Unreal Engine 5 - Draw material to texture using a blueprint - Tutorial

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let's create a new blueprint to render [Music] textures create a new function on the blueprint and then add two new variables to it one for a render Target and one for the material [Music] instance drag the variables in and check if both are [Music] valid add the Noe called Draw material to render Target and connect the inputs to [Music] it add the node called render Target creat static texture connect the render Target to it and leave the other settings as default let's create a new material to test the blueprint here the example is a noise so drag the noise node and follow the other steps in the video otherwise you can use any other material effect connected to the emissive [Music] color [Music] generate an instance for the material then create a render Target set the size you want and the format as in the video drag the blueprint to the level to use it make sure to check the option call an editor on the function and set the variables to public select the inputs and then execute the function to render the texture you can remove the alpha channel on the generated texture
Channel: Lightning Sage Games
Views: 355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wfbscuMG9eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 23sec (143 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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