UE5 l How to Capture Your Scene in Real Time Using Render Target l 3-Min Tutorial l Unreal Engine 5

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hello this time let's make a simple example using render target first create a material next create a render target then open the material and create a texture sample and set the render target created a while ago and connect it to the base color of the material next go back to the content drawer and create the blueprint click the add button in the components window to create a scene capture component 2d that can capture the screen through camera next set the render target you created in the beginning in the texture target so that the scene appears with the specified render target next create a plain mesh to apply the captured scene adjust the scale of the plane mesh apply the initially created material to the plane mesh so that the captured scene appears in the plain mesh now place the blueprint you created on the level you can see the captured c in the plain mesh but the texture resolution is too low click render target to open the window to increase the resolution in the detail window increase the size to 2048 if you move the blueprint placed in the level you can see that the rendered target also changes in real time now if you play you can see the character moving in real time [Music] you
Channel: Coreb Games
Views: 29,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, UE5, Coreb Games, game, programming, software, rendering, realtimevfx, tutorial, gamedev, gamedevelopment, ue4, vfx, unrealengine5, unrealengine4
Id: c4YCMK9L9qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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