Equipment Tour. Part 2.

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hey everyone thanks for watching Larsen farms if you have not seen the first part of this video go back and watch equipment tour part 1 otherwise thanks for watching I hope you guys enjoy it sorry the videos got so long but we had a lot of a lot of crap that we got to show in these videos so appreciate watching don't forget to subscribe give us a thumbs up and enjoy belly dump we've had since we started building some of the bigger grain bins because we have like eight feet of fill you got to dig a hole under the green bends whatever it was way more cost-effective to buy this than they have it custom hauled in so yeah we got a belly dump it's kind of an older one and ain't perfect shape but it works for us since we're here by the junk pile everyone's got a junk pile I can't fit through here we got to go around this this is our other water trailer for spring there's our tracks that are supposed to be on the 790 that are still not thick so this is our other water trailer this was actually our first water trailer semi style trailer it is plumbed with two-inch we put two two-inch pumps in here that feed this three inch hose to the sprayer works pretty good but this is our other water trailer we had to get this one resurrected we basically didn't use this for like six or eight years but we have the resurrected and do some modifications to it because we've bought that second top air sprayer that I'm going to show you shortly [Music] scrap-iron nothing right now pretty much like 40 60 bucks a ton or something so it's better off to sitting here but we might have to get rid of it consuming too much area and it's pretty ugly a bunch of leftover stuff from when they built the shop this is kind of a bobcat and loader attachments hang out at so basically right here we've got ourselves an old Rock trailer that we sometimes handpick rocks and use for other here is our red top air sprayer we pull this one behind the cat tractor which is hooked up to the green spray right now because the green sprayer is what we use in corn chemicals and the tractor that pulls the green sprayers on the bean planter if you're following all this so the cat tractor will get on hook put on this one the bean planter tractor the eighty four thirty will get put on the green sprayer this is our top bare 120 foot boom twenty four hundred gallon tank on track steerable hitch so it follows wherever your tractor goes so you only have one set of tracks through your field we love these things I know I addressed why we like these more than a self-propelled in what was it episode three of this spring maybe something about spraying I talked a lot more about these when I was out with it here's the old fifth wheel grain trailer it used to have sides on it we made it into a flatbed we used to have a seed tender on it but it's just more or less a flatbed gooseneck trailer that we use for miscellaneous jobs about once or twice a year higher it's for the 98 70 so we take tracks off these 710 tires we'll be going back on and then here's one of them things that should never buy we never really use it and we don't sell it yet because we never finished the job that he originally purchased it for but it is a 91 international trust with a big John 90 inch tree spade on it we had a tree lying out in a field we wanted to move the trees home so we moved like 40 trees back here around the yard moved some to my house dad's house and then it got too wet ran out of time and there's still like 50 trees out in the field that just have not gotten to here's our mt7 55 tractor this one all this tractor does is spray this is our it's just dedicated to spring pre-emerge post emerge fungicides on being stuff like that but that's the other green sprayer they are twin sprayers they're the same exact sprayer same brand everything ones just red ones green otherwise they're exactly the same so here is our Kenworth 89 this is the t 600 body style anyways this was the first semi that they actually purchased in maybe the early 2000s I'm not sure this pulls the fertilizer tender in the fall the seed tender in the spring so this is a seed tender that we use for corn to different demands built this thing basically back many years ago this is what used to be on that old green trailer and we're like hey we have this Vail trailer like I said we quit raising wheat so we didn't need this for bales anymore so let's build it into our seed pended trailer the only bad thing is it's like 53 feet long super low to the ground and it's hard to maneuver around the countryside this is safe don't obviously see tender there liquid fertilizer here we do have a diesel tank on here for feeling on the tractor because he burns so much fuel now if you can only make it till 6 o'clock because he works the poor tractor to death you didn't hear that from me brings us to our DB 60 36 row 20 inch bean planter this planter all it does is plant beans 20 inch beans 30 inch corn you've seen the high-speed planner this is not a high speed planner this is just a stock John Deere planner for the most part there's the 84 30 what we call the T track we hate that tractor it is so rough riding and the wheel slips inside of the track but we own it and can't afford to trade for anything newer or better so that's what we have that is what pulls the green top air sprayer in the summertime and the DB 60 in springtime and in the fall that goes on a 7 shank ripper and that brings us to our service truck Top Cat engine in it 6-speed manual transmission yes it's 2 Chevy doors or GMC doors I do not know who built that wasn't us we bought it this way it used to be an old railroad truck would service the railroad used to have running gear that would come down on it and run down the railroad tracks we heard that we have diesel fuel aboard I think roughly 500 gallons it'll hold or 450 something like that so we can pump fuel and air the air comes straight off the air compressor from the engine that controls brakes everything so it ain't a fast air don't pump a lot of air but it it does what we need it to do have now anyways this one is just more Soul lubes and grease guns stuff like that you know def bank for diesel exhaust fluid right there tools aboard just got this mounted in here a couple years ago the basic stuff we do take a lot of this out in the wintertime and summertime because a lot of the stuff that's in here as far as like impact guns and stuff are from the shop but we want them on board in the spring and the fall does have a knuckle boom on here which is controlled a corded remote it gets the job done for compartments where we can put our torch tanks we normally don't in the spring sometimes more so in the fall for torching projects huge backseat lots of room for all the extra credit jobs naps and stuff you know gets the job done she's a bit under horse powered for pulling this seat tender but this our underfur seed you're under 5,000 this tender is maybe more so used for coops that will deliver seed out to people this thing will last about one day of planting I can plant about 450 acres a day with our soybean planner that's about all the seed you're gonna get in this thing like if you feel it level and I start in the morning out and plant this out by the end of the day the next morning guys go and get more seed works out great I would not want anything smaller than that but it is a heck of a load for this truck I think it holds about 26,000 pounds of soybeans depending seed size here is our newest semi this is a 2001 379 Peterbilt same again like to 98 or tri-axial trailer so legally we can haul ninety seven thousand five hundred pounds with it this is the truck that pretty much hauls most of our grain most of the time we just use this truck during the fall we do have two other semi hopper bottoms a wilson and a another Khimki trailer but not a tri-axial this is about all this truck does is pull that trailer it doesn't pull anything else or it could but we don't use it for anything else here's our little dump truck little dumpy this is ours we call dumpy it's just a little guy gotta treat him nice sometimes grumpy but he's a nice little unit we use it to pull are what we call backhoe trailer it's just a pintle hitch trailer also we haul the Bobcat the bulldozer backhoe on this trailer works really nice so this is our I think it's a 93 Peterbilt this was our second semi that we had ever bought it is what we call little Pete in the spring this pulls the fertilizer trailer in the fall it pulls a grain hopper and in the summertime it'll pull a water trailer or all the time pulls this lowboy trailer that we haul our excavator on which I don't know if we'll get in this video or not because that's out in a field along with our Bobcat so we got a 320 excavator cat excavator that's what we haul on this thing plus our payload er if we need to move that around it's not a very fancy trailer but it needs to be hooked up to this truck because it has Grails for sliding the neck up on welded to the frame rail so that's why this truck always gets to pull this trailer five minute break for dr. pepper and some chips I'll continue on by myself then so here is our 1991 pickup this was the second pickup that the fire member-owned still owns and it is in mint shape 91 3/4 ton several left Chevrolet so this is just kind of as you can see our tile trailer pulls around a bunch of stuff head trailers stuff like that it's kind of the the farm truck that we try to keep in mint shape pile trailer little Bobcat 440 B they bought that for clean and hog barns back in the day most handy thing handiest thing ever we use that all the time four-wheeler and our forklift 480 be very handy we don't own a forklift that's like one of them really nice convenient small staying on cement ones this is what we have we love it I would like to have one of those little forklifts for being on the cement and just a lot easier to use and smaller would fit around better but I could not imagine farming without this big thing for pulling equipment around moving stuff like that how that gets used a ton the head shed 2 6 12 sees ones a 2012 and ones a 2014 right what putting your hoodie on cover up your girlish figure then we have to 635 FS 1 is it Oh 9 and 12 I think and the Oh 9 or 2010 something like that we are trying to get rid of because we just bought the 45-foot Draper's so see if somebody wants one of those in good shape but we just don't have a combine traded two combines off for one combine so we went from 3 to 2 and now we trying to get rid of stuff but we do run to 12 real corn head in the fall to grain carts here's our second [Music] jnm 1326 roughly holds maybe eleven hundred bushels supposed to hold 1,300 but they always under ate them or over ate them over ate them walking tandems because before we just this great part we were still chopping corn stalks with this row what's it called stock chopper this is a stock shredder stock chopper basically know that corn heads nowadays most of them chopped the stocks as it gets pulled through the corn head before 2010 is the first year that we got a chopping corn head so in O nine we were still using this and I think we got this cart and all eight so that's why we have the walking tandems because we needed to follow the rows with it now it's a major pain in the butt because they don't like mud and since we've been dealing with mud every year this cart is limited on where it can go we pull this one with the 450 quadrat the other 15 hundred bushel cart gets pulled with the 600 quad track what are you doing what's behind you this is a bulbs are 4200 liquid manure spreaders liquid what do you call it a vacuum big facility when we raised hogs and we keep it because you never know it's paid for maybe the only thing I have that is yeah that's not a bee there's one more there's maybe one is it coming down on us yeah this is the shed that we rent which is close to the farm dad's suck the trees that are growing up around the outside the other vacuum tank that used to be on here from the original got so rusty that dad collapsed it was about this tall the whole thing claps Center went down to and stayed up he said it really threw him in the cab or anything from a neighbor I was in there yet yeah he's been poisoning mice here the owner of the property like crazy right yeah how many bars of poison heavy there's a lot of empty bags it's terrible [Music] Douglas yeah what are you doing [Music] little corns are coming out of the ground right here see the corn leaves it didn't kill it but it's been damaged there's some out here that are totally dead root from the root yes is what I've been told I don't know why there's so many why is there gap so here's one that's just coming through right here they're supposed to be every six inches apart just like this so we should have one if not two right in this area which he's not there for some reason I don't know so a lot of the corn laid somewhat dry dirt good spring so they didn't emerging the best because we haven't had really a good soaking rain we were supposed to get three-quarters of an inch which turned into core yeah a half a tenth maybe so this is our chisel plow this is what dad was talking about where we need to do something different with our bean stubble so basically what this is out here this is going to be corn now but bean stubble it was so trashy just bring this thing didn't cut it up didn't cover it up I don't know what or how we're gonna afford it with 260 corn we really would like to try some sort of dis this tool or like daddy dad's saying with the summers this basically like this on the front of us which is a plow like that this is our 32 foot John Deere 2210 fizzle plow then we've got a 5 shank 2,700 dripper here 30 inch spacing on the ripper points this one is what the 8520 pulls the last two falls we hooked quad tracks up to him and drug him through the mud because the little tractors couldn't pull him and we could not pull our big 870 so we just drugged these behind quad tracks that it was it was a mess seven shank Ripper so we pulled behind a 84 30 when it's decent condition right yeah and they're so cheap no to buy that yeah start by 1/7 I am an auction buyer yep now here here were the days hours hours I say spent Klaus yeah for those of you that have put your hour in on one of them you know what I'm talking about on in this circle then the other way why do we keep them oh they're great for special projects special projects as in CRP plowin optin yeah so ditch making two hours ago we were so behind on tillage and it was so wet and it was freezing gonna start freezing so we pulled everything out of the sheds we had the 2700 school and we had the 870 Guard and then they hooked onto the plows and started clapping and put some new tires on a couple they did like what 80 acres and boy did we pay for it that fall because it was so soft out there and muddy made for a good YouTube video but that was about it if you moldboard plow the next spring if you have a wet spring that it's so soft out there because the plow is literally turn it over do a good job coverage and then it gets like a soup bowl so the rippers do a lot better job you don't have a sinking issue 870 26 foot 870 we pull it behind the 600 number one pretty much our main pillage for corn ground there's another flower that was also bought brand new when dad bought is 1086 and now there's an 8 inch tree growing through it I killed that though with the spray you're ready to go now look at you at an auction sale looking for another quad tracks before we bought this last quad track and while anyways the squad track went for way too much money and we ended up staying at the sale because we were looking at this thing hey gain of me anyway they dated yeah and what was it when was uh it was like seven thousand dollars and we're standing there it's like okay we're in so he started bidding and we ended up getting it for like what 12 5-12 five so we got a landscaper now to do ditch work and other random projects that we've owned it for two years have not been able to use it because it's been so wet in the fields but maybe this fall Thanks watch Oh am I glad I'm not a deer so anyways our tile software s SD tile they make another program named best beat drain that's what will be going on there and it will be GPS guided for cleaning there is the biggest junk pile Alec fit in is that the Joseph I hate the don't know you don't know how bad it is when you don't have this the only problem is you have to have good black dirt no residue if they want my corn stalks I'll show you what I grew up there was the day I used to put 1086 into a Lolo which was maybe one mile an hour hello / maybe slower stick it in the gear jump out of the cab and walk around behind this and wherever the tractor drove I walked behind throwing rocks it's the old male roll rock picker and for those of you once again that know it's the dual silver lift that's good Randy actually lived here when he first got married obviously it's unlivable now but it's we still use the arts of storing stuff some sheds up here we store all our tile as you can see look at all the tile the man that lived here was he was we got you got into farming I was able to rent his farm and that's where we got the start of it yeah there's our forty two thirty yeah 42:30 hydraulic front-wheel assist I think it's a somewhat greater thing to find we got two of them well a forty six forty in a mask 46:40 has hydraulic front-wheel assist in the 42:30 does two pretty rare thing right yes that's a rarity rarity they don't really help all that much you're a helper not a get her out er just full of stuff we don't use basically ya always want a house the stuff you don't use and don't plan on ever using again and take up shed or space for that because that's important old grinder mixer here's the sprayer that I used with the 20 can but that's the upgraded version because we took off the 47 foot booms and we put on the 60 foot bloom Hart booms stitch more what was that what was that that was terrifying that feed mill feed grinder I forget how many thousands of bushels of corn what was it a year we've grown I'm gonna think on that I think it was like let me think I'm thinking you figure it out yet I think it's twenty-five thousand bushels twenty-five to thirty thousand bushels a year that thing ground times how many years thirty years times twenty-five thousand 750 thousand bushels it's the seven hundred million bushels went through that old golf girl Gail it's a Gail 95 with a scale really in an extension on the auger - yeah you can do it well there's another exhilarating for 40 to 30 I don't know these are in here 12 rolled Case IH elevator Olek hana motor off a swather i was gonna build a pony motor but didn't get that part why is it smell so weird and you that fat mare look at that oh the stuff that kills people yeah guano I think that's the word guano [Laughter] [Music] like that so basically this is our to just grain hoppers we only have three great hoppers one straight truck that we haul with during the fall when it works three trucks three drivers never stop moving right alright there's my bumper off my pickup look at this foundation here it is so shot high quality junk why don't you know he sure thinks he's funny doesn't he yeah he's a funny guy as Clint Eastwood would say you're a legend in your own mind black words been diggin they kick down and they'd eat the panel there's another one of em you can always tell they got little little round holes you know what okay what there's one there's one there's been going nuts here this is another sprayer that we had on the back of the 4640 right yeah 90 40 we should sell it but I don't think people really use these things yeah I don't know what it's worth I know what I paid for it here's how my dad crushed his fingers so his fingernail don't grow right anymore Greg's got to know what you're doing this digger here is what I started with 24 foot well it was 60 and a half but then we added on that wings there made her into a 24 foot 1086 had all she could do pull it many trips back and forth then this cultivator here he had on the 42 30 and it would overheat it that was a little too much but it worked thanks for watching this video today guys I know a lot of you have been [Music] wanting to see this video and I know it's extremely long not sure how she's gonna edit it all up to look but could be to videos could be one but thanks for watching don't forget to give us thumbs up and a subscribe I already said that I haven't heard you talk yet there I said it push the thumbs down button twice am I done now I don't like this you know thanks for watching
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 172,891
Rating: 4.931314 out of 5
Id: do7ZmtoXiPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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