ULTIMATE Bite Lick Nothing Challenge with Azzyland! *disgusting*

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we are going to be doing a back flip nothing challenge with my friend Ozzy yeah there's a fingernail right thing you could go away make it go away no bigger is what determines our fate the dealer always wins so pick your card you're the dealer anything in the water okay I hope it gets fight I know me too let's see let's see no you can show it I just wish I got your card you said dealer always win it's a fight what am i biting I don't know bring out so a Z can I switch you you you have nothing oh but like can we see what it is first and then on the side no let's just you know we could just go ahead no I'm not I have a bite it's jellyfish oh oh it's all juicy smell it do you want yeah wait should I lick it first before you all to bite out just Nick Nick Nick do you know where the tweet I need to tell you where the trash penis the trashcan is on that side of the island no keep for sure is going to pee on it hold on is this like the jelly head thing or is it the tentacles there's also heads in there is juicy it doesn't squish hopes I don't even know what it tastes like it just tastes yeah I don't know how to go about that I think it just tastes like barbecue sauce or spent hours I'll talk about that Texans love Barbie I have rubber suits us it tastes like that howdy here wait it's really crunchy yeah there's like a crunch to it it's a jelly make it crunchy please tell me this is the worst one no not even close I think we have to pass out more envelopes pick the ones that don't say nothing foul number two I'm gonna be you're gonna not one break I got that one Nick just drink wait we have to open at the same time I know Nick looks stupid yeah dealer always wins ladies this is your main course what is that they're thick as it it's honest use of Paul it ain't no Jay it's hot sauce that's it that's the word I'm not putting that on anything okay wick is worse on this one but you can't bite hot sauce I feel like leaving it you have to take a sip yeah you do so you want me to lick it after how does this work sure for sure just take your finger and then you lick it I'm from Texas and I don't appreciate a hot dog it's back of the throat spicy I tried it stop saying that you sorta drink okay I believe in you okay give me give me words of inspiration it's really not that bad I did it oh you're going for it I feel really bad no your face is a little red this is why youtubers a lot of fun to their house we bring a good food round number three it's the lucky number so that means I'm gonna Maddie I'm handing them out because it's my job and it's my job okay if you get nothing funny what you get no choice I'm done with it cuz it says mouthing three two why did you even need to look it said nothing there you go you got it that doesn't count we're gonna there's that fingernail there's a fingernail right there it looks like an O okay I am feeling bad for you guys and I don't even have to do it what happened no no no no no you camera saw it can we saw that mine said nothing I didn't look at it but I'm pretty sure that's what it said I didn't even need to look it said nothing we're just gonna switch this out really quick Oh oh I can't even touch him I can't even touch him like which finger you gonna bite I just have to lick it the whole finger it's like bumpy should I get your trash it looks like little people hands just bite it they look like little fingers like somehow you were supposed to do this and I understand how now I'm doing it tastes like chicken are you okay that wasn't as good as pizza open your envelopes daddy now I'm holding this one the hole what do you mean why would you do me like that why would you do me like that I'm okay with this this is fine with me 3 2 1 why I'll trade I'll trade another bite verse this bite you don't want to eat them I do but I know there's gonna be some disgusting things coming out but I'm I'm gonna do your bike to break this has grease on it as it which one would you like if this is bad you said this is gonna be fun Bri it's not you gave me this envelope you know we could trade like we did last time yeah and I do that oh no but you don't have nothing I'm gonna see what it looks like first and then others you know new rule you have to decide before you see what are these new rule I mean I'm fine with having a new thing making rules and they're not even arms in the things I've tried everything that you guys are tasting that smell good in Massena yottabyte everything oh that's fine right fish no it's seaweed Nick's not gonna like it it's not why would someone cook seaweed like why would they take it out of the ocean to be environmentally friendly right or is that the opposite of what they're trying to do just eat the seaweed why aren't you a whole thing at like how do you hold seaweed picture that's a warm and it's Wiggly make it wiggle noisy I thought we were friends we go we go we go we go it's fine it is like chewing on a worm have you chewed on a worm buckles not sponsored you how much to victory Ilyich think I don't know a minute that's that's personal preference oh it's hi-c right it's good right pieces like nothing oh there's a spy definitely I feel like I should have switched you you don't have a switch what cuss yeah you've been getting nothing the whole game next question or food whatever word what is your question you know we have to let Ozzy deal she hasn't gone to do it yet but I'm had to train with him again eat this that's okay there's another one pizza no she gave it to me sorry I got the first one which is good I don't like this game here I'll let you guys know what there's something on my beard it's like a sauce of some kind I don't even want to know what sauce it was maybe it was from before the video that's wishful thinking how do you like no make it go away make it go away makeup away five high five it's Canadians pay its holiday in a jar mechanically separated chicken this smells like worse than the stuff I feed my cat oh that's a big get a big chunk that's guts enough I can get you a knife we can carve you off in a cat's also lick they're like buzz let's hear a recap don't know oh that's like baloney like I think Bologna would taste like I've never actually tried Bologna but it smells like cat food and not the good kind like I've got my cat premier cat food just lick the whole side it looks inviting has he it's an ice cream cone filled with one of those it's ground upwards see it's really hard when you do that there are black spots look at like an ice cream cone Maddy there are black spots right in there what is happening I can still I can still taste it in the back of my throat it's stuck do you want some more put all the whole thing throw the silverware away to the second worst one Klaus the worst though Nikolai please don't remind me about the cloth it's too soon I can help y'all next round if I get nothing again I will sacrifice it she says this I think Nick prefers to be the dealer even though it hasn't worked out well for him well cuz normally when I pick them it doesn't work out so I'm trying to let you guys pick the bad ones first thank you ladies please select I guess that lease is not right what if you saved the worst for one of the last rounds how funky is your chicken how loose is your coops Mady yep this is a good one right no wait what is that is it your clothes Oh what is this wait is this like that saliva thing no this is maple syrup it's actually people say I will gladly drink this it's not fair okay cuz Ozzy is Canadian and they drink this like water you drink drink water comes out of the sink but if you turn it the other way it's maple syrup it all over who wants to go first with you gotta fight it though real fight liquid oh I'll try good it's good but like weird by itself I feel like it wouldn't be a weird vibe Oh little weird by itself I need a pancake as is out here like bad tastes like home me alright I'm taking some home with me oh good I'll just take this is there any chance the next one is this easy absolutely not the next one is the worst one cuz it's the last one promise me the trade yeah I heard a train from Bri I thought you wouldn't last one guys it's a serious business okay I'm not touching them that means you can have that one I can have this one laughing okay I don't know I guess no no no what did you get nothing okay I want to switch with you you promise fine everything's coming up Nick in this video we trade new promise there's a lot of trading happening yeah I was can I be honest for a second like yeah I was ready to cheat like that's not even mine nothing hard like there's still a nothing card in here I was cheating and I still got swindled I don't know yeah you can't cheat in this game works a lot better when I change how about you look at what you have to eat what is that there's bacon it's ten baby squids know you and I mystical there is a tentacle here I'll like it what is this I don't know that's the poop sack like mechanical parts don't tentacle parts this one's clearly a ton of gold like this it smells weird do you want to try it no I'm just saying it's not the worst look you know what it's not a chicken clock you don't want to try it which I also ate let's just be honest about it this is just like beat up on Nick video-making meat the weird you want me to try it breathe do I have to like we're already like no one's gonna know if we just end the video before be a team player I really don't want it's not Pete so I kind of had the pizza yeah cut a little piece of pizza pretend it's a squid it's part of the game it doesn't feel like a game
Channel: Brianna
Views: 4,192,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston
Id: 3MvevoUq98I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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