Ubiquiti Networks EdgeRouter 4 Easy Setup

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[Music] hi I'm Willie with h.5 technology welcome to my channel thank you for being here and I appreciate each and every one of you so did I tell you that I got gigabit internet I do I have gigabit internet symetrical now and we signed up early we put down a $50 deposit when they were getting ready to come through and so now our price can never go beyond the $74.99 or $79.99 with the equipment rental and and I get 900 megabits plus when I do the speed test so we're gonna do a couple things I've got videos in the hopper so of course tomorrow I'm gonna be shooting more footage for the network expansion I went today and I looked at a hotel 73 room hotel invited me to give them a quote to update their Wi-Fi and waiting on some things from the manager I've shot a bunch of video for that so we're gonna do a quick overview on that but what we are doing tonight is if you recognize this this is the edge router for what we're gonna do is you know I've had this on the channel before but what we're gonna do is we're gonna hook this guy up we're gonna do a basic config to get it online that's gonna be the first video we're gonna walk through this now and then in the next video we are gonna install p ia on here and since I have gigabit internet we are gonna see what kind of speeds we can get out of open VPN and P ia on the edge router for how exciting is that so what I'm gonna do is this may have a config on it so what I'm gonna do real quick is I'm gonna get it plugged in I'm gonna factory default it I'll be right back and explain step-by-step exactly how we're gonna do our basic config and get this guy up and going we'll be right back all right so I factory defaulted this and you can see right now that the light it's a very pretty blue I would call that I don't know the blue that that reminds me of is if you remember growing up and you had the big glass Christmas lights that blue it's like it I don't know it's just an awesome blue and when this thing turns white then means the router is ready to go so what we're gonna do and it's just turn white so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take my PC connection which is right here so we're going to take my PC and in this case this would be your PC we're gonna take our pcs we're gonna plug them into eighth zero when this comes out of the box so eath zero we're gonna plug it in now what we're gonna do we're gonna set the router in a safe location now we are going to put a static IP address on our computer and we're gonna log into the web interface for the very first time okay so what I've done is I've opened my settings this is Windows 10 you may have Windows 7 you'll have to navigate to the same place regardless of the operating system even if you're still running Windows 95 you're still gonna have to open up that network adapter properties so I've got an Ethernet I'm gonna click change adapter options I'm gonna right click on my either net I'm gonna go to properties I'm going to double click on Internet Protocol version 4 tcp/ip / IP v4 now the edge router by default is gonna have a one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot one IP and it is not gonna hand out IP addresses and that is going to be e zero the other interfaces do not have an IP so you have to be an eighth zero to do this so we just need to be inside of the class C which is a 255 255 255 0 subnet mask so that actually gives us 254 usable IP addresses and at some point we will talk about that actually that's probably gonna be something that's going to be included in the learning management system that we are working on right now but right now what we're gonna do is we're just going to do 192 168 1.2 when we hit tab it fills in the Class C subnet mask we don't care about anything else because at this we are not worried about getting online what we're gonna do is we're going to click okay we're gonna click okay again I'm gonna leave this open so that because we're gonna be going back in there and making our computer DHCP here in just a few minutes so I'm gonna minimize those now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to open a command prompt and I should be able to ping 192 that wants to see that one not one I can so I'm successfully now connected to the router so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to open another tab here and we're gonna open the interface of the edge router alright so in the new tab I simply type in it will redirect us to HTTPS and we get this notification that is not secure and the reason that we get that notification is because it is a self-signed SSL certificate we are going to add an exception we're going to uncheck permanently we're gonna hit confirm now the default username and password is UB and tau B and T remember do not use that in production alright so now what we're gonna talk about is the absolute easiest way to get your edge router up and going you need to know a couple of things you need to know what you want your land address to be and what your wanne address is gonna be we're gonna walk through that here in a second but you're gonna be prompted with this basic setup question it says router is in default config do you want to start with the basic setup wizard and we're gonna say yes because this is the quickest easiest way to get us up and going so we're gonna say yes it's going to come up and by default it is gonna say that e0 is gonna be your internet port so it can either be when you use the wizard it can either be e 0 can be the SFP port we are gonna choose e 0 now like I don't have a static IP address so DHCP is what I'm gonna choose now with DHCP you will get an IP address you'll get a subnet mask get a gateway you'll get DNS servers sometimes you'll get an NTP server not not always but you will at least get IP subnet mask default gateway and DNS servers why am i bringing the DNS servers up in this because by default the way we're gonna set this up and you're going to see this the edge router will grab those and use those to resolve DNS queries for the clients inside so we'll take a look at that here in just a second alright we have the option to do a static IP if you have a static IP address your provider is gonna give you this information and you're simply gonna fill it in so you would put your IP address here with the subnet mask here and most providers are gonna give you the full subnet mask they're not gonna give you the site or notation the slash slash notation so for like our class see the 255 255 255 0 The Cider knows notation for that is a slash 24 because that's how many bits are reserved for the network out of 32 bits available in an IP version 4 IP address if you have a PPP o-e connection which I don't around here they're not so common unless you've got DSL like AT&T DSL I know they're huge in Australia and in some foreign countries they do exist in the States I do have a couple customers with those mostly in California but you would put in an account name that your ISP is giving you in a password and then they will either assign a DHCP or a static address based on the credentials so this is really popular with wisps as well but for us in this demonstration I'm just gonna use DHCP now the default firewall on an edge router is fantastic the rules are are awesome they totally protect your inside network from unwanted intrusions meaning that unless you are creating that outbound connection first nothing can just give get unsolicited inbound connection in fact I have edge routers out there running this default firewall and they pass PCI compliance scans every quarter so I have a lot of confidence of a very high confidence level at this point in the default firewall all right so here we have the option to bridge the the ports now with the edge router for edge router 6 these things have enough horsepower that I don't know how much of a hit since we're bridging in the software I don't know how much of a performance hit we're gonna take because with my other edge router 4 that's my daily driver I'm still getting over 900 megabits download and I have those interfaces bridged so if you want the eath 1 and E 2 so eath 1/8 2 to act as one interface there as as one network and then even the SFP port we can add that in later you can bridge these and we are gonna go ahead and we'll just we'll just do that now under land ports it wants to know what do we want our land IP addresses to be right so here I don't want it to be 1.1 because there's a 1.1 sneaking around somewhere here in the lab so we're gonna call this we're actually gonna do 10 that 172 16 30.1 and we're gonna leave it at a class see remember this is a slash 24 because 24 bits are reserved for the network right we're going to enable the DHCP server so we'll take a look at that once we get an IP now down here we are gonna change we are not going to use the default ub NT user we're gonna create a new admin user we're gonna call it w how try to put it in our super duper secret password now what we're gonna do is we are gonna hit apply it's going to come up its going to tell us all of the configuration changes is gonna make so I'm going to hit apply changes and then reboot so now what's gonna happen and it's gonna are you sure yes I'm absolutely sure so now what's going to happen as the edge router is going to reboot it's going to apply that configuration so now we need to do two things first of all we need to plug e0 into our ISP so that it can get the DHCP address the second thing I need to do is I need to plug my computer then into either eath 1 or e2 or e3 if I had well that's not configured yet we're gonna do that but if I could use III as well so what I'm gonna do I'm going to unplug my computer from ez row I'm going to move it over then we're going to take the static IP address off and then I'm going to put a connection in eath 0 that's going to go to my ISP so give me just a second and I'll show you that all right so my other edge router 4 is acting as my ISP so I now have a cable going from eath 0 to a port on my at my ISP and now I have my PC plugged into eath 1 so we're gonna set the router back up out of the way we're gonna take the static IP address off come back in here we're gonna say obtain automatically ok we've obtained a new IP address you can't see it down here in the corner but my computer is fat and happy so now what we're gonna do is I'm going to go to 170 216 that 30.1 it's gonna redirect us again we're gonna log in with that new pass where we created it's going to come up we're gonna see on e0 we now have one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot sixty-six dot 158 then on bridges zero which is that bridge interface we created it's 172 1630 dot one that's our land side so from here the basic set up is pretty much done except I want to do a couple more things we need to take this just a couple steps further the first thing that I want to do is I want to go over to UB and t.com slash download we want to select edge max we want to find the edge router for edge router 6/10 1.10 dot and we're gonna download that and it's gonna ask us it's about eighty three Meg's and so the download is actually it's done already so real quick what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back in here now before we upload that firmware will take care of a few housekeeping items we're gonna click on system I want to give the system a unique name so we're gonna call this H five basic ER for now since it is DHCP we're gonna leave the gateway address blank but how x5 dot-com in there for the domain name now system name server this is important to be filled in especially if the system itself needs to get out and talk to the internet to do different things and you can see it's blank but I always like to make sure that this is filled and so we'll add one dot one dot one dot one and we'll also add and we're gonna leave SSH because it's enabled only internally I think I think that's all good so we're gonna go ahead and click Save so it's gonna take just a second and you can see we're not even taxing the CPU this thing is writing the the changes and it didn't spike to 12 and now CPUs homos down to zero on the usage so real quick before we do the firmware upgrade let's run a speed test all right so we are over at fast comm which is the Netflix speed test this thing is triple matted and I have gamers in the house so I'm not gonna complain about 580 megabits plus it's in the evening it's prime time I can live I can live with this so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna upgrade that firmware and you know what we could do real quick before we do that we'll hit refresh on the test and we'll go over here and we'll look at the CPU and the RAM on this router CPU spiking up to 39 Ram at 9% so oh look I'm actually getting I was getting over 2 gigabits when I flip back over so yeah I'm not I'm not upset about this 47 % 9% ram so the performance would probably be a little bit better if we weren't in bridge mode but we were hitting over a gigabit which we've only got gigabit ports so I don't know if we were hitting like an ingress on on the network but that's pretty amazing so we are really I think gonna have some fun here with private Internet access I can't wait to do that that's that's the next video on this so anyway let's go over here we're gonna hit upload a system image alright so here is our er er - III hundred firmware so I'm gonna select that yeah I accidentally clicked on another file I was trying to reorganize some things and I think stantly clicked on a backup file it didn't like that so it's gonna go ahead it's gonna upload this and it's gonna upgrade we'll be right back and we'll run that speed test again okay it wants to let us know that in order for the changes to take effect we need to reboot so we will go ahead and say yes we are sure so it'll take a couple minutes for the router to reboot then life will be good we'll be on the latest version that's all of the housecleaning that we really want to take care of at the moment we're gonna run that speed test here again and then in the next video here we will look at the performance of PIAA on the edge router for with a gigabit internet connection also since we're waiting for this if you have an internet connection of 200 megabits or more symmetrical I want your help what I want to do is I want to test various edge routers with IPSec since I've got gigabit symetrical here I want to work with you to create a site-to-site VPN and I would like to do testing with the edge routers to see what kind of speeds we get across the IPSec tunnel now there will be a video on this and you will there will be some acknowledgment and probably some swag involved so if you are interested in helping me out with the IPSec site-to-site performance test with various edge routers please go to h5 LLC calm down there fill out the contact form say that you saw this video and that you want to help create another video for everybody else to see so we can see what some of those IPSec tests look like even if you have a hundred megabits Metro I would like it to be higher than that but we can even do one hundred one hundred megabits symmetrical to start out all the way up to two gigabit so like I said if you want to be part of a video part of a test reach out at h5 llc.com and we will get something on the books so let's see if our router our router is back up that's awesome all right you can see we are on version 1.5 let's go back over here let's rerun our test I don't know that it's gonna make a hill of beans where the difference speed is climbing and it says we are 700 megabits per second and what we'll do when we actually test PIAA is will do this in a bridge and then we'll unbridgeable do fun things like take a single SSID on an access point and attribute it to PIAA I think that'll be pretty fun we will also take a Synology box and put it on that network hmm so if you liked this video please give me a thumbs up please subscribe please comment share please follow me on Twitter and Instagram if you want to talk to us on discord the links down there Charlie's our admin he is excellent and I appreciate him do you want to buy any of the gear that you see here on the channel we do have that Amazon link down below if you need IT consulting whether it's networking security specifically wireless programming voice over IP we run the whole gamut you can go to h5 LLC calm down there and reach out somebody will get back with you as soon as possible once again I do appreciate each and every one of you and I'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Willie Howe
Views: 122,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ubiquiti networks, edgerouter, edgerouter setup, edgeos 1.10.5, how to setup an edgerouter, edgerouter wizard, edgerouter easy setup, edgerouter bridge, edgerouter vpn, willie howe, ubiquiti, ubiquity networks, ubiquity, h5 technology, edgerouter best practices, ubiquiti best practices, edgerouter br0
Id: ixnkags8v-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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