Underwater Drone hunts for lost boat *fail

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so a couple of weeks ago my buddy stempy sunk his brand new rc boat in the river [Music] so in this video we're gonna try and get it back and to help us find it we have this underwater drone we've got the crew in the house so claire has got a present which is over there so claire's got herself a brand new rc boat that's gonna be over on claire's channel crack him open this one does that one don't [Music] let's get this onto its belly button this is called the umbilical cord um umbilical um how do you say it umbilical umbilical cord yes so this is around i don't know 100 meters long and you can actually take it into salt water and the idea is you can retrieve it and also radio waves don't go underwater that's what they tell us hopefully this bad boy is going to find it look we've got lights we've got camera controller just like a drone oh he's this damn jesus so here we've got a long stick with a hook on the end of it hopefully with that we can retrieve it oh look at that it looks fast hopefully it's going to be fast we'll see in a minute i'm not saying i'm not seeing glass mps if you want to know we can get one from and we can get a techno babble link down below and full video who's going in first i guess claire can iphone's gonna go in [Laughter] our voice you don't mind going in we have petrol propulsion petrol [Laughter] we got a luxury vessel this time i'm going to get him first and sam's got a struggle getting the rope off and getting in without a rope [Music] steps in oh so over there is where then where those pylons are and it's around about just there what do you reckon where are we going to find it how deep do you reckon it is so we've got no idea how deep this river is last time we tried to fish it out with his oars and they wasn't deep enough but now we've got this pole here which is like double the length hopefully we can get it and we have to get this boat back because greta would be very angry if we don't how dare you give him foliage [Music] oh oh no we get pushed into the spiders now all right get the fish out then pass it all over so we've got to go into the app on here which we have downloaded earlier so we've got the fifish app so now look here we can see oh it's got a camera yeah yes now to turn the drone on apparently hit this button here well there we go what time we're going to lobby uh down there got it you lock them in you're is he upside down he's not seeing much and i think he's recording on the sd card uh gonna be a waste of time is that one forward that one's up and down we know that what way's full yeah yeah yeah okay that's cool so we need to go over there there's nothing i can drive i'm trying to fly like a helicopter it's all different my stem's gonna have to do it i need to find helicopters and planes and stuff and these controls are completely different so it's just messing my brain up trying to do it well luckily when it's on the bottom we can see is it pulling us yeah it's pulling us oh which direction is this okay i don't know i can see his own lead on there hold on oh it's here well you need to tilt it down so you can look straight down how do you tilt it down you got them rolling wheels there to do something as well oh really i don't know what they do i don't know what any of it does then it's here that's under here oh you see the bottom now there's the bottom that's going to be like finding an ear doing a haystack yeah well you you filmed i haven't got any cards oh we've got learned to fly this quadrant [Music] that's down [Music] ian's gonna have a go none of us can drive it uh we're not having much luck with his fish thing we can't make it we want to bank it down so we can actually look down and we can't and we want to turn it and we also can't and i know you can do it we just don't know how to do it i don't know how to turn off recording did we if we just pulled the sd card down it might not be called the file and we lost the footage well that's off he's still recording so we've got border looking for the boat we're going to go back later don't worry greta but for now i reckon that claire should get up over there go ahead and fire it up can we somehow stay joined together oh oh crap oh no no no big one jesus christ oh [Music] [Laughter] well if you want to see all of that boat in full action you have to check out claire's channel so next let's see if we can find stem spokes so next on this one stem has an idea submarine i don't do it that one oh i just want to do it that's a bit boring isn't it oh sempy launch [Laughter] they're not happy they are angry oh we're oh here we go [Laughter] [Laughter] all right we to keep greta happy and we need to make at least an effort to try and get stempy's boat back you guys in the comments they're going to give us hell oh guys we've been trying for ages cannot find it give a note down below how we can find this tempe reckon's a net big troll in there yeah and then just drag it by the boat let us know how we can find it didn't want to spoke
Channel: Kevin Talbot
Views: 910,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebay, ebay song, kevin talbot ebay, kevin talbot ebay reviews, kevin talbot monster truck, make money, make money online, make money fast, selling on ebay, selling online, work from home, what to sell online, what to sell on ebay, make money app, review, business, starting a small business, starting a business, kevin talbot, rc cars, rc car, rc monster truck, radio controlled, radio control car, rc cars racing, r/c cars, remote control car, rc
Id: cRQ6gaz2nzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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