UFC Classic: Georges St-Pierre vs BJ Penn | FREE FIGHT

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10 [Applause] against st pierre ready to fight the winner gets matt hughes here we go [Applause] he sure is and he loves to throw he's got very heavy hands good right hand by st pierre there late kick check by b.j fans approve of the return of the prodigy what an ovation for b.j penn when bruce buffer officially re-welcomes him to the octagon the hardcore fans know bj for sure you got that right i mean as a fan i'm so excited to see him back in the ufc uh-oh poke george st pierre's wincing his eye his right eye might have got poked there he's bleeding out of that eye too [Applause] a little stumble there he's bleeding out of his nose as well good leg kick by saint pierre oh yeah a lot of blood now now when a guy bleeds out of the nose one thing you have to think of it's going to be very difficult for him to breathe out of that nose so a lot of times they breathe with their mouth wide open quick spinning back kick there caught him a little bit and when their mouth is wide open it makes them more susceptible to knockouts [Applause] high kick bj so composed so relaxed in there [Applause] pace is slow down here a little no clinch here by bj [Applause] the return tonight of b.j penn to the ufc ufc 59 will provide us the return of title ortiz as he takes on forrest griffin as joe antido just talked about andre arlovski against tim the maniac sylvia for the heavyweight title this one is sold out at the arrowhead pond of anaheim contact your local cable operator or satellite provider ordered on pay-per-view saturday april 15th me inside by bj here dj's very comfortable when things get tight but so is saint pierre with the brazilian jiu jitsu background as well but bj's brazilian jiu jitsu is some of the best in the world his takedown defense is fantastic too check out this crazy flexibility and balance this guy has you grab a hold of one leg he'll bounce around and pull it out i mean to to talk about how great a grappler this guy is he was training with randy couture who we all know blocks around about 220 pounds and randy had a hard time keeping b.j on his back bj just kept standing up b.j when talking about this fight said i'm pumped man i'm pumped for the first time in a long time and he's a guy who probably should be fighting at 155 and has in the past yeah other than when he took on matt hughes basically george st pierre's face is busted up really bad already bleeding badly out of his nose his eyes swelling shut i mean bj came up to fight for the welterweight title at ufc 46. bj is unscathed and george st pierre is bleeding all over the place good inside leg kicks by saint pierre though st pierre continuing to try to press forward though first of three five-minute rounds the only five five-minute round fight scheduled tonight is our main event for the middleweight title between saint pierre's teammate david lewazzo and the champion rich franklin that is still ahead here at ufc 58. [Applause] another good leg kick by saint pierre another one catching him in that same spot every time bj avoids the inside kick that time st pierre is way funny good body shot by b.j penn leading underneath the right eye the nose was opened up early as joe talked about a very good first round for b.j penn pj pen is a deceptively strong striker i mean you look at his body he's not an impressive looking specimen but the guy's got knockout power in his hands they tie up this will be about the end of round number one and the only blood on b.j penn is the blood that just came from the face of george st pierre and here's a beautiful uppercut by b.j that did the damage to george's nose you see that it just clips it you know not not that much power it's a grazing shot but at the tip of the nose so his nose is jacked probably broken which causes him like we said before to breathe out of his mouth great reaction from matt hughes watching the replays along with all of us saint pierre's a lot of a lot of jump right here though joe he wants to bring the fight it's almost like he knows he needs to accelerate the pace and as you said he was disappointed in himself in round one and it seems like all right well i'm gonna take this one to bj in round two he uh he went for the uh back leg kick there to uh bj's been checking the front leg so he went to throw it the same way but followed all the way through to the back leg so he's trying different things here but you know what it's a little limited because he doesn't he wants to grab b jane take him to the ground but it's very hard to do anything to bj penn once he's on the ground look at this look at this i mean look at this takedown effect watch watch him stand back up again very impressive all right let's see bj's guard here we know bj's guard is amazing bj's jiu jitsu all around is amazing he's got incredibly flexible legs and very very insane dexterity he can like take his leg and put it behind his head without using his hands just lift it up and stick it back behind his head [Applause] st pierre doing a great job of uh almost changing gears here in the second round joe after as you said a first round i believe he was very disappointed in himself george decides to stand up out of there oh nice job done by st pierre scoring his first points of the night [Applause] [Music] look at that that one leg i mean he can stand up by the guy's holding his leg he does it all the time he was just waiting for that opportunity to burst right back up to his feet [Applause] hughes has been quoted as saying he wants b.j penn because b.j penn's the man who defeated him see how calmly bj checks those kicks his mental focus is amazing the hilo kid he is a born fighter i mean you're not talking about a guy who has to fight he's from a wealthy family grew up with money doesn't matter loves the competition loves to fight abj stands or bj pardon me stands for baby j all of us in the family have the name jay penny he's the youngest so when he was small they would call him baby jay baby jay i'll be watching ultimate fight night alongside all of us on spike tv down the street at the joint at the hard rock hotel and casino live on spike tv thursday april 6 9 p.m ultimate fight night featuring rashad evans and joe stevenson the winners of season two of the ultimate fighter chris lieben and stephan bond are also on the card tonight they all have the name jay penn they do so it's like a george foreman kind of a thing it is indeed eccentric family yes i think you could say that his brother jd [Applause] much closer side around here got through until that perhaps that kick got through bj didn't seem to be rock bite at all but uh it did get through saint pierre trying to move it up against the fence t-pen just just casually puts that leg up and that's a defensive mechanism to to keep saint pierre from being able to need see how he does that he puts his shin across keeps the knees from coming in he burst into tears when he defeated the welterweight champion matt hughes and won his belt that's all he ever wanted was a title missed his chances a couple of times disappointingly at 155 losing to jen's pulver except for a few brief exchanges on the ground this has basically been a kickboxing bat battle between these two guys penn had that draw in the title shot against carl uno and then he finally won his belt and as dana white said hey you have a contract dispute you know two sides have a difference of opinions and the truth generally lies somewhere in between but the good news is he's back well i'm sure as a fan dana white wanted to have him back too no question [Applause] stay off the back of the head bj final seconds of round number two approaching [Applause] that counts for points and you'd love to score some points at the end of the round as well yeah there is leave that uh leave that last impression in the minds of the judges much better second round joe for george st pierre definitely better but he is still bleeding like a stuck pig third and final round [Applause] and start [Applause] oh good kick by st pierre [Applause] a nice return by bj good left hook pj's not real fond of the judges because he's had some decisions not going his favor he'd love to finish this prior to going to the judge's scorecards st pierre's a purple belt on brazilian jiu jitsu pen a black belt the canadian welterweight champion george st pierre who's hero in mixed martial arts is the natural randy couture george has got to know that he's going to do something here just shealy on looks alone the way he's busted up [Applause] that he had it one round each though bj's throwing little heel kicks inside like that you see that he's lifting his leg up [Music] george's got a hold of a leg [Applause] oh there we go bam oh that will score a bunch of points let's see what bj can do off his back here [Applause] [Applause] again bj just pushes off the hips with his feet stands right up that slam might give the advantage to this third round scoring to george st pierre it looks like it's so far that was the most significant event in this round we still got about two and a half minutes to go well penn early on seemed absolutely unstoppable but st pierre's done a nice job of bringing this into his world well you got to think of how it happened i mean number one was the ipod bj's got excellent stand up not taking anything away from him but that eye poke had to have a lot to do with it number two he just clipped the tip of the nose which probably broke it and that's been haunting him ever since then the blood is pouring out of it st pierre though turned turned up to speed in round number two and bj takes george down now george definitely doesn't want to be on his back with bj on top of him good job by george standing up beautiful takedown defense [Applause] bj looked up at the clock minute and 40 seconds left [Applause] 90 seconds and right now joe this could be anybody's fight absolutely [Music] [Applause] george st pierre could still pull this off and it looked like bj was gonna run away with it in the beginning the winner gets a title shot against matt hughes for the welterweight championship of the world [Applause] the former champion against uh a man who may very well be the future champion here comes baby j final minute and another takedown by st pierre that could seal the deal george is doing a good job of staying down [Applause] pj's squirming he's got his feet on the hips again what he likes to do is put oh looking for another partner looking for a shoulder lock wow look at the flexibility of b.j that's what i was talking about before he's got insane flexibility can he finish it here joe not right there 20 seconds right leg out and roll over or he could get a gogo plot to there 15 seconds remains right there he's got to grab a hold of his foot there is a technique there called the gogo plaza georgia's out of it look at bj's lakes just come up again who wow get to fight matt hughes i would hate to have to score that fight george saint-pierre might have very well pulled it off let's take a look at some of the action from that round takedown by george st pierre and look at this crazy flexibility by b.j penn [Applause] and just throws the other leg up over the top bang look at that and what a reaction at the end of the fight by matt hughes our welterweight champion lorenzo fertitta dana white the ufc president after the three rounds of action we go to the judge's scorecards for decision before the decision must have a big hand for these ufc welterweight warriors nelson hamilton scores the bout 29-28 pierre cecil people scores about 29 28 10 and marcus rosales scores the bout 29 28 for the winner by split decision george rush [Applause] george rush saint pierre wins by split decision he will get his rematch with matt hughes [Applause] you
Channel: UFC
Views: 3,797,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, mma, ultimate fighting championship, Classic, free, fight, fighter, bout, history, career, best, of, highlight, kick, punch, split, decision, Georges, St, Pierre, BJ, Penn, UFC 58, March 4, 2006, welterweight, division, opponent, matchup, former, champion, champ, belt, title, ufc paris, guest, september 3, 2022, saturday, octagon, look, back
Id: 09FkQUh6OJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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