UCLA Week in My Life!

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[Music] hey guys today is Sunday November 17th yesterday I just stayed in and worked on homework so today I have a free day I'm really cool I got all my work done because my friend and I spontaneously decided we're gonna go to the Museum of dream space apparently they're having this really cool like lights art exhibition right now I saw like some of my friends post on Instagram I was like I definitely want to hit that up like I don't know how long it's gonna be there so yeah I'm really excited for that so I'm gonna head downstairs to meet him in front of like our dorm building or just gonna like uber or lyft to the location and then it's located near like kind of Melrose Beverly Center area so we're gonna go shopping afterwards because you know on the shopping fanatic and there's so much good shopping in Melrose so I'm very excited guys this is crazy look at these like chocolate-covered apples and like always if it's Apple oh my gosh doors just stickers I'm so excited they're so cute this reminds me of like the stickers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I'm on my way to my mind over matter the tester and my is from 9:30 to 10:15 so we there and after that I'll probably get lunch [Music] I like the main thing was just their craving a super brutal you have to have like really specific words [Music] [Applause] that's hands calm which is basically like a Penta station name website so I had my discussion earlier that was pretty chilled we just did a bunch of like research stuff for our paper and I'm excited to open these packages I'm gonna stop by the study to grab something to keep [Music] [Music] okay hello guys I just got back I am right now clean clothes to wear so [Music] alright so just got back from doing laundry and now I'm going to show you guys what I got what I picked up from their earlier package they had like a whole new cell going on and they can see I've been stuck here in my room another gym like more than a month ago into this room so also I used to live in a shared triple now I live in a single if you guys want a room tour or like a story time likewise feel free to leave that below the comments and I will definitely even look video inside if you guys are interested but yeah I went into this real like at the beginning of midterm season so I really haven't had time to decorate it then I saw an urban that they were having a home sale and I pick up a few tapestries so I just ordered like three or four that I really liked so I'm gonna look at them in person and then whichever one I decide people were doing the other one [Music] okay so the first one I got is this one it is a lot smaller in person than I thought it has just like all the different states flowers so I hope this was super cute it's just another one that's kind of like of the United States but it's like all decorated okay by B I totally thought that I had ordered a three or four I'll order those two so then choose between those two but I also ordered a shirt that I forgot about okay I think I want people wearing this it just has so I pick it up 34 dollars so kind of wish that I'd called it like oversized so I might return it and I'm just like quarters and a medium or large we're down to small because it's to be really cute if I had more of like an oversized looks so they made that but I hang out folk tapestries on this wall just to see which one they kind of like the look of better [Music] [Music] the second package I got are these markers these are the six pink colored dots markers and then this is their new metallic ones I'm so excited about these I have a ton of fun cig markers already yeah this is like my marker pad collection yes I know it seems super excessive that I have so many pens and markers but I do work for a card writing like hand lettering company it's called Punk posts you can search it up on the App Store so basically the pen is this dotting tool it just allows you to draw polka dots like super quickly you can do them of all sizes so you can do like really large ones or really small ones and it's just super helpful for me as a post artist because I can create really quick polka dot designs two hours later all right I totally meant to a blog myself at my sorority house I didn't know I'm part of Kyle mega here at UCLA and I love my shorty we just had a friends giving night so I was there from like 7:00 and now it's 10:00 and it was honestly so wholesome I love just so much we just like got really deep had some really deep conversations yeah we all really just like connected which is really nice because being part of the new PC like we haven't had a lot of opportunities besides like game days and like parties and stuff like hanging out sit in a video about sorority life there UCLA or like my rush experience or like a tour of the house definitely comment down below because I would love to make a video surrounding that oh this is a completed wall above my bed and then over here I got these stars from Amazon and then just put up some fairy lights on top of that so yeah excuse my garbage but it's just on that side of the room which is like when you enter and then I made the paintings I used to be on that wall I move them up above my like makeup desk I have one that says my name and then a couple that I got from my sorority I mean all of these were my big little basket on my big paint of them so yeah that's pretty much it for today I'm probably gonna have an early night cuz I'm really tired again it's the more than one day so I started a new week not gonna lie I'm pretty tired this morning but yeah right now I'm having a baby one my cafes and the witness with my 8 and currently eight oh one so I'm like anything over there to put it like a man so that's one good to be pretty and I think that I'm gonna stop by the gym until the 4:00 p.m. so nice I think I need just like so I speak a bunch of books up from the library only went in for one book I think it was this one it's for a research paper and then I realized that like around it there were so many great sources I could use my papers I picked up a ton of them and so yeah it was definitely harder walking up the hill with this alright hello guys it's a little bit later I'm just doing my makeup right now because I have an interview for a club in like 30 minutes the interview is gonna be at the libraries I'm going back there and then yeah as i said i don't class until 4:00 so between then I'm probably just gonna study and chill so yeah that's the plan for now also as I'm doing my makeup I always look to youtube right now I'm watching mr. mashed in her like vlog Channel I love her vlogs so much Brummie is one of my favourite youtubers I definitely watch like that whole squad like Alisha and then like the Asian girl squad fun facts actually met Alicia a long time ago when she was on her girls lined in tour yeah she had come to Seattle and so I met everyone who was part of the girls night in tour because I have like meeting read tickets so that was hella cool um but yeah I really hope I can meet Rami one day especially living in LA now but yes I'm just gonna be watching some YouTube and do my makeup so just finish my interview don't really well so I don't like it's the internship now having to the study they gotta print out some papers and I think also when I guess I'm scared this where I'm here early all the time [Music] don't be just blood bags over life it's kind of like 3:40 ish I just left and honestly probably just an incident in the back it was another homework I like other this video or something honestly I might like something always a lot of people don't even like things I think positive okay so f class early it's kind of awkward cuz the professor was like standing right in from the door and it just kind of like walked out but a lot of people walking out there out yeah I kind of feel bad because no one really does that like sugar because you don't really need to but I mean doesn't make the recipe of time like y'all you 24 hours a day my writing anyways right now that's my door and I think I'm gonna grab dinner from Rhonda it's so sad it's hard dark like walking back in class cold and chilly like I have to wear my popular jackets got one day and leaned back to my dorm good morning guys it is Tuesday morning and I'm having asked to you my first class it's from 9:30 to 10:15 it's the mind-over-matter cluster on the top election it's currently 9:27 and it's like a 10 minute walk from Laurie and write it down so don't be going that way be a very very tiny person really learn that when so it's a great release transfer okay so I just got honestly all the info from blood sugar bubbly whatever I have yeah and those seem pretty complicated oh great [Music] so nice to be home I'm currently on the way to hot yoga which I am so excited about guys if you have never tried I like yoga I type have time recommend it's the most refreshing thing you sweat out all the toxins Wow all the bad juju after only stunning I've done like literally I woke up super early this morning well I always like a really but I just like literally studied for the past like two and a half hours so my brain is all the fried and just quite in general from traveling and all the studying this past week so yeah very excited to go to like yogurts when it all out so yeah I'm just all the way there right now and then later today I have a haircut I have three so I'm excited for that because it's been a while since I've got my haircut yeah you guys can't really do this but what my hair is too long I can start to get like I'm gonna make just because I have such thick hair it gets like so heavy so yeah that's kind of my thing like I know couple other friends who have really thick hair really tonight well guys silver later I'm currently I'm about to my haircut so thought I'd show it all before and after clips as I said um I'm only gonna completely like a couple inches but years before and I'm back here's the after it it's actually a pretty significant output it's like two and a half inches late days lay down hey guys I'm just coming on here to end this video I hope you enjoyed this vlog seeing my life here I UCLA if you did don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe down below for more I post videos I'm trying to post videos weekly we'll see how that goes but yes jump we're gonna hit that subscribe button so you never miss a video and yeah I'll see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: lifeofmeili
Views: 10,719
Rating: 4.8943396 out of 5
Keywords: ucla, week in life, day in life, college, college week in life, college day in life, ucla day in life, ucla week in life, ucla student, ucla sorority, ucla greek life, sorority rush, ucla vlog, ucla class, college vlog, ucla campus, college life, ucla dorm, ucla dorm tour, ucla dining, ucla video, berkeley, california, stanford, usc, sdsu, sorority recruitment, sorority, morning routine, ucla review, college application, common application, how to choose college
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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