UE5 Tutorial: Creating Harvesting Blueprint | Easy Gathering System

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hello ladies and gentlemen my name is decryption and I hope you are well Gathering or harvesting is a huge Trope in RPG games or MMOs where you can walk around you can go up to a certain object like a tree or a mine or rocks some Fields anything you can lean down or you know get an Axe and start going to town and Gathering or harvesting items it's such a key thing it boosts your skills it's a great way to get loot it's often not really op or anything so in today's tutorial we are going to make it so we can walk around to these flowers but only the specific ones and we can start harvesting them I think this will be a cool little Trope but the game it will add some extra functionality to the game that people will enjoy playing so let's get [Music] started so I have my pretty much PK town here and we can put a bed of flowers somewhere and you know you go down you pick it up and that's pretty much it it'll give it you now you could realistically put it on every single piece of grass and everything but that's a bit too much for this video I think so I'm only going to do specific ones so like I might put some specific flowers near this water so like in Skyrim you'll come and get the Nim rout and stuff like that so I think I'll put a couple of them around this bridge area here and they'll basically each be a blueprint you can go and harvest them so to get started the key thing for this tutorial is I'm going to be using the narrative interaction plugin if you don't have it I will try to guide you when and where you need to plug your interaction into it but the key point of it will be when we start the interaction then the blueprint will disable the player we'll play an animation and when we release the key then the player will be allowed to continue again so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to come to my blueprints folder I'm going to right click new folder and I'm going to call it Gathering cuz we might have multiple different things like we might have a Nim R we might have a tree a stone you know whatever I'm going to right click and I'm going to create a blueprint class I'll SEL the type of actor and I'll call it BPA Gathering and the reason we're calling it BPA is just like we do for most things we're going to put most of the settings on here which will be generic but then we'll make child classes of this so if you ever want to reuse it the options there so BPA Gathering will'll do all sorts of gathering but the child classes will do say the tree the mine the flowers stuff like that if I come into class settings I'm just going to abstract and click compile and and now that we've done that our abstract class cannot be dragged in anymore because we must make a child component of it I'm going to Simply right click create child and I'll call it Gathering score blue flower because that's type of flower I've got that you can go and pick up I'm going to open this up I'm going to come and add a static mesh for the actual flower and then somewhere in one of my packs I believe I have a blue flower that I want to use so it's this blue flower here so I'm just going to allocate it like so for efficiency I'm actually going to come and disable the Collision on these flowers I'll search for collision and I'm just going to go no Collision no and want it I'll also disable the nav mesh because it doesn't really matter and you might be thinking well surely we need some Collision for the interaction to work and you are right we do but what I'm going to do is just add a much simpler box Collision something a lot smaller a lot more lightweight and it doesn't really matter if it's so clear on this one but on this one I still don't need it to affect the navigation because if the NPCs walk through it's a flower they do all the time anyway if it was like a tree that would be slightly different sure and in this case I'm also just going to come down and set the Collision presets to block all and I can compile and save so now if I come down to the edge of my bridge where these flowers will typically be next to the water I can pretty much drag my blueprints in so I can just randomly come and add these just around the bridge just where it needs to be cuz then the quest later and the dag will like oh it it grows on the edge of river beds kind of thing you know something like that I could probably work up a dynamic spawner as well to make it look nicer and stuff but for now I think this is pretty good I'm going to drag it up just tap the in key just to make sure they're all touching the floor there we go so now you can come down and you can see the blue flowers here I could put some elsewhere but that's level building and a bit outside of this D tie off and now so how do we actually work on the Gathering and the picking off so this is where I'm going to move over to the narrative intera tutorial part but if you have your own interact what you basically need to do is have a way of detecting this Gathering abstract loprin and then you can tell it when to start and stop Gathering because what we'll do is when you start Gathering we'll play the animation of picking and when you let go of gathering or end Gathering then it stops the animation gives controls back to the player the narrative interaction plugin will allow me to do this in a single class file but what you can do is easily if you fire a line Trace out and you detect this Gathering just have a couple of events on here of the begin Gathering end Gathering so for the narrative interact part I'm going to come over to my blueprints folder and I'm going to right click and I'm going to create a new folder I'm going to call it interactions so what I'm going to do is come into my content drawer and into my narrative interactions folder I'm going to right click and I'm going to do blueprint class I'll set the type to be a narrative interactable component I'll click select and I'm going to call it interactable Gathering and I'll open this up so I'll delete the events off and the process is going to be pretty simple when the player presses to start Gathering as long as they hold it the player will continue Gathering as soon as they let go it will stop Gathering that's the way I'm going to pretty much go around it the other way you could do it if you don't want to do it that way if you want them to just press it once like go and if they press it again it stops or if they move away or something is you could do it based on interact mixed with Focus out so on interact they play the animations on Focus out or something like that you can make it cancel the alternative way is you could just make it so if they interact once it begins if you interact again it checks if it's already began there's loads of different ways of doing so for mine I'm going to override the on begin interact and then the on end interact so on the on begin interact so this is where we'll start the Gathering process so what I'm going to do is add a new variable called B Gathering and then I'm going to come in on the in begin interact and set his Gathering to true just like that and then on end interact I'm going to come and also untick it like so so now we've got a way of detecting whether we're Gathering or not and if you've installed narrative interact in the way the tutorial suggests then you will have a function what looks it's a little bit like this which basically says on started of your interact key it begins un completed or cancelled then it ends this means we can also hold the key down to detect the begin and when we let go it will detect the end which is perfect for what we want so the key to this one is I'm going to use event tick on here now I know normal people don't like the event tick which is completely fine but what we can do with this one is we can actually use it to our advantage if you select class defaults at the top you can actually choose how often the tick runs so what I'm actually going to do with mine is I'm going to set mine to run every every 3 seconds so whilst you're harvesting it'll go click click click 3 seconds you'll gather one item that's what I'm going to do but as a bonus what we can do on our interactable gathering to make it more generic is I'm going to add another one called Gathering tie and I'll set it to a float and then I'll make it instance editable with the eyeball and then what we can do is we can drag off of here and do set component to interval which will set that amount and I can drag the Gathering time into it so what it'll do is when we start interacting it will set the Gathering time for this interact which also means you can also change the Gathering time outside of it so if your play is not proficient enough in gathering plants or trees you can adjust the Gathering time to make it longer which is really nice to I'll just hit compile and give it a default time of three just so I don't forget cuz otherwise we're going to get an infinite amount of items super and then on tick this is where we actually now have our timer built in for us built into one real without having to do anything special which will automatically give us our items so off of this I'm going to drag off and do a branch and I'm going to add in the B Gathering here like so so if it's false then we're not Gathering it doesn't really matter so the reason we're doing it this way is if it's true then we are gathering it if it's false then we shouldn't be gathering it but if it's false we don't want it to be ticking cuz then this act will be ticking all the time so what I'm actually going to do is above here on begin interact I will do set component tick Ena and I'll tick it as true and then on the false down here I will just disable it again so what this is going to do is instead of this event tick running all the time time even when you're not Gathering it will only run when you're Gathering nice and simple the Boolean technically isn't needed but it's a nice little safety check just in case for some reason something else makes this tip then if you're not Gathering it will be fine so the next bit we need is to actually start giving the player the items so I am going to use the narrative inventory cuz that's what inventory plugin I have if you have your own plugin that's completely fine just give the player the items here so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to store the interactor as a variable so we can access it again later I'm just going to promote this interactor to a variable and just keep it called interactor so if you've got a multiplayer game this will tell you specifically who's interacting with it but the other benefit of doing it this way is NPCs can also use interactions meaning the NPC could walk up and interact gather this flower or something if you really wanted to and then what we can do down here is I can drag the interactor off and I can do get inventory component from Target that's how I get my inventory and then I can simply do add item try add item from class I'll connect that to the truth and the item class I will promote to a variable and then if you really want to you can promote the quantity to a variable TP but typically if you mine something you only get one anyway so I'll also promote the quantity to a variable just in case but chances are I'll probably stay at one and then I'll make sure all of these are instance editable except the interactor we can actually just Mark that as private because that only really needs to stay in here and I'll also move it to a private category just so it's out the way there we go so I'll set the quantity by default to a one so it already is just in case there we go so that is actually a good chunk of the work we've still got finessing to do but for now we should theoretically be able to try it I'm going to come back to my BPA Gathering here and I'm going to add our new Gathering interactable there and I'm going to compile and save and just leave it as it is but I'm going to come back over to the Gathering Blue Flower so we can now customize it I'm going to come up and I'm going to say firstly we don't need Gathering to be visible that's another private variable so I'll move it into private I'll take it private as well and it doesn't need to be instance editable because Gathering is private to this secondly we'll come back Gathering time 3 seconds to gather some flowers yeah I'll say that's fine the item class I don't have an item for this yet so let's go and quickly make one so again I'm using the narrative inventory if you're using your own make whatever you want I'm going to say it's a narrative item I'll just say ni I blue flower and then when I come up with a better name we will name it the pickup mesh I will literally just make it this one I don't have a thumbnail for it yet so we'll just leave that for now the display name and we'll call it blue flower the description a blue flower often used in crafting and with basic herbalism can be used to heal there we go so it's giving a little bit more LW to our game we've got the option to have health upgrades and stuff like that and everything else I will just keep as default and I can compile and save and then I can come back to my Gathering Blue Flower click my interactable and now I can set the item to my blue flower quantity will be just one cuz that's how much you'll get each time interaction time we're going to keep it zero because we don't want the player to have to hold the key to get the item then it ends the interact we want this to press and hold it and it continuously interacts with it which is why we're keeping the interaction time to zero cuz otherwise it will only call begin interact once and we don't want that interactable name will be blue flower and the interact will not be interact it'll be gather there we go we can compile and save for nicity we can also come back over to the interactable Gathering click class defaults and we can just set the action text to gather as well cuz everything's probably going to say gather there we go so in theory we can try it now and we should be able to to these blue flowers and start Gathering them so now you'll see if I come down to this flower here if I look at it if I tap e nothing will happen but if I come and hold it after 3 seconds uh I think a few more than 3 seconds have passed if I go to my inventory you see I have now received a blue flower how cool is that if we count it up 1 second 2 seconds 3 seconds check the inventory we we now have two flowers there we go ladies and gentlemen a super basic Gathering system and of course there's so much more we can do to it so let's do some more so what if you want these flowers to sort of be destroyed after you've gathered so many like we're not going to go into a flower spawning system but say maybe a flower has five items so once you've gathered F five it needs to disappear you know be destroyed kind of thing or become inactive you change the mesh something like so what I'm going to do is come back to my interactable gathering and I'm going to add a new variable to this one called quantity available and I'll set this to an integer I'll set it as instance editable compile and I'll set the default to five so we can only get five items from this one and then at the end of tryad item from class what we can do is we can grab the quantity available we can do minus minus to decrement it which if you don't know what decrement does it simply is a shorthand way of grabbing the variable minus off of it adding one and then setting the variable again the increment just simply sets the variable and takes a single one off it's a nice little short hand then what we can do after this is we can say if it's less than or equal to and add a branch like so so if it's less than or equal to zero meaning it's run out of the quantity available then we can simply just call on end interact so I'm going to take this true up to here just so it disables it like so and might even bring this over here a little bit so if it's true we basically need to call on and interact so I'm going to take these two here I'm going to right click and do collapse to function and I will call it end Gathering and then if you let go it will end Gathering else if it hits true it will end Gathering however before we end the Gathering and basically say don't tick anymore we should really tell the flower we're finished with it so I don't want to tie this interactable Gathering to the BPA Gathering because then every time a gathering is available it needs to have the Gathering in memory it's tying them both together and it's it's needless so what I'm going to do actually is come to my interfaces folder and I'm going to right click and I'm going to create a new interface called BPI Gathering and I'm going to open it up so we're going to add one function simply called update gather amount and then on here I will add an input of gather amount and if you have a flower that the more you harvest like tiberium from Command and Conquer it disappears over time I'm going to make it so this one has an update ready to tell you I've changed your Mount I've changed your M so you can take it down if you want and I'll hit compile and save the reason we're doing it this way instead of just saying Gathering has finished is if you want something to decrease in size or something like that over time like tiberium in commanding conquer or Skyrim the mines they'll disappear the more you do so this way it gives us the option to do this as well it's more flexible so wel come to BPA Gathering and I'm going to implement this interface so I'll click class settings implemented interfaces and I'll type BPI Gathering it will then give me the update gather amount which I can just double click Implement here and on the parent I'm not going to do anything because I might want the Gathering to be different flowers and picking things yes they'll just disappear and will destroy them but a tree you might want to actually fall down break into logs like in the forest so to make it more flexible I'm simply going to go and do it on the blue flower I'm going to come to the event graph I'm going to double click this interface here update gather amount I'm going to right click it and do add called the parent function so just in case we do do anything specific on the parent we've got the option to use that as well but what then I'm going to do after this is simply drag off this gather amount and say if it's less than or equal to zero then I'm simply going to destroy it like so and I can hit compile and I can hit it save so what this should do now is when we call this interface here if it's less than zero it'll destroy it and then equally what you could do on false is start decreasing the size of it actually let's do that anyway cuz that sounds quite cool I'm going to drag the static mesh in and I'm going to make the Box alone so it doesn't so the Collision box doesn't change size and I'm going to drag off the static Miss I'm going to set scale I'm going to set relative scale 3D and I'm going to connect it into the false so the way we're going to calculate the scaling is by using a lurp node I'm going to add in lurp vector and what a lurp node does is it allows to choose a value between zero and one and it'll go zero it will be the a value and one it'll be B and it'll do all the logic to work at in between so what I'm going to do is set the minimum size to be 0.1 0.1 and 0.1 so it shrinks down to 0.1 and then after that it's going to be destroyed and the max size to be 111 and then the alpha we just need to calculate based on how much we've actually got from the Gathering if I drag off into do quantity available then what we need to do is somehow convert quantity available over to a z to one value cuz at the quantity available is five it could be 100 so what I'm going to do is right click and choose a map clamped range and then what this does will do all the conversions for us so I can plug the return value into the alpha but the value is our current value which will be quantity available and it will convert it to a float for us so that's all good next our outrange a to be between zero and one so we know that's all good and the next thing we need to actually remember how much is available so we can do the logic as it counts down so in this blue flower because this is where I'm doing the scaling one I'm going to add a new varable variable called called Max quantity available and I'm going to set it to a type of integer and then I'm going to add in up here event begin play and I'm going to set the max quantity available to the quantity available so as soon as the game starts it sets the quantity available there we can come into the max quantity and tick private as well cuz nothing else but this blueprint needs it and then with this what we can do is drag this new variable out and plug it in to the B range and it will automatically convert it now that we've got that we can hit compile and save and we can jump back to our interactable gathering so what we want to do is before we actually do the branch check to actually end the Gathering on true we simply want to update the size I'm going to right click and do get owner and then with the new size here I'm going to drag up and use our new interface update gather amount I can plug this in I can plug that into the gather amount and I can plug it over here quantity available I will just drag down here and reconnect this one so it looks neater there we go and now we can compile and save so just for Speed I'm just going to drag a flower just in front of me here just so we don't have to run all the way down there to test it but what you'll see now we should be have to run up to it and every time we press and hold e it should start shrinking for us so you'll see if I run up to it now and I press e it will start to shrink there we go look at that and then when it gets to the end it should destroy it there we go it's now gone if we check our inventory we do officially have five of the flowers how cool is that ladies and gentlemen however there is a small glitch with it for some reason the event tick seems to be running as soon as it's ticked meaning you can just press it and let go and that's not something we really really want on this one so what I'm actually going to do is I am going to substitute out the event tip for a timer just because a timer will work with the the starting delay which will be a lot better for us so after it is gathering I'm going to drag off and do set set timer by event and then the time we're going to put the Gathering time in I'm going to tick looping the initial start delay I'm going to put the Gathering time in because we want it to wait the amount of gathering time every 3 seconds then I'm going to promote this timer to a variable called Gathering timer this is just so we can stop it so on end interact on our end Gathering I'm going to drag our gather timer in and simply call clear and invalidate timer this will basically wipe the timer out and we can get rid of the tick component we don't need that anymore and then back down here we can add a custom event here we'll call it gather and I'll connect it up to the branch and then up here we can come down here we can just do create event and we can tell it we want to run the gather function like itself so if I drag up here on the gather and just add a print statement or gathering we will be able to see every time it adds something to the inventory and now if I run up and I hold e you will see that the flower should start ticking down and our inventory will start picking up so there's one one second two three second there's two and as you can see the flower is going down and as we are gaining more and more of these items in our inventory eventually the flower will just disappear now this is a dead basic example of what you can do but it's just shown that you really can kind of do anything you need to with it so like even if I run down to these ones down here oh yeah it's definitely in the inventory as well we got five so if I run down to these ones down here you can see I can start Gathering them as well one two and thanks to Lumen as well the flowers are changing shadows as well which looks really cool and there you go you can basically take any amount you want and our inventory stocks up nicely so there we go you may experience a weird issue when you press interact that it will immediately just stop it won't do anything it'll do it the first time as soon as you press it after that it won't do it anymore the reason is you have to make sure on your input so if I search for my interact input you have to make sure you have two Triggers on it press and release if you don't as soon as you press it unreal immediately calls the completed event which basically comes into the Gathering interactable and says begin interact cuz you've pressed it immediately end so it will never actually tickle properly so you've got to make sure you have two Triggers on your events there otherwise it won't work so we pretty much have it coming on very very nicely now that you can come and you can Harvest from it but there's still a few more bits we can do so the first thing I'm going to do is get rid of the Annoying size so for the blue flower I will just set the max stack size to 9 99 so it'll all stack up into one nice one and then it would be nice if we could do some animations for it so we can actually see him bending down and you know taking picking things up aing whatever you want so what I'm going to do is I've already imported a gathering objects animation from mixo where it bends down he does some bits and then he'll stand back up I don't want the bending down and the standing back up part I I figured we'll just Loop it just for now just for ease sakes because I'm not an animer so what I'm going to do is just when he's down and about to start picking I'm going to right click and do remove frame just so we're at the looping side and then when he puts it in his back pocket I will just right click remove last frames if you've got a better looping animation it'll probably look really good actually I could probably also get rid of everything after that as well so it literally just looks like he's looping on the floor like that and then as you holding the key it will do it I'll come up to the top create asset create animation current animation animation data and this is where we can export just this little bit of Animation that we've got now go to animations polygon Elven and I will do Gathering objects Loop and now with this on our gathering blue flower cuz this is the one where we actually want to play the animation so on our gathering blue flower we just need to basically find somewhere to play the animation so what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click the interactable add a then and do on interacted so this is when it's actually starting to interact and from here I will grab the interactor and I will do get body mesh which is an interface that I have already added to my character so I don't have to cast to it if I show you my BP character which is my interface all it is is get body mesh Returns the skeletal mesh component and then I have applied it to my player and when I come in for the interfaces I can go to get body mesh and I've just dragged in my body like so and back on here I can simply drag off this and do play montage and then we won't be able to find a montage at the moment because we simply need to right click the loop and choose create animation Montage which I will call it Amore Gathering objects Loop I'm going to also open this while we're here and just make sure I tick Loop and I will save it and I will Al also go back to the basic animation and make sure I've ticked loop as well just in case so it's looped on both one last thing you need to do in order to make it Loop is also come over to the Montage sections click on your default montage and just make sure to tick this little box here and click default you'll see a little round icon which basically means it's going to Loop itself I don't know why you have to do both and now back here with should be able to find our gathering objects Loop like so now if weit compile and save now if we come and try it you should see that we should be able to walk up to the flower hold the E key he'll bend down he'll continuously Loop to pick things up and then he'll until the flower's gone you can see we can now run up to the flower if I hold the E key he'll bend down and he'll start picking it it fantastic he's looping and then when we let go at the moment he continuously Loops so that's not fully right we need a way to tell it to stop looping the animation at the moment we don't have one because when we tell it to play the Montage it will just continuously play it so what we can do is we can right click the interactable add event and we can do on end interacted and then just like we did before we can put this down here and we can just play an animation to make him get back up and by choosing that get back up animation it will cancel out the looping one and then once it finishes the play will get regain control so what I'm going to do is come back down to my gathering objects animation here and then I'm going to find the part where he stands back up so just as he puts it in his pocket so we'll say about there and I'll right click and I'll just get rid of everything at the beginning so just simply play that and stand up like so we can probably reduce the length of this animation as well because once he stood up like that I think we'll be okay to actually just give control back to the player so we'll just cut the ending off there we go he puts it in his pocket after looping and stands up now we can save that now I can come back to create asset create animation current animation and animation data in the animations we can open this Up Polygon Elven and I will call this Gathering end and we can click okay I can now come back to my Gathering Blue Flower here and I can make sure that my gathering end has a montage assigned to it so I'll just call it am am for animation Montage Gathering n and then I can come inside here and type Gathering n like so so one slight mistake on my part I do apologize on end interacted is going to fire whether you actually interact with it or not it will always fire when you focus in Focus out because the interaction has ended you've not just actioned it so un interacted is if you actually interact with it but we don't currently have anything to say if you have interacted with it and you've left so what we can do for this real easily is we can come back into interactable Gathering and we can create an aent dispatcher and we'll just call it on interaction ended and then what I'm going to do is after end Gathering where we set the component tick and we un it Gathering I will just call this right here because we actually know at this point we have indeed gathered and we've stopped Gathering so I can hit compile and save I can jump back to the Gathering Blue Flower and instead of doing this on and interacted here instead when we actually begin interacting I can drag in our interactable gathering just after we actually interact with it and I'll drag this to the side slightly and I will'll do aign on interaction ended which is the new event dispatcher we've added I will drag this up here connect it up and then I'll just connect this event to this one here so what we're actually doing now is we're saying as soon as we come in and we actually start interacting with it Bine straight away and tell us when this specific Gathering is ended once it's ended just play the getting up animation otherwise proceed on and play the looping animation and then the only other thing it needs is the interactor so I'll drag this off and do get interactor which is the variable we've already stored on the interaction anyway just like so and then all we have to do just before we finish playing the Montage is we just need to make sure that we unbind from here so it doesn't keep raising it as something we've done I'm going to drag in the interactable Gathering and just type unbind event from on interaction ended and it'll ask what event we want to unbind and it's just the event we're calling right here so this way as soon as we start interacting we temporarily bind onto the interaction ended so we know when we've actually interact with it and ended the interaction then we'll play the looping animation that will go off and do everything in the event tick here and then after it's finished or destroyed it will call the ended which will unbind the event so it doesn't run again and then it will play ending animation so we have one last little complexity with this system on the interactable event graph we are calling update gather amount which goes back to our gathering blue flower here and then what we're doing is we're checking if we've run out and then destroying it straight away before we're actually calling the end part here so it never ends properly it just instantly gets destroyed in instead what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this ghetto n and update gather amount and I'm actually going to drag it over here connect this up to there and get rid of that put it all the way down here and instead of calling it before we do anything I'm actually just going to Simply call it after so we'll call it from both places of the true or false so either way it will update the gather amount but as long as the end Gathering plays then it should play the final animation and not get us stuck in limbo of forever picking it up because the actor's getting destroyed so just to reiterate before we were checking the quantity straight away and then on our quantity here if we ran out of the actual gather amount it would destroy the actor and because the actor was destroyed it then when it came to the end Gathering and told us to stand back up it wouldn't run anymore because we'd already destroyed the act so we've just flipped it around so this time it's saying if you've run out tell everybody we finished tell the event tell the delegates and then update the animation and then you can destroy the flower object so now I should be able to walk up to it I can press and hold e to start Gathering if I let go he'll stand up which is perfect effect if I press and hold it again until it runs out we should stand up automatically because the flowers ran out of seeds or something wherever we're Gathering and the final one is there he's put it away cuz we've gathered it there we go ladies and gentlemen there is a cool Gathering system which adds to the narrative inventory so we've got five from that flower and you can come to as many of them as you want and you can come and pick them it's your own will as soon as you let go he will stand back up all the flower will disappear because we've collected everything we can from it and finally it is is now gone and we've stood up how cool is that ladies and gentlemen a proper Gathering system it's highly flexible because all you have to do is to create a child class of the Gathering vpa Gathering and then Implement whatever logic you want into it in this case we have made the model shrink down in size and Destroy when it's finished we have also played an animation Montage when they need to actually animate picking it or doing whatever they want thank you for watching ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed it if you've got any other requests for tutorials please let me know my name is decryption and I will see you you next time
Channel: D3kryption
Views: 579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, ue5, harvesting blueprint, gathering system, game development, blueprint tutorial, game mechanics, ue5 tutorial, easy blueprint tutorial, gaming tutorial, unrealengine5, gamedevelopment, game design, unreal engine 5 harvesting tutorial, creating harvesting blueprint, easy gathering system, blueprint setup, flower blueprint, event tick bugfix, input bugfix, adding animation, Creating Harvesting Blueprint Easy Gathering System, d3kryption, timer implementation
Id: cvWrAYGaEmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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