Ultimate Cheese and Charcuterie Board | Chef Tara Radcliffe

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hey guys it's Tara and welcome back to my home so today I am so excited because I am going to show you how to make my infamous cheese and charcuterie board so all my friends and family practically know me for this they know that any time I host a event or party in my house they can practically guarantee that I'll have one of these spreads laid out over them it is such a fun and creative way to showcase your cheese's your Turku dream eats your fruits anything else all the little snacks that you have it's such a fun way to showcase that and instead of music all the little platters everywhere just use one big platter and it's such a great way to get all your friends and your family around one big circle so they can laugh chat eat have wine - what you want to do at a party it's really great so without further ado let's get right into it and let me show you how to make my ultimate cheese and charcuterie board [Music] okay guys so the first thing that you want to do is pick out a board now I have a huge board here it is from West Elm I will put the link below but if you don't have a big board like this you can use multiple little boards or kind of what help whatever you find in your house that inspires you that looks creative it doesn't even necessarily have to be a cheese board it could be big serving platters like really anything just use your imagination whatever you think is fun and fits your theme you can make it as a board so I have this one here and I have a laid out where I want it to be if you have a big board like this you want to kind of start building your cheese board where you're going to be serving the cheese board because let me tell you it is so hard to move your cheese board especially when it's this big once you have everything placed on it I can't tell you how many times things have spilled over or fell over and it's a hot mess so don't do that make your cheese board where you want to serve it so this is my board I now have my cheese's when you go to the store pick out around three to five different types of cheeses depending on how many guests you have so five cheese's is typically good for about 20 people it goes a long way because you have all these other snacks as well so it really keeps people full and munching and believe me it's a lot okay guys so I picked out a brie I picked out a crew yay I can't pronounce it right but I'm pretty sure that's how you pronounce it grew a a Humboldt fog a good cheddar and then I usually pick about one exotic cheese so this one is a par mono it is infused with truffle which is my favorite thing in the world so just pick out one thing that is out of the norm for people but always keep the classics because some people are not very experimented like I or if you are whatever it is so so the first thing that you want to do is put your cheese's out first where you want it to go so I'm just gonna put that there I'm gonna put my Humboldt fog here I will put my grew yay but I'm actually gonna cut up my grew yay you wanna have some pieces already chopped up for your friends so they kind of just can pick at it instead of having to worry about cutting it especially if it's a hard cheese so you just make it chunky it doesn't have to be perfect beautiful all right so I'm just gonna maybe stack that up like there and then I'm gonna put my truffle cheese let's put my truffle right here and then I'll take my chatter I like to kind of break these up like this it's like a fun way looks kind of messy but cute and you see how it crumbles up like that it's really pretty boom boom boom boom voila so now that you have the cheese's all laid out the next step is to put out your little platters that you want to put little different things in so I have little ones like this I got this one from Bed Bath it's so cute I'll put the link there for you and then I'll put another one let's say right here and I'll put something here the key is to kind of lay out your foundation of where everything is going to be at so that way you're not kind of making room and then also another thing is go from the biggest items to the smallest items so fill your big items first then you'll make room for all the little nuts and the berries and the fruits and all that kind of stuff so I always add like one or two height dimensions so that it's not just one big flat board you have a few things that people are looking at it's really visually satisfying so I have a martini glass that I like to use mason jars are fantastic just have fun with it whatever you have laying around at home is really what you can use don't feel like it has to look a certain way the Messier it is kind of the cuter it is believe it or not so once I have my big pieces all laid out like this I'm now going to add some grapes grapes are a great addition to a chart or a board then I'm going to get my charcuterie so I have some prosciutto here and don't make this like don't ever serve your meat like this it's the worst take them out crumble it up make it look properly unn proper is what I like to say so when it comes to picking out your meat I also like to pick out about 3 or 4 different types I love prosciutto I feel like that's a really great one that people love and a couple different salami z' which it could it really just berries whatever you like again just pick about three to four different types now that I have my shooter on there I have a assortment of a different type of salami 'z that came in one pack that's always convenient so I'm just gonna take those I'm gonna fold it like this and then I'm just gonna arrange them again you don't want to put like this like that like that's ugly you don't want that you want to make it look pretty as pretty as you can it's really fun I always feel like cheese boards or like a big canvas for food okay so these little salami Zarn twel so I'm just kind of stacking them up kind of messy on top of each other I also like to keep a little extra of my meats and cheeses on the side so anytime I feel like something's getting a little low I can always replenish it during the party so try to keep some extra if you can if not no big deal so next I have some honey I love honey with things I'm gonna put it in this but oh look how beautiful that looks oops YUM so you want to start filling up your little trays and stuff so some cornichons I'm gonna put the cornichons on my martini glass you guys again there's no proper way of doing this it's like whatever comes to you whenever you feel like you want to put in there ever inspires you there's no rules it's just whatever you want to eat I like to add like a jam I love using fig jam on my cheese boards but the story doesn't have anything for us today so I picked out a sour cherry jam which is beautiful it's also a really nice pairing with your cheeses honey big jams cherry jams are such beautiful additions to your board okay so next I have some olives I'm gonna put my olives and this little tray here okay as you can see here it's starting to kind of come together it's coming together I love that okay so next thing I like to add is a seasonal fruit so right now cherries are in season so I'd like to add that in there whatever is kind of like the hot thing in the market right now but you don't really get throughout any other season try to pick those out because it's always a nice flare alright now we have some kumquats kumquats are in season right now and I love these guys they're so beautiful I wish figs were in season right now because those look gorgeous on these boards I love big bursts of bright color it adds so much dimension to the board and it's so pleasing to look at now I have some strawberries I'm gonna just add that in there like this again guys just have fun place it wherever you want try to stack things on top of each other I love adding strawberries on top of grapes I don't know why I just think it looks pretty and now I'm going to add some dried fruit dried apricots are really great for this these are Turkish apricots that I'm using and that here like this I also have some some dates that I'm using the fun thing about this is that you can literally open up your pantry door right now and you can find like 50% of these items just have fun look at this starting to look so beautiful I have some marcona almonds here feel like marcona almonds are the go-to nuts for cheese boards I'm just gonna fill that in there I also have some pistachios and then add the pistachios here let's see where else we can add these when it gets to this stage of your board it's all about filling in the gaps so anywhere you see like empty space this is where you want to start pouring things in and I'm just filling in a little places alright I have some all walnuts look at us it looks like we're almost done here it's practically no space anywhere I also have some blueberries blueberries are so small so I always like to add these like towards the end because it really there's a fine job at filling in those those gaps and I'm telling you it's a show stopper when your friends come over so first thing we go towards then I have some sweets so I always like to have like like chocolate covered nuts or chocolate covered raisins those are always fun these ones are from cue by the way check out this company it's fantastic also may put a link down there or just message me and let me know where you get these they have them everywhere now but these are chocolate-covered golden berries and then I have some chocolate-covered raisins but I'm gonna throw in this one [Music] but there's no rule any kind of chocolate you guys want and you're kind of sweet so you guys want it's all about what excites you that's the fun thing about this don't feel like there's any rules or anything that you need to follow with this and just have fun with it go to the store see what inspires you see what you want to serve with your cheeses and just go with that also what I'd like to do towards the end once I have everything kind of laid out I usually get like a bunch of time and a bunch of rosemary and I I put it around my platter because it adds like just some Beauty to it so kind of stick on in like little nooks and crannies like this it smells beautiful it looks beautiful it's not edible but it's just too felt the decor it's about the decor by the way guys I've done a really fun cheese board one time with vegan cheese's and I didn't have the charcuterie I just had my nuts in my veggies and hummus and all that kinda stuff and it was so so good so definitely recommend that if you're a vegan a lot of specialty markets now carry vegan cheeses that are so incredible you really can't even tell I've had cheeses made from almonds and it's delicious give that a try see what they have at the store for you all right guys I'm gonna clean up here really quick and get right back and it's all cleaned beautiful alright guys so these really cute little little cheese markers that I got from Amazon I'll put the link below that kind of identify which cheese is what so this is a put that here it's really hard to find like a cheese marker for Humboldt fog or exotic cheese's but like for a humble fog I'll use like a blue cheese whatever is kind of similar so I have the brie here gorgeous that's how people kind of know what is what gorgeous then put your little serving utensils wherever it's needed maybe put some hair and voila that's it guys look at beautiful this looks so in about ten minutes you can put yourself a crazy ultimate cheese and charcuterie platter for your guests to enjoy it's healthy for the most part of your daily dairy intolerant then stay away but if you're not go for it it's absolutely incredible and that's it I hope you guys enjoy this video please make sure to like this video and also subscribe to my channel for more easy and healthy recipes I'm also going to be adding in some really cool healthy lifestyle tips to my channel things that I do on a daily basis in order to feel good I feel productive and yeah I can't wait to share those things with you guys if you have any kind of requests please put them in the comments below I'd love to hear from you guys I'd love to know what you guys want to see more of and yeah let's stay in touch thanks guys have a great day bye
Channel: At Home with Tara
Views: 749,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheese board, charcuterie board, best cheese and charcuterie board, cheese and charcuterie board, best cheese board, cheese, charcuterie, tara radcliffe, newlyweds the first year, bravo, sexy chef, sexy female chef, food network, best chef, youtube chefs, best youtube chefs, healthy cheese board, vegan cheese board, vegan cheese, vegan appetizer, home entertainment snacks, snacks, appetizer, party food
Id: TTapPVORtr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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