When A Brown Girl Dates A White Boy (ft. Adam Devine)

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(Christmas bells) - Babe, I am so excited to meet your parents. I actually took a yoga class last night. The instructor's name is Raj. - Wait, what? Since when do you do yoga? - It's so I can relate to your parents. Right, I learned the downward dog. - Okay, you're gonna learn the downward spiral if you keep believing stereotypes like that. - I'm just feeling good Lilly, Imma namaslay this. (laughing) I even went to an Indian restaurant last night, just prepping, you know. - Adam, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but Indian restaurants are not for Indian people, okay? They're for white people trying not to be racist. - Masala. - Okay, what? - Samosa. - Now you're just saying words. - Diwali. - Should I be offended by this? - Diwali. - Okay, honestly I'm starting to get offended by this. - Kamasutra. - Oh yeah, kamasutra, I was just allowed to talk to boys like three weeks ago, okay, they got the source of that book mixed up. - Jai ho. - Okay, Adam, just shut up okay, just be yourself, but like normal. - I am normal. - If you're dating me you're not normal. - Just 'cause I talk like this sometimes? - You see, this is exactly what I'm talking about, okay because we're both so weird. - Why are you so hot when you do that? - Let's do eskimo kisses. - Eskimo kisses. - Let's do this. - Okay. (exhaling) - Hey everyone, so, this is Adam. - Hi. (soft music) - Adam. - You mean Adhoum? - No, Adam. - Adam. - Strange name. - Um, it's like Adam and Eve. - Who? - Let it go, let it go. - Well it is really nice to meet you Manjeet and Paramjeet. - Manjeet and Paramjeet (chuckling) you also call your parents by their first name uh? - Oh, Barb and Alex? Yeah, and my step-father's Mark. - Step-Father Mark. - And who is everyone else? - Ah, yes, this is Lilly's aunt, Lilly's cousin and Lilly's uncle. - I'm Lilly's uncle. - Yeah, they live next door. - Oh, wow cool, I didn't know I was meeting the whole family. - What, this is only three people. - Yeah we wanted to keep it intimate, you know. - So how did you two meet? - Oh, um, Lilly and I met at a club one night. - Study club. - It was about five years ago. - Six months ago. - She was wearing this really cute red skirt. - Turtleneck, it was a turtleneck with full length jeans, and Uggs, wasn't it? - Yup, yes it was, fully clothed. How did you to lovebirds meet? - We got married, that's how we met. (laughing) - You got married, that's funny, it's good one. - What did I say? - Adam, why don't you tell my parents about your job? Adam is a teacher. - Sure, babe. - Babe. - Okay, okay, let's keep it PG. - You cover your ear okay? - Well I teach grade six to eight, math, science, history, sex education. - Oh God. - Which education? - Sex. - Huh? - Sex education. - Stop saying that word. - Education? - No. - Sex? - Oh God. - My parents had sex once, my sister saw. - Shut up. - Adam's mom is a doctor. - Really? Okay, now we talking. - Brain surgeon? No, no, heart doctor, which one? - She's a psychologist. - Ips, should I tell him to leave? - Adam tell me, where your parents from? - We're American. - No, like, where they really from? - Uh, just America, you know. - But like really. - Oh, like where we're originally from? - Yes, yes. - Idaho. - You don't know? - No, no, no, Idaho. - (Laughing) You're the hoe? Jokes. - What's Idaho? - Yeah, my parents they're back in Idaho, but I moved out when I was 17. - Huh? 17, what happened? Did you get in a fight? - No, no, it was just Barb wanted too much rent. So. - Rent? - Barb? - Your parents charged you rent? - Yeah, a lot too, I mean why wouldn't they? - You're adopted. - Who me? Do I have to pay rent too? - No sweetheart, no, no, I will never let you be independent okay, sweetie. - Adhoum, what you do for fun? - Golf. - What your last name? - Devine. - Devine? Didn't they delete that application? - How many cousins do you have? - Just two. - Just two? Oh poor family, poor family. - What is your favorite food? - Shepard's pie. - Shepard pie? - You went to school? - Yeah, I have a degree in the performing arts. (makes suction sounds) (suctioning loudly) - Lilly! (speaks foreign language) - Dad! (speaks foreign language) He's saying how much he likes you! - Nice, I should show them the downward dog. - Oh no, you don't have to do th-- okay you're doing it, he's doing it. (speaks foreign language) She's just saying that she's gonna make you shepard's pie next time. - That's so sweet, thank you, I like it with beef. - Beef? (speaks foreign language) - They're just so overwhelmed by how polite you are, yeah, and flexible. - Hey, hey, I have a pet lizard. (speaks foreign language) - You're so hot when you talk Indian. (speaks foreign language) - And they wanna go golfing with you. (speaks foreign language) And take you out for brunch. - Wow, I'm flattered, thank you so much, I had to stop I was losing vision. All the blood was rushing to my head. You guys know how it is. (speaks foreign language) - Stop, stop. - No, everything they're saying's just all, they're just, they're so excited. - That's awesome, this is so great, here, give me smooches. (mumbling) Smooches. (soft music) - Remember that downward spiral I was telling you about? Yeah. (screaming) What up everyone it's your girl Superwoman and-- - Adam Devine. - Make sure you check out the last season of workaholics, tell 'em where to find it. - January, Comedy Central get you sung. - Boom, if you wanna check out my last video/collaboration it's right there, behind the scenes and bloopers, of which there were many, right there. Other than that, make sure you subscribe, 'cause I make new videos every Monday and Thursday. - [Both] One love. - Superwoman, that is a wrap and zoop!
Channel: Lilly Singh
Views: 13,160,604
Rating: 4.9065819 out of 5
Keywords: iisuperwomanii, iisuperwomenii, superwoman, superwomen, super, woman, women, comedy, comedian, funny, rant, skit, sketch, hilarious, humour, humor, stupid, silly, lol, joke, brown, indian, desi, punjabi, hindi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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