Ukraine's Frustratingly Long City: Kryvyi Rih 🇺🇦

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Bald usually finds a way to bring life to these downtrodden places, but even he was struggling this time.

This city showcases that uniquely Soviet combination: totally impractical and totally bleak

I still hold out hope he makes his way to East Asia someday

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/ThePalmIsle 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Pretty funny watching him walk around the train station just flabbergasted that there are no Lada taxi dudes. The guy he found seemed quite nice. That's honestly my takeaway from the video, Ukrainians are very kind people.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/TheTruthT0rt0ise 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great video - I liked it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SiljaEuropa 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mikebrown33 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hey! Sorry for writing here! Can you please look at and make sure that the videos are available? I wanted to watch some Uzbekistan videos, but seems like I can't see anything on the screen.

Also says "This channel doesn't have any content" on Home tab.. what happened?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheBe5tEver 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
about a month ago i was in a second-hand bookshop  in moscow when i stumbled across this book   a photo album from 1983 showing the  wondrousness of soviet creepy rig   a town here in ukraine well  gribby rig is no longer soviet   but i thought it might be interesting to go  there and compare qrivy rig from this book   to krivi rig of today let's see if we can't find  some old soviet treasures still lurking in krivi   rig join me as we head now to the bus station  and begin our journey to soviet crevey rig we gotta catch this tram and we'll  miss the buster soviet cribby rig well that's no good i've been kicked  off the tram by they said it's only   going to the next stop there's no tram virus  today to the bus station bye-bye trampaic so we have to find another way to  begin the journey to creepy rig we've made it onto the bus to the railway station   from there we've gotta run up the road  to the bus station poke my buses there is actually another when you're on the streets of a former  soviet union trying to call yourself down   there's something you have to have and that's  a a glass of chilled capacitor on the street   bender if you've not had a crass a cavas if  you've not had a kvass from a street vendor   in a former soviet union you've not  really visited the former soviet union ah refreshing all right no time  to chat we've got a bus to catch here we are then back in the old afto vauxhall all right we've got a ticket to old soviet rig the things you can buy in a ukrainian bus  station hunting knives butterfly knives   shurikens chinese throwing stars everything  you need for a bus journey to krivi rig wow even a catapult for those naughty  little school boys on the bus well this is my yellow bus to old soviet creepy  rig and this some of you may remember from a   previous film it's a neat pro bus station it's  funny isn't it a short while ago you probably   never even heard of denipro and now you recognized  a neat pro bus station like an old friend i do too   and here's the krivi riggians check  him out all off to krivi right right then we've arrived in old wonderful privy  rig i say wonderful because once upon a time   when that book was published it did look lovely  and wonderful let's see what it's like though   nowadays it's not 1983 anymore let's see how  it's changed but first let's find a hotel look what we found already we've  only just arrived in old qrivi rig   and we've already found some  old soviet mosaic type thing   rotting away on the side of a building  as we look for our hotel check it out what a wonderful city old cribby riggis look  up here whoa some old giant abandoned building   probably some abstraction some  dormitory for university or something   and here we've got these giant kind of mosaic-y  type things showing more things a woman a man the creepy rigians of the soviet past well after what can only be described  as a marathon walk across this city   i've come to the hotel called the  hotel central it's anything but central check this place out funky old  soviet hotel going up to room 304   the cheapest room in the hotel central they should  have upgraded me to the best room considering i   walked the best part of bloody god knows how  long to get here i think this must be a creepy   rigging joke to call it the central when it's  anything but anyway stop complaining benjamin 304. oh nice all this for um 12 pounds what's  the view like you're an old crippy rig   bit of a garden a bit of a a road and over there  i think is a donkel turo wow we've gone back to   soviet times i'm gonna jump in a shower take  the bag off and um yeah we'll go out exploring   oh and a nice bridge beautiful right then let's begin the old adventure for  soviet treasures now to find the soviet treasures   i think we need a soviet man and that means we  need to find some old dude with a larder that   would be the ultimate tour guide because this city  is so long and big i can't possibly do it on foot   so let's head to the railway station and see  if we can find an old codger oh a trolley boss at this time of year in ukraine in ukraine  you find everywhere advertisements for trips   to the beach basically look here you can go  to the crimea here you can take a holiday   some places near odessa obviously the crime  is a little bit more difficult now for people   here's a trip to odessa again je lesniport another famous resort here in  ukraine you'll find that all the cities of   ukraine kind of empty out the summer everyone  wants to go to the beach when you live in a   country with such brutal winters as soon as you  get some sunshine you want to make the most of it   get your bikini on get your yeah your shorts  on and um yeah go and catch some rays somewhere this bus goes nowhere near the railway station  it's not easy traveling around our creepy right foreign is is this city is insane i've been on here for one   hour and 15 minutes and i'm  still nowhere near the center i don't know how people people must  set off for work like two hours before   the office opens absolute nightmare wasting a whole day on a trolleybush there's still the ussr here in old cribby rig bloody hill i was thinking that i would have to  expend extend expand expend something like that   i'd have to spend the most effort  finding the different soviet things   but that's not the difficult thing in creepy  rig the difficult thing in creepy rig is just   getting to the bloody railway station what a city  you cribby riggians how do you do it every day   spending three hours on a  trolley bus just to get to work it is kind of pretty though i do like  the old soviet architecture we have here   check it out the old soviet apartment buildings so 2 hours and 15 minutes since leaving my  hotel we've made it to the railway station well i'm here at old crevice rig railway  station but i can't see one jediska and   an old lada as i pictured it in my mind i just  walk up to him i'd say jedeshka please show me   the old soviet delights and he'd say jump  in young man but it's not one taxi driver this is turning into a bit of a mission  where do we find a jaguar taxi and it's   bloody hot and i've got no sun cream  at least i can use my book as a sun hat well i suppose if i can't find a taxi driver  with an old ladder i just approach anyone   in a ladder and say do you want  to be my driver for the day and hope someone says yes he wasn't a taxi driver they did  have a nice old blue ladder um huh well we found our man i think it's a  larder wow super it's very simple sure of zaparozza it's my first time in  it never even heard of it before wow it's like a homemade car there's no buttons  in here just check it out there's hardly anything   you can maybe change your fan settings that thing  no radio no nothing wow you hear me scented water we don't have a center of this city you have lots  of mini centers it's so messed up creepy rigg   whoever designed this city was an absolute mad  lad instead of just building a nice circular city   where everything's central they're like no we're  just going to build a flipping anaconda of a city   and put all the centers  along it where are we going wow we found our first place from the soviet book  the theater of shevchenko can you see the picture   there and look up here there we go the shevchenko  theater the academic shevchenko theater it's a bit   windy it's a bit difficult to do everything with  one hand but there you go there's the theater in   the book the soviet theater with the soviet  families walking past and there's the soviet   theater in ukraine with a nice ukrainian lady  walking past and up there you can still see some   of the old soviet stuff there you go the first  one ticked off the book not the most exciting one   but um there you go soviet theatre in the  book cribby rig soviet theater in real life up there it says park in the name of pravda  newspaper can you see out there park is gazetti in this part of ukraine it's a little bit more  soviet mentality you could say and so they haven't   changed all the names and so this park has still  got its name park in the name of pravda newspaper   pravda meaning truth being the the  newspaper of the soviet union the main   mouthpiece of the communist party is these ladies have been swimming in the water  they said i need to get into my old boxer shorts   and jump in and cool off a plan wow lovely old babushkas of creepy  rig anyway we found something up ahead   that is in the book by chance  we've stumbled across it wow we've come at a slightly wrong angle but  you can see here in park pravda named after the   newspaper pravda the white building we're on that  bridge there and there's the building up ahead you   see it the old soviet building it's still here wow  the soviet building is still here can you see it   it's really difficult i'm planning this out  i need an editor to do this stuff for me but   there's the old soviet building the  river the bridge that we're on right now   you see it and there's the actual thing in real  life you can imagine all the soviets here in   the past having a little swim walking across  this bridge the bridge that we see in the book   and the bridge that we see in real life what behind me is krivi rigg musical college and  it's in the book check it out there's the photo   of it the nice white pillars and the yellow walls  and the children going in to learn some guitar and   whatever and there's the real thing is it stands  now a little bit different they've changed some   of the stuff above the door there's no longer  a hammer and sickle the windows are plastic   but basically basically it's the same old  building 1956 soviet building as is in the book oh flippy neck this is why i need a  bloody cameraman there's the book version there's the real version of pony um our friend here is saying that in ukraine  to get summer in life it's not about what you   know it's who you know so he studied for six  years in the economical economic university   but he struggled to get a good job because he  just didn't know anyone to get him in he says   here if you've got high friends in high places  your life is sorted if not you're a bit shagged   i don't know why you use that  word you're um you're in trouble guys look what we've discovered  by chance the old soviet   post office check it out and  nothing has really changed look we've got the old soviet post  box here which is in the picture   here before were some yellow telephone boxes in  soviet times now there's just an old chevrolet   and here we have the hammer and sickle above  the door the up the old soviet post office   i don't know if you can see it anyway  that's what it looked like in soviet times   and that's what it looks like now wow as we're driving somewhere in krivi rig  all i can see on the horizon is just smoke   stacks and factories and it's like wow it's  um yeah privy rig is a real industrial city   and that's why it's got a reputation in ukraine  for having the worst ecological situation the   air here is meant to be very bad at certain times  of year because of all the smoke stacks pumping   pollutants into the air so um they say when  it rains um here in krivi rig it's orange rain   from the factories just gives it a nice brutal  vibe a nice brutal soviet vibe i kind of like of all the things i was most excited about seeing  here in krivi rig it was the old soviet children's   theatre that was once housed in an airplane  you can see it there an old aeroplot airplane   and when my man here said i know where there's  a plane in krivi rig i thought this must be   it we're going to see the old children's  theater but it's a different flipping plane   this one apparently doesn't exist anymore you  cribby riggins in the comments section tell me   if that's true but anyway here's another plane an  old yak-40 a yak-40 that probably once flew from   the airport here to kiev or wherever to moscow  oh it still says ussr underneath the wing look   sss but it's not our plane and it's not a  children's theater god knows what happened to that one we're now heading to creepy rig  circus let's go and see if it still exists   and if it looks the same it's not soviet but look what i found on  the billboard an old poster all ripped and   torn that's advertising indiana jones  raiders of the lost ark well we're a   little bit behind the times an old privy rig  raiders are the lost ark just come here wow krivi rig zamal chatni godd well here  we are at the old soviet circus of krivi   rog krivi rig whatever you want to call it here it  is in glorious black and white in the book if you   can see that there's lots of women walking past  with prams and short skirts on a lovely summer's   day and here it is now in independent ukraine  the soviet circus of krivi rog or quivi rig   i'm going to call it krivi rig so that  the ukrainian people in the comment   section don't attack me too much griffy rig  let's stick with that anyway there it is   cribby rig circus and cribby  rig circus in the book and there goes old victor he's got to go and  do something remember he's not a taxi driver   he was just a dude i accosted on the street wow so  um he's shut off but we've got a final place to go   we're going to check out the cover  of the book you told me where it is   let's go and check it out cheers  victor you cribby rig legend well we're going to the very final  destination on the book the front cover   not by foot but by the famous krivi rig metro  you never knew old cribby rig had a metro did you   let's go and check it out and  watch out for the babushkas boys okay two and a half grifner so have a ride on  the wonderful krivi rig metro check it out and you're gonna notice something very  interesting about the krippy rig metro they   don't use metro cars like we've seen in all the  other metros we've been to watch what comes along the metro here in a privy rig is just a  trap by that goes underground so it's just that is something ticked off my bucket list is it krivi rog nowhere to find it  thank god because this heat   is killing me i can't take much more walking about we've made it despite the obstacles of  this insane city and the temperatures   we've made it to the very last soviet  monument here it is on the front cover   and here it is in real life still standing  after all these years let's check it out   is it the same one yes it is thank god i'd  hate to have to travel and look for another one let's look at it from this angle i  suppose it's the angle it should be there we go and there we go   there's the boat on the side and there's  the boat on the side in the picture ah awesome you know whenever i've met people  in ukraine they've always said oh creepy rig   so glad i escaped from there it's a terrible  place but um you know what okay put aside the   old lung cancer you're inevitably gonna get if you  spend too long here it's been all right some nice   soviet monuments some nice parks and um yeah  what more can i say all right guys that's it   from old soviet and post-soviet creepy rig  until next time in some other location bye-bye
Channel: bald and bankrupt
Views: 1,723,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ukraine, Kryvyi Rih, metro, Kryvoi Rog, Bald and bankrupt, daily bald, USSR
Id: StvRgJBCaks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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