Ultimate 6x6 Indoor RC Crawler

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[Music] guys so in this video we've got a whole load of rock crawlers that are suitable for indoor use which this time of year the weather's getting colder so many places are in lockdown some of these toys here could be perfect and in this video we're going to unbox them we're going to play with some we're going to compare them against each other so first up we're going to unbox this 6x6 and see if it's any good then we've got another brand new one here and then we're going to have a little look at some of the other ones that we've already had in the past so we've got this truck here they've actually added an fpv camera so you can actually watch it through some goggles or for a monitor i'm gonna put links to all of this stuff down below so if any of you guys want to do something similar then you can and then we've got a chevy c10 and this one here is actually my all-time favorite indoor crawler this one has got four wheel steer and i've actually got some new tyres for it so it should be even more capable so we're gonna put those on there too and then we're gonna build a little obstacle course in here and to see how good each one of these cars are i've had a few comments recently with people saying oh man kev's got so many cool toys i wish i just had one of them well guys you can you know why not start selling a few bits and bobs on ebay that's what i did that's what many other people do and you can do it alongside your nine two or five jobs you can make a little bit of a little bit of extra money or you could like take it further make it your full-time job and i know some of you guys might think it's a little bit overwhelming you've got to learn it all how to do it all blah blah blah i've done a few videos i'm going to put a link to those videos down below i've got a whole pla i've got a whole playlist just to teach you the basics of how to get started on ebay so as long as you're 18 or older you've really got no excuse you know work hard work smart and you can have anything that you want in life hi let's crack on with the video so let's first start off with unboxing this one here oh this one's fms they actually make some really nice airplanes check it out guys that looks absolutely epic so it does look very similar to this one but this one here check it out six wheel drive so we've got solid live axles and here look you can have a look how the back works we've got drive shaft diff another drive shaft another diff we've got a chassis mounted steering servo that i really like because on some cars i mount it straight to the axle and it moves up and down with it so to get inside of it it's on a little magnet so look all you got to do is lift it up and there's the battery and it also comes with a charger but you do need to supply four triple a's for the controller cringey best so now while that's charging up let's have a little look at the katana the packaging is looking very similar the packaging looks the same the radios look the same and the cars also look very similar check it out underneath look mechanically they are virtually identical and the tyres on both lovely and supple check it out guys this thing here looks really scale and realistic look in here look we've got interior so that's where the battery goes charge it up the same as the other one so let me know in the comments which one would you have so while that's charging up let's build a little obstacle course and then we can try them all out look 63 of you viewers are not subscribed and a lot of you guys don't actually know but to subscribe what you got to do click on there and then when you're on your home page all you do click on subscriptions and then here are all the channels that you are subscribed to and if you ever get fed up you can just unsubscribe again boom done and what's more subscribing is fully free also make sure you smash that bell because then you'll be the first to know when new videos get released so yeah subscribe and smash the bell all charged up batteries in radio's on steering yes plenty of speed and power full speed of the truck oh i should crawl pretty good all right so here we have my obstacle course i haven't even tried it yet so i've got no idea who's gonna do it or not so here we go on the start line are you ready go it's been quite long the turning cycle is fairly tight for coming up to the rock crawling section he's first go driving this truck and oh we made easy work on that and next we come up to a hill climb and oh look at that straight up makes easy work on that hill this is almost too easy all right so next we have the bridge of doom i don't want it to fall off oh we made it quite tight round tears we've got to do a three-point turn and next we've got to make over this little toolbox thing guys that's 6x6 it's giving it a lot of traction look at that straight over all right so now we've got a slide down this hill here a few more obstacles so we're going to see which car wins less hands of god the better so i'm going to let you guys keep count you guys let me know in the comment on the position of each truck let's see if we can do this without any hands of gods at all all right straight down we've got to try and keep it within that ebay parcel tape no hands of god yet first attempt and it's done everything we find at it maybe we've made this course a little bit too easy oh getting hung up there oh oh oh oh oh come on come on come on all right hand off god number one possibly we're gonna need another hand to god plus we're driving one-handed who makes it a little bit harder oh no all right handy got number two oh oh ho ho-ho all right two hands are gone on that one and we crossed a line super impressed with the grip and traction and performance so next let's try out the katana so steering seems just as good speed wise there's about the same hit this button here and the headlights come on oh and taillights oh by the way guys i thought i better warn you but there's a few ads going around that are using my name to sell these ramonator trucks these trucks are usually three thousand dollars and they're trying to sell them for like a ten dollars twenty dollars thirty dollars guys if you're silly enough to buy that you're not gonna get it also hit and where it hurts if you click on the ad it costs some money i've tried reporting it nothing ever happened and they got these ads on instagram facebook twitter youtube ladies did he go what more remember guys you guys have got to keep tabs off the hands of gods the car with the least amount of hands of gods wins oh there's definitely struggling more on this one we're getting close to the limits the shorter wheelbase definitely makes it more difficult oh oh oh oh dear that's one hand of god can we make it up onto this next section oh we did it definitely a little bit more tricky but we did get there oh look we got indicators or repeaters all right over tool box yes definitely struggling more but we did it that's good not bad at all so next we've got to make it down the slide hey oh another hand of god i'm losing count of many hands of god i'm gonna let you guys keep tabs you guys are the judges straight over all right let's see we can get over this piece oh hold on so i've learned from the other one that we need to get the chassis in through the gap of the tyres handy god oh and it made it over and there we go over the line definitely a very cool looking truck but so far the 6x6 definitely feels more capable so next we got the panda hobby this one too has got headlights look inside here look really good steering on the panda oh and it's a lot faster than the others but faster isn't always necessarily better when it comes to crawlers sometimes a slower speed makes it that little bit more controllable it still goes good though we can still go slow and sometimes our extra wheel speed does help oh it's getting up this easy oh look at that i think this actually got the easiest off everything so far all right the bridge of doom definitely the scariest part of it all but we did it i think if we did a time trial this would have a very good chance and guys this is being very very capable no hands are good yet we do have to be a little bit more careful on the trigger because if you floor it it's going to shoot off but the control is still very good now this is the piece but it will probably struggle on but maybe the extra wheel speed will make it help so let's give it a little squirt of the bottle oh we made it but we still need a hand to god i only made it oh no no there's handicap number two look the bumper here is hitting this tyre but oh it's doing it oh we made it over boom and over the line so far i think this one did the best job a very impressive one there for the panda hobby next here we have the axial scx-24 this one here two body pins on the front it hinges back the servo mounted directly on the axle suspension lovely and sloppy that's what she said let me know in the comments guys which one do you think looks the best oh they both look absolutely epic absolutely epic so steering yes very good that's a little bit slower than this one but still not bad so this one here is the only one that you have to actually get from your local hobby store all the other ones are banggood specials this one here not a banger special you've got to go to your local store or online store and all straight over that made easy work for that so this truck a little bit smaller than the others which could make it a little bit tricky over this bridge of oh no definitely driver ever on that one but being narrower look but still that's still one hand off god as we get to the middle of the bridge oh no it's getting wider apart look at that the wheels only barely on there you can do it we're still in with a chance of winning with this one all right next over the tall section and straight over no problems there come on what you stuck on oh we're stuck on the body oh into an endo so far doing extremely well much better than i thought and i think we're gonna struggle on this one i think we're gonna have to get the front wheels on and we're gonna go for a flat out approach just get it lined up a little bit and this could go all the way oh come on i already made it it made it yeah i think we've got no hope oh oh oh oh guys this is doing really good really good but secondhand to god and over the line guys very impressed with this one look at it just going straight over everything beautiful so next let's give this car with the fpv camera go now guys i know a lot of you guys that have never done fpv before and you might want to get started with it i'm going to give you a quick walk through so first of all you need a camera and this camera by the way does not come with the car you have to buy it separately i'm going to put a link to all of this stuff down below and luckily this car here actually comes with an fpv camera power lead so we got to do is plug that into there and then all you need are some goggles or a monitor the signal comes out of the camera and we'll go straight into your device you don't need anything else so guys i'm going to put a link down below to some goggles and also to a monitor or you can get yourself some of these goggles which are actually way cheaper so all you got to do you plug the car in and switch it on we got headlights then you turn on your goggles or your monitor and boom look that's what the car sees so i'm going to sit over here not look at the car at all and only look at it through these goggles here on the monitor rather here we go so this is a lot more difficult a lot more challenging ah come on ah there goes one hand to god right who make up the slope oh there we go up the hill oh tumble one ball definitely so much more difficult looking at it for here guys going down the middle can we make it across oh yes we did it all right so now we've got to make it over the tools [Music] oh my god what did we just make it over there what hey head over the line oh enough fpv i've actually done a whole video on fpv so if you want to know about that video i'm gonna put a link to that video down below so next let's have a look at the hbx devastator this one here it's got four wheel steer my front steer hit the button four wheel steer it's got a different mode as well look so you can crab crawl it and rear steer only so again this crawler is smaller than some of the others so it may be less capable we will see but the four-wheel steer is definitely going to help it i know a lot of people online that do complain about these tyres so they're not the most grippy but in a minute we're going to get those different tyres on and see what kind of a difference it makes yeah these tyres are definitely struggling for grip on this surface we're making it over though come on tires there we go it's a little bit slower than the others this one but we've got the weight nice and low down it's a bit more stable oh no there goes the first hand of god all right so here we come up to the bridge of doom it's fitting on there perfectly yes that four wheels did definitely helping it get over the bends oh another hand of god come on come on oh yes you can do it nice so i think he's definitely the biggest let down with this i've said in the past i quite actually quite like the tyres on this but today it doesn't seem to be getting on as good ah see there the wrist is actually harming it so let's get that rear steer off the part that they all struggle on come on can you do it no hand to god so we've got no bumper sticking out on this one so that is definitely advantage come on come on oh yes we got over this part and over the line let's get these tyres onto it and then see how it does then oh guys these feel super sticky and supple oh look we've got sponges in there as well [Music] do you know what it'd be a lot easier to get the wheel off [Music] boom got the first one mounted and guys look compare that to a stock one that's definitely gonna make it more capable especially with that new suppleness get the rest of them on there and then we're gonna see how well it can conquer this course boom check it out guys more grip more ground clearance all right let's see what this baby can do i've set myself a challenge to see if i can get round here without any hands i've got at all so at the moment we just got the front steering going oh look at that oh we got articulation as well look like a proper little rock crawler now oh this is easy guys this is too easy this is crazy all right we to try and line it up straight here for the best chance of not flipping over when we hit the bottom oh oh no tumble at the bottom one hander god sort out this mess as i sort out the rear steering trim while we're at it we can get over this with only one hand of god it could be the best one yet oh straight hope god that was just too easy let's try the rear steer really fast oh let's really go for it flat out guys these tyres have completely transformed this rig a lot of people say when you go crawling it's all about the tyres look at that way too easy i don't know how we're going to get to the bottom of this without tumble wumbling we can do this maybe we got to hit the bottom flat out oh we done it okay okay guys can we get around the whole track without any hands are gone at all oh okay so now let's get it on to crab steer can we do the whole track without any hands of god this being a slow crawler makes it very easy to control it finally oh look now we got it exactly where we want it let the grip of the tires do the work oh yes and now we can put it back to the normal four-steer mode boom guys this goes absolutely everywhere that really is absolutely epic this has always been my favorite mini crawler now with these tyres it has completely and utterly transformed it so i'm gonna put a link down below where you can get this from i'm gonna put a link down below where you can get the tyres from and also all of the other cars that we used in this video and all the fpv gear to sum it all up the atlas guys with that six wheel drive an amazing amount of traction super capable what i like about the panda hobby one it's just he's pretty quick guys and that extra wheel speed that definitely does help it but it's still fairly controlled then moving on to the katana maybe not the most capable because of the weight a little bit higher up but definitely a cool piece of kit i like all the little scale bits of detail on there the way the battery goes in there overall very cool rig this one here probably did the worst today but as we all know guys a lot of it comes down to tyres so what do you reckon guys we try these tyres on there maybe we'll do that a different video guys let me know in the comments what you think should we try these wheels and tires on these different crawlers and just see how they perform before and after the chevy c10 absolutely epic guys it looks absolutely epic but this one here without a doubt hands down my favorite so if you want to know where you can get them all from link down below and make sure you subscribe and smash the bell so you don't miss any future videos and also guys let me know what else do you want to see with these mini crawlers also what else do you want to see full stop what rc cars do you want to see what real cast do you want to see what do you want to see on this channel just let me know in the comments and i will see you soon in another video so if you click over here guys i'll see you over there in a sec you
Channel: Kevin Talbot
Views: 2,064,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebay, ebay song, kevin talbot ebay, kevin talbot ebay reviews, kevin talbot monster truck, make money, make money online, make money fast, selling on ebay, selling online, work from home, what to sell online, what to sell on ebay, make money app, review, business, starting a small business, starting a business, kevin talbot, rc cars, rc car, rc monster truck, radio controlled, radio control car, rc cars racing, r/c cars, remote control car, rc
Id: ouxv_vO2uyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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