#UE5 Series: The Beginner's Guide to Niagara

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hello everyone my name is Reza and welcome to my channel quite recently I have received lots of requests about Niagara the VFX system within Unreal Engine and why I'm not covering this topic as part of my Unreal Engine Series so I made a decision to record a number of videos on this topic to be able to thoroughly showcase the engine's capabilities I start by breaking down this topic into smaller digestible chunks and covering the basics of Niagara first and how to read stages modules and properties and we gradually but surely build on top of this lesson in future recordings so if you have not had a chance to work with Niagara I highly encourage you to start from this very specific video so everything that we cover after this will make sense we have a lot to cover so let's Dive Right In [Music] foreign [Music] by creating a brand new scene I can go with blank it's okay to enable Ray tracing and starter content we really don't need I'm going to call the project Niagara and we are going to create the project all right here I am in a brand new scene um you may be wondering where should we start with this do we have any buttons or do we have any menus well you can actually start with a blank brand new scene that's no problem at all there is no mode or menu set that you need to be in you can start with any level at any point of time first things first I'm just going to right click and I'm going to create a folder under my name Reza and then within that I am going to create a Niagara folder so I can put all of my emitters and systems in here now let's start our very first Niagara emitter so that's the very first component that you need to know about in order to start with the whole process I can just simply right click and go to effects and here I have the Niagara emitter I'm going to click and I have three options create an emitter and using certain templates to start with which is certainly a less intimidating way of learning this system the second one is copy an existing emitter from your project into your brand new project which something that we don't want to do and the third one is to create an empty emitter now while this doesn't provide you with the result right off the bat from experience I noticed that it's actually the best way to learn Niagara because it actually shows you all the building blocks the the foundation or the skeleton of the system without having extra modules and auxiliary nodes to confuse you so create an empty emitter seems like a reasonable start I'm going to go ahead and finish now it's time to rename our Niagara emitter NE for Niagara emitter and I'm going to call this my first emitter very typical way of naming of course I'm gonna double click and that takes me to the emitter editor that's where I actually get to see the emitter itself the properties the timeline the viewport and some extra parameters that I can add or remove to this emitter first things first how to navigate right Mouse button hold is going to pan left Mouse button is going to select components and scroll is going to zoom back and zoom in all the way to one-to-one ratio now to zoom in even further which actually I found useful is to hold down control and start scrolling and then you can see I'm getting more Zooms in all the way to 7. so remember you can always Zoom back zoom in it stops from one to one ratio holding down control and zoom in within this area I have this little comment which I can use in order to specify what emitter I'm using so I can click and have more explanation about my emitter first emitter I would call now while you can click on this to toggle it back and hide it the problem is obviously you are using this comment to differentiate the problem is if I zoom back this comment is going to zoom back and disappear which kinda defeats the purpose because if I have too many of these guys I want this comment to help me out well a good way to do it is to use this pen and now if I zoom back the comment won't shrink it just stays put so you can always have your comment with you um regardless of how far you would like to zoom on this emitter editor so that's quite nice I can just zoom in and click on this toggle comment to hide it we have timeline which shows you how long your emitter is going to be active for and right now it's blue and every time you see the blue color it means infinity and the system is controlling it so the loop situation is controlled by the system that's why it's blue you've got the timeline head and you've got the name of the emitter and you've got your timeline control so you can move one frame to the next to the back if you have keyframes you can toggle between keyframes you can set in and out you can set it to Loop for your playback range so on and so forth you have F curve in the next tab so you can just look at the function curves that you're going to create within the properties Channel I will talk about that and then you've got less to some degree important tabs script stats and Niagara log just to be able to troubleshoot a little bit and see what exactly is going wrong so sometimes these Tabs are actually very very important but you know at least in a very basic level when we're creating one emitter chances are you won't be using those two tabs as often I'm going to stay within this timeline Tab and let's talk about the components of this emitter first things first we have stage and CPU CPU obviously if I click on it and you can see it here so you can probably give myself more room so we see what exactly is happening so at the moment any particles that you create CPU your CPU is in charge of simulating it in the future lessons very soon we will talk about the benefits of using GPU instead and what would be the difference between CPU and GPU how to toggle it and how to remove any errors or Warnings that you may be getting and then we've got stages now stage is going to add a new stage into this list so right now we already have well-defined stages or groups we have emitter spawn emitter upgrade particle spawn particle update and render I can totally go in an add a stage to this structure so let's say I can create an event handler so one particle does something and that triggers a behavior for another emitter and these are the ways that you can actually link one emitter to the other emitter we will talk about that in future lessons obviously it's way too early to talk about stage so another thing to be mindful of is you always need to read it from top to bottom so we create the emitter and this emitter is going to have certain behaviors and based on those behaviors this emitter is going to create particles and this particle is going to have certain behaviors that we need to tweak for example with emitter spawn there is really not much that we can add at the beginning because well spawn means let's get this created so at creation what exactly you want to do so with emitter chances are we not going to make so many decisions so rarely used to be honest with you with emitter update let's say number of particles is something that we we sometimes want to understand so are we going to use 10 particles or 2 000 particles and this is something that we are going to specify with particle spawn it's going to be again at creation what's going to happen when you would like to when the particles get created what sort of initial size we're talking about what location what color what would be the lifespan or life cycle of the particles and once that created gets created we're talking about particle update and every time you see update emitter update particle update it's after creation where we're dealing with number of frames a good example for particle update would be changing an attribute over time let's say changing the opacity over time or translating an uh an emitter over time and that's something that we can specify within this particle update so hopefully this makes sense let's go to the next chapter and start adding modules within this diameter node right here [Music] now while we have these groups already line up by default they're not really doing anything they're all empty because there is no modules assigned to it and think of modules as sort of elements responsible for making things happen so without modules Within These groups you pretty much don't have anything you have an empty emitter and that's why in the display we actually do not see anything it's pretty much empty so the first module that I tend to add within emitter update is emitter State and the way that you add module is by clicking on this plus you get certain suggestions and these are most commonly used modules and then you get a full list of all the modules that you can apply to this particular stage or to this particular group so I usually start if I type in state with the emitter State now emitter State sets the expectations for the emitter it gives you the life cycle of the emitter you can totally start without it but chances are that if you add different modules they will error out and ask for dependencies and one of the key dependencies is all right you would like to have an emitter for how long so let's sort of make that an automated process before we add any modules let's just throw in an emitter state so we know this goes for how long and as soon as I do that you can see part of this blue infinite bar is now a tiny um life cycle which is more like a suggestion because right now life cycle mode is set to system so the system it still goes through Infinity but if you would like to change it it goes from zero to 240 frames so you can actually see everything inside this module you can select to see only life cycle or to see only scalability I'm gonna go to life cycle and I say you know what I would like to take charge of the life cycle so I don't want the system to take make decisions for me I would like to do it so self should be selected now within that you can still go for infinite to say all right we are not going to deactivate that anytime soon or you can say you know what Loop that only once Loop duration is fixed and the duration mode is fixed and the duration should be more than one and look what happens to this green bar once I change this one to five so you can see it goes to five seconds and look what happens if I get the handle and try to move it I can probably zoom in and look at this area right here if I start tweaking this you can see Loop duration does change I'm going to reset that one to the original value of 5 and select our module so we don't see extra information in there so you can see now self is selected and once is selected for my Loop Behavior obviously you can set it to multiple right and have that Loop go on multiple times but for now I can just set that one to once excellent I'm going to clear up my filtering right here and that's how you add a module into a group within your emitter let's go to the next chapter now we know how to add a module let's add more modules and come up with a particle system or at least a particle in our viewport all right so the next uh module that I would like to add if I click on the emitter update is this spawn burst instantaneous so I'm just going to go ahead and click on that and just like that I'm creating a stack so the reason we call that a stack is because modules are processed sequentially from top to bottom so while I'm making that stack you always need to remind yourself that the one at the bottom overwrites any common attribute from the one underneath if there is any overlapping attributes and whatever you do the first building block is the first one that you're creating at any point of time you can go in here and rearrange and you can see as soon as I rearrange then I'm changing this stack and that may not work well within my emitter system as a matter of fact if I just go ahead and press delete on the emitter state to just have spawn burst instantaneous I'm getting an error saying that the following predependency is not met because there is no life cycle and that was the reason behind me adding the state module as my building block my first building block within this image your update you can always go and fix issue and it adds the emitter state for you but again understanding the sequential order and why we add certain modules first is always important so I can go into system and pick self and go to infinite and pick once and we just leave it at that you can go and change the leave duration to a loop the duration excuse me to whatever you want to have and really there's no right and wrong here at this stage we're just testing so that's that's that now spawn burst instantaneous as the name suggests it creates burst of particles at the same time now it says how many would you like me to create we can say one two three ten it really doesn't matter but keep that in mind that this module adds them at the same time in the same location now you may say Rizza what is happening why I'm not seeing anything in here because we have an emitter maybe we should sort of create a particle yes and no before we get into particle spawn and particle update let's talk about the render actually and render defines how the output will get displayed we have different types of render types or the way that you see the particle we have Sprite we have mesh we have ribbon we have light we have geometry cache as a matter of fact if I click on this plus to add a new renderer you can see that we have Sprite ribbon mesh light geometry cache decal and component now the most common common one is a Sprite and the cheapest one is Sprite why because it actually gives you this and you may say yay we've got a particle this is not a volumetric particle although I can just move around and basically see the particle and looks like it is it's a 3D object in fact that is not the case it's just a 2d um sort of camera faced plane so just like any Sprites in other software packages like Moya it's just a 2d plane with a material assigned to it if I click on reset the default you can see all I have all of a sudden is a plane that has been aim constrained to the camera um I can press Ctrl Z and if you would like to take a peek at this material you can always go into browse to before to find default Sprite material you can just minimize it right here you can see the Unreal Engine found this material for us it's under Niagara content on their plugin on their engine content so if I scroll all the way up you can see it's under plugins and it's on their engine content so if you would like to see it make sure that your show engine content and show plugin is enabled so you kind of get to it and you can see it but this would be the trick later on to create simple effects we use Sprite we let's say attach a puff of smoke as a material and we multiplied them scattered them and direct the movement of them using force field and we get to create simple effects and it's yes that easy so now we have this let's go into particle spawn and particle update and see what else we can add to create particle and eventually move them all right with particle spawn it gives us the opportunity to specify important attributes including the size of this particle because in the emitter we can just have control over the length and how many particles basically the rate but no attributes to control the size and that gets created or controlled through a module that we add under particle spawn so if I click here you can see we've got some basic ones I again tend to start with initialized particles so if I type in you can see initialize under initialization initialize particle is there and that initializes common attributes again it sets the standard for the particle system that you're about to create lifetime mode and you can just set that to random or a set value and remember this is the life cycle for your particle don't confuse that with the life cycle for your emitter so if you have a life cycle for your emitter as soon as this life cycle ends everything will vanish but if the particle gets a life cycle this particular particle may vanish but the one right next to it may still be alive especially if you have a random situation where you say one lives for one second the other one lives for two seconds so don't confuse the two you have color but I have way better methods to assign color to our particles so I'm not going to talk about that so we have again control over the Sprite size Sprite rotation and Sprite UVS and you probably now know why I talked about Sprite renderer now because we've got mesh attribute and ribbon attribute and if you remember we had ribbon and mesh renderer so technically speaking we are not going to talk about this if you have Sprite set as our renderer another way of doing this instead of looking at all of these and feel overwhelmed you can go and click on these tabs and go through the whole thing one by one again at least for this lesson we're not going to talk about these two definitely in future videos we have to go and explore these two options with Point let's set the lifetime and let's set the Sprite size at the moment it's set you can make it uniform random non-uniform let's say I'm going to go with uniform and all of a sudden we've got a smaller particle I'm just going to set that one to 20 30 and keep looking at this area right here you can see how the particle gets bigger and bigger and bigger rotation mode very useful especially the random one when you have a texture instead of this solid color because then you don't want every single texture to look exactly the same and face the same orientation you want to sort of rotate it around so right now it may not make sense but eventually it does and if I go back to point I set the lifetime to one probably I'm gonna just increase it to two and that should do it for this particular example so initial particle quite useful now I'm in particle update the first one just like emitter update is the state so I would like to go in here and type in state and I would like to add particle State and the good thing about particle state is it just uh if I ever so slightly go in here it kills particles well and lifetime has elapsed so to tell you the truth is one of the most important modules that you need to add so you don't run out of memory so it automatically kills the particles when lifetime is finished perfect what else can we add let's add one of the modules that actually makes things a little bit fun so scale color is what I like to add every now and then if the situation calls for it and that gives you control over changing RGB and changing Alpha in this case opacity so I can go in there and change this number one which is solid or opaque to 0.5 to 0.1 and you can see it's gradually but but surely fade but wouldn't that be nice to sort of have that over time instead of just one fixed value or absolute value throughout this five seconds I'm gonna go and click on this Arrow right here to have access to some suggestions here one of these suggestions says float from curve so what it does and you see that in Niagara a lot and we use it a lot it looks at a value and it converts it to a function curve that you can tweak over time and add in track activity so instead of adding manual keyframes to frame zero all the way to frame to 140 you just convert it to an F curve and you can just change the F curve over time so it plays around with the value over time just like a let's say a graph editor inside Autodesk Maya if you are familiar with that application so float to curve and look what happens it gives us in frame 0 a value of one and as I move forward look at the if you're not sure if you can read the tooltip it goes from 0 to and when I reach 1 the value is 0 and 1 is pretty much the end of my particle cycle so if I play you can see how it vanishes one opaque to zero one to zero so you can see how useful this can be to um to add interactivity and final control over what you do if it's hard to see this window you can always click and show this curve in curve editor right here so I can actually even move it up and plug it somewhere else let's say here or I can just move it to my second monitor if need be at the moment I'm going to leave it here um and you can add and fine tune this curve by middle mouseing to add a keyframe right so a lot can be done I'm going to undo because I really don't want to mess this up but a lot can be done you can select each keyframe right click on it and change the interpolation for example I can select this one and press one on the keyboard and get a tangent to play around with how quickly this um transition whatever transition I have is going to happen so having that F curve using a float to curve will add lots of possibilities and flexibilities to my particle update all right I think it's a good time to talk about Niagara system so basically if I try to put my emitter onto this level I simply can't because it needs to be encapsulated within a Niagara system and that Niagara system is like a container that you can store one or multiple Niagara emitters inside it now you have two ways of doing this one is to create an clean Niagara system and create a clean Niagara emitter inside it the other way is to use the existing parameter and place it inside a brand new Niagara system let's explore both let's do a clean Niagara system with just a template Niagara emitter and that's very easy you just right click you go to Niagara system to create a brand new Niagara system you can do it through effects Niagara system or you can access add button Niagara system here and from FX Niagara system and in here we can just create a new system with emitter templates I'm just going to go new and in here we can choose a preset I'm just going to pick a simple Sprite burst which is very similar to what we've been creating so far but right now there is no emitter you have to either click on this green plus button well green rectangle with white plus button or you need to double click on it to create the emitter and only then you go finish you can see the icon is slightly different saying that all right it's more like a container have more of these Stars icon in it if I double click you can see I am inside the Niagara system right now which is the layout is kind of similar so you're still dealing with parameters on the bottom left the display or preview window on the top left I've got my timeline and curve editor on my bottom center the Niagara system overview window right in the middle and the parameters and properties window on my right hand side so that's the sort of a typical layout that we're dealing with mid Niagara but I have the preset that I've made which you can see it's very similar to what we created so far in this lesson and a Niagara system with State already added and remember that something that we did we created emitter State we created a particle State and I mentioned that it's one of those modules that we tend to add it needs to know its life cycle and you can see the life cycle is right here at the moment so I'm just going to pause this so it won't run forever but that's how you create a container and that container holds something but what if I want to use my existing particle here and add it to this system because if I go to content drawer and try to drag and drop it and include my existing emitter into my new system I simply can't you have two options you can convert your emitter inside your content drawer and create a brand new system or you can use your existing system I'm going to just delete this one and bring your emitter here using the letter e so I'm here I'm pressing the letter e and it says add emitter well all it takes is for you to search for your Niagara emitter if I just do that it's not going to bring anything because it says Library only I'm going to turn it off I'm just going to say that all right this is my emitter and I'm going to go to parent emitter is not the templates and there I have my first emitter so that's one way of bringing your emitter into a clean system or if I don't want to do it this way I can just go in there select my emitter and right click on it and it says I'm going to create a brand new Niagara system and I'm going to put your emitter that you're selecting right now in it so I'm going to create a second Niagara system now I don't know which one I created there you go that's the one and it inherits the name puts my Niagara emitter that I've selected inside that system so I'm just going to get rid of the empty one because I believe I already put my Niagara emitter inside the system and now I should be able to drag and drop my Niagara system inside the emitter with no problem at all right now the Gizmo doesn't allow me to see the single particles that I've made so I can easily go in there and say game View and you can see the particle does show up all right let's go to the next module and push the pedal a little bit let's get a little bit faster add a few more modules inside my emitter and come up with something interesting [Music] let's go ahead and add a little bit of interactivity to our simple Sprite burst first things first I have problem with this burst instantaneous because it's really difficult to separate those particles they get created at the same time and die at the same time not the most exciting module I can easily replace that with something very similar and it's called spawn rate which does kind of the same thing but with this you can actually specify number of particles and what I can do with this one is I can just simply disable the module you can totally select it and press delete on it non-destructive approach is to just disable it and if you want to go back to it you don't need to recreate it later on so with this spawn rate a number of particles let's say I just want 50 particles another issue is the emitter dies really soon because remember we said the emitter life cycle to just leave only once for two seconds which is quite short so what I can do is to um go to Loop behavior and set that to infinite and of course another method is just to go to lifecycle mode and set that to system I tend to keep that to self and just go with infinite with that I can just toggle between infinite Loop and multiple number of loops all right we're making progress now how can we move it well you have two ways of moving a particle one is to add initial velocity into a particular Axis or multiple axises or you can use force field let's start with the easy one which is ADD velocity now think about it where we should add the velocity Force if we put this under update for emitter emitter generates particle and that's it really so there is no space or room for velocity as a matter of fact there is a much easier test if I just type in velocity nothing comes up saying that all right velocity doesn't apply get applied to an emitter velocity is something that you apply to particle you can do it at creation you can do it during its life cycle we're going to do it at creation so you can see even in the suggested list of modules add velocity is the first one because it's a very common module to add to Simply move your particles if I go at velocity it comes up with as an error saying that all right I need a post dependency just to be able to calculate the velocity because yes you added the velocity and you are going to set a buoyancy so on and so forth but how will I be able to calculate it to do that you need to add an important node after creating the particles so particle update would be the right space for it because we're going to do it during its life cycle just type in solve and it says solve your velocity and all of your forces as soon as you add that the warning goes away and you can see that the particles are now going crazy and they've got different sizes because in initial particle I set the Sprite size to random you can do uniform which is kinda boring and you can do random five minimum 10 unit maximum you can just play around even further to break up the sort of um boring look now you may say Reser white so straight it's coming from the velocity itself you have velocity mode set to linear straight in line you can emit from point which is like Omni if I click you can see we get those particles distributed in all directions from a point hence from point you can do it in a cone so it's more like a directional emitter where you get a cone angle and you get cone access so we've got cone axis and Cone angle right now it's emitting towards X positive X we can say don't just emit towards Z which is up Axis you can play around with inner cone angle with the actual cone angle so we can say widen the cone so you sort of change the spread to 80 degrees or make the cone quite tight which is like 15 degrees almost a straight line so that's the opportunity that you have to play around with this of course at any point of time because we have scale color if you wish to sort of kill those particles early you can just play around with this f-curve and bring it in and you can see the particles die earlier so I can just bring it down so you can see what's going on that's the beauty of having this float to curve because it's so interactive and you can just easily change the dissipation or buoyancy of your particle system now remember that I told you that velocity is not the only method to create interactivity you can do it with Force now before I bring in a force I can just simply deactivate my velocity and let's break up this particle using something more than initial velocity and I'm just going to pause we have something called location so if I bring in location we have shape location so one reason that I brought velocity was to separate those particles you can do it with location so specify a falloff a range something to place particles within that volume or location so shape location totally does the trick so it gives you a volumetric shape like sphere I can probably go to emitter update and expand it go to spawn rate and give myself more particles to work with let's say 300 maybe even 500 so you can kind of see the shape clearly you can do sphere you can do cylinder and you can totally see the shape of the cylinder if I increase the height to let's say 300 now you can see how easily you can create a cylinder looking particle limiter you can do box and of course every time you change those shapes you get all the sort of related properties to tweak the shape for example box size if you feel like this box size is small you can do totally 300 by 300 by 300 or you can create a rectangle if you want and all of a sudden you get a much bigger box you can do let's say Taurus and of course you get the radius so I can just do 10 and 200 to get a much larger thinner radius and it's more like a ring of particles which is quite interesting and again you always have transform if you wish to let's say rotate it so I can do axis angle and say all right I would like to rotate that I'm now rotating it in y-axis so I'm creating a ring like that now let's say I'm going to switch that to good old sphere because there is a lot that we can do with this sphere right here sphere distribution random and direct which is actually going to create that for me I can go in here and change the V position I can change the radius position right here uh with you position you can see that you get that a lot where you get this linked value it says it's linked to the emitter so if I play it's going to actually complete the the ring so this gives you the queue that all right it's been linked to the emitter and age or as you go through the life cycle is going to complete the picture for you you can click on this and sort of change that float to curve again is an option where you get a curve into your curve editor panel and you can play around with it I'll let you guys have fun with this shape location but for now let's move on to the next chapter and explore forces [Music] so now we explored how to Simply move particles using add velocity why don't we try force fields force fields give you much greater tool set and options to choose from so for now I'm going to deactivate add velocity so if I just rewind and play I'm really not getting anything particles just get created using spawn rate and what I've specified to spawn rate 800 particles right now so let's think about it for a moment where do we need to add force field because based on where you put the force field it's going to either work or doesn't work for you let me just switch that to Taurus so we get a much better result when we add a force field we go to update particle update and we can add force field here and we don't need to have to add any post dependencies for it you can see we have drag we have curl noise which is like a turbulence works really well we have Vortex oh let's use Vortex it's just fun we can see that we have the amount which is the intensity I can lower it to let's say 100 I can just go rewind play and you can see vorticity takes place you can have more modules I'm going to stop go to particle spawn shape location and tighten this Taurus so probably put five for this 150 for radius I'm just going to lower it to say 50 just to be able to get a a much better result right it's more like a galaxy-ish looking fine uh while we added why don't we add colors with colors I tend to put them in particle update as well so just simply search for a color and this color is going to overwrite scale color always think about that because again it's a stack that we're dealing with in a sequential order top to bottom so whatever you put at the bottom will overwrite the top so it will overwrite this node in color we're dealing with the same thing we're dealing with scale Alpha and we're dealing with a color you may say there's a are we going to get something like flow to curve with this one if you click you get color from curve and if I go in there the top is the color and the bottom is the opacity so if I move this bottom chip I will play around with the opacity so I can just make it this is the start of your particle system this is the end I can sort of change the opacity you can see how it impacts within the preview window and this one is actually the color itself I can double click on it and say when I start I want these colors to be orange you can add color so you can just click and say well as we move through I would like these colors to turn to red and you can see at the beginning it's orangey looking as we moving it's red you can do so kind of go in here and Swap and say all right nope you know what I changed my mind I want the beginning to be red and you can see the feedback live and as we go through it I just want that to be orange and you can add another one and say you know what um you know after that I want that to turn to pink bluish and you just play around with the range as you go you can play around with opacity to give this more life to the life cycle or you leave it as is and start tweaking those colors so that's basically it it's just really really easy really fun quite um simple to play around with let's say you want to add chaos to the whole system so particle update I can go into forces and I can just say you know what I would like to add a curl noise to it and curl noise simply adds chaos noise strength I can just zoom in so you guys get to see what's going on I can set down to 50 and you can see there's a little bit of chaos happening some particles shoot off to different angles you can lower the noise frequency to see it in a more exaggerated way and you can see we give it a little bit of a bend that is happening right now so a lot can be done I can go in there into initialize particle in my particle update initialize particle I can play around with Min and Max so I can make the Min 2 max let's say 10 I can go to spawn rate and bump it up to 2 000 or let's say 4 000 particles and just have fun with it like that so um a lot you can do at the same time you can switch to unlit to see the colors only and see the result and it's just one of those things that there is no end to it [Music] um just a quick note if your machine starts struggling with your spawn rate and you feel like you've got a decent graphics card to swap your calculation from CPU to GPU you totally can you can go to GPU compute Sim and it says well you know what the bounce mode is dynamic and it only works with CPU you can just switch to fixed and if I play now I'm now playing via my GPU so that's pretty much it how you add interactivity using um so I'm just going to move this one a little bit here I can probably go into curl noise and start tweaking stuff here and there and you can see I'm coming up with some fun results I'll let you just have fun with it you can combine that with ADD velocity so I can go add velocity set it in cone and you start sort of playing around with this with colors so I can go to colors and say you know what I just want to turn that to something you have linear srgb to play around with and that should really do the trick so I'll let you play around with this and get all sorts of fun results once you're happy with it you can just simply save your particle and just drag and drop it in and see the results like so so hopefully this is going to give you all the basics you need to know about Niagara system we barely scratched the surface on this topic and that's why I thought having this session is quite necessary to be able to explain the main building blocks explain the core components of Niagara and hopefully from next and future lessons without being worried or too concerned about oh we don't know what module is or we don't know what Niagara system is we can just focus on specific effects and look Dev and just have fun with the system I really hope you found this video useful please go back try different modules have fun with it I'm 100 certain that you will come up with something much better than this of course this will do for just the introductory session and thank you again for all of your support follow us on Twitter and Instagram and Reddit and support us through patreon thank you so much and see you guys in the future lessons
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Keywords: unreal engine 5.2, unreal engine 5 tutorial, ue niagara tutorial, ue niagara fire, ue niagra, unreal engine particle system, unreal engine particles, unreal engine particle effects, unreal engine niagara beginner tutorial, niagara unreal engine 5 tutorial, niagara unreal engine, unreal engine 5, unreal engine, tut niagara ue5, ue5.2 effects, unreal engine vfx tutorial, unreal engine vfx beginner tutorial, ue5.2 tutorial, ue5.3 path tracing, ue5.3 roadmap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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