UK HARVEST 2020! Episode 1

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[Music] [Music] all right let's go combine in [Music] um right so it's the 3rd of august 2020 um we are in the 2016 uh john deere t670i uh six straw walker machine and we're just about to start harvest we are going to go straight into the wheat i've never gone straight into wheat before normally we've got winter barley and um in previous years we've had oil seed rape but we haven't got went to bali this year because the autumn was too wet we didn't get around to planting any because the ground was too wet and uh we haven't got any oil seed break because uh we've held off growing it for until there's a solution to the the flea beetle so uh my dad's in front he's in the john deere 3350 and on the back he's towing the the 30 foot um what is it 630x header i think it is [Music] oh my horn's not working no they think i must have disconnected the horn okay okay all right so the first thing we'll do is put the bin lids up press that button there that will put the lids up in the bin i should have cleaned the window because that's dirty i'll do that in the morning we also need to jack the hill master up [Music] so we tip it up one more one way and then the other way so this to keep the combine level when you're on slopes and that and then we go back to the middle and then we're going to pick up the header it's been a while but we'll see i don't really feel nervous it'd feel a bit tense like it's always always a bit tense when you're starting [Music] just need to swing her to the right attach there we go that's a good thing about the hill master you can cheat there we go oh she's all right it's not falling off i think dad thought the header just fell off george is um george is just behind me he's in the he's driving my tractor this summer he's going to be in the 6215r all right so i'm just going to set the combine up quick we're going to put the sieves um 16 and eight and the concave which is threshing clearance we'll put that set out to 15 to begin with um there we go right let's go for it real's going to wake up it's been asleep all winter so we're going to put the back into gear then we're going to put the header into gear now it's going to want to do a header calibration rev them up uh drum speed we'll speed that up to 1000 or 950 whatever it'll do they're just having a bit of a bounce you just slow the reel down slow that up come on slow down lift the header up a little bit because the snug was pretty short we've got grain going in the tank and the straw coming out the back we want to put the wind up a bit the fan speed put that up to about 11.50 that keeps the sieves clean and the sample clean a lot to think about i suppose i haven't got a headache right now we going to at 11 50 on the fan i'm going to stop and get out in a second and just look in the straw when we get this set up we'll go and have a quick look in the straw make sure there's not we're not losing any grain we're saying that it's yielding 11.5 tons to the hectare but we need to calibrate it so we'll do that in a bit that's not accurate at the moment it would be good if it was but it's not and it's saying 12.3 moisture so it has to be below 15 to go in the store so that's good all right you see the grain going down the tank look it's filling up pretty quick which is a good sign i'm just going to get out and have a quick look in the straw and make sure we're not chucking out in the straw i don't think we are but i just want to check to be on the safe side [Music] so i was going along about 4k it's so easy to set up this combine you literally just set it and and i can't see a single grain on the floor to be honest oh there's one one grain that two so that's pretty good so i'm just gonna unload the first tank full right on the edge of the field so i've had to stop um yeah certainly filled up quicker than what i thought it was gonna fill up it's saying well on the screen it's saying average 11 ton and i know that's not accurate because we haven't calibrated it yet but it'd be quite good if it's doing 10 ton we were sort of thinking eight nine tons so ten ton will be good we'll be happy with that all right so i've done the headland literally just going into the into the land work i'm gonna open up a land so the variety this week is uh graham it's the first week winter wheat we planted this back in october it wasn't drilled in the best of conditions it was the ground was pretty wet as most of you know it was really wet autumn it was drilled with the it was the first job i've done with the new tractor and the vanderstad drill um i i just come back back from holiday put the drill on and uh we i think we had to dry a few days so we managed to get this wheat in the ground uh but it i it didn't get rolled it didn't even get rolled it the ground was so wet and it was raining again it basically had a whole winter of of rain on it and then the spring came we had really dry spring so it it started giving up pretty early to be honest in may uh it wasn't looking great it just shot up it didn't really till it properly the rain in june just got a little bit of moisture into the ground to um you know to bulk up to washing the fertilizer and bulk up the the grain a little bit now obviously we're in august and we're harvesting the crop looking at the crop before harvesting we're not very optimistic we're thinking it was gonna do at eight nine tons of the hectare from what we've had come off the headland we're guessing about ten tonnes of the hectare but um in a bit we'll i'll do a run a calibration and george will go off and load and weigh to a neighboring farm and weigh the load and then we'll be able to calibrate the yield monitor and see exactly what the crop is yielding right so what i'm going to do here is a yield calibration so it's all automatic basically make sure the grain tank is empty which i've just done start the yield calibration run press the next step button to start the calibration next um and then press when the calibration run is completed right so basically i've got fill the fill the grain trailer now with two tanks and then uh george is going to go off to uh the way bridge weigh the load we've already weighed it empty it was 14 tons empty and uh yeah and we're gonna weigh it loaded and then i'll put in the figure well i'll show you in a minute right so george weighed in at uh 25 340 kilos um so i'll take away what it was empty which is 14 000. uh one eight zero equals so there was eleven thousand one hundred and sixty kilos in the trailer that's right yeah so it's adjusted the calibration figure it was the calibration was 650 now we're up to 733 that's it it's done so now it's saying we're yielding 10 ton to the hectare look [Music] i'm just getting out for a week so i'll do a quick visual [Music] check it nothing's hanging off nothing spanking or anything [Music] i'm just gonna shut off now i did leave it in here but because i got off the seat because i got off the seat it's awesome you switch the separator out of here but so fast all right so it is monday evening now it's only trouble with hillmaster is that when the when you're on the hill it's about up in the air speed up we're loading from the front first um yeah so when they even i forgot to say we didn't even get started until it wasn't even until after lunch that we were starting because we had a couple of showers of rain yet uh sunday afternoon so we yeah we basically start after lunch let the moisture come down the voice she was actually fine it was uh you know 14 and then it's dropped down to like 13 now george basically just drives along that 5k and i'll start at the front and unload him load his trailer for it it's not very easy to see in that trailer so it just makes it easier if i load it we've got the sun in our eyes sun's just about to set so yeah it's all right it's actually touch wood it's gone really well this afternoon no problems whatsoever i don't think yeah so this is actually the second field that i've been on this afternoon and this is so i think the first one was 12 hectares and this one will be about the same so yeah um not bad for an afternoon's work 24 hectares all right so if you've got any questions about what i'm doing or the harvest uh stick them in the comments section below and i'll see you in the morning
Channel: It's a farming life for me!
Views: 53,462
Rating: 4.9645281 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, John Deere, Farming vlog, British farming
Id: aDGPpbwCokQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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