EdgeRouter 4 and 6 Unboxing and Setup

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in this video we're going to be taking a look at the latest generation of ubiquitous edge router devices that's the edge router 4 and the edge router 6p we're going to compare these two and then take them out of the box and set them up with a simple configuration to help get you started welcome to crosstalk Solutions my name is Chris and here I have the edge router 4 or er 4 model number and the edge router 6p or the ER 6p now these devices are very similar in terms of the CPU and RAM they both have a quad core 1 gigahertz processor they also both have one gigabyte of ddr3 memory inside as well as 4 gigs of flash storage they're both capable of processing 3.4 million packets per second so for the price point these are a really really great home or small office router I mean really they're they're probably good enough to be a medium office router as well though I would probably go for something like the edge router Pro if you're gonna put it into a medium office the operating temperature of these devices are from minus 10 to 50 degrees Celsius which is actually 14 up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit and then the max power consumption of the edge router 4 is 13 watts whereas the max power consumption of the edge router 6p is 16 watts not counting the p OE capability ok so let's bring the camera in close I'm gonna get these unboxed and we can take a look at them side-by-side ok here we go we're going to start with the edge router 4 we'll put the edge router 6 P off to this side for now Oh beautiful alright so this is a little bit bigger now the edge router 4 is what I would consider to be kind of the replacement for the edge router light or this is sort of the next model up from the edge router light it's basically got the same three ports that you get with the edge router light but it also has the included SFP port as well so there is the device itself let's put that aside and inside the box as well we have a Quick Start Guide we have a power cable and we have some mounting equipment that's it really simple actually inside no extra marketing fluff or anything so that is the edge router for okay so let's put that one there I'm not gonna go through the same stuff with the edge router 6p it's all the same stuff in the box I'll just get rid of that but this router as you can see has five one two three four five gigabit ethernet ports or Gigabit rj45 ports and then also one SFP port again just SFP not sfp+ now the difference is that these are also a p OE capable so you can do 24 volt passive p OE off of any of these five ports from what I understand so really what that means is that this one is sort of the Big Brother the edge router four is the Big Brother to the edge router light and the edge router 6p is the Big Brother to the edge router p OE five so the five port with p OE version of this same router okay so that's about it for the unboxing let's go ahead and set these things up I think I'm gonna set up the edge router 6p the set up should be very similar on both of these but again the 6p has those p OE options so want to make sure that I show that during the setup of the device okay so I have the camera set up at a little bit of a higher angle so that you guys can see what I'm doing with the edge router over here now the first thing that I'm going to do with this edge router is I'm going to take my computer this is the one labeled a desktop right here label everything you guys and I'm gonna plug this into eath zero on the edge router now I'm using the edge router 6p for this example by default the edge routers IP address is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot one okay so basically what I need to do is plug my computer into E zero and then set my computer manually into that same subnet before I do that though I'm gonna power on the edge router we're gonna plug it in in the back here and now we have a blue light so that should turn solid white when it's ready to rock and roll okay in the meantime let's flip over to my desktop first I'm going to do a persistent ping over to 192 168 1.1 so that I can see when we are actually able to connect to that device so now I'm going to right click on my eighth ernet adapter I'm gonna choose properties and we're gonna change 192 168 204 which is my normal IP address to one dot we'll leave a 1.4 that's fine as long as it's one dot anything that's not one dot one you're fine and then we'll give ourselves one dot one dot one dot one and for DNS I don't think the DNS matters just yet because we're going to do a couple of other configuration changes before we're done here but that's okay so now we're gonna say ok and we should pretty quickly here start seeing it replies from one dot one there we go ok so now that I can see 192 168 1.1 let's go ahead and bring that up in a browser so I'm just gonna go to Google Chrome I'm gonna say 192 168 1.1 your connection is not private advanced and procede and here we have the start of the edgemax wizard so username and password by default is UV NT and u BN t so u BN t for the username u BN t for the password accept the terms of the license agreement and click login ok so the first thing we see here is a router is in default config do you want to start with the basic setup wizard and that's a really good idea so let's go ahead and do that we're gonna say yes however instead of basic setup I'm actually gonna switch this to the LAN plus tool and to setup wizard okay so here we go if 0 is going to be my internet port now I'm gonna have it set to DHCP because I'm gonna have a 0 plugged into my van which is actually going to be a different subnet in my LAN here now if you have a static IP address from your ISP this is where you would want to select static IP and then enter the information that your ISP gave you as the static IP information for the LAN port of this device notice also that if you want with this wizard you can choose eath 0 as the win or eath 5 / SFP so for those of you who are lucky enough to be in an area where you have fiber and they can give you a fiber handoff instead of an Ethernet handoff you can use this device with fiber hand off as your when connection okay so for me I'm just gonna say e zero and we're gonna say DHCP that is good to go now this next section is talking about how we want to configure our land and in our case you could say bridge LAN interfaces into a single network however notice the note that it says here it says enabling bridging will have performance impact since it is basically doing the task of a switch in software and therefore it is better in most cases to use an actual switch instead now this is the same limitation that you have with bridging interfaces in every single edge router with the exception of the edge router X which has a dedicated switching chip okay so since this does not have a dedicated switching chip that means that when you are bonding interfaces together such as you know if one through four you are doing layer 3 switching on those ports using the onboard CPU okay there's not a dedicated chip to do that layer 3 switching meaning that it's taking away from the performance of the device when you do that so in our case we're not going to bridge those together but you can do so if you want keep in mind that if you do bridge those together especially in like a home network or a small office network you're still gonna be hard-pressed to max out this device ok so you are taking away the performance of the device but not really because you're not really gonna be able to max this out unless you're doing some serious serious routing if you've got a ton of packets that you're pushing around your network so I wouldn't be too concerned about it especially if you want to utilize some of the ports for power over ethernet in our case though you know what I take that back in our case let's go ahead and bridge the land interfaces into a single Network because I'm not going to be maxing it out either way so we might as well do that okay so Bridgeland interfaces into a single network and then we're gonna say land ports e1 and e2 so let's go ahead and pick our subnet I don't want to use 192 168 1 not 1 because everyone in the world uses one not 1 or 0 not 1 so I'm going to make this 182 168 50.1 Class C subnet is fine and then we're going to check this box to make sure that we enable the DHCP server now we're going to be setting up DHCP and changing the settings in just a little bit but for now this is perfectly fine just to get us up and running okay so user set up set up user and password for the new config okay so you can keep the existing settings I wouldn't recommend doing that especially with the default username and password or we can use the default user and create a new password which is what I'm gonna do in this case for best practice security you'd want to create a new user with a very strong password and don't use the UB NT user like I'm doing here okay so we're gonna apply that and then we're gonna apply changes and then we're going to reboot and yes I'm sure okay so now while we're rebooting keep in mind that our network is changing okay so eath zero is now going to be the win so I don't want to use my desktop plugged into the land port anymore I'm going to unplug myself from E 0 and I'm going to plug myself into eath 1 however I now need to plug in an internet connection so I've got this blue cable here I'm gonna plug this into a spare port on my switch which has its own separate VLAN I think it's like a 10.1 54.8 or something funky and then we are going to plug the LAN so I'm going to plug my internet into eath 0 now I'm going to go back to my computer and remember we enabled DHCP we also changed our subnet okay so in my computer I now need to go back to my network settings choose properties of my Ethernet adapter we're gonna double click on Internet ipv4 and then we're gonna say obtain IP address automatically obtain DNS servers automatically we're gonna say ok and ok we should be able to close this out now and now if I bring up my ping let's do a persistent ping out to the Internet to see if we have internet access alright so I'm going to say ping - T 4.2.2 so we don't have internet yet but I did just get connected to the network and now we have internet ok so I'm already up and running with this device so let's go ahead and login with the new IP address we're gonna say why don't you wants to create 50.1 this is unsafe and you've ent with my new password and there we go so now we can see I have a local bridge br0 that is 192 168 51 that is my switching interface and then I have my internet which is currently 1 10.1 54.8 106 don't ask about that that's because I had that network that weird network set up for a different client but for all intents and purposes that is our van okay so now what are the first things that you want to do keep in mind that the default firewall is already enabled okay so we now have a firewall in our network let's go ahead and go over to services and then here's our DHCP server 182 168 50.0 Network and let's go to actions and view details so here's all of our DHCP information the way that Ubiquiti does DHCP by default is a little weird so I'm going to change it so look at the range for instance it's ranged from dot 38 2.2 43 so again I don't know where they come up with those numbers but I'm gonna change this from dot 102.25 to 4 again do whatever is best for your own environment for the default router or the default gateway we're gonna leave that as 192 168 51 if you have a unified controller either local on your network or hosted elsewhere you can put the IP address or fqdn in here and then DHCP will pass out that option to your devices so that when unified devices connect it'll already know which unify controller they're supposed to go to now for DNS we've got 192 168 50.1 that is the IP address of the edge router I will show you where to add the DNS server to listen on other interfaces as well but for now that's fine I'm also going to put in a backup DNS of 1.1.11 ok release time 84 86,400 seconds I believe that's 24 hours if I'm not mistaken that's totally fine for my DHCP needs so we're gonna go ahead and save those settings and we get the green checkmark that means that our DHCP server is fully configured ok also in this server is tab we have DNS so right now we have one interface that we're listening on and that's br0 that's bridge 0 ok the switch port of I believe it's only f1 and f2 right now but we're gonna say if we wanted to add you know a separate network on eath for we could say efore or e5 and then add a separate DNS or basically listen for DNS requests on those extra interfaces as well but by default you're gonna be listening on br0 or if you didn't go for the switching when you did the wizard it would listen on whichever ethernet interface you made your your main land if you have dynamic DNS like a dying DNS service you can also add that information in here so again which interface is dynamic DNS and which service are you using so if you're using dying DNS you can choose dying DNS then enter all of your information your hostname login and password etc and then this will do dynamic DNS right from within the device me I don't have any dine DNS so I'm just gonna leave that alone ok so at this point I'm basically completely setup I have a working firewall I have a working DHCP server I'm answering a DNS request and now down here at the bottom we want to click on this little system button here and bring up our system tray and let's do a couple of additional things so let's give the system so the actual edge router its own name server and I'm gonna call it will give it to one dot one dot one dot one as well and we'll add a second one of just for some redundancy here we have NTP is already set up if we wanted to set up a telnet server or SNMP or a syslog server we can do that here we can enable or disable the ssh server for the device and then we can also add this device to un ms so right now I'm not in un ms I could add it you in a UN MS if I want to let's also check to see if we're running the latest firmware so right now we are edge router 6p firmware version 1.9 dot 8 and I think if I'm not mistaken one dot 10.3 is out so let's click on this link to check for updates this brings us to ubiquity x' download page and now we're gonna click on edge max then we're gonna find our edge router 6p over here on the left and yep there we go so edge router firmware 1.10.10 download that a download while we're downloading we can see the statistics of us downloading this file you can see right here we're downloading at 40 67 megabits per second okay that file has been downloaded so now we're gonna click open our system tray one more time scroll to the bottom and we're gonna click on upload a file and browse to the file that you just downloaded and now it's going to upload that file to the device and when it's done uploading it will prompt you to reboot once you reboot it's going to come back as the latest version of firmware ok there we go it says in order for changes to take effect you have to reboot your edge router so we're gonna say reboot and yes we are sure ok so that took about 2 minutes I'm logging back in and now we can see that I am on version 110 dot 3 ok so notice also that now we have this un ms of button let's go ahead and connect to my UN MS interface I'm gonna bring up un ms and network is in danger in my UN MS because I have devices that are currently not plugged in one of my er ex test routers as well as a one of my nano stations not plugged in so let's go ahead and add a new device so I'm gonna click on devices and we're gonna say add device and then I want to just copy to clipboard see it says down here copy un ms key and paste into device configuration so I'm going to copy to clipboard I'm gonna go back to my edge router I'm gonna click on system and then right here for un ms I'm going to say enable and I'm going to paste what is in the clipboard and then we're gonna go ahead and save that and let's flip back to you and ms close this down and very shortly there we go we see unknown device popping in here and it just says you B&T unauthorized let's go ahead and click authorize and we will give it to my main site and authorize and there we go so edge router 6p we can see the firmware a version we're gonna click on that okay so if we click on interfaces we can see all of my various interfaces internet as well as my bridge zero and we can see the eath one is currently plugged in we can see that P OE is off on a lot of these let's see I've never actually seen if we can turn p OE on from here let's see if we can do that if I click this P oh yeah there we go so for instance eath - I'm gonna say p OE set to 24 volt confirm now I don't have anything plugged in there you don't want to turn 24 volt passive PUA on to a port where you're not sure if there's a compatible device plugged into that port we're just gonna say apply there we go and now we can see that we've got 24 volt passive p OE on eath - also over here I don't know if that's if you can see that or not but there is a light that came on so we can see that there is p OE enabled on e - now the light is over here on the side I really wish they would have put the light on the actual Ethernet interfaces like it is on the rest of these switches because it makes it real easy to see when something is p OE enabled and then you don't accidentally fry a device or something in my case though I'm going to turn the POV back off and we're gonna hit apply so scrolling through here speed test I don't think speed test is available yet oh yeah this it is available so this is where you could do a speed test to a different device routes so here's your routing the OSPF services so here's all your various services on or off and then for DHCP server we can even edit our DHCP server settings so here we have all the same settings that I already input we click on leases we can see our actual DHCP leases which spreads it's not showing mine considering my computer is actually on here here's a terminal if we want to log in to the device in the backend and then we have logs and statistics and everything else ok let's go back to the actual device itself we can see now that U and M s is lit up green meaning that we are successfully connected to un M s and then that setting that I did for Power over Ethernet let's show you how to do that in this interface as well in case you don't actually have you so here we have my eath to interface all you have to do is say actions click on p OE and then set this to 24 volt or you can say 24 volt with 4 pair okay so there's two options here 24 volt the one that doesn't say 4 pair is just 24 volt on 2 pair of wire and then you've got 24 volt on 4 pair of wire that's going to be device device device to device which one of those settings that you need in most cases and for most ubiquity devices like the Nano stations and cameras and stuff like that you just want to set it to regular 24 volt on 2 pair of wire and save that and now we can see here under p OE that 24 volt is enabled let me turn it back off before again I don't want to fry any my devices okay so there you have it there is a very basic setup of a one of the new generations of edge routers again the edge router 4 is going to be a very very similar setup to this one the only difference is that it does not have the same p OE capability that this one does this one does other than that everything else is exactly the same ok so I hope you guys enjoyed this video what else do you want to see about these edge routers is there anything that you want to specifically have me set up or do a video about put that in the comments below and I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy the video please give me a thumbs up if you'd like to see more videos like this please click subscribe my name is Chris with crosstalk solutions and thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 83,569
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Keywords: edgerouter 4, ubiquiti router, edgerouter lite, edgerouter pro, edgerouter setup, edgerouter x, edgerouter poe, edgerouter 6, edgerouter 6p, edgerouter 6 review, edgerouter 6p poe, edgerouter 6p switching, edge router 6-port, crosstalk, crosstalk solutions, ubiquiti, ubiquity
Id: EMu8Pi73ses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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