Ultimate Bowie Knife

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they caught 45 you're looking at a pretty big knife and a gorgeous knife in my opinion because it is a variation of the bowie knife okay and I believe it is pronounced bowie I believe that's how Jim Bowie pronounced his name he was well he was from a lot of places of Kentucky Missouri Louisiana but generally speaking I believe it's bowie instead of Bowie although pronounced both ways that's a gorgeous life isn't this one is made by by Randall - Randall made knife as you can see and it's their smithsonian bowie knife okay it's big it's heavy and partly because it is like the knife displayed in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington as I don't know the knife is famous for the movie the iron mistress because it's a bowie knife it's a part of American culture heritage and all that and not necessarily because this is the exact knife that Jim Bowie carry okay and that's one of the points I wanted to make mainly I just got a new knife want to show it to you you know I've got a weakness for big knives okay and I've got a few of them over here as you know for my history that boom over there hey there's a good pointer no pointed that that Puma there got in 1974 and a couple of these are similar a lot locally a few years ago at gun shows a guy makes them and then this marine I believe it's marine but it's world war two bush knife used by the Medical Corps especially that's a wonderful night for hacking around and then this is the item of knife work you sing most of these in videos that got me mm I believe it was a year on that but I've got a trail master cold steel which I really like and I can't find it I've misplaced it it's here but uh you know ever done that you stick something I'm gonna put this here on the right where it is lonely use it and I couldn't find it but because it's a good little hacker knife and all these are great hacker knives the ultimate hacker is this marine Bush knife because I've got sharpen to the point where it's it it's a hatchet a sharp hatchet that's a wonderful knife John got me that you're so against a great knife and we've got one that's not been sharpened because it's just a nice collector's piece world war two but this is random a knife and again it's the smithsonian bowie it's a big rascal you know sometimes it's hard to find a big knife that has a quarter inch blade you know as far as thickness if you know if it's got a quarter inch blade it's gonna be it's pretty hefty and it's gonna cost you a little bit because you don't find many there a quarter inch thick well this one's not a quarter inch that's 3/8 inch thick okay and again for you folks up in Kentucky that's even thicker than 1/4 inch okay so this is one piece of steel it is heavy and it's it's it's a beauty you know I'm not selling rambling eyes they don't need me they have a waiting list I think it takes four to five years if you order one today to get it so I'm too old to wait that long I might not be around so I found this one you can find them but you got to pay a little bit more of a premium to get them that you know someone has it but yeah they've got a 45 year waiting list so the Pearl just assumed we didn't even talk about him in a video that'll you know if we did any serious advertising for them it might stretch it to a six year waiting period I don't know we don't have that kind of effect actually but you know what I'm saying they don't care whether somebody's promoting it or not so we're not trying to sell them they can't make them fast enough if that needs to be emphasized four to five years whew imagine what do you like to have a business we were making something and you know you're not commissioning meals for at least four or five years right because you've got orders that far out that's just pretty amazing but that's a lot of custom knife dismiss or like that there's a long waiting period so anyway that's a gorgeous knife Jim Bowie I was going to give you a little bit well Randall first of all they're collectible I don't know that are the very best knives but there it is hard to find a big ol bowie knife if you like bowie knives a lot of makers don't make met that many of them and I've always been on a quest for the ultimate bowie knife you know bigger than is really practical Maccabee I think this is it this is pretty much it this is this is gorgeous and again it's kind of a made in the image of the iron mistress if you've seen that movie with Alan Ladd on who else big Virginia mayo maybe it's an older movie but I just like big bully knives I have a real weakness for them and this is a gorgeous one okay there's lots of them out there but not that common and you know what I'm talking about if you are always looking for a big bully knife but but Randall has been making knives for a long time I mean they're kind of accustomed I don't know maybe they're not a pure Custom Shop because they have set knives they make but they really apparently do it the right way they're very well-liked and revered obviously from them their orders but it was the bow Randall started the company back in like 30s 1930s and I read on their website you can read walk along the beach and see some guy scraping off a boat down in Florida thinking and the knife is he's abusing a knife but it's holding up to it and everything and so he bought the knife from that guy he was so impressed and the side he was gonna make knives like that and handmade knives he hadn't seen a handmade knife I forgot who the maker skagle or something like that was the maker of that knife back when there weren't many custom knife makers and I apologize I don't remember the name but so he started making them that's just a hobby and I think he sold immense dad's clothing store or something and and and some guys going off to world war ii don't believe it was there in the Navy had asked him to make a couple of knives for them and when he did and then their buddies wanted one they like some of these were fighting knives I believe that he's famous for and and then there was enough people wanted them and then there was a little article in a newspaper or something written about it and this all at their website and then bang there came the orders and so he's in the knife business big time and ever since you know and then his son I think does it that's still alive I believe it runs it now but anyway they're they're a big name you go to a gun show you see somebody with some collectible rambling eyes but that's a great knife the the bowie knife and I I'm not the expert but I just want to give you kind of a rough idea of it I just like a bowie knife they're just so cool they are so cool but there are a lot of variations of the bully knot that's why I started out I said this is one variation of it it would be nice you know if everything was black and white and clear cut but it's just not that way is it who killed Kennedy probably also are we sure who knows it's just the knife that Jim Bowie carried exactly like this man no not really you know some in some ways like that but one of the knife fights the most famous knife fight he was in and I don't think he was actually in that many but there was at the sandbar fight I believe what I read he was actually carrying at butcher knife his brother had talked him into carrying a big butcher knife kind of thing and so he became well known as he won that knife fight survived it for a guy who knew what he was doing with a big knife and and then he he commissioned was a James black I want to say to make way card went out of wood for him so I want one of these now some of this is pretty much you'll read this in different places so there's must be some truth to this that that he carved out a wooden model what he wanted James black made that knife he also customized a little bit with this and this kind of a drop point I think and sharpened on the top edge there as well just like that sometimes were more like like that you know they don't have as much of that and and that was kind of customization of the version that the Jim Bowie gave him and he said he didn't buy you the one that you want or whichever one you like and and Jim Bowie likes that the one that had a little bit of part of the top of the blade sharpened so that's what he liked and that kind of stuck but you will see these knives you look at the old knives you'd go to I think it at the Alamo they have one displayed they're different places knives if maybe Jim Bowie carried knives like the one he carried all that kind of thing and some of them look kind of like awkward blades but they they have that Bowie shape to some extent they may be short longer whatever in there with a lot of different knives that were considered bowie knives from what I understand there's just not a lot of hard core facts out there about it basically I think what we know is he liked a big knife he carried a big knife like a lot of people did before you had repeating handguns in a fighting knife actually you know on the frontier was very attractive it's always loaded you think of it now to us you know I'm gonna carry that thing around for defense but if the only better thing you have is a single-shot flatlock handgun or something knife is pretty attractive right and so a big knife was was more practical at that time and a lot of those knives were just called bowie knives once his name got out there and you know so I think there was a lot of that you'll read that any big old knife was considered a bowie knife and but but Bailey that kind of drop point or that that piece of the front sharpened on top that clip up there was one of the characteristics and just a heavy heavy knife and you know kind of on a good all-around knife and and a fighting knife you know so does it sound too appealing to me I don't want to have to fight with a knife but back in the day on the frontier that was that was pretty common you know it was a common carry piece you know for that for it as well as anything else and it one of the advantages of a big whole knife like this or one even half this big a kind of a similar thing here but not as heavy not as big and this one I hack around a lot with you can tell left in the holster or the chief too much one time but you know just great for hacking and chopping but you've got something that's very versatile it can they can be a sticker but it's it's great for just cutting you know building a camp and it's like a little hatchet whereas you don't get that with a little skinning knife you know so and you know I'm not into fighting with knives I'm not into actually meeting a big knife but because of where I live and you know over 30 years you know with with land like this and having some trails and everything I actually have a purpose for a big knife and so all of these have been used for that at some point on well through three of those and some others the trail master I use on the trails and will actually carry them around every now and then to just whack off limbs that are growing down into the trails because it's a constant battle you know it is you know things growing into the areas you don't want growing up so big knives actually have a really practical purpose for me I don't carry around trimmers pruners or something I bought at Home Depot Oh gross is that when you've got a cool knife like this you could carry around and whack off things so but anyway the the bowie knife has a long history it's a piece of American history it's just it's not a hundred percent clear there is no okay this is a bowie knife if it does look exactly like that or exactly like that it's not a bowie knife you know so the characteristics are generally it's a pretty good sized blade we got a little sharpened area on top in the clip there and that can vary it can be pronounced like this one are not quite so pronounced you know like these you know and it would have been a call called a bowie knife but now all that said so watch so what if we don't know exactly what what his knife was like this has become the Bowie knife and for many many many decades hadn't it and so when we think of a bowie knife this is what we think of and this is the classic bowie knife and so that's what it is and pretty cool I know a lot of you collect knives we've done probably we've done videos on to or three of those probably eight or nine knife knife video I hope I am all in the playlist for knives but it mainly is just kind of introducing it to a knife I have and like and use around the place whether it's a pocket knife or one of these bigger knives and I I probably won't go an hour that I don't pull out my pocket knife yeah if you I don't have people get around without knives they're probably people walking around in New York City in places that that don't carry a knife and never have you know I mean how would you how would you not carry a knife I just maybe they don't do anything yeah but you just have to have a knife maybe not one that's big but this thing 3/8 inch thick I hope you can appreciate that a lot of you probably never picked up a knife that is actually that thick but 3/8 there aren't many made a guarantee that is thick and it's it's got some weight to it got some heft you know we've got this interesting hilt with the lugs on it and the end cap it's it's just I think it's a gorgeous knife I'm happy to have it as a random especially since it's a Randle because they're kind of collectible and I know they do a good job on them now you might get into arguing that they don't make the best knives I know we know they make good dodge there might be some others that make you know equally good knives but pretty cool Jim Bowie by the way I was reading was born up here in Kentucky not far from me that I didn't know that Logan County and I'm assuming that's true you never know like it said his dad his family were born they lived in Tennessee and then moved up there Kentucky and a marriages there for a few years and moved to Missouri I think they were getting a bad internet connection or something around water was 1820s so not a good internet so they moved to there probably have to watch videos on VHS so they moved to Missouri and then on down to Louisiana so when you think of Jim Bowie you know anything at all about him you think Louisiana right so part of American heritage and of course I hate when he mentioned the most famous thing about Jim Bowie right remember the Alamo right he was at the Alamo died at the Alamo another reason that he is as famous as he is saying with Davy Crockett you know how somebody dies that way kind of adds to the the fame just that simple so anyway he but but there's enough we do know about him he did like knives he did like a big knife he carried a big knife he he killed at least one person serious knife fight the sandbar fight or whatever supposedly that that's I believe that's pretty well factual and you know he was in a different kind of culture the frontier violent frontier and new knew how to handle one of these things so it's kind of cool mainly forget all that these are just cool big knives even if you have no use for one maybe you live in New York City no wait a minute I'm probably gonna get you in trouble if I recommend buy a big knives right yeah it might be illegal to even own one in your apartments in New York City I don't know you check the local laws but these are cool you just thought I'd show it to you and let you drool over it like I do every time I pick it up I didn't make it I can't claim anything like that I mean it's just it's just cool I really like it and I think I should throw it at something don't think I will life is good hi I'm Zeke with the Sonoran Desert Institute and here at SDI we're extremely proud to be sponsors of the Hickok 45 Channel you may be asking yourself what is SDI SDI is an affordable fully accredited distance learning education program we have an emphasis and gunsmithing and firearms technology if you decide to become a gunsmith you'll need to learn proper gunsmithing techniques and while some people will use an apprenticeship program to gain these techniques a formal education will ensure and organize more comprehensive learning environment but when you choose against within school it's still kind of difficult so it's very important that you choose a gunsmithing school that meet the following criteria first look for a nationally or regionally accredited program and whether distance learning online or through a brick-and-mortar gram program a gunsmithing program should always have a hands-on and finally make sure you look for a school with high student satisfaction find reviews online check out its Facebook or other social media or get on the same social media sites find some alumni and ask to speak with them about their experience and while we're not an STI today I do have some of the firearms I've learned to work on and build myself through the SDI program so let's go take a look at them ok maybe not we'll just get seriously can I not get a chair that fits me I'm a big guy dude so I guess back to what we were originally talking about above all else find this hole this right for you it's not always going to be the distance education programs or the brick and mortar ground schools that are for everybody just make sure you do your research on multiple options before you make that decision but if you want more information on our gunsmithing school just go to WWSD edu or call us at
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,249,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bowie, Jim Bowie, Bowie Knife, dagger, fighting knife, Blade, 11, Custom knife, knifesmith, USMC, Bush knife, USMC Bush Knife, Idaho Knife Works, Randall Made Knives
Id: SFYSvtMtBpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2015
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