How To Make Easy Charcuterie Board | Tips on shopping, cutting, and plating

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today we're going to make a shuer board potentially two my mom is hosting something at her house for a bunch of her work friends she asked me to make her a Sherie board I'm going to double check how many people she has but for sure we're making at least one and the first step for us today is going to be to go and pick up everything that we need unfortunately I hurt my back a couple days so I can't really browse the aisles with you guys but I do have a pickup order at Sam's Club scheduled for this morning and then we're going to double check everything that I got there and head to Aldi afterwards first things first let's go to Sam's Club guys we got our stuff from Sam's Club which was mostly the grapes and the salami the pepperoni we have some berries and stuff but now we are at Ollie and we are going to walk in there and get the rest of what we need I feel like this whole using the quarter thing to get your cart always throw some people off oh look someone left it in there that was nice of them it's just to borrow it that one didn't want to come with me I always grab these pretty much every store sells these some version of them but 369 that's not bad then they always have a lot of nuts and stuff definitely a good mix or something that's just salty I like to keep salty stuff on the board dried fruit that's always a good idea as well but not today this was not on my list but I really like using summer sausage on my boards so I think I'm going to grab one today and they have a great like big pack of hard salami if you're interested but I prefer the one from Sam's because I can fold it great produce lots of good organic fruit and stuff like that so it is a great place to grab your produce their endcaps are usually a little bit more stocked but they do have good fruit spreads which we don't need today and then of course stuffed olives which I am going to get stuffed olives but I don't want these ones and I have bought this one as well before this is good if you make it often but otherwise you probably don't need to spend seven bucks on that I like the garlic stuffed olives they also have jalapeno stuff which I've never tried sometimes they have these roasted Peppers that are stuff they're so good but they're hard to find they also normally have like kind of pre-done stuff so they have like this little toest tray which has the peppers in it that I was talking about they have a good selection of meat and cheese this is definitely a place to go for cheese they have a variety of like you know regular stuff like salami Pudo and then you have the one with three different kinds in it this one has cacola which I'm not a fan of and then you have this one over here which has the meat and the cheese and then you have the different uh antiac and uh feta salad yada yada yada all this adds to it but none of it's necessary however I do love a goat cheese cranberry cinnamon I almost always get a Bree but um I actually have one at home I want a smoked cheese either a GAA or a cheddar possibly both havari as well also goes over very well they have different flavors tomato basil French onion HSE radish jalapeno Dill creamy we're going to do French onion these are also really great if you're just trying to throw it together one just like super quick and easy this is only $10 which is not bad and then they have more salami dry and the spicy kind they have fun different kinds of cheeses but I kind of like to stick to the rivers and likes that I'm used to I I have never added Boron cheese to mine but I see a lot of people do it so maybe today we'll give it a shot I might grab a second breed cuz my mom texted me and said there's going to be over 20 people so we might do two boards this one double cream bre just so many cheeses here are smoked Cheddars smooth and creamy Cherrywood smooth what is this one extra sharp and Rich H think I'm going to do this one I'm back from the store now so let me show you what I got from Sam's I picked up the salami and the pepperoni because you get a ton and it's only about seven bucks I think so that's a really good price and they're nice and big and thin perfect for folding which is how we're going to display them I also got blackberries and Ras berries they didn't have strawberries so that was an oldie fine I also got my grapes from Sam's Club because they are significantly cheaper at Sam's than anywhere else around these parts at least and sometimes I add vegetables to mine we'll see what happens today but I did get cucumbers and a medley of tomatoes just in case I choose to add that this is what I got from Aldi in my cute little bags I'll link the bags down below for you guys crackers I like doing something pickled like these German style pickles and then of course we did olives I did two different kinds the garlic stuffed olives they also had the jalapeno the feta and they had pimento stuffed olives any of them are good and assortment is even better these calamada olives I also picked up this nut Trio and I'm hoping this will cover both boards it has almonds assorted ones and then some Sicilian snack mix with like papita SE P are they called papita seeds papitas and then so many cheeses I did get a summer sausage and normally I like to get the hill sh Farm summer sausage because I don't know they're kind of nostalgic for me you don't normally see summer sausage on a Shak cterie board personally I choose to include it because back in the day when you used to be able to go to the mall and go to the Hillshire Farm store they had these $1 slices that they would heat up they would shove a popsicle stick in it they would dip it in their glaze and boom you had a little snacky poo while you were shopping at the mall and they were so good and it was just so nostalgic for me so I always include summer sausage but it's not exactly a fru FR fancy kind of meat it hits every time and never ever do I have summer sausage left on the Shuter board that being said I know my crowd and wear a summer sausage crowd so I'm going to do a red pepper jelly I'm also going to do a little bit of apricot preserves first you need honey you've got to have honey it's so good so I love Mike's hot honey this one is actually extra hot um which that ain't for me that's for other people who want it spicy baby it's not for me so if you're not traveling with your board feel free to use those super cute wooden boards I have one there it's so cute but there's no lip there's no way to make it travel you kind of set it and forget it and these are my favorite boards to use because they they have a lip on them they're plastic they are breakable as we found out cuz my son broke a plate yesterday but they are not easily broken they do have a little lip so you can cover it in some kind of uh I do press and seal something to cover it and it's very easy to transport in the car so that's why we're going to be using these I believe they're only about 15 bucks I have made dozens upon dozens of Shak couterie boards on here never fails perfect size for a big crowd the other items I always make sure to have are some kind of gloves um some kind of food safe glove and that's only for the meat and cheese portion because otherwise people tend to really CR cross-contaminate a bit when they're wearing gloves they'll put on the glove they'll move things over and these are not clean so now your glove is dirty and you're probably not going to go wash your gloves so I exclusively use gloves for the meat and cheese cuz I don't want to leave my little grubby fingerprints everywhere but otherwise I highly recommend personally coming from a non food safety person just wash your hands and wash them a lot you also need containers of course so these ones are really affordable they're only two bucks at Target they're perfect nice shallow wide containers and then these ones I think we'd previously gotten from Pure one which has since gone out of business I also have these little ramkin from Pier 1 sorry I can't link them but you can find something similar step one was obviously cleaning the boards off and then my favorite thing to do first is to actually set out my little containers and then I build around them so we're just going to be even Steven on this board and I'm going to do four and four what's going to go in them I have no idea let's let's see what happens we put out our nuts we put out our olives calamada and the garlic stuff I did double pickles because pickles are always a favorite this red pepper jelly is so good the apricot jelly so good hot hot honey and then we have the regular honey it's way way way easier to manipulate the cheese and the meat around these versus trying to shove them in at the end so I always start with my little vessels first and then we go from there when I'm making shuie boards I normally try to have three to four types of meat so we have the salami the pepperoni the Pudo and the sausage this time and then I usually try to have a harder cheese like a really sturdy cheese softer cheese and then usually something kind of in the middle and I like for them to be very strong in flavor sometimes but other times just very mild just kind of something to let you know the jelly or the honey shine so I always have Brie always I always have cheddar always I normally like to have a smoked cheese so we're doing the guda this time and then I normally do a really really soft one like a goat cheese it's time to slice our bre and I'm not a fan of moldy Brie I don't like moldy cheeses generally but I like the taste of Brie I think it really makes your Sherie board that being said I like to trim some of the outside off um not all of it but just enough it really depends some people think it tastes kind of soapy I guess is it soapy I think it tastes like soap yeah kind of soapy so I I'm going to trim them down a little bit just in case anyone's a little skittish when it comes to Brie there are lots of different ways to display Brie I usually go a simple like pie cut it seems to be the easiest to actually grab and eat if you're making a shuie board I would typically say to avoid the pre-cut cheeses only because often times they have stuff kind of around them I don't know if it's like some added little something or other to keep them from you know squishing together I don't know what it is exactly but normally they're more expensive and then you can't really control the cut and what they look like and I think it's kind of fun to be able to control the cut I wish I had gotten a pie slice type of cheese because then you could do that like overlapping it just looks cool so have fun with how you're uh displaying your cheese I like to make the Brie the center of the show so it's going to go right in the middle all right I'm going to do a little stacking situation with thebr over here so I'm just going to kind of turn it on its side this could have looked better if I had left the top on but I didn't want to I don't like to see moldy cheese I also think blue cheese is disgusting and so is gorgona you always have to try your product make sure you're not serving people poison we could put a couple berries in the center of this that could look kind of cute I like it a little color I have the cheese I did two cubed this is the Truffle cheddar this is just the smooth and creamy cheddar it was definitely crumbly this is the smoked goua this I cannot tell you how delicious this is it is the oniony havari and then this is a mild white cheddar so we're going to go ahead and just spread these out amongst the board my kids had to replace the batteries for me so in the meantime I laid out our cheddar so I did the cheddar like that just kind of um what's it called like staggered a little bit this cheddar is so good this is that mild Irish one wow that is so good we're going to do a similar thing no should we yeah we will no I'm going to put this over here and this over here yeah I like that better one is going to have the onion havari also staggered like that I'm actually going to go from one little container to the next that's going to be our next one get back up there and then for the smoke goua I'm just going to line it up like that and again go from one container to the next I don't love it against the edge but it'll it'll be fine and then we're just going to drop a bunch into a corner the Truffle cheddar in this corner the soft cheddar in this corner I'm not a huge fan of cubing the cheese but sometimes when it's crumbly like this it leaves me no choice but not a lot of people like a giant mouthful of cheese next we're going to go ahead and drop a soft cheese onto each one so I need to find a little spot I think I'm going to go here this one's going to get the Boron boom I'm to cut the goat cheese cuz otherwise like no one eats it I mean they want to eat it but they don't want to just have at it you know cutting goat cheese is not a cute time it's not adorable so now we're going to take our halfway chopped goat cheese and go ahead and put it on this board don't forget to try your cheese oh my gosh that goat cheese is so good salami rast process is in fact very simple you just fold it halfway over I'm sure you've seen this a million times or never at all I don't know what your feed looks like but mine has a lot of sh couterie on it so you just take your salami and you fold and you twist and you fold and you twist and you fold can you guys see my watch cuz I'm supposed to be at my mom's house by two and it's giving I'm going to be late they're just so easy to make you just get your little champagne flute you fold a million pieces of meat over it and then you flip it out my favorite part of this is actually that it comes out in order basically so like as you want one you're pulling from the top and they are unraveling themselves so it doesn't become a disaster it's not a mess it's not a bunch of meat being touched you can literally just touch the one piece you want so that's how that's about how full I make it and then I just go ahead and I flip to wherever I want it to be and I'm thinking I'm going to put this one right here here not me not showing you guys sorry I just flipped it right here perfect every time I'm going to go ahead and make some more of these out of the salami and the pepperoni pepperoni is the exact same thing we got a pepperoni Rose ready to go we're going to drop this one right over here oop we're going to do another Rose you know to stop when the hole is completely full that's that's how you know you really can't fit anything else down there in fact this one I didn't quite bend it enough and it'll create a wider Rose which is not a bad thing but it's not necessarily Lookouts going for if you don't want to do the roses that we did the other thing I like to do is to just fold it just kind of like that and we'll create like a little snake of meat that goes through any empty spots I'm going to go ahead and cut the sausage lay that out and then we'll do our crackers I'm going to skip the uh Pudo today it's not necessary we have enough once the majority of the meat and cheese are on the big areas get filled in with the crackers the small areas will get filled in at the end I never use a whole container of crackers on one board but obviously obviously we have two boards today and I try to take out any broken ones not that there's anything wrong with a broken cracker but you know I wouldn't worry about it looking too crowded or anything cuz I think the more and that it has honestly the better it looks as you can see we still have some openings here so we've come to the fruit and veggie portion and this is when I just fill it in sometimes I just like to put a whole cucumber on one side I think it's kind of like a Vibe some people are really big on dip I'm just kidding obviously I'm going to cut that you don't see a lot of vegetables on these but I do like to add tomatoes a little bit of acid to kind of break up you know what's going on here and I actually just leave them whole if you want to be cute you can cut a couple for the very top so let's just add in a little bit of veg just in any openings we see careful not to like really disrupt what's going on already but yeah I definitely like to see a little color on the Sherie board it's like when you go to the grocery store and they slice the fruit open and they put it on top so that you can see what it looks like on the inside that's pretty much what we're doing here this looks really cool when you do it with a fig it looks less cool when you do it with a tomato doesn't mean you can't do it just means it doesn't look as fun now I'm no chef but if you just kind of slice off some of the outside and then you chop it always try your cucumbers because they will get you gut then we just have little cucumber slices that's my mom not sure if I told you guys the actual reason I was making these is because my mom uh she works at a hospital a bunch of other nurses she's a nurse uh she gets all of these people together and at my parents house they basically host a tamale making day whereas normally we would have just done it as a family her friends from work are so interested and they want to learn and they want to be a part of it and they want to do it and they want to take home tamalis so she just host everybody her and my stepdad teach everybody how to do it and kind of lets us off the hook cuz now us the ground children you know we don't we don't help and it definitely helps my parents to have a bunch of other adults around who are more than willing to help and they're basically paid in theales since I'm not helping make them and I'll just be sitting around having a cocktail I'm sure I thought I could contribute by bringing something for people to snack on because if you ever made the mes you know they take freaking forever and uh you get a little hungry on your way not to mention my brother's bartending so people are going to be drinking and we need them to soak that up a little bit we're going to add some strawberries I normally like to chop off the little green part I don't always do it but I do find that they're just easier for you to pop into your mouth there's less garbage left on your plate which makes it easier for you to go back and just refill it because it doesn't feel like it's dirty it just feels like it's empty and an empty plate can easily be refilled but a dirty plate sometimes you're like should I go where's the garbage you know what I'm saying this is how I used to present them to my kids as well and they are just little tiny Hearts basically so I'm going to leave these whole we're adults we can eat a whole strawberry plus I feel like once you start cutting strawberries they just they go south quick make sure you don't put anything super wet next to anything that's super dry like the crackers if you put them next to the crackers they might soak your cracker and then who the heck's going to eat it and again the point of the board is one sure to look nice but two to be eaten I hear a lot of people saying like show me the board at the end because they think that all the food is going to waste and uh I will say there have definitely been missteps for me along the way of making sh cterie boards and making them almost like a CH chenge to eat and you really don't want to do that unfortunately having a little waste definitely happens but it's when almost the whole Board gets wasted that's that's the one that really smarts while I'm doing my daughter's hair this is just going to sit in the fridge and then it's going to go straight to my mom's house and if she's not ready for it it'll go straight to the fridge I don't like to leave it out unnecessarily normally I get these made way quicker but filming obviously has you know it slows me down a little bit and while I've done this video in a very short form format where you know I showed it to you in 60 seconds I just think that like long form recipes and tutorials and stuff like that I don't know they hit a little different you guys will have to let me know if you enjoy them cuz I'd love to do more of them if you want to see it a lot of people will fill in their Open Spaces with greens like you know basil or Mint or this or that or whatever and that's really cool but I find that nobody eats it and I didn't really want I I looked at it I thought about it today just to be a little CutiePie for the internet but I didn't really want to buy anything that I knew no one was going to eat because it was still going to cost me you know $4 for a little pack of Basil or mint leaves or whatever if this was the summertime and I had my garden going that would be a different story I would definitely pluck a little bit and put it on the board since I don't and I would have had to buy the herbs it's a no for me dog I will say the blackberries are really tart so if they end up left on the board I will not be surprised all right let's go ahead and add what I normally make the final piece which are the grapes wo that honey is super hot holy cow I'm going to have to warn people this honey is very hot grapes always go so I don't mind if there's a ton on the on the board when it comes to grapes I have one tip okay put it on the board wherever you want it to be and then with a pair of kitchen shears go in and cut some of the little Vines cuz what's going to happen is someone is going to try to get a grape and then they're going to end up picking the whole thing up and they're going to either end up with too many on their plate or they're just going to put the whole thing down cuz they didn't want every grape and then they don't have to try to pick and what you know what I mean they don't have to touch the other grapes you're just picking up a couple instead of picking them all up and while you could pluck them off I don't think they look as good when you do that so that's why I don't and I do that with all of them that's just what I like to do to make it a little bit easier cuz the less someone has to touch the board the better I'm technically done now the last piece of the puzzle is to add some little utensils I just rinsed mine off the little Honeys stir I also have a longer one this one came with like something else we're going to put that in there couple of Wooden Spoons these these are for the jellies jams Etc I have a little slicing one this one is going to go with our Boren cheese I also have like a larger one that I like to put with the goat cheese goat cheese can be a little trickier because it's covered in stuff so I put that by the goat cheese okay and then we have some tongs I really need more of these the sun's starting to shine in but we are officially done here so I'm going to go ahead and put these um under some presson seal head over to my mom's house and I'll show you at the end of the night how we did and of of course I completely forgot to get the footage for you guys so I texted my mom because I left before all of her guests did and she said unfortunately she had already put it away however all that was left were mostly grapes and berries the nut mixture which was not a surprise because I realized after I took it that I didn't have anything for them to get the nuts out of the container with and again if people feel like they're going to have to touch everything they're just not going to go for it a bunch of tomatoes no biggie you can just rinse those and then those olives the stuffed ones always go the pickles always go those brown olives people don't like those as much and then if you can see in the corner there just like there's a little chunk of the goat cheese some of the cubed truffle cheese very very very very little meat and then my parents had a little container of the jam which is not pictured here but that was it guys so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you guys in my next one bye
Channel: Sarah Rae Vargas
Views: 83,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ravingsbyrae, sarah rae vargas, sarah rae vlogas, ravings by rae, plus size fashion, try on haul, plus size haul, hosting, how to host, how to host a party, drink recipes, hosting a gathering, book club, how to make charcuterie boards, save money charcuterie, aldi charcuterie, sams club haul, aldi haul
Id: zXC_djiPEeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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