Ubuntu Vs LMDE : Which is The BEST Linux Distro of 2024? (NEW)

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ubben 2 and lmd are two of the hottest W based Linux dros ubben 2 is the world's most popular Linux drro and lmd is one of the most fantastic dros you'll use today and it's quite underrated at the same time both might be Debian based and have a similar lineage but that's where the similarities start and end Ubuntu and lmd provide different desktop environments different kinds of performance profiles different software pools and the differences just go on but one thing that they both have in common is they both provide super polished Computing experiences best in the business and lmd is rising very fast in the Linux world and I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a top Contender for ubben to throne of the hottest Linux Dro so in this epic showdown we are pitting lmd against uben 2 LTS version and see how they compare against each other in terms of performance the user interface software availability and finally see if the developers of Linux Mint have brought out the ultimate Chum card or is U to the king for a reason season oh this is going to be very interesting having a good knowledge of Linux commands and being comfortable using the terminal really broadens what you can do with Linux and what kind of experience you are going to get here so if you're interested in leveling up your Linux game definitely check out my course Linux Mastery Express which is the fastest way to learn Linux and start using Linux like a pro I'll teach you a set of commands that will give you the confidence to use Linux without even a graphical user interface then we'll dive deep and learn how to use the V editor and master shell scripting with real life examples after teaching more than 100 students in person I have created this course with the top things that will develop your Linux skills the fastest so if you're feeling like your Linux game is stuck in the same spot for too long and you're ready to take your Linux skills to the next level quickly check out the link in the description below and get your Linux Mastery Express we are running a massive 45% discount right now so make use of it let's start off with the user interface Showdown round one fight UB 2 ships with the gnome desktop environment but it's unlike anything you get to see on other dros uben 2 offers a heavily customized version of gnome that's exclusive to uben 2 uben 2 has created its own workflow its own look and its own branding with its desktop it's gnome all right but how it looks how you use it is very different from stock gnome firstly talking about the looks UB 2 brings in its own yaru theme in place of gnome's AD team and this brings an orange Premium Rush to the desktop all the applications here look superb in this team the dark mode just makes everything that much better it also brings its homegrown yaru icon pack which is again just amazing the icons look modern and there's that element of uniformity here it's all topped off with this matching wallpaper in the looks Department Ubuntu is just amazing may it be laptops desktops or for home usage or school or even professional usage ubu looks good par looks great out of the box and the workflow here is vastly improved by introducing this side panel I love stock gome but once you use gnome with this side panel you'll never go back it simplifies application launching and switching you get work done faster here all in all ub's desktop is intuitive to say the least looks great works great couldn't ask for more moving on to lmd which stands for lenux mint Debian Edition we get their own cinnamon desktop environment here and let me start off by saying that cinamon is one of the finest ways of using your computer it comes with that tried and tested Windows 7 Style desktop layout the thing here is everybody just guess this even a person who has never used Linux can just hop on and start using cinemon desktop you know where the menu is and how to use it you know how to use this bottom panel to switch between applications so that b enough friction of switching to a new system is pretty much eliminated with lmd it makes you comfortable let's not underestimate this one thing and talking about the looks cinnamon may be a traditional style desktop but it's style to be modern and to impress the theming the elements it's all modern and updated regularly in fact cinamon desktop has recently hit version 6.0 and there are some cool visual overhauls lmd cinemon desktop tries to hit that sweet spot between being good-looking and functional being featur rich and efficient let's not forget how widely used Linux Mint is how it gets some hardcore love from its loyal users cinnamon desktop is one of the biggest reason for lenux min's success and we get the same cinnamon desktop here on lmd how you interact with ubun 2 and lmd could not have been more different they even look very different but both of them have their own work flows and one thing common here is both are extremely amazing to use but this is a very subjective issue you might like one I might like the other so we'll give both Ubuntu and lmd a point each and head to the next round software availability of any operating system both in terms of quantity and quality is going to be a huge factor in its success ubu and lmd Excel in this department but in their own ways lmd primar let you install software from Debian stable repositories this is one of the most exhaustive extensively tested open- Source software repositories these repositories contain a vast number of software most of everything created for Linux will be available here for direct installation browsers office tools utilities games and entertainment software media players programming stuff you're going to get everything here and these packages here have undergone extensive testing so when you install anything here you can be sure that it will work flawlessly there are no dependency Hazard there are no interoperability issues everything works super smooth here the Debian Community ensures this kind of superior stability they spend months if not years testing software packages so that you get that impeccable user experience so this also means that more time is spent in testing software packages so Deb and repositories do contain old packages you're not going to get the newest of everything here not even close with lmd you are making that sacrifice of newer packages for well tested and stable packages and for many of us this is going to be a good thing trust me you want that stability at the same time you are going to be missing out on new features when you compare to the newest available versions but to overcome that you can use flat packs here which give you the newest of everything more on that in a bit ubun on the other hand gets software packages from Debian repositories as well but it gets them earlier on in the testing process and not from the Debian stable repositories then it does its own testing and quality assurance on these packages before publishing them to the users what this does is it allows UB 2 to bring newer packages to users before deban stable now UB 22 doesn't come close to something like Arch Linux but it does provide a contemporary Computing experience compared to lmd so keep this one thing in mind ultimately both lmd and Ubuntu provide you a carefully curated set of software not the latest but better in terms of stability both provide you with a huge library of software that let you install anything you want from the software store itself then Debian and u 2 are two very popular Linux Stores so both are very well supported by almost all software vendors and they provide do de files which you can use to install software additionally both lmd and Ubuntu come with an enhanced library of flat packs and snaps respectively UB to has its own Universal software packaging format called snaps which it is heavily promoting at the moment and snaps have distinct advantages many top software vendors like Google Microsoft nexcloud Spotify Moosa and many more are providing their software as snaps now the main advantage here is installing software as snaps brings you the newest version of these packages you don't have to use outdated packages from Ubuntu or Debian repositories the latest packages loaded with the newest and greatest features and advancements are brought to you as soon as the software developers publish them lmd on the other hand brings in flat packs flat Pack 2 is a universal packaging format and it has strong support from various Linux and open source communities it too lets you install the latest and greatest of software directly coming from the software vendors so with both Ubuntu and lmd you have that choice you can use well tested packages provided by the dro or go with the newest of everything with snaps or flat packs but in any case one thing to appreciate is Ubuntu and lmd provideed with the finest software availability there are many dros out there with the own software philosophies but when it comes to user experience both UB 2 and lmd are there on the top both get a point each year performance is an area where there is tight competition between lmd and u 2 ubben 2 is an extremely efficacious system it's designed ground up to deliver the best possible performance across a range of Hardware ub's kernel is designed to provide a smoother and stable Computing experience on most computers it brings in additional patches and performance improvements to make it more smoother UB Tu backports and implements newer Technologies like triple frame buffering system OMD automatic discrim and many other new techniques to make the ubun 2 experience more enjoyable and nimbler as the most used Linux Dro ubun 2 stands up to that role and gives you absolutely zero complaints with regard to the performance it also gives you a very powerful and versatile Hardware driver management utility that lets you directly find and install the latest and best drivers for your devices so that uent 2 is squeezing every ounce of performance from your Hardware lmd on the other hand is a very lean system by default yeah it's lighter comes with less bloat and is a very efficient system altogether there are few things to note here firstly lmd boots up with slightly less number of system Services its Debian base starts off with only the essential services and processes on the other hand UB to prioritizes user friendliness so it boots up with a few more services and processes to promote usability while this is not going to have a big impact there is going to be that small overhead UB 2 also comes with snaps which take up a large amount of storage space this can have a big impact on the startup time of applications for example Firefox is installed as a snap on u 2 and on lmd you're getting the full native Firefox and you are going to notice a startup time difference if your system is installed on a SSD this is not going to be big but if your system is installed on a hard disk drive this difference is going to be massive so in the performance Department both Ubuntu and lmd have their own approaches and techniques of delivering a fluid performance lmd is definitely going to be more efficient with resources but because of ubu's optimizations this difference is going to be slight and not enough for lmd to take the performance point away from u 2 so both the systems are very good performers on laptops and desktops compared to something like Windows these two systems are going to be blazing so they both get a point each in the performance section UB 2 is recommended for all use cases and I'd go with lmd on my slightly older laptops as it's a tad bit lighter Ubuntu and lmd both are based on Debian yes but there is one consequential difference here lmd is based on Debian stable fully tested and certified ubun LTS on the other hand is derived from a snapshot of Debian testing which Ubuntu team itself puts through rigorous testing and quality assurance test to come out with their own stable product the difference in process leads to Big differences in the final product Debian stable which lmd is based on becomes a hyper stable operating system which is known for being exactly that stable in the world of operating systems nothing beats Debian when it comes to dependability and for people seeking dependability lmd is going to be just the right thing but this stability comes with a trade-off you are going to get significantly older packages here yeah with lmd you're going to get that guarantee that everything is going to work as expected but at the same time you're going to miss out on features let me give you my example itself I use two software blender and Ken live both of which are quite outdated on Deb and stable repositories and don't have many features that are honestly too good to miss out on you have to be mindful of this one thing when choosing lmd Ubuntu on the other hand takes a different approach it's based on a much newer testing snapshot of Debian then it does its own testing and quality control to provide a stable but a contemporary Computing platform with ubun 2 you are not left out in the last decade it's not the newest but not terribly old as well UB 2 aims to strike a balance between stability and staying relevant and this road seems to be working for UB 2 and its users love it anyway both Ubuntu and lmd have snaps and flatbacks which completely override this one disadvantage and with these you're going to get the latest and greatest of everything on a stable platter talking about the usability both lmd and ubben 2 are Masters in this department ubben 2 is known as lenux for humans do I even need to say more here lmd on the other hand comes with lenux mint's beloved cinamon desktop which makes everything simpler using your computer with cinemon desktop I cannot imagine it getting simpler lmd just makes your life easier using it is easy installing and managing software on it is simple updates are non-trivial with its update manager which mind you gives you full control over how you update your system what I'm saying here is when it comes to usability Ubuntu and lmd are pioneers they take care of you stability lmd is an absolute Rock UB 2 takes a more balanced approach both get a point each year gaming on Linux is evolving rapidly and UB 2 is one of the finest ways of gaming on Linux lmd that's a slightly different story let me elaborate UB 2 as the most popular Linux store gets first class treatment from Steam all games are tested and optimized for UB 2 Steam brings its vast library of Linux native games to both UB 2 and lmd you can install Steam and Steam games officially on both these distributions top titles like Dota 2 the Tomb Raider series The Hitman Series team Forest through and many more are brought to Linux Nat Le but the real magic of steam lies in its steam play feature with it you can play thousands of Windows exclusive games on Linux that to without any wine or play on Linux hazle everything is handled automatically titles like GTA V The Witcher 3 wild Hunt cyberpunk 2077 Elden ring and many more are playable online x with steam play really you'll be surprised at how well it all works here both UB 2 and lmd also bring huge libraries of free games from their own software repositories you can play some fantastic games here 080 nexuiz alien arena super tux SC and many more fun titles are available here you can directly browse the software Store and install them directly here here one advantage that UB 2 gets over lmd in the gaming department is the GPU propriety driver support UB 2 automatically installs NVIDIA drivers and even brings in a simple driver Manager application to give you full control I cannot stress how convenient this one thing is lmd lacks such a feature and you have to manually install NVIDIA drivers now it's not difficult in fact you just need to run a couple of commands to install NVIDIA drivers but it's like that here apart from this gaming is going on lmd but still ubun to gets the gaming Point home as on Linux getting started with gaming and getting everything running is a factor you need to consider ubun 2 and lmd both have very simple and straightforward installation procedures both are targeted for use by everybody so care has been taken to ensure that both the systems are easy to get started with you start off by downloading the ISO files from their respective websites and then Flash the downloaded ISO file onto a USB stick and live into it uben 2 uses the ubiquity installer which is one of the simplest installers we have today newer versions of ubben 2 come with a brand new flutter based installer which to has a straightforward installation procedure lmd2 has an uncomplicated installation process pretty much the same as that of UB 2 everything is easy to understand and represented in a very beginner friendly way here once you configure all the options like your language time zone the partition to install lmd the system is installed in 15 minutes talking about the drivers lmd contains almost all the hardware drivers GPU drivers for Intel integrated and AMD are also pre-installed if you have Nvidia Hardware you'll need to manually install propriety drivers it's easy peasy just follow the link given in the description below but I like that UB 2 installs even these drivers automatically all in all installing and getting started with both ubben 2 and lmd is a simple Affair and can be done over a cup of coffee and 20 minutes to spare both get a point each year u 2 is the world's most popular Linux d and as such has a large community ubuntu's community is also very active in helping out other users enjoy Ubuntu there is a large repository of community written help material online how to articles troubleshooting guides answers to questions and Solutions on the asku forums ask Ubuntu forums are absolutely amazing using Ubuntu becomes really easy because of ask Ubuntu literally any question you might have regarding Ubuntu you'll find answered and cross verified here even if you have Hardware specific issues you'll find that people are very eager to help out here having this kind of resource makes using Ubuntu a much simpler Affair considering Linux can be challenging at times but in this department Ubuntu outshines everything any question you might have you'll find help immediately lmd on the other hand has a growing Community many people are embracing lmd and the number of people using it is growing steadily many people are even choosing lmd over the main Linux Min the community may not be as big as ubun to community but it is growing the Linux Min forum are growing with lmd related how tos troubleshooting guides and answers to questions but there is one neat trick here since lmd is Debian under the hood you can safely apply guys written for Debian 12 to lmd 6 of course not stuff related to the desktop environment but things like how to install something drivers under thehood tweaking and most of help material written for Debian can be used with lmd and Debian has extensive availability of such guides pretty much any question you might have you'll find them already answer for Debian the combined Community Support of lmd and Debian ensures that you never get struck with any issues on lmd any issue first search how to solve it on lmd and if you don't find a satisfactory solution then search how to solve the issue on Debian 12 you'll get it while I could mess around with lmd With a Little Help online Ubuntu is way ahead in the community support department so it gets the win in this section did you know that lmd was created as a backup by the Linux minting just in case u 2 became unviable to be used as the base for the main Linux Mint yeah but what started off as a backup project has turned out to be so good that it's giving strong competition to the main Linux Mint as well yeah I kid you not many Linux Mint users are strongly considering Linux Min debn Edition as its debn base and the principles that come with it are becoming even more appealing the thing is Linux Min debn Edition is a system that really appeals to the average Linux user now an average Linux user is not the same as your average Windows or Mac OS user no Linux users are closer to their computer there's a connection between man machine and software here we can feel the computer raring up just like a motorbike we can feel the harmony of package management and no I'm not high what I'm saying is lmd strikes a card with us Linux old schoolers none of that snap flatback stuff here you can use those if you want but out of the box you get a system that compelled you to switch to Linux yeah lmd is kind of old school Linux Linux Min developers have done their magic again and brought out a very refined system Debian is a phenomenal system for most people Flawless stability is going to be more important than bleeding It software Debian understands this and delivers on it with lmd mint developers wrap up this super solid system in a shinier package and make it more attractive and this is Debian made vly simpler lmd is easier than Debian to install and get started with it's simple to use and configure thanks to Cinnamon desktop and the overall experience of using this system is a very palpable one UB 2 is a system that has proved itself over and over again it is the most popular Linux drro for a reason no doubt there but my personal point today goes to lmd because I really resonate with it I see a lot of potential in lmd and there is that spark of a top drro here yeah improvements are needed in a couple of areas here and there but it's a very solid drro overall but by the total tally of points UB 2 takes the cupom today although by a slight margin u 2 and lmd are both phenomenal systems which one should you choose comes down largely to what kind of experience you need what works for you I hope this video helps you make an informed decision I suggest you give them both a try and pick the one that you enjoy the most the download links for both the dros are given in the description below all right if you enjoyed this video definitely consider subscribing to the channel and leave me a big thumbs up up and if you're interested in leveling up your Linux skills the link to my course Linux Mastery Express is given in the description below it's designed to teach you Linux and take you from Zero to Hero within the shortest amount of time possible you'll be using Linux NE a pro within a matter of hours so definitely check that out next up check out what's new in the latest Linux Min that is Linux Min 21.3 it's bringing some cool changes this time on so absolutely don't miss that all right this is Linux TX signing out watch
Channel: Linux Tex
Views: 37,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ubuntu, linux mint, mint, linux, lmde, debian, edition, ubuntu vs lmde, ubuntu vs mint, best
Id: D8aXA0mLtps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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