Types of Parents

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What up everyone it's ya girrrrl superwoman. So for months and months you Emily Thomas have been requesting me to do this video and I decided today to Finally stop being a jerk face and give it to you. Happy birthday Are you a parent? Are you a child? Are you both? Maybe you hate kids. Maybe you're pregnant Maybe you don't care about the content of this video at all because you're watching it on silent because you dutch it either way get Ready to relate cuz I'm about to break down the types of parents. Let's get to it number one the cool cats *meeow* Now these are the types of parents that aren't just your parents? But they're your homies because you're not scared to tell them anything They understand that good parenting is not about fear it's about good communication What in the heck she talking bout *werid sound* it's true it exists. Hell not only do they know about your boyfriend, but they know about your best friend's boyfriend They know about the time you both failed that math test, and you know what when you're leaving the house They know that you're wearing a miniskirt under those track pants they just don't make a big deal about it because they trust you're a good kid and Quite frankly your parents coolness continues to shock both you and your friends Girl honestly Let's just grab a drink before we leave because I ain't spending $8 on no drink at no bar Lilly what if your parents see? Nah Man, they're cool. Don't worry. You sure? trust me. k Cuz we gonna have a party. OH LILY what the bloody hell you doing, huh? You drinking alcohol before you leave the house? duh. uhhh Why you doing this huh? it was her idea. no dad you don't get it. I'm taking a taxi. I'm not driving. You stupid I'm so sorry. Sorry dad. I teach you nothing huh? It's just that drinks are so expensive there and- Take my flask! what? Word. Oh my God. What the hell one drink gonna do huh? Don't be stupid, I teach you to go to club and pay $10 for drink no Don't be dumb okay, you take this one. Oh my God. That's so cool *music* Have fun. Okay. Be safe. don't waste your money *more music* *sniff* So beautiful. Based on a true story sonnnn. Yes, that's me in a beard how's that silent video watching going now? Huh? Are you getting turned on? *slurp* Now hold up before all you brat kids are like what the f? my parents aren't cool like that know that it takes time to create Cool cat parents you gotta build that trust okay, and show them that you're mature enough to sometimes do stupid things But if he was driving around drunk failing classes and friggin making out with people and guess what you ain't getting the flask? You don't deserve the flask. Number two the make over failures. Now these are the types of parents that from time to time decide It's time to make some changes around here, okay? Usually this is inspired by seeing another family or watching a TV show or Listening to the news And it usually starts off with a super awkward family meeting where the parents try being very serious and diplomatic and the kids just can't Take them seriously Okay, listen everybody. listen good. okay. Yes, okay? your mother and I have been talking and we think it's time to make some changes in this family. Yeah Okay, and I want every single persons here to understand very clearly what I'm saying From now on we want to spend every single Sunday together, okay one? for family done, okay, but Because family comes first Okay, what I say what I say, what come first. Family come first. That's right family Comes first not second first also we going to start eating more healthy and doing exercise around here because this thing on the news more than 80% of family overwheight yeah, yeah, that's right. I don't want my family fat okay. Yes, that's right Lily i don't know how to tell you but you look a little bit No, more this junk food coke or cocc nothing like that. Okay. Really not even that. Know what even fried food done No more. Finished. Good good. one more thing kay? Mmmhmm. We going to start talking nicely to each other okay? Yeah. Like we love each other okay? No more bad words Definitely, to- totally on the same page No more mean thing and from now on if you say a mean thing you gonna have to put some money In the Shame Shame jar, okay? Maybe one day you mad and you say I'm so upset mummy you so stupid ah that's it You put money in the Shame Shame jar You don't want to put money into Shame Shame jar, then you don't do the Shame Shame. then when the month finished We'll take all this money. We go donate to charity okay? Why, why I wanna do this? because It's a tax write-off No, because family comes first what why Family come first. Good okay? That's right. Good. Why do you like this? Huh? Because family comes first but don't worry homie because without fail parents will be parents and this will last for approximately Six days before they go back to being dysfunctional mom. It's Sunday family time ah Stupid don't bug me okay, my head hurting Oi Lily why you making so much noise? This zoo? *coins* Hah hit him hit him hah okay Dad you're not supposed to be eating junk food You telling me the rules now huh? She telling me the rules you making the rules now huh? Bu- you said. You listen to me okay? I am father. I'm making rules ay I want to eat the pringles I eat the pringles. You're the one who made the rule. Look this one so bloody ungrateful *garbled ranting* What? Look i have 3 job k? each job maybe 2 dollar each I make $6.00 from all of these. What? Why I do this is for your school, for your I-phone. Daddy i want mac book And then you gonna tell me my bloody rules and say that I'm not allowed to eat pringles? Wh-what is happening? What is happening right now? I am slave? I am your slave? I do what ever the bloody hell i want to *more garbled ranting soz* Okay? Parents. Oi idiots come here come here come here. Let's Buy a TV. Huh? Number three the generals these parents are strict, you're scared of them, and you probably liked them about everything I mean, they won't let you do even basic things like going to parties, buying clothes, talking to the opposite sex But the worst part is not only are they annoying to you? But they annoying to all of your friends and heaven forbid that one time to let you go out Yeah, this will probably happen. everybody sit down So Lily telling me that you three want to go out, huh? Yes, sir. Who's going? Me, Kelly and Jessie. Your parents know you are going? Yes uncle. okok Let's write their name and number on this paper. and what time are you are coming home? Huh? Oh? nine? Make it seven. okay seven's fine 6:59 Perfect S- better, even better I know you three younger you want to go out have fun party breaking rules are cool I know, but I want you to know I am watching you because I everything that happen Because I have eyes everywhere. Everywhere You all understand what I am saying? Huh? Got it yup got it. Good. Now get lost. ok. when the GWenlyn She a group project. Yes. [she] [won't] [be] good. [I] [been] with her friend I said go, but I'm going [to] go 30 metal deck [library]. [don't] [worry]. Good. Don't trust these friends, okay? Don't f bro the last time I checked your sperm and her eggs did not create me Okay so make like a hard drive and Becca and the worst is one sometimes your friend's parents will call you to find out where their child is hello Lee Jesse told me she's with you can I speak to her please and now I need to pull one of these oh um hello [I] can you all I can't walk [Lie] back. I need to figure out where you are What lies you told your parents and we need to now run some [3-way] mission, okay? Honestly Dismiss yourself number four the [m] [is] Now the m is don't give an f what their kids are doing Not to be confused with the cool cats because the cool cat parents will still smack up their kid if necessary But these [m.i.a]. Parents. They just don't parent you. Have a birthday party in [there] Kid is just running around putting his fingers in the cake licking things pushing kids [porting] himself this one time I went to the mall you know I'm shopping so I'm looking through some clothes and this toddler Approaches me and starts hitting my leg and his mother is just doing absolutely nothing about it. [so] I figure okay? Maybe she doesn't see that. I'm getting abused by her toddler so I say oh excuse me I [watched] you continue looking at some damn Spanx this kid [start] storing stuff off the shelf making a mess [of] the moans over there like No, though and it's kids about to get hurt He's about to fall down the stairs [buck] off his leg honestly why am I saving your kid's life? Who am I maleficent? Maleficent does it move isn't? Maleficent did I say you know I said it so many times I don't know how to say it now no, but real talk don't do the dirty if you can't handle the kids Okay Because I don't get it like after pregnant fees or now stretch marks on your brain get it together number five the noobs Now this is the new generation of parents You know the people in their late 20s early 30s who have decided to take the plunge [into] parenthood Although these same people were probably raised in a very Old-school traditional way they now feel the need to be super parents reading labels concerned about organic food What kind [of] plastic is in this pacifier because can we be real when you were younger? Your mom probably fed you old milk out of a yogurt container Okay, while she was cooking by an open flame and you survived And it is so easy to spot noobs because every single one of their Facebook statuses will be about their kids [oh] my God, where did the days go oh my God? I didn't know what tire was until I had kids I don't care if this sounds lame, but my child is my best friend I used to think going out was fun But now I know what real fun is Really? because I'm holding a martini out with my girls looking fabulous and my favorite song is about to play so I beg to differ and Then they have all these like new weird parenting techniques like for example My sister does this really strange thing when her kid is like crying or being a bit annoying she hugs him like What the hell where did you learn that because we both know [mom] would have [smack] this [bone]. I mean, it's cute though Don't get me wrong. Let's be real. It's only a matter of time before you turn from full house into [the] simpsons What up t-shirt reference all the noobs out there? Just be like don't oh Snap what up t-shirt reference again even though these are sweaters Wow, that's all for this episode if you think I forgot a type of parent comment below and who knows I might make a part [2] also make sure you give this video a big thumbs up and click that subscribe button because I do make new videos every [Monday] and Thursday [one] love superwoman that is a wrap and yo, I hope you enjoyed that video click right there to watch my last video also click right there to watch the newest episode of Giving back glam where I go rock climbing and solid tents and cooling Wonderful and giving back see so make sure you check [that] out also my Facebook and Twitter links are in the description So yo, [give] [me] [a] like in a following nobody mad about that [ok] bye
Channel: Lilly Singh
Views: 25,165,517
Rating: 4.9437137 out of 5
Keywords: iisuperwomanii, iisuperwomenii, superwoman, superwomen, super, woman, women, comedy, comedian, funny, rant, skit, sketch, hilarious, humour, humor, stupid, silly, lol, joke, brown, indian, desi, punjabi, hindi, types of parents, types, type, category, mom, dad, aunty, uncle, mother, father, family, fam, daughter, son, parents, parent, rules, kids, kid, baby, strict
Id: wTIXFfpjf1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 05 2014
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