The Road To Ratus 🇲🇩

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how do you fancy joining me on the Moldovan road trip to Rattus let's do it could be awesome could be [ __ ] I wasn't actually heading to Rattus I was driving along the old lonely Highway Hyrum old over and I saw the turnoff for Rattus they said up to 30 kilometers or 30 miles I don't know what they actually use here in Moldova and I thought it just sounds too intriguing Rattus the name itself just seems to be it seems to hold so many possibilities and so I thought come on let's check out the bright lights of Rattus and maybe on the way we'll find some interesting stuff to the car as well pretty rural on on this the back row to Russ we're out in the rural regions out here in the villages really in the countryside look at the road so people don't get around so much [Music] spasibo spasiba Campania Governor Romney does he Daniel Daniel don't you just love motors with music I've passed through this town it's a soviet-built town called telling a sh t I think and here is the old Soviet what I presume Oh is the Soviet War Memorial yes here we still got the hammer and sickle now and here we'll have been where before there's the gas pipe where's the eternal flame people probably call the city government probably couldn't afford to keep the eternal flame running so now it's just a hole with the gas pipe broken but here it says eternal memory and then something else that I don't understand a lot of the hammer a lot of the hammering sickles in Moldova have been removed from buildings but I suppose this being a Soviet War Memorial to Soviet soldiers who died they've kept it here on the main square of telling yesh D is an old plinth and now the plinth has had its sign removed obviously and whoever stood here before has gone also so here in the main square of this town was probably either doza Lenin there may be there was even a stall in there maybe once a Buster Stalin who knows at one point but then of course everything's been removed after fall of the Union those symbols of the Soviet system have been torn down in Moldova some still exist but the statues of Lenin unlike in Belarus where you can still see Lenin everywhere but here in Moldova they've been taken down now I'm sure this isn't interesting to 99% of the people watching this video I just love these little remnants of the former Soviet Union look at this old Soviet bus stop I mean the benches are broken now it's not been kept up but the old notice boards that they would have had now it's got advertisements to get a visa for Schengen countries offers of work I just love coming into contact with these things that were built under a different system a system that no one had any idea about really I mean who in England knew about this town or how life is progressing here is like a giant experiment was done behind closed doors the Soviet system we weren't allowed to look into that system and they weren't allowed to look out and so when you come and you see these things okay it's an insignificant bus stop it's nothing great but it still it's a piece of the past that I love to just be a part of just for a minute or two of my life and just to imagine what life was like in the Soviet Union there will have been Soviet people back in the day KGB men informers policemen and regular citizens using bus stops like this all across the nation the great Soviet Union and now look fallen into disrepair not working anymore all right just carry on buildings like this litter the countryside of the former Soviet Union at the end of the Soviet Union the late 80s buildings like this were built and then the Empire collapsed and they were never finished the new independent countries didn't have to subsidize money from Moscow to finish such things so this may have been a factory or a school or something but then the new realities of post-soviet life meant that such buildings can be finished and so now they just stand here dotting the landscape of the of the region's a reminder to the former Empire and what could have been and what was lost [Applause] there are spits here but she might be made to be do Godard know Moldova Garcias ugly naka to Pakistan to Luciana ludecke Garces Moldova target for suspicious no Jay Kulina stash it yarmulke Donnie ability bully Moshe a nominal Swami visually coup ha ha oh here we go what about you it's a work okay uh-huh khaki reporter okay robot Bernie Abner ever starters yes I see I see Wow he smoked Elliott Chuck started kind of shot near 86 this car was built in 1986 and is still going on the back row to the former Soviet Union epicness just see dodgiest gonna show us mercy but leash now you see these cars all over the place ins different states of repair and ill repair the screen here to be cracked they still go in I like it I'm in a Lada driving past an abandoned building this is the Soviet experience epicness what lovely people here in Moldova people just want to stop and show you their country give you a little tour of their towns vie du monde sweater blister under Televi ex new model the washer no Sammy gloppy at the [ __ ] Ludi a Lotus years in Moldova auctioned Oberon HD Baloo D yo China oh fish I know this year's at the sauna globnar know what he's gonna show me the engine saddle occur as a gully engine a lard his engine I think that's what he said he was gonna do yeah Wow okay it's like a lawnmower and what's this 1987 Wow nice - you all right are you sure about it no vodka shorten that up yet this perceive of um well sure Baloch include this perceiver spasibo dachi off a guard shaniyah she's born [Music] just on the road to Ratish and just saw this abandoned building I can't stop looking at a band of buildings to some reason I don't know what this is is I suppose it's the old petrol station from Soviet times is the poor Court and see we can't look inside see if there's any Soviet stuff left oh hello anyone in is the old decorations on the wall what's an old Soviet petrol station look like oh wow check this out some geese out back what are you up to well and here's the old toilets I suppose the people and they were driving across the Soviet Union they could have come have a nice dump have a nice dump wow I seemed too freaked out the geese obviously now the petrol station is gone nothing left here's where the petrol pumps were the old lamps up here well I don't think I'm ever gonna I'm not gonna get to Ratish before nightfall because every time I see something eyes want to stop and film it if you like old Soviet stuff this might be a real interesting video for you if you have zero interest in Soviet stuff this is probably the worst video ever right every day you get to see an old abandoned Soviets petrol station all right off to Rattus at some point [Music] [Music] all right I've just passed the sign that said one kilometer to Ratish we finally made it in fact I can see the bright lights of Ratish in the distance check it out out there in the gloom who's as excited as I am to see Ratish Oh put your hands up put your hands up for Ratish I love this city wow this is going to be epic let's check it out not so much happening in old Ratish but we'll have a little look around we've come all this way here's the village well and over here it seems to be some kind of restaurant that's gonna check it out maybe we could have a meal in Ratish I am hungry russer seems to be situated on the main highway it's a lot of traffic going past [Applause] it's not the sleepy village I was expecting here's a Liam antara I first look at this one of the glass Jesus cases that he have here hmm doesn't seem too much activity going on look the nearly stood up let it sit on a restaurant it was just a shot I thought that the restaurant idea was too good to be true here in Ratish all right if there's a church up the road I saw to go and check out the church a golden domed church here in Ratish what are you guys thinking of Ratish so far I think after that epic journey across the country it's a little bit underwhelming it's not the most interesting of places is it old Ratish but maybe here in the church it might liven up a little bit the Church of Rattus Rattus refugee everyone's got a cart on the back of their car here I suppose that's because you only have a car if it's gonna be profitable for you and so that you can rise drag things around you know do jobs with your car it's not you don't have a car here just a cruise about well these are the back streets of Ratish the mean streets of Ratish see what's going on down here here's the village well that's very tidy in clean now anyway no litter lying around unfortunately I was told that the church is closed but let's see if that's true let's try and open the door and have a look inside now the church doesn't it well taken care of let's see if we can go inside to the church of ratish [Music] there was a quiet practice going on in there I felt embarrassed to film them doing it sometimes you get a little bit embarrassed when you're walking down with a camera and when someone's doing something a little bit spiritual or something you don't want to be that foreigner who just goes and sticks a camera in their face all right the mean streets a brush here we come I like these village houses what you reckon we're gonna find at the end of the road maybe some nightclub or something big shopping center with an aquapark upon your shiny a bit later rancher mini tractor biscuit alley model skinny cocky Belarus key tie rubato nor mama but a most bad guy yes Tom V Belarus you can see a bazooka she reported service drew should Pahoa waldowski Barsky fortune Preakness perceivable showing ocean pre up what's happening on the mean streets of Ratish not much some hoodlums down that way some lady walking down that way have we discovered all there is to see in Ratish is that Ratish I was hoping for a little bit more dejected Soviet exploration face that's all from gratis or Ratish I'm gonna head back to civilization you know what they say it's not about the destination it's about the journey I don't think we had a fun little journey Russ ish itself didn't turn out to be up to much but we learned some things on the way we saw some stuff I've enjoyed it hope you have two more Soviet bus stops coming soon don't worry hit the subscribe button alright the cars over there this is the road out of town and I'm taking it see you guys later goodbye from Moldova it's gonna stay in Moldova neither say bye bye Moldovan I don't know how to bloody say God's sakes I should have just ended the video work all right bye-bye doesn't he done
Channel: bald and bankrupt
Views: 2,196,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Moldova, Kishinev, Chisinau, Europe, Ratus, USSR, Soviet Union, URBEX, Abandoned
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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