Types of Siblings

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- What up everyone, it's your girl SuperWoman! And since the beginning of time on my Facebook fan page everyone's always been like "make a video about types of siblings!" and I've always just been like, no. No. No. No no I'm not going to do it. But then today I was all like (ting) Okay I'll do it. So grab yourself some popcorn, grab your brother, grab your sisters, so you can just point at each other this whole video and just for good measure grab your mom too so she can whoop you both at the end of it. Are ya ready? Let's do it! Number one the not guilty. Now as per my experience the not guilty is usually the older sibling who was somehow born with a 'get out of jail' card embedded into their butt hole because no matter what they do they ain't getting in trouble. Is this just a brown thing? I don't know you tell me because when I was younger my older sister wouldn't get blamed for anything, solely because she was older. Mom! Dede's beating me up! (coughing) Lily listen to your sister okay she older! Mom! Mom Dede won't give my laptop back, I have to do my homework. Listen to your sister okay she know she older. You such an idiot. Shut up. I said shut up. You shut up. Lily! (speaking in foreign language) Yeah. (ting) (harp music) Uh? Like what kind of logic, can you image if our justice system was like this? So Mr. Schmoface it seems that your being charged for armed robbery and there several eye witness accounts and video evidence that you committed the crime therefore I have no choice but to sentence you to Oh wait once second here, it seems that you are older than the person you robbed. Well then you know what? Here's your new car, 10,000 dollars and take this McDonald's coupon. Get outta here okay. Keep doing a great job. Number two the third parent. Now this sibling is usually older than you by a lot and instead of acting like your hommie you know, like your sister from the same mister, like your brother from the same mother, they act like a third parent. Just always trying to convince your parents to say no to you and when you expect them to have your back the most they throw ya under the bus. Oh Lily you not going okay? Oh my god mom all my other friends are going it's just for five days come on! I don't really care. God you ruining my life, Sis can you please tell her it'll be fine? Hmm I don't know are there any parents going? Uh no but there's like a group of 20 people going it'll be fine. Sounds dangerous. (record scratching) (electronic music) (bell ringing) She has a boyfriend. Huh? Lilly's boyfriend is going on the trip that's why she wants to go. She snuck out two days ago. Oh yeah well Lilly failed math and she hid her report card. This true? Okay well she's not even really a vegetarian, she eats Big Mac's all the time. Okay Lilly got a speeding ticket and she never told you. Her court date is in two weeks. I found birth control in her room. She doesn't even have a tutor that's her parole officer. Oh yeah well I saw her smoking yesterday, I saw her she had it in her mouth. You little brat I told you that was a toothpick. Oh shut up! Crackhead. Shut! A no sorry I'm just waiting at this bus top that my sister brought me to just... (screeching) Oh sorry I just got ran over by the bus. Look at me I am under the bus now bloody roadkill. Number three the example. Now if you have a sibling chances are your parents continuously tell you, "We don't have favorites we love you both the same." and that could be true or not depending on how naive you are but sure enough there's always that one sibling who got better grades, whose a star child, who never got in trouble and while you would never go to family parties because you're out with your friends being a terrible child, their with their aunt and uncle just like, (snapping) What up tee shirt reference! And because of this you will constantly be reminded of all your shortcomings. When your sister in school she got full marks, you know 110% mark. Okay that's not even possible you cannot get 110%. No no her teacher say she so good they'll change the system. Ask them they said like this and you bloody 98% garbage. Look this one you know and your sister at your age she had two jobs okay. (laughing) Then your sister at your age okay, she had a five minute phone limit okay, you not on phone five minute, you not on text five minute you go (yelling). I'll call you back. Number four the brat face. As per my experience this is usually the younger sibling who gets everything they want because if they don't get they will whine and complain and throw a tantrum because the older sibling had a five minute phone limit when she was 18 and the younger sibling has an iPhone five at the age of 14. The older sibling had to wear that ugly sweater passed down from her uncle on picture day, while the younger sibling walks into picture day wearing Lululemon pants, Chanel sweater and Michael Kors watch just like "Take my photo." Major evolution of one and I'm proud to say that I am that brat child. Was up sis? Number six Simba/Nala. Now this is more a stage let me break it down for you okay. Even though you probably fight with your siblings every single day, this will inevitably happen. Did you take my shirt? - No. - I know you took my shirt. - No I didn't. - Honestly you always blame me. (yelling) - Stop it. - I'm not touching you. - Stop it. - I'm not touching you. - Stop it. - I'm not touching you. (yelling) - Yo! - What? (yelling) - Lilly don't do it, I swear to God Lilly don't do it! (electronic music) - You're getting married? That's right Lilly from now on it's just going to be you, me and Daddy. No don't leave me! Because one day the circle of life is gonna continue and your older siblings gonna get married and your just gonna be like "This is strange." Because little Simba or Nala grows up and then has their own kids and their own family and becomes some sort of adult and your just like "You cannot be an adult okay." "You are a child, you are my sister okay." "You killed Mufasa inish, like stop it, stop it!" "Don't try to be all grown okay I'm on to you." Don't be standing there all grown like ♪ Nants ingonyama bagithi ♪ ♪ Baba sihi uhhmm ♪ with you're child okay and come play Nintendo with me. Having said all that siblings are great and if you're lucky enough to have a sibling, you should definitely cherish them forever-ever. Forever-ever. If you like this video make sure you share it with your sibling and also click the links in the description to share on both Facebook and Twitter. Also make sure you rate, comment and hit that subscribe button because I make new videos every Monday and Thursday and before I go I just gotta say, Yo, yo. Yo did you hear? I hit two million subscribers. Thank you so so so so so much. I'm so overwhelmed and I feel so so blessed and grateful so thank you for all your support. I love you so much and (yelling) One love superwoman that is a wrap. (electronic music)
Channel: Lilly Singh
Views: 14,489,421
Rating: 4.9616318 out of 5
Keywords: iisuperwomanii, iisuperwomenii, superwoman, superwomen, super, woman, women, comedy, comedian, funny, rant, skit, sketch, hilarious, humour, humor, stupid, silly, lol, joke, brown, indian, desi, punjabi, hindi, types, of, siblings, sibling, brother, sister, family, mother, mom, dad, mommy, daddy, sisters, sis, bro, brothers, fam, older, younger, elder, type, category
Id: drOOMHwPXf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2014
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