Oprah's Next Chapter with Bishop T.D. Jakes.

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I'll never tell the enemy I've been on the cover of Time magazine I've gone around the world I don't use none of that stuff up there reach back sometimes in life you get exactly what you need at the moment you most need it that's what happened to me on a cool rainy Sunday morning in the Lone Star State of Texas I came to the oil-rich city of Dallas to see this one Bishop TD jakes Time magazine called him America's best preacher I knew him because he'd been on The Oprah Show a couple of times but I've never seen him at his own church many friends had told me that it was a next chapter bust and my Sunday mornings haven't been the same since this mega huge church is called The Potter's house I'm here with my friends Gayle King and Tyler Perry we were all in town for a movie screening of red tails the night before the church is enormous there were thousands of others in the congregation they show up every Sunday you need to get here early just to get a good seat Church starts promptly at 9:00 a.m. former Dallas Cowboy Emmitt Smith and his wife are regulars and that's Terrence Howard next to Gail one of the stars of red tails I grew up in the church and thought I've seen and heard it all the miracle is not in what you lost the miracle is not in what you have consumed previously your best days are not your yesterday's your miracle is in what you have left if you discard it ignore it don't use it don't value it don't learn from it don't understand it you will lose the battle before you because you did not learn from the battle behind you tonight Bishop Jake's gives us full unprecedented access to his mega church and later I sit down with the bishop and his wife Bishop TD jakes has been spreading the word for over 30 years nothing gets accomplished in the spirit or out of the spirit because she wash up your own opinion starting in 1979 with just 10 members now the bishops weekly televised message reaches millions around the world he has written over 50 books 15 of which are New York Times bestsellers he's counseled the last three presidents and holds mega conferences around the world why you're not scared of the enemy Malcolm Bishop Jake's is even broken through in Hollywood writing directing and acting and six movies including his latest producing gig Whitney Houston soon to be released last film Sparkle I know y'all don't love each other that much he's even produced a Grammy award-winning gospel album but this is where he's most at home on the pulpit of Potter's house but when God gets ready to get to you I don't care how dark tonight I don't care how distant the location I don't care how dangerous the circumstance when he gets ready to come to you he doesn't need to hire a boat to join you in the process and move at the same speed that you're moving at to resolve the conflict he has the advantage of being able to walk on top of what is threatening to take you under I'm talking about your God my God the water walking God I'm talking about Jesus who walks on the stuff you're about to drown in the potter's house is unlike most churches in the world it has a 250 person choir full bank a television complex bookstore and wedding chapel the almost three-hour service begins with some of the best music you'll ever hear forsake me in my weakness I'm then an old-fashioned wheat your neighbor kind of church for this day guest vocalist and actress Tamela Mann praised us all with her bring down the house edition of step aside that church sure has changed since I was a girl Potter's House has their own dance troupe and Flash painter yes that's baby Jesus he just painted next the bishop and his wife Sarita welcomed the congregation this is the day that the Lord had made we shall rejoice and then a famous TD jakes sermon this one titles saved the scraps is all about being grateful for what you have no matter how great or small and remembering how you got there I've talked about that a lot over the years on The Oprah Winfrey Show but Bishop Jake's has a way of well bringing it home what you have had so many bad experiences anything that moves near you you're so apprehensive you already have a previous supposed idea as to what's going to happen next if you've been abused and abused and abused when I raise my hand you Church I could be trying to hand you a piece of bread you you judge but God said don't be afraid of me almost 8,000 people were up and out of their seats and the god watch this not just of your miracles but I am the God between your miracles while you're waiting on the next one to come be understand in between your mountains I'm not just a God on the mountain in your valley and the God why are you trying to get over this hurdle I'm still go oh I gotta quit I feel like preaching I got to stop I feel the glory of the Lord in this place I feel the anointing of God in this place somebody knows what I'm talking about some couldn't contain their emotion neither could I in Christ's name we pray somebody's shout a man go in peace I love you after the service finished and the mammoth Church cleared out i sat down with Bishop TD jakes in an empty potter's house yeah I don't put on my shoes - one second before I have - ready or not here I come ready roll roll cameras Wow how'd you look gorgeous oh I'm so great thank you for that thank you for that I'm honored that was a blessing that was a blessing that was a blessing to me good good it was such a blessing to me I thought you were just preaching to me really and then then some members of the crew came back and they said oh you don't know what that did for me and I was like well I thought I thought it was just for me you're not the only one you know that's that's the oddity you preached one message everybody hears something different based on what they need to hear yes I think that's the unseen miracle of the whole moment but it's interesting because my friend Gail was sitting next to me and she leaned over and at one point she said I think he is preaching to you you know a whole lot about now but you forgot about then I'm with you there is no way you would have made it to this present danger if I hadn't have done what I did yesterday you wouldn't be blessed to have the problems that you have right now I grew up in the church join the church when I was 8 years old I'd heard a lot of preachers preach in my life I've never heard seen or experienced anybody like you Wow you're gonna make me bless her I want to see you bla want to see what that looks like when you blush I've never seen anything like that you know for me I think I found that thing I was created to do or at least part of it because I think we have more than one gift inside of us but to have landed on your purpose whatever that is whether it's on a stage or behind the stage is such a wonderful thing so many people spent on with their life searching never really anchored down into why am I here and for me it was like putting a plug into a receptacle I just fit here comes Jesus walking over the stuff they're drowning in as we sit here and now the church pews have been cleared over 7,000 people come to hear this service people hear you all around the world what kind of weight or responsibility does that carry is it different than when you were speaking to the 7 no you know oddly about fit it isn't it isn't it isn't because when I was speaking to the 7 I took it just too seriously fearing and I think that's how you end up with thousands of people is that you take small beginnings seriously and and really the weight and the responsibility of sharing with people what you believe in your unique way of expressing it is authentic and I've learned well it doesn't matter the size of the crowd whether it's seven seven thousand a hundred and forty thousand the job still say the job is still the same god never intended for you to go through something and get nothing out of it he intended that every time you go through a test for you to come out of it with something else on your boat that you never had before so that when you run into your next test you will say if God did that we have millionaires in this church we have honest people in the church we have judges and lawyers and intellects in this church we have people who are illiterate in this church and I've preached to them all the same because the things that mattered the most have nothing to do with the superficials well you know what was so exciting just literally exciting thrilling stimulating mind opening to me today is I have heard the story of the five loaves and the fishes yeah my entire me I learned to read by reading Bible stories I've heard it I don't know how many times in in in my life but had never heard it deceptive and constructed and it was like you an architect who laid out the floor plan and then you went in and you built it brick by brick and layered it so that we could have another way of seeing through this house the Bible comes to life in my hands you know the story as well as I do that there is a little boy there with two fish and five loaves of bread then the miracle begins to occur and he took it and he blessed it I like to talk about that because he's blessing something that is not enough until you can be thankful Oh for something that is not enough then what you have cannot be multiplied into what is more than enough we are certain that he had two fish and five loaves of bread when he blessed it as he broke it that's where we lose count you understand them that the blessing is in the breaking that that refuses to be broken refuses to be blessed it is the breaking of life that produces the blessing of life now I know a lot of you don't understand that because you yourselves have not been broken but I have noticed in my life that the most blessed people I have ever met in my life have gone through something coming up I've heard people criticize you for having so much now you drive a wonderful car and you have a plane how do you explain that and later would you say that every body is embraced in your church Thomas Dexter or TD is the youngest of three children from a poor South Charleston West Virginia family his father was a janitor and entrepreneur his mother an educator as a child he was affectionately known as Bible boy he loved the Good Book and wanted to preach young Jake's was told by everyone his dream would never come true because of his distinctive Lisp at just 19 years old Thomas Dexter proved them all wrong when he founded the greater Emmanuel temple of faith in a West Virginia storefront his first congregation had just ten members a pastor at night he kept his day job digging ditches to fund the church in just one decade the original ten members grew to 1,000 and TD jakes was on his way in 1985 pastor Jake's was ordained a bishop over the years the Bishop's Church moved four times one of the buildings was a former Bank finally in 1996 the bishop moved to Dallas Texas and founded his mega church the potter's house since then he's landed on the cover of Time magazine and his potter's house congregation has grown to over 30,000 ventures every week thousands of people black white brown rich poor flocked to the outskirts of Dallas Texas for the Sunday service at the potter's house that doesn't include the millions who tuned in online every week I'm now one of them on this rainy Sunday my friend Tyler Perry who's been here many times came along with my friend Gail and I to see hear and experience it for ourselves you are the absolute God and besides you there is no other rule in this house today speak in this house today heal in this house today minister in this house today I thank you for what you're about to do in Jesus name someone shout amen after the powerful three-hour service the bishop and I sat down in a now empty Potter's house okay are you guys about ready we're real cameras are rolling so when you were building this church did you have the vision for where we are right now oh yes yes but it's not about the building the building was in reaction to the vision my vision wasn't the building my vision was a ministry I never asked to be bigger I have to be better and I never I never asked to be successful I have to be effective being effective made me successful don't let people tell you that God just wants to give you enough his name el shaddai leaves more than enough why would a God whose name leaves more than enough stop had enough I've heard people criticize you for having so much now you drive a wonderful car and you have a plane and you have a all of the accoutrements of success listening to the sermon today I understood very clearly because God doesn't just bless you and say enough it allows your cup to run it over but how do you explain that one he allows your cup to run over I don't think the issue with clergy is what you drive where you live it's more how you got it if you got it abusing and breaking the backs of people that's a bad thing if you put yourself before the congregation that's a bad thing well a lot of times people will look at someone like me but they really need to look at people who've got twenty members and drive of roles I'm also a movie producer I love fooling with films and get involved with the business of the industry and and and all of a sudden it exploded and went with that kind of resource it changed my life it meant I could send my kids to college it meant that I could see my kids live in a home that my father would have bragged about cleaning here on the janitorial service oh that is such a powerful line I lived in a home that my father would have bragged about cleaning oh he would have he would have we used to go Sunday drives and he would drive us through neighborhoods he said I cleaned the rugs in that place over there you know I wish I could take care and there was something missing and it would be that much been compared to how we live yeah I grew up in a house my idea of rich people was having a doorbell she had a doorbell grass in your yard and a washing machine you were rich yes the god seven truth I mean you know our idea of air conditioning was putting lights behind a fan and opening up the window yeah that's how I grew up father I thank you for this opportunity I think you for the gift of life and health and strength I thank you because you're sovereign and absolute I think well I was reminded of my own lessons today when you were saying that there wasn't there really was no storm there is no storm that every storm comes into our life to teach us as a teaching opportunity in the storm God looks like a ghost really bad they feared for the lives and said that's a ghost coming but it was God sometimes the thing that you are apprehensive about coming to get you is God coming in another form he doesn't always look like you think he ought to look but isn't it so easy to forget when you're in the middle of the storm I know that I certainly know that I've taught that myself but then when you're in the storm it's easy to forget hello that's why we need each other yes that's why we need each other and that's why we have to draw from each other because we were designed like the plants to cross pollinate we cannot be fruitful by ourselves coming up do you think that being gay is a sin and later a surprisingly candid conversation with the Bishop's wife I'd read that there were some people who said that in the beginning you shouldn't marry her were there cut the camera ha swing with me I don't think I've ever been to a place that's as warm and inviting and loving as this church is I was a hurt and broken guy when I first discovered this church this church is a hospital for hurting people and it was perfect for me healed me as it heal so many of them I was teaching the Word of God and I really really wish I don't care what color you are I just wish more people would come here and try it on for size this church transcends economical sociological racial political barriers we are black we are wife we are brown we are precious in His sight we're his children I looked around today predominantly african-american audience but pretty diverse for a church in the South because I remember years ago uh Reverend King said the most segregated place on earth on Sundays was was was church yeah I'm trying to break down those walls in those barriers because we need each other and and we must move beyond that segregationist mentality and I don't think it's always brought about by racism either in some cases that's true but in other cases I think it's based upon comfort zones where cultural comforts and biases as to what we are comfortable with and as our country becomes more and more integrated its moved way beyond the black and white issue but it is something that we all have to work on blacks and whites and browns and everybody because if whether you run a business or church or whatever it is if you're gonna be relative to your generation you have to embrace everybody not just people who look like you would you say that everybody is embraced in your church oh absolutely yeah absolutely did you know that you have been accused of saying that gay people would not be welcome oh no no no that's that's not true at all it's not true well the perception in our society today is that if you don't say you're for same-sex marriage or if you say that homosexuality is a sin that that you're homophobic and you're against gay people that's not true I'm not called to give my opinion I'm called in the pastor to give the scriptural position on it doesn't mean that I have to agree with you to love you I don't just like anybody I love everybody does it mean you perceived being gay as us in do you do think that being gay is a sin I think that sex between two people of the same sex is condemned in the scriptures and as long as it is condemned in the scriptures I don't get to save what I think I get to save what the Bible says hmm you know I'm not particularly political I'm not particularly denominational I'm not worried about any of that I'm not anti-gay up my anti anything I'm just I don't want to even be known about what I'm against I want to be known about what I'm for I'm four people better in themselves no matter who they are and where they are doing all they could be to be all that they can be you recently said this about African Americans that we're an evolving group of people with a history of abuse in which many are yet ensnared in some way while others have escaped you believe that be absolutely did my great-great grandmother was a slave we try to make slavery sound like it was a thousand years ago and when it was almost last week our the child growing up with my great great grandmother who was born a slave my great-great grandfather his mother was a slave we're just a few generations from slavery it demeaned and destroyed every aspect of family in life and then we were freed wonderful freed now you're a father what's a father now you should get married what's marry now you should have a family what's a family we're still healing from that and you know that's gonna take generational healing you don't bounce back and become a father if you never saw a father we're suffering from all of those eels I call it the molestation of a nation it creates side-effects low self-esteem fear self hatred cutting yourself all of that that drive-by shootings murdering your children beating your children all of those sorts of things in your children because it's late master beat you beating your children and then your children shooting each other in the street no value for life all of those things we without any therapy any treatment you talk about post-traumatic stress disorder I'm just saying this is our problem this is our reality and we have to talk to each other and understand each other and work together to try make try to make it better coming up or how good evil requesting when it's question that's big you everybody got tape everybody's rolling cuz I don't want to run out of tape on this okay Plus I really was drowning I mean I was in the shadows of Emmet former Dallas Cowboy Emmitt Smith and his wife opened up about how the potter's house changed their marriage but the trouble that has come in your life did not come to break you it came to introduce you to your God in a new and a fresh way I need someone to really reach into the audience and say I know where you are because my life is not so different from yours and that's what Bishop have done for me when Emmet and I started dating and I moved to Dallas of course I joined the potter's house and it just really has turned my life around um it was right after Dancing with the Stars and I really was drowning I mean I was in the shadows of Emmet um trying to focus on all the kids and the family I look at it as church that's feeding Souls and changing lives and there's nothing wrong with that can I take a moment thank God you every person who endeavors to make a difference don't think your strength is in the accolades that people confer to you at the end once they have discovered you your real strength I mean your guts your tenacity your staying power your discipline is in the things God did for you when nobody was looking I was watching you and although tremendously moving for me this sermon was and the service was I can also observe your your power and control here the eyes of the church are closed the heads about I mean you are the master of this you are running this thing yeah make no mistake about it who is in charge oh yeah okay so who how do you make sure that with all of that going on you walk the walk I'm laughing at this because I've been to the Oprah Show well it's not hard to explain it from a spiritual perspective I'm the one who has to give them account for what goes on here so the buck stops with me uh when you start talking about keeping you in check I can't give any one person credit for that first some of that is prayer some of that's the Holy Spirit some of that is life I don't always stay in check I go over the line I've had to apologize every day for something but both to God in two people I'm not perfect Jesus is perfect I don't present myself as answer he's answered I'm the mailman I'm not the mail and as long as you understand that I'm not the mail we're good if somehow by God's grace something I have said has made you consider your own fish in your own load and suddenly you see Jesus in the scraps of your life holding you together bringing you through you are come dear you ought to give your life to Him are there many paths or different paths to God great question let me answer that this way first I believe one of the great lessons I think that we have today is to live in a country that allows us to have various religious notions I'm so thankful that I don't have Congress to sadden what I'm going to believe having said that and with that tolerance and celebrating that tolerance I believe that we all take different paths some people find God in church some people find God at the house some people find God in their bedroom some people find God in prison there may be different paths to God but at the end of the day there's one god and there's one door I believe of the Christian that Christ is that door are all the religions leading to that path or is only Christianity leading to that path well I think you can get in Christianity and miss that path if you're not careful and I think that many people start in other religions and at some point they my prayer in my hope and said they will cross over and I'm across over him and see Christ is Lord even if you said the final moment I believe he's the door and we had bowed every eye closed this is the most sacred part of our service if we don't do anything else we gonna do this right we must do this right okay here's the big question who is he how do you describe God okay describe what I've got a little bit that's the big ones question there's a big who everybody got tape everybody's rolling cuz I don't want to run out of tape on this okay okay what is it be could you describe I describe him this way as being the God of the universe this CEO of creation the master the progenitor and the originator of all life he is the beginning of all things he is a hint of all things and by him all things consist how he reveals himself to us it as unique our own mentality so when you when you grumble with this notion of many paths to God there has to be many paths to God because we are many people and in the process he revealed so familiar yes to reveal at your level and not everybody's at the same level of everybody they're the same level not everybody that's absolutely right yeah they cross pollenization that we talked about that we are strengthened through fellowship whether their fellowship is in your living room or whether that fellowship within a traditional church let's not totally ignore the benefit of fellowship amongst believers who strengthen us in the faith because we're two or three gathered in my name there am I in the midst yes preaching sister coming up Bishop Jake's on his relationships with presidents Clinton Bush and Obama I do know that they're all overworked and overstressed and later you said before that marriage in in general is a difficult process has it been a difficult process for the two of you you have been counseled to and closed with the last three presidents President Obama with President Bush with President Clinton if a president calls and says he needs counseling is there some kind of special prayer you give to God I try not to tell presidents how to be presidents because I've never been impressive so I don't run in there and tell them how they ought to run the country and around the world I'm trying to run Milo's corner over here I do know that they're men and do know that they have they're all fathers I do know that they're all husband's I do know that they're all overworked and overstressed and I pray for their families and I prayed that they will have the spiritual fortitude to withstand the the the toxic environment in which they serve our mm-hmm I do see some commonalities between all three of them I really believe all three men rose to power believing they could make a difference hmm to really try to make a change in something that had the propensity to change you politics will change you well you've said that having a black president is indescribably important you're quoted as saying that why do you think it's so important not just to this black culture but to that what's all cultures to recognize that this that leadership is not your typical that it's not all men or all women or all blacks are all whites to recognize the diversity that existed in the very underbelly of this country and to see it happening in my lifetime you know I didn't think I'd see it in my life you know and I have no words to describe what that meant mm-hmm I wanted to wake up all my dead ancestors and say look at this I wanted to go to the graveside of my grandfather who was laying TD who was murdered by white racists in Mississippi and bled to death up under the waters where they put Bob where to catch him as he swam through to get home to my pregnant grandmother I wanted to wake him up and tell the first TV on behalf of the second TV look at what we died for hmm all of the many good things that God is going in your life in our lives we give homage and respect it's preaching time what would you say is the core of your brand I believe that it is my destiny to help you reach yours hmm I believe that I am called to be the guy who says get back up again you can do it I'm a motivator I'll tell you I can do it in my sleep I love to see people that have hit a hard spot or dealt with the tragedy to motivate them to survive because that's what I had to do my sister says I got to give you this out I love this and I quote her all the time on this I don't know whether she created it or not she says Christianity is one bigger telling another bigger where he found the bread mmm and I think what rings as authenticity is when you share what worked for you yeah with other people yeah perfection perfection excellent it was excellent Jordan I'm so glad we had the opportunity and we're bringing in the first lady hello love are you bikes up though you might get I know our new wave is gonna be this pink yeah that's it from you we got it that's cool so you've been you've been married now 30 years how have you kept this Union together lots of communication mm-hmm lots of talking over the phone when he's traveling mm-hmm as he's evolved I've had to evolve with him and so instead of being left behind when he goes out to the world he comes back and he tells me about everything and were there people in the beginning I'd read that there were some people who said that in the beginning you shouldn't marry her or there oh we good yeah they weren't just people they were just people no they were ex-girlfriend Oh gonna get really heavy yeah it was they were um those that had been overlooked or interviewed and didn't pass the test so god I can't believe this okay and so um I was able to pass the scrutiny of the mom and the family yes so tell me I know both of you survived a car crash how did that survival change your marriage nearly six months into their marriage the couple survived a horrific car crash that left Cerreta with severe leg and foot injuries doctors were not sure she would ever walk again Bishop Jake's never left his wife's side eventually Serita Jake's made a full recovery I'm thinking Aristo marriage in a lot of ways but it was very difficult to go through I prayed for her I took care of her I cooked for her washed her hair taught her how to walk literally stood in front of her and said you can do this and and taught her to walk again and it it brought us together in a way we had we had an unexplainable connection not explainable connection I guess at the core we're friends hey yes we're at the core we're friendly yeah I know this she is for me has this process you said before that marriage in in general is a difficult process has it been a difficult process for the two of you yes yes yes well I didn't want to say yes before yeah I thought it would be better for her to say yes and then we echo it yeah somehow she said yes yes yeah yeah I how you have to work at marriage it's it's an assignment tell me what you're most proud of for yourself in your place in space in this domain of the potter's house that we got here when we were dating he said stick with me and I'll take you places you've never been and show you things you've never seen then we were dating and I didn't realize that we were going to have a car wreck and lose absolutely everything and that we would have a baby after a baby after a baby and be on welfare and he would have to dig ditches and cut grass I didn't know that that was the route we were going to have to take to get to not sleep on the pews in a choir robe in between services to being able to sleep in a penthouse suite anywhere we go in the world and and it wasn't the things it's that his promise to me was we're gonna get through this and we're gonna get through this together and he kept his promise I could cry that's perfect that's the way to end it thank you thank you thank you okay let's stand that's great hey family
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Views: 1,803,719
Rating: 4.6580386 out of 5
Keywords: TD Jakes, Oprah, Bishop, Gospel, Renewal, Life, Life coaching, Blessing, Change, New
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2012
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