learning learn this talking see even I can see from there this obsession with you using every moment of time I think is very bizarre you don't have to make things excessive there just have to be good as long as they're good yeah like yeah you're gonna be you're gonna be good they're gonna be okay you're gonna be fine I would sit here and shoot a bit down on this but he has one of these really spoke again a syllable jump at the end of ketchup means sauce in Cantonese and the kick bit comes from preserved fish oh my beer foams good I've blended up my catsup I'm keeping it warm on the heart right now and I have combined the coconut vinegar with soy sauce garlic peppercorns and bay leaves that's my adobo mixture I'm just gonna like poach the chicken gently in that and then we're gonna fry the chicken and oil afterwards which is definitely not traditional another reason for doing this is that it cooks the skin so that when you fry it the skin doesn't shrivel I've never used coconut Bennigan's before can we try some yes I I will let me taste it oh the thing I'm most worried about this dish is whether it's going to appeal to their preferences because this is a noodle dish that served cold or room temperature and we typically serve for breakfast and which is not the way we would typically eat spicy noodle dishes basically if we don't like his dish it's our fault okay everything is ready to go I've got a chicken stuck on for my quinoa which I'm gonna cook and mixed with my pepper and coriander which I've already chopped I have cooked my pork out for the last hour or so it's looking amazing is still cooking it's gonna get really crispy I've reduced my adobo sauce down kept kind of basting the chicken in it and now I'm frying the chicken off to get crispy skin and then I'm gonna give it a final baste and that's me done oh no no you can have some have some yummy you are out of control some on its own what's left and cooking the poor is too strong it's all that marinade all that beer and all the porkiness so dilute it down with cold water that also brings the whole thing down to encounter boys you're into your last five minutes 35 seconds left 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 step away from the plate son that is a unique dish and am excited seize right [Music] boys as a challenge how did you find that I find it creative oh it's good I like when the breeds quite tight it's not making fusion dishes that cuisine and that cuisine you make it work I hope it has give it a good mix up and then get involved noodles cooked in beer yeah really unusual I like it the pretzels have lost their crunch obviously I was positive mixed in but it needs that texture I think the biggest thing that I'm guessing from that dish is a surprise with every mouthful don't like the sausage you don't you still don't know sausage I think the standout element of that dish is the thing that brings it all together which is the broth I can really taste the beer in it it's a James curry plate thank you I'll take that as a compliment it is a hundred percent of James Chloe yeah what five in I can't tell where I am in the world Barry we joked when James is making the cat soup and we would like to dip lots of different things in it mmm I still want to dip all of those things in that catsup has got such a punch of flavor to it I can't get my head around what you've done to that chicken like it's so succulent you've pumped it full of something extra juice from somewhere those freakishly beautiful the garlicky salty vinegary glaze on the chicken works so well with the quinoa was like Earthian fresh that's we need to have a chat about this I think we've come to an agreement it's a fusion battle this has to be half of one place half of the other coming together to make to unite to make an incredible dish one of these dishes it felt like there was more the 80/20 split and the other was more 50/50 our winner today for those reasons and the dish that we feel created something that can step up outside of his existing regions and create a new dish it's James Alistair curry thank you you know what I think for once we're all in agreement nice it is actually really good fun what we do better yes I love things inside your brain for a little while and then get out as quickly as possible if you like those recipes let us know your favorite in the comments and we've put links down below that will take you to sorted Club the home of all things sorted oh I have to ask for the dad joke of it yeah give it ask me you know you want it Ben give me a dad joke of the week okay I've got no idea why people keep moan about this genetically modified food I had a really delicious leg of salmon the other day almost snigger stinger I'll see you on Wednesday we've also built the sorted Club where you can get tons of foodie inspo using the packs midweek meal app discover and share restaurant recommendations using their eat app listen and contribute to our feast your ears podcast and send us ideas for new cookbooks you'll receive throughout the year check it all out by heading to sorted dot Club [Music] and now a blooper want to put it back in that dish do I
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 647,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef vs chef, ultimate battle, james currie, ben ebbrell, chef battle, cooking battle, food battle, cook off, sortedfood battle, epic chef battle, ultimate chef battle, chef vs chef sorted, fusion food, fusion battle, sortedfood, sorted food, german food, german recipe, vietnamese food, vietnamese recipe, peruvian food, peruvian recipe, filipino food, filipino recipe, cao iau, banana catsup, sortedfood fusion battle, sortedfood chef battle, beat the chef
Id: Pr4zrQxkK6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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