U2 (Almost) Apologise For Giving You Their Album - The Graham Norton Show

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now Feast your eyes on this now any kids watching aold is it this is a long playing record everybody it is a gatefold no it's a gatefold there's the lads yes this is it Songs of Innocence and now normally when bands come on they're trying to flog an album but everyone's got it already so what's the point I mean we're thrilled we're thrilled you're here it's for all the people that got very annoyed that it was given to the free they now get to buy it but no that no but this is the madness yesterday and that song's impregnated I had to buy a special solution to take no but isn't this true in the midweek chart it's it's number four yeah so but but but do they not know they've already got it but they haven't got the vinyl okay they haven't got the CD but when but Al everyone gets it on the iTunes H who talked to who did you go to iTunes did iTunes come to you we we worked very hard on these songs and we really believed in them but we were scared they wouldn't you know people wouldn't hear them or you know it's it's It's Tricky these days you know to be heard we've been around a while why would anyone want another YouTu album we kind of asked ourselves that question and um no no no poor you two who has worse luck than you two just there is at the back of any perform it's a heartbreaking story by way The Unforgettable Fire it's just look it's if anyone you know wanted to call time on us we've been around a while and we just wanted to do something fresh something that no one else had done and you know it turns out some people don't believe in Father Christmas and they see Father Christmas in their Lounge on Christmas morning they just want to give Father Christmas a good kicking good kicking Adam I think you didn't care either way did you um no I I cared in as much as I knew that if we put it out the normal way um you know records don't stay around the way they used to a few years ago and these songs I think are like the they're some of the best songs we've ever written and to get them out this way digitally it wasn't exactly a revolution but we thought if we went to Apple we would at least get paid and apple would give them free to their customers which we thought was a good idea I mean there's a lot of people who were you know uninterested in you two who are now you know mad at you two which as as far as we're concerned is an improvement this is this is a crazy I did not know this till this afternoon uh that your association with iTunes goes back quite a long way mhm yes so you know at the bottom in your iTunes there's those little symbols like there's music there's artists there's more whatever the symbol for artists yeah that's Bono thank you [Music] she'll bring she'll bring it in on time and under budget I I have glaucoma for the the last 20 years okay can I say it didn't get a great all did it
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 436,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Graham Norton Show, U discography, U music, U music catalog, band interview, behind the scenes, digital marketing, marketing strategy, music branding, music business, music documentary, music industry, music industry challenges, music industry insights, music news, music streaming platforms, music success, music video promotion, online audience, online platforms, promotional campaigns
Id: 4_9YWhyHmPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 22 2014
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