Kyle Dake vs Jason Nolf best of 3 Round 2 (full match) Olympic trials!

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[Music] aftera one Legend in Jordan Burrows his reward to try to earn a trip thep went on to olyp [Music] tokal to again we'll see this later with David Taylor and Aaron brooksy Jason both train here at P State you're competing a guy you see in the wrestling room probably every single day yeah they've done that for many many years now might have been a reflection of the low score in the first but Kyle d one of the most complete wrestlers in the United States great offensive ability one of the best counter wrestlers that we have shoot in he has that front chest R very good on top of his turns Jason n great low single shots low doubles come out of an open position and and surprises opponents phenomenal breakthrough win for him against Jordan Burrows earlier in the Challenge tournament again he had a convincing inod that elied to the vict over burs OPP toally Chase olymp medal now would to get wrestled back for Bron after startled in an early round in Tokyo and his l in his second B was shocking he got beat 11 without the United States acoss 18 classes Team USA at those Olympic games that was more than any other Nation W in wrestling there's the passivity call the clock now di was a bit shocked by that second round loss and came back with a vengeance in that tournament he's been been on a ter since then I know he'd love to go to Paris and earn that gold medal he has to win this match here first way through to score on that acity clock after theity call a point nice double leg attempt by n but not nearly get close to D's legs so D will earn that point 30 seconds expires terrific performer yatb PA here from the dney lions in college a couple of US Open titles the last couple of years the grand PRI of zagre in Croatia this winter for the second straight year a lot of these top International performers will go to tournaments throughout the year test themselves against the best around the world they gears up for what they'll see at the world championship of the referee the warning now so go back and forth on that one look get D moving a bit here to see if he can try and score before that 30 second clock Runs Out controlling the center of the mat this whole match so far and off I think content to stay towards the edge and and maybe C wrestler wrestle in the zone that was just the first faity call on D so no clock running here has to score and then you see holding his eye not sure if there was a finger face of clearly to himself bad I poke see him recoil there a little bit I think D just reacted put his hand up and unfortunately caught an eye those can be very difficult for a wrestler to deal with for the rest of the match you can't clear that eye if you going to scratch your cor that can affect your outcome and and you don't need a lot of his ability to wrestler wrestle if your opponent especially if he's very close in but you don't want to be battling that eye your whole whole match cing and ey with a little bit of solution there to see if they can clear it up sorry for the shaking of the camera literally sitting here holding [Music] up caugh him right in the eye inal just an unfortunate urr that happens in wrestling so no ready to go again he'll have more time to regroup coming up here tail of this period in the and we reached the Midway point one nothing lead for Kyle D and challenging couple passing away a week AG at AG 62 Doug d a state champion in Ohio and high school wrestling all America at Kent State D said this the last time my dad and I got in our stance and wrestled this video exemplifies exactly who he was as a person showed me how to be a great husband father mentor and friend I'll always remember I love you Dad Cly tried to continue his quest to get back to another Olympics with a heavy heart for what's transpired here in the last 10 days or so very difficult for D to maintain his focus in these circumstances obviously did a very nice job in the first match and you don't want that motion to start creeping in as you get close to the end of this second match take able to force m to the edge earning another pass call D continuing to be aggressive family looking on and it's family for d That's continued to grow he and wife Megan two young kids 5-year-old Ella 3 and halfy oldia said recent years it's made him more mature that's carried over to his wrestling trying to solve D here on the shot clock when you've wrestled somebody in the wrestling room day in day out very difficult to to surprise him with anything and they they know each other so well both trying to get some shots off but he not been able to penetrate with any success against against Kyle D so far couple of single point scores for right now it's a winning formula here against Jason to sweep this the three final series there's again in on that hide single drives it up able to get a point on the edge huge point now it's three Z has an opportunity to separate himself in this match no will have to get on his horse and make something happen one take down won't won't do it won't get criteria tied up at Kyle D that familiar stance and form helped achieve so much in this sport Lancing New York settling there Ina with just his phenomenal college career he's one of seven guys to win four NCA titles all time in men at wrestling but the only one to do it at four different weight classes he had to flip around a few weight classes to find his true home here at the international level but supplanting Jordan Burrows the last Olympic trials 74 kg and he's stayed here at 163 lounds and THL trying to pick up the activity see he can't get something going here to score maybe get him through the edge maybe get an opportunity for a shot there's that double oh he gets in it's a score on the edge D kind of held on to the hand he wasn't able to finish it for continuation to get two interesting these we've seen who to the crowd has been on their hands in some of these n Li NY lion wrestling club [Music] matchups Jason and he'll head back olymp United States andle one of the Fier competitors that calls
Channel: Joe philly
Views: 3,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oDOpExNxeNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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