Tyler, The Creator: The Stepchild of HipHop

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you want to count it in being Rocky cuddle and watch Smack DVD I don't cut y'all juicing Li cuz the white man said you got to wear pants it's go for you're on the a with SH Powers taking requests I'll whoop your ass what your girlfriend look like my mom yo why you out here with your boxes on bro why you got no underwear okay well since you want to be Mr [ __ ] secret agent what song do you want to hear no no more my friend come on the one about [Music] me if Tyler never made music he's still a legend Tyler is a very different individual he is he's a pure Soul off yeah he is man and I think that's why he continues to win my whole life I felt like a stepchild in school at home and especially in music and rap where I have a profession and they try to push you to the side keep doing that and it's like 10 years late I'm still here bro my career has only been doing this ninth grade they wouldn't let me join band class cuz I couldn't read music but I still had the passion and I'm on two instruments now picking up a third this [ __ ] who the hotest [ __ ] in 2012 where the [ __ ] they at right now [ __ ] push me to the side and give me know that [ __ ] weird all and I'm [ __ ] here right now right now skin glowing Pockets heavy the rod silly house Dum looking for a lake house right now to my [ __ ] witness all my [ __ ] good family good healthy but when all that happened I said [ __ ] him I didn't let none of that [ __ ] stop me from doing anything that I wanted to do and that's because the the people that I think are innovators was the people I looked up to like the Fels the Kanye The Hype Williams the Dave Chappelle's the Erica bados the the Andre 3000s and while I don't think I'm an innovator but they are I know it's a Common Thread between us and I feel like we're all free and we create from this honest place this really honest space where we don't give a [ __ ] where no one says and because of that that's why I always felt like a stepchild we La [ __ ] where we at with it La [ __ ] where we at with it [Music] [Applause] and there he Stood Beside music legends Charlie Wilson and Boys to Men as they sang an Acappella rendition of Tyler's hit song Earthquake me out making my arm make my arm up to this point in his career Tyler Creator tirelessly worked at his craft and intentionally molded himself into a respectable musician for over 10 years all to accomplish one of his lifelong goals thank you for giving us the opportunity so talented in that category musicians who did their thing this is for us winning a Grammy award Tyler's collaboration with Charlie Wilson and boy to men proved his ability to bridge both gener and genro GS the group sing around a flaming Barrel reminiscent of young men in the' 70s on the East Coast Boys to Men Hing from Philadelphia and growing up in the early 1970s might have been directly influenced by scenes of young men striving for success and recognition during that era as an artist who's felt overlooked and underappreciated for so long the Flaming Barrel can also be seen as a metaphorical Beacon Illuminating a path forward fueled by Tyler's ambition creative passion and hunger for success but when a Harmon his vocals slowly fade we find Tyler by himself prepared to take this performance in a completely different direction you look Jo my eyes are green I eat my meas I need to get her out the picture she's really messing up my frame she's not like we performing new magic wand with this harsh undertone in his voice and he sharp aggressive lyrics Tyler's decision to contrast the smooth melodic beginning of his performance was a left turn for the unsuspecting audience together together together [Music] baby when Boys to Men and Charlie Wilson return to give one last dose of their harmonic Melodies before the song's conclusion the vocals act as this Calm before the storm Tyler the Creator has grown into an artist who's always tried to def find the perfect J position of ugly and pretty in his music combining the ugliest ugli with the prettiest pretties this performance proves to be a true Testament to [Applause] [Music] that one embracing risk as an artist and embracing challenges that will follow sit risk is an undeniable characteristic of Tyler the Creator mimicking the act of blasting himself with a finger gun and falling backward Into the Fire behind him not only marked a powerful conclusion to his performance but symbolized the artist leaping into the unknown whether planned or not whether the Flaming Barrel stood prominently for a specific reason or because Tyler simply thought it looked cool whether anything in his performance happened intentionally or inadvertently this finale proved to be without a doubt symbolic of Tyler the Creator crossing a threshold in his career as an artist it would only be a couple hours later that Tyler would win his very first Grammy award for his album Eagle receiving recognition for best rap album even after winning his first Grammy following five solo albums in almost a decade of making music Tyler the Creator couldn't help but feel a certain irritation with the category he won in on one side I'm very grateful that uh what I made could just be you know uh acknowledged in a world like this um but also it sucks that whenever we and I mean guys that look like me do anything that's genre bending or that's anything they always put it in a ra or Urban C category which is and I don't like that urban word it's just a politically correct way to say the n-word to me so when I hear that I'm just like why can't we just be in pop why can't it just you know what I mean so I I felt like half of me feels like the the rap nomination was a backhanded compliment like oh uh my little cousin want wants to play the game let's give him the unplugged controller so he could shut up and feel good about it that that's what it felt like a bit but another half of me is very grateful that the art that I made could be acknowledged on a level like this when I don't do the radio stuff I'm not played in Target I'm in a whole different world than what a lot of people here listen to so I'm grateful and like this evening at the grammy sums up Tyler's artistic career in such a poetic way Tyler the Creator has always been an artist who's never exactly hit the mark for mainstream media and recogn regardless of the death attention to detail and storytelling and Fus in his work Tyler has been continuously looked over pushed to the S side lines and treated like a little cousin with an unplugged controller because of this Tyler created his own lane his own world and his own recognition Tyler the Creator paved an entirely new road to create his own success for himself and for artists to follow in his footsteps while continuously being overlooked and downplayed but after this night at the Grammy Awards things would begin to change for better Better or For Worse so let's dive in and explore the journey that led to this pivotal moment in his career and what he was able to make of himself in the Years afterwards as we take a deep dive into the Life and Legacy of the stepchild of hip-hop Tyler the [Music] Creator B March 6 1991 in harthon California Tyler Gregory okoma alongside his sister Linda was raised by a single mom unfortunately there's a lack of information on his dad besides the fact that he's Nigerian your Dad's here the absence of Tyler's dad would serve to play a large role in his life but we'll get back into that a little later his mom loved to play jazz music around the house which helped shape Tyler's artistic taste growing up from the young age of seven he found himself taking apart CD cases to create his own imaginary album covers with accompanying track list and song LMS using just paper and crayons since a kid I didn't really play with toys but I loved CDs and every time I go to my mom's friend's house I would see what CDs they have and just open it and read the credits and try to learn as much about them spending the majority of his time skateboarding teaching himself piano and discovering some of his early musical influences a young Tyler would find himself truly falling in love with music he gravitated to artists like Stevie Wonder D'Angelo and Erica Badu and I remember being nine cuz I bought that on my ninth birthday I was just like God you were such a weird 9-year-old for your friends I bet thought I was you know how hard it is like on your ninth birthday going to buy a mill ofo infinite possibility the only person who thinks you're red is the person behind the counter the record around the age of 11 Tyler would randomly hear the song tape You by ND on the radio the band's Fusion of funk Rock and Soul must have exceptionally resonated with a young Tyler because the band nerd and more specifically band member for real will become one of Tyler the Creator's biggest Inspirations musically it was Easter of 2002 and I heard the song tape you from a search of on the [Music] radio I was like what the this is the greatest song I ever heard and then a couple months later I never found out who it was and a couple months later I was at laundry match sitting in the car waiting for car to drive my mom and running the sun came on this is the craziest I ever heard and I finally found out that those two songs were by the same and ever since I found out who that was I've been a stand for the Neptunes and clips and just when he wasn't listening to music Tyler would hang out around Lera Heights going to local skate parks and music stores this video comes from Tyler's old YouTube Channel created with his friend Jasper he titled the channel bloxs head and was also a synonym he went under at the time it was a shitty [ __ ] camera but yeah me and Jasper used to put all of our uh stupid skits on there and uh I was like yeah let's do these cuz I was like one day man I'm G get us a show on a dop swim the YouTube channel still stands today and serves as a raw glimpse into the early life of Tyler the Creator messing around with his friends breaking Sidekicks for apparently no reason at all and making some of his first music put it in my dad's ass and it tick so he giggles and I'm kind of like the wigg wi no [Music] homos being inspired by MF Doom he will go on to make multiple Myspace accounts under different names to share his earliest music through the platform ranging from rap to Jazz to electronic how many Myspace pages did you have like in the very beginning cuz you worked hard didn't you I have four maybe five a personal one another one and the title of the Creator room was me just posting um at 15 um all my art all of my t-shirt designs and all my instrumentals I had another one called poly mono where it was just like super weird electronic beats releasing music under pseudonyms Ace the Creator poly Mano and of course Tyler the Creator Tyler put out a significant amount of mixtapes and EPS at an early age like stereotype which has an early feature from Casey Veggies and at your risk which sounds heavily inspired by for real as a result of Myspace accidentally deleting nearly all their music that was uploaded to the website prior to 2016 a lot of Tyler's early work has since been lost though there are some internet archivers who dug up a bit of his work eventually in 2009 a 18-year-old Tyler UK would run with the stage named Tyler the Creator simply because it was the MySpace account that started to get the most traction from his dark and Infamous debut album bastard wait wait wait wait wait wait before we get into that we need to go back a couple years remember Tyler and his friends running around Lera Heights on YouTube [ __ ] you see look look where we at [ __ ] we in a book room [ __ ] we read [ __ ] we read get show them [ __ ] a bug [ __ ] this that gangster [ __ ] oh yeah those guys that spk the beginning to the creation of arguably one of the most important hip-hop collectives in the early 2000s and to tell the story of Tyler the Creator we need to First lay down a foundation of who they are my mom sacamento when I was 16 I stayed in LA with my grandmother she lived uh Englewood the edge of the and shitty Apartments cuz the D is a nice area but we was in like it was gross and then I was she was old as [ __ ] so I kind of was like on my own figuring it out being on his own for the first time Tyler began to think of ideas to make a career out of his creative habits and it wouldn't be long before he had an idea for a collective called odd future or as their aunties know them the Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All exposive expesive it's a bunch of [ __ ] teenagers who just do bad [ __ ] [ __ ] knowing that we can go to jail and get in trouble for it cuz we think it's fun when I was 15 I had this idea of a magazine so if you like live in Lera and any of your [ __ ] got [ __ ] up it wasn't us that I wanted to put skateboarding and art and music and photography and [ __ ] Ceramics just all the little [ __ ] I was into but there's a possible chance that we might know the people who Maybe could have possibly did it but I mean over why the [ __ ] are we doing why why am I talking like when they're not Huer product Odd Future record tracks that don't get played on the radio their lyrics are too provocative or purile depending on your point of view and they have little time for political correctness and that's what their young fans who follow them online seem to like best about them I like okay if I if I'm going to make this magazine I can't do it alone so I got to go find the good photographers in LA and the skaters and the musicians and the good writers and things like this and while I gathered all these people and it didn't come to fruition the magazine I wanted we became this thing called OD [Applause] future it's a typical day in the D I'm saying hey did you get my eyes in the Sun real quick why aren't they [ __ ] beautiful and I'm on Fairfax and I meet this kid named Travis y'all must know him as Taco while Odd Future did start off of aspirations of creating a magazine the group found themselves gravitating to writing and recording music in a recording in a place called the track a nickname for Sid in Taco's house how you from my future is like yo I got this spot that we could record at it's this girl she make beats she real quiet and [ __ ] but like she got this in her parents guest house she got a little Studio set up we pay her 20 bucks we could record there for 2 hours I'm like [ __ ] say less I got 10 on me right now I go to the house and I meet this girl named Sid come to find out Sid and taco are [ __ ] siblings I'm like what the [ __ ] resorting to recording their verses on a laptop microphone the group of young artists crafted the best project they could with the limited resources they had as most of them were still broke teenagers in high school at the time okay now what about your lyrics what about them what are you saying in your lyrics nothing [ __ ] to piss old white people off like you is that right it wouldn't take long before the Odd Future tape came to fruition on November 15th 2008 the project was gritty with unconventional beats and featured this raw unfiltered production while the project wasn't Polished by any means it's important to remember OD fure released this as a group of new young artists who haven't found their voice and identity yet creating with the limited resources they had OD future just wanted to release something they could say they were proud of one thing you got to understand about o is that we got famous off of our [ __ ] ideas you know what I mean your first drafts ever we got famous off of ours so people were judging us and basing us off of our [ __ ] 19 meany old like our first [ __ ] ever the Odd Future tape was truly a handcrafted piece of work in a DIY field of the mixtape evolved into a characteristic the Odd Future Collective embodied their mixtape took over the internet and gave odd feature both a buzz and a cult following that will become the foundation of their success so me Jasper left brain Taco we all all facts and [ __ ] it's this [ __ ] ugly ass kid man I'm just like this [ __ ] looks crazy bro I'm like who is this kid he's like oh his name is TBE I'm like the [ __ ] so whatever we all on this block hanging out find out this little [ __ ] could rap we bring him to the studio this [ __ ] just start rapping what your [ __ ] rap name and this nigga's like ear sweatshirt we're like still sticking to their Myspace Roots they use the platform to recruit other artists to hot feature one of which being this guy named what was his [Music] [Music] name I hope you enjoying the video so far because it took a lot of time and energy to create which is why I want to talk about today's sponsor of video my patreon for only $1 a month you don't only supporting aspiring artists trying to gain success on YouTube but you're also earning perks like early access to my videos director's Cuts where I talk about the creation process and exclusive full length interviews that I use to make videos like this one possible and you know we always say it's only a dollar so why don't you put a on my face a smile on yours a ons and mine we'll be right back like what people don't know is that I'm smarter than a lot of people just because I joke around and they don't understand how aware and smart that I really am the group of young artists who were watching the internet develop Before Their Eyes innately understood the importance of building an audience online which is impressive to think about when you realize they did this in an era where social media platforms were just in their earliest stages of growth OD feature already knew how to leverage the power and virality of the internet to connect with fans and establish their brand before that was a common practice I had a template for my press releases with the logo at the top it made people think that op future was signed to some big marketing firm but we weren't it was just me out future truly established themselves as Trailblazers in the blog era when it came to building a dedicated audience they quickly realized that their Lifestyle brand and presence online needed just as much if not more attention than the actual music nothing smoking weed every day and not having a job and man making money well initially I was drawn to them because I think their level of not caring and saying whatever they wanted was really appealing at the time like it was just a bunch of young kids just being rebellious and when you're young that's kind of the phase you're in is like a rebellious phase like [ __ ] school [ __ ] people [ __ ] everything right but over time they definitely evolved especially Tyler with being a little more mature with the content of his songs and kind of getting into deeper parts of his life as they were growing older I was growing older like I was growing with them in a sense like bro how you a Millionaire still doing that but people take things differently I you want to rap the best you want to make the best I love this [ __ ] I love it you want to do your best right you want to be the best version of yourself I do personally I don't know about other [ __ ] but like when I want that when I was telling [ __ ] I'mma get a Grammy when I was you know 19 years old and people was like you'll never do that bro I would like those tweets because I know I'mma get one I know I'm GNA get multiple I know it so I like them and I was like oh it's gonna be ew when I get it and I quote retweet this and I did that as soon as I got that Grammy I was like Yay my [ __ ] i i i i yo P my mom like ah cool can't wait to quit retweet that Christmas Day 2009 and I got a B ass Christmas tree [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] Christmas Day 2009 a 17-year-old Tyler okoma sleeping on his grandma's couch releases his debut album bastard releasing mainly on do pip and having a lack of retail availability bastard displayed the qualities of a mixed but T refers to it as his debut album so that's what we're going to go [Music] with the self-produced album created on FL Studio overflow with these unsettling lyrics about violence sexual assault misogyny and a [ __ ] ton of homophobia all while this dark dramatic and heavily distorted production filled the atmosphere for most of his songs iut Pian deed a pass B is so possessed this meeting just beun [ __ ] I'm son the influence of Eminem and MF Doom is unmistakable until his approach to creating his album where he isn't being literal about the stories he tells but rather paints a picture of a dark villainous character who navigates a World created by the artist the entire the entire story that he tells on these albums is growth it's personal growth it's just growing older but illustrating it in a way that's really really like open CH to interesting bastard in the two albums to follow would show off Tyler's creativity and storytelling skills with a Trilogy surrounding teller speaking to a therapist named Dr TC at a summer camp called Camp flog through this medium he often blurs the line between what's real and what's fiction bastard showcased these glimpses of Duality where the overbearing during darkness in the production had these compact moments of bubbly lightheartedness since day one I've always wanted to make the prettiest that's borderline boring or the hardest [ __ ] and I've I've been trying to mix those together since my first album literally the hardest [ __ ] in the prettiest [ __ ] while he wasn't quite there yet on bastard you could still see what he was trying to do blend the ugliest uglies with the prettiest pretties nonetheless Tyler was slowly creating a name for himself as an artist to look out for Tyler really like you know those our future guys you know people who really do it themselves like really do it themselves who aren't just like yo check out my YouTube page this [ __ ] is crazy like I mean like really like I made this album and I put it out and it's [ __ ] something that you can't get somewhere else and I did it on my own and I'm not shoving it down your throat I'm putting it out in the world because like I love doing it like that's the real [ __ ] like I those guys really do that even though his debut album was met with mixed reviews bastard still managed to rank 32nd on pitch's top albums of 2010 list Additionally the album bth Tyler's first music video to hit 1 million views on YouTube with his song French French would serve not only to be his first big music video but also a key to a lifelong relationship a friend of Tyler served as an intern at iners scope records this F would help Tyler get into contact with David AI who was a head of strategy at iners scope and he was like yo uh I know the guy that you could probably put your CD on the desk to so I printed like five CDs with like a few songs on it um this is 2010 and went to FedEx uh cover City printed like a cover or whatever went there d d da went upstairs inter scope ended up meeting the dude D gave me his card whatever bam at that time Christian Clancy the product manager for Eminem's Marshall mats LP was experiencing dissatisfaction in his role at inner scope due to its formul LC nature you know labels focus on songs that sound like hits and not feel like hits and you start to look at everything as a science project you kind of lose that whole thing I got off on right and and I felt like I was taking a check and I I checks are nice but uh I wasn't fulfilled David or Roi both meeting Tyler and seeing Clancy leave had an idea to bring the two of them together Clancy had left his full-time gck at inos scope but was still Consulting for the company when his friend David aodi who had worked with him at the label showed him the video for French was going to hike in the Himalayas do yoga chill the [ __ ] out and these little [ __ ] inspired the [ __ ] out of me few months went by never heard from them whatever and I found his card in my grandmother's couch so I emailed him he's like yo I got someone I want to meet you his name is uh Christian come to the thing so I went there and I went to the inter scope office to this dude and he's like yo been looking at the random stuff you put on YouTube is cool but my friend Christian Clancy who used to work here really wants to meet you and in comes Clancy and this dude and he's like bro I love this stuff it makes me feel like 16 again I want to punch people in the face but like I don't know man you seem really talented and me and Clancy kept in contact and the [ __ ] rest is literally history Tyler and Clancy built a strong relationship of Clancy playing a role akin to a positive father figure in Tyler's life Tyler's even mentioned Clancy in his songs a couple times they reminded me of myself at their age without sounding cliche there was just an energy about them that felt different than anything had in a while the not giving a [ __ ] element was very attractive to me to be free from what people think is an incredible place to create for this addition to the collective was like pouring rocket fuel on a bonfire Clancy strategic thinking parot with odd Futures already dedicated cult following was just what the group needed to reach the next level throughout the years Odd Future members would drop their own solo projects which only pushed the group's popularity further and further odd Future's early solo projects are gems in my opinion for the simple fact that they have this homemade DIY Ora to them that's better to be experienced than explained from all the music released by odd feature it became increasingly difficult to ignore their movement and with that came some unwanted comparisons but I describe you guys like as like the next wuang oh oh well we're not the next [ __ ] wuen we're F dead ass [ __ ] let me explain why because I feel like all you guys we're not wuang they're old as [ __ ] the [ __ ] difference if I was our future I wouldn't want to be compared to anybody I see the similarities I guess cuz it's like 30 [ __ ] but we're not the next rang we're Odd Future and all you have your own unique deals and I think business-wise it's smart the [ __ ] is he talking about I know he did wuang influence your that Odd Future movement at all cuz I felt like it but I wasn't sure if it did no what what this is no disrespect to those guys but I hat it when we first came out and that's what we kept getting compared to because I I hate when people just look at surface level [ __ ] and are cheap with their opinions oh [ __ ] it's nine [ __ ] that's making rap wuang like they didn't even really look to see what it it's nine [ __ ] it's w like no it's not look at what we're doing we're on a whole different thing and no disrespect to those gu I was when when did the first uang G come out uh I want to say 9 four tribe call question Nana is out my right old turning [ __ ] three bro I personally feel like I haven't heard a lot of artists that are that similar to them some of these Mumble rappers in a way they kind of use controversy to become big it's a bit different with our future because for them it wasn't just a tool to get big like that's just kind of who they were if that makes sense whereas some of these other rappers they are purposely controversial to become popular and I think it was a little different from Tyler it wasn't really the aim it just was what it was on February 11th 2011 Tyler released a song that went down as one of his most infamous tracks Yonkers accompanied with a music video of Tyler eating a roach throwing up and hang himself the video will go absolutely viral after getting tweeted out by Kanye West calling it the video of 2011 Tyler's main goal with the song aimed to provide as much shock value as he could and while he had the world's attention he encapsulated a message of everything he stood against in the overly polished mainstream music industry wolf Haley guys the guy that I really want to be he's just [ __ ] crazy and that's me talking to him and him just taking over my [ __ ] head that whole song and the walk in Paradox no I'm not that's me and him going at it within my head cuz Paradox means it's like contradicting taking back you know [ __ ] like that so when you go back and listen to the song every line that I say is like contradicting itself and green paper gold teeth and Pregnant gold retrievers that's all I want and then I say no [ __ ] money diamonds and [ __ ] don't need them those are basically the same things in different words like a [ __ ] is a pregnant dog that's a pregnant go retriever like I contradict myself and that's that's me saying no I don't want that but wolf haly is saying yeah you do it's just a it's just a big mind [ __ ] while it was easy to write Tyler the Creator off as some goofy kid saying whatever he wanted in his music and trying to come off Edy online behind all the playfulness and immaturity stood a truly strategic and creative mind T okoma very much had a plan for the music he released while he already had a dedicated fan base who follow his every move joners was without a doubt the song that made Tyler the Creator famous it's a [ __ ] with a beard in front of me like T [ __ ] hit him with a classing his dick yeah [ __ ] hit him with a classic [ __ ] all right I'll hit him with a classic [Applause] it would only be 2 days after the release of Yonkers that tal would find himself alongside HJY beats on National Television for the first time to perform this song sandwiches and there stood Tyler live on a sound stage of Jimmy Fallen show wearing a ski mask with an inverted across next to [ __ ] beats the roots and that creepy ass white girl from The Ring everything Tyler's done has led up to this moment so Tyler decided to seize the moment and give the audience a show that they wouldn't forget in an interview with the Rolling Stone Quest love speaks on a performance I saw odd feuture on the schedule and my first thought was there must be some other Brooklyn rock band with the same name there's no way it was that odd feuture once I realized he was coming to late night I immediately went to the Root's dressing room and was like I can see what's about to happen we're all about to lose our jobs despite out features evident rise to a network like NBC they were still considered to be a risky choice to have on live television with the 19-year-old Tyler jumping on couches screaming his lyrics in the faces of the guests and somehow ending up on Jimmy Fallon's back he definitely sees his moment marking his second biggest impression to the world after the yoner video from 2 days prior putting an even larger Spotlight on where he an odd feature came from in the music space whether he realized it or not Tyler's performance essentially issued both a call to action and a realization for the mainstream announcing that if you can get large enough on the internet that can be be enough for you to create a legacy and career for yourself outside of it later in the year talwood signed to the British label XL records for a record deal the same label under which he would release his sophomore album Goblin the second installation of the wolf Trilogy the 18 track album didn't let up on any of the darker themes displayed on his first project and was fairly similar in production style I think Goblin some of the songs on goblin age really well some other song it's really a mixed bag off top with Goblin she comes to mind with Frank Ocean she oh it aged super well like Banger this song but a song like sandwiches Tyler the Creator and Out Future were making huge strides at what gained them their Fame in the first place utilizing their infectious personalities first then showcased in their art but in March of 2012 they would take that strategy to an entirely new level on March 25th 2012 the very first episode of lorda squad premiered on Adult Swim lordis Squad was akin to comedies like the Chappelle show jackass and Family Guy they just come out scattered cuz that's how we come up with them yeah how [ __ ] brains are like [ __ ] grew up watching Family Guy that child Lotus sad really gave a spotlight to each member of OD future and a chance to show off their acting writing and directing abilities this is this is smart this is the brain behind the operation he makes us look good we just make the robbery make a on a computer on a phone Li boys of odd future would go on to be especially Talent actor returning to the screen years later acting in the award-winning TV series The Bear the collective was planting seeds for the creative careers in the future and with so much new found recognition it was forcing Odd Future and Ty of the Creator to mature even if the mainstream media wouldn't catch on until much later do you feel like you're growing up and that you're changing and your materials changing over the course of time sure like for sure everyone grows up you know either go one way or another Tyler wasn't just maturing as a person but also creatively his art and music and it was really starting to show Tyler Creator's third studio album will be a complete departure from what his fans were used to at the time filled to the brim with influences of jazz compositions T and paa punk music and War airs W was identified as an album that successfully Blended the hard-hitting gritty boom bap rap with smooth jazz vocals and deeply vulnerable lyrics performing treehome 95 on Jimmy Fallen show to promote his upcoming album will the album was released to the World on April 2nd 2013 with wolf came a clear but unspoken message not to put Tyler the Creator in a box but it might have been too late album was a real first turning point in Tyler's discography rather than relying on shock value of essay and serial killers he decided to hone in on his storytelling skills and production finesse even the quality of the album was significantly better than his last two releases with wolf being his first studio album actually recorded in a studio rather than a laptop featuring songs like ifhy answer and Colossus what was a more intimate look into Tyler's heads space when dealing with themes of Love Fame and the absence of his father opposed to the front he would put up to the media are you mad at him did he desert the family nah dude I'm stoked I think if I had a DI if I had a I think if I had a dad I would have went the normal College route and like like a lot of other people so you're not angry at I'm so stoked my life p out how it was wolf was like a breath of fresh air in Tyler's discography in a sense that Tyler was simply more honest in his music not just lyrically but sonically as well basically this whole album is just me emulating the music I listen to when you hear [ __ ] tree home 95 like I know some people hated that [ __ ] on Jimmy Fallon but I [ __ ] I I listen to I love I listen to Stevie Wonder and Isaac Hayes like that's all I listen to so when you see me on the piano playing [ __ ] cords and [ __ ] like I'm just trying to emulate what I grew up listening to with a new sound Breaking Free from his abrasive past and ever growing diverse fan base Tyler knew he wouldn't be able to please everyone with this album but even when he does evolve and even when he does matur the mainstream has already put a label on a young artist when he came in the game he was super young with odd future and so it's like nobody didn't really take them serious cuz it's like what are these kids doing they rioting saying if the authorities like they're like wild people and Tyler specifically like in his earlier albums like they did more shock value type stuff like he was eating a roach and literally hung himself in the video it's like what the world is really going on and then freaking Tron Cat like all that stuff at that point everybody was like bro Tyler is on some really weird type stuff despite the divided opinions of his new music and despite public perception Tyler embraced the idea of evolving his sound style and creative expression what would you say is your November I like that question I'm a simple person um for a lot of people music is a way don't connect with themselves it's like a pathway to their inner peace if that makes sense so I always noticed like when I was at home with my cat day off with my guitar like that is my that is my time to just meditate and like be with myself first and foremost and have a great time connecting with myself so that is kind of my November just isolation my own peace my own cat my own music I love it I do wish music wise though what would you say here's the thing if I'm ever playing if I'm ever DJing in front of like a crowd where I know there's a lot of odd future fans what is the one record that you say would be the best one to play that would get odd true Odd Future fans like super you have to pick one so I want so what's the Odd Future song I don't know anymore it's Chang it's crazy I have older white dudes like 50 years old walking up to me like hey love the music keep it I had an older black lady come up to me hey I uh I don't like the raps much but just musically it's beautiful and I love your brain keep it up I will always be a fan this is someone's grandmother as time goes it gets more and more like that because it's very Punk right like everything y do is very Punk it's not [ __ ] 16year old kids only anymore I it I look in the [ __ ] where [ __ ] is standing and it's [ __ ] like y'all just up there singing every lyric and it's just like what the [ __ ] it's girls in the front row getting [ __ ] punched but love the soft songs it's sick so I don't I don't know anymore and that makes me happy and it only makes me trust myself more to can just to continue to just do whatever the [ __ ] I'm doing if I want to make Jazz record if I want to make a punk record I want to make rap if I want to go make [ __ ] chairs after the release of wolf Tyler's audience would grow increasing diverse attracting a broader range of fans from various backgrounds and tastes with a newfound confidence in his creative abilities he was ready to take it to another level I had a show New Year's 2015 and I haven't came out with music in a while finally you going drop a new album that show [ __ ] suck dick that [ __ ] was trash when none of these kids knew was that I was halfway done with a brand new album me working with Roy ARs and Leon and Alice Smith that's big for me he decided he wanted to call me and talk to me before he added his parts or whatever he called me he talked like one of those old cool like black dudes hey T what's up man hey no I uh and uh he was like Hey man uh man that that record you sent is beautiful them I study the [ __ ] out of Roy's production it's crazy so to hear that from him blew my [ __ ] mind was dope as shout out to Tyler we got the same car as tight y when I'm not making a song I could drive fast to or while out on stage I'm trying to figure out the right chords and Melodies we go to the r this [ __ ] Tyler bro almost killed Meo on Washington Boulevard the day before the carnival last year just cuz this [ __ ] was listening to some [ __ ] ass turned up death RI [ __ ] Bro while you stand WIS got I got Wayne I got forel he gave me that [ __ ] Slim Thug 06 Enzo Big Chain jean shorts verse what's the first part of this verse look UFO [Music] Bing got Adidas Leaf in the grass land and my finger got a what just flexing on [ __ ] so it's 8:00 p.m. I'm about to record at Hans zmer Studio y I'm a little nervous cuz this is my first time with an actual string section but I know it's going to be tight as [ __ ] trust me a lot of thought was put in this doubling things and triplings so that should actually be a su well if we're doing lots of but I'm going just pan this one coming in with a swell is nice it might be easier to have or No it should be on it should be on but dog when you get that finished product it's all worth it Tyler the Creator was using his upcoming album to explore all of his musical Inspirations on this album Tyler set out to incorporate elements of jazz funk and soul deviating from the more straight forward rap style of his earlier [Music] worker [Music] did and I'm only on 33% that charger is [Music] f hard but not impossible they go for 3 hours let it damn that [ __ ] sounds amazing he can I hear from the top my name is kis usually he already has something ready and he'll already have an idea most of the time he writes everything or he'll have a Melody idea obviously he produces everything so he really hones in on making sure the whole thing is exactly how he wants it to [Music] be over I'm starting over that was so but I'm glad you put that battery in my back man you said that line man I was like but that's sure that's one of your jobs in hip-hop I won I don't think it would have been a yeus if it wasn't for you I don't think it would have been like this verse right here to you it's like or the [ __ ] that Wayne just did after countless hours of work collaboration and extreme dedication to his next album released Cherry Bomb debuted on April 13th 2015 it was seen as a departure from Tyler's previous albums with cherry bomb Tyler expressed his desire to explore and push the boundaries of his musical abilities Tyler wanted the world to see that he was more than just a rapper he wanted to show that he had taste that he had style Tyler the Creator wanted to prove that he was the artist that could pull something off that's never been everyone hated it except for like real music lover who cares about drums like I opened a rap album with a punk a rock song most [ __ ] is like uh cheron came out I was like for sure I'm excited I'm like 14 15 years old and when it first came out I'm like bro I love this cuz it's so unique and nobody else in hip-hop is doing something like this and so when people didn't like it I was like bro how so it's one of those albums where it really has to grow you you really have to listen to it multiple times to get it especially the lyrics like he's saying a lot of things but I think the sounds and a mix and threw awful lot of people and like DET teered them away from the album and they just didn't get it like that but I'm glad that now everybody's coming around and be like oh this is actually a pretty good album Tyler cror was seen in the media as this immature and often erratic kid while simultaneously celebrated by his fans as a leader for individuality Cherry Bomb caught both camps completely off guard he used Cherry Bomb to communicate that his fluences are different from what Hip Hop's Norm was and he wasn't planning on shying away from it this was a ridiculously creative kid who was constantly towed he didn't fit in he he was he was the weirdo kid or whatever the [ __ ] he liked the music that he was watching on TV but he didn't relate to the music everyone when I was at inter scope everyone had the same cars in the video everyone had the same Air Force One connected Nike everyone had the same Scarface poster in their in their cribs [ __ ] MTV Cribs thing was all the same it was the same it's like [ __ ] hair metal right like like it's like Nirvana had to come along right exp F all that like feel again or whatever it goes through phases he was right in that thing where it's like rap needed something else that like was a different a bit of [ __ ] you but it was wasn't [ __ ] you for [ __ ] you's sake cuz he was really smart about his [ __ ] you he knew exactly what the [ __ ] he was doing it wasn't just [ __ ] you it was like a I got you during the creation of the album Tyler made unlikely friendship turned Bromance with East Coast rapper ASAP Rocky everyone everyone my boyfriend's here these hair godamn it you're a piece of [ __ ] Tyler tell him who you are I am not his boyfriend for the record there's no record this is a movie the two hip-hop collectives Odd Future in ASAP mop have been compared to and pitted against each other by fans causing tension between the two groups Ty the Creator and ASAP Rocky deciding to go on tour together brought peace between the two collectives and in a way set a positive example for their fans to see that [ __ ] just started turning and [ __ ] the [ __ ] just grew up everybody got mature everybody got about their money and not only that [ __ ] is like really cool cuz I always was a fan you know what I'm saying you always was a fan it was funny like [ __ ] just never could like [ __ ] with each other like [ __ ] is older now and it's just like we trying to set an example like man that's that power I was telling you about on this tour I didn't know what to expect it's crazy it kind of I think it kind of made me not not judge as much this is really us together like we chose to do this this is not no higher powers like I know what this [ __ ] does there's no one coming around giving this [ __ ] ideas he gets with his [ __ ] and really do what I do be like yo we need to oh man I need to he need to do this do that that's real creative [ __ ] years later Tyler and Rocky would make a couple songs together but when asked about a collaborative project the duo decided to leave it up in the air are you guys working on anything together soon uh probably probably not I don't like to talk about things that's not finished out yet or like even if we're not working on anything I don't even like putting a thought in people's head of things like that cuz people start making narratives up in their head and then they get disappointed when the narrative they made up doesn't come true and then they point the finger at the person who didn't even imply anything Wow Let's have it [Laughter] as someone who's still waiting for the Kendrick and Cole collab album that will never come out I can personally attest to what Tyler is saying here is completely true oh stop they going drop it this month and this is the year that they drop it it's been 8 years they're not dropping this February B [ __ ] get scared what [ __ ] Dr back to the Cherry Bomb and at long last ASAP tour Tyler would run into some difficulties as he along with OD feuture would get banned from Australia New Zealand and the UK is it a suspension or is this something where they say no for real he can't come in no for real I can't like like I okay like I can't go to the UK like I can't fly there like if it was a connecting flight I can't fly over it I can't get on the plane I thought that I just couldn't go to Australia to like perform but like I was thinking okay I'll just go out there and vacation or whatever and then I found out that that it's a high chance that I can't go there either ban from the UK to Rea May the then Home Secretary cited the troubling and homophobic lyrics from Tyler's first album bastard as justification for the 5year band this forced Tyler to cancel a chunk of his tour dates that is it sounds ridiculous because one like not to make it about money but that's messing with your money too it's messing with your fans who want to see you there and like you said now you can't even vacation not only does it it not only messes with like whatever money I would make out there also but future things so like let's just say oh [ __ ] I like Whole Foods I have a sick idea for Whole Foods that could change their whole [ __ ] up the the head the higher ups could just Google me and see that I'm banned from those places and easily be like [ __ ] no at this point in his career Tyler felt that his success was slowly slipping away from him odd feature hadn't officially broken up but everyone seemed to gravitate to their own Islands Sid and mad martians of odd future started their own band called the internet along with with Steve Lacy Patrick pige and Christopher Smith Oh sweatshirt found his own lane growing a separate cult following after his album's doist and I don't like [ __ ] I don't go outside and after the release of Channel orange Frank Ocean was booked and busy being a professional ghost on top of that the overwhelming negative response to Cherry Bomb put a chip on Tyler's shoulder what is your November my November being and within my purpose that God has put me on Earth to do like actually man like even working on the videos that I do that's no my November just seeing people resonate with something that you create I'm pretty sure you feel the same with your YouTube videos when people actually watch him you're like dang he's really saying things that we've all thought but he's articulated in a way that's enhanced it's really better you know just CRA working on my craft just working on different things just put pushing myself to limits keeping on expanding and keep on giving back to others like I love giving to others which is why like one of the reasons I made like I read music is to give to like share light on like smaller artists who don't really have a backing don't have a label who don't have the exposure to do these things and I feel like I'm grateful to be able to do that for so many people to do that for so many artists it it it really humbles you and really be like dang I really here on Earth for purpose man so just filling that purpose that's my November damn bro that was beautiful godamn after putting so many creative influences into his last album it was time for Tyler to finally build on top of those influences to create something new rather than try to mimic them it was time for him to water the buried seeds of what he's learned from his previous work it was time for Tyler the Creator to finally Bloom I didn't think people would like this album based on everyone hating cherry bomb so [ __ ] much people don't hate it that much no no no no everyone hat it was a small sector of people that liked it and because I put the instrumentals out people were coming across to it and starting to appreciate it when that [ __ ] came out everyone [ __ ] hated it bro everyone [ __ ] hated it vearing away from Cherry Bomb in 2015 Tyler decided to take a more personal approach to his music asking himself questions and answering them in song for Cherry Bomb I purposely was like I don't want to get personal at all like I'm going to just make song and in this one I was like all right let me write down every feeling you started with tion just just a lot of them are just asking questions a lot of the songs just have questions and it's just like how am I feeling today [ __ ] what if I go poor again what if it doesn't work and then that's how a lot of the songs just happen on July 21st 2017 Tyler the Creator would drop his deeply personal and introspective album Flower Boy it was clear that Tyler's learned and progressed past the technical shortcomings of his previous albums this one just felt different the production was cleaner and well balanced his lyrics were Tighter and thought-provoking and the track list felt increasingly cohesive from start to finish first heard it and the more I hear I feel like the only like appropriate question to ask you after listening to it is are you okay like is something wrong it's like gut wrenching it it's both beautiful it's very beautiful but it's like parts that hurt a little bit Tyler did not hold back on this album he knew he needed it to hit and it did see you again off this album was the first radio hit that he had you know how many times I heard to see you again on the [ __ ] radio you didn't get that before that [Music] point this was his jumping off album Tyler had his fans but this is when Tyler officially hit mainstream mainstream his song garden shed was used as a way for him to embrace his sexuality becoming a protagonist and voice of the lifestyle he used to antagonize in his younger years I I'd be forgetting all about that yeah like I'm so used to Tyler Creator saying certain [ __ ] like oh wait he actually mean that in retrospect it was pretty obvious but with Tyler being so much of a troll it was Shrugged off as a joke wow whose purse is this cuz it's no girls here [ __ ] you oh this is your purse where the [ __ ] is first of all you said the key things no girls here dud I'm sorry I'm working and girls are a distraction no they not I know they're not because I'm looking for the [Applause] Bros Flower Boy was by far the most intimate and introspective album he's put out fans have gotten a taste of this on Wolf but this time it was Tyler more fleshed out and mature that's one of our favorite lyrics is just tell these black kids they could be who they are like it's one of my favorite you had another lyric like that on Cherry Bomb that was just like uh the World is Yours little like my little [ __ ] world is your like I love that like tell has always been an artist who's used his platform to promote individuality and creativity being a beacon of light for those who might have felt alienated or lost in life Flower Boy was no different his vulnerability and courage was well received by the masses the album reached number two on a US B War 200 in its first week and got him nominated at the Grammys for best rap album and the Grammy goes to and just remember guys we're all winners no matter what happens tonight but the the Grammy goes to damn Kendrick Lamar although he didn't win Tyler was already planning his next album you know it could be a person or place just like a happy space like a a memory a point of time a month a [ __ ] a mug or something you know like what what would you say is your [Music] November that's a [ __ ] question and honestly I would say right now in this present season my November it's a person it's definitely a person it's a person that I met unexpectedly and yeah I hope that they be my November forever have to get all sappy but I think everyone should turn 25 I think everyone's dumb goding until they're 25 if I didn't start if I started making music at 24 bro I H if I started at Flower Boy and then this bro I would be a God Jesus Christ like I didn't realize I should stop yelling on songs till I was 24 after the critical success of Flower Boy Tyler traveled to Italy to start working on his next studio album eigor I went to Lake Como why Italy white Como I've been Frank came it was awesome Frank was like where you at I was like got at the house he was like I'mma pull up pulled up on a boat Salange where you at she pulled up on the boat like it was a mo it was sick if anybody thought they had a pin on Tyler's artistic identity after the release of flower boy they were wrong I think Flower Boy is good and it's my best work thus far just cuz it's a easy listen but it's so it's not boring it's just kind of tame to me and um to too good yeah it's like of course you're going to like it it's nothing abrasive it's nothing too weird about it I see it's good songs and stuff but did you feel it at the time or not not at the time um a little bit like I was happy people loved it and stuff but it was missing a lot of little things like it was mixed too clean and not in a bad way yes it's supposed that I'm supposed to sound crisp and clean but like it was missing my little tinks that I'm like itching to do and I had to pull back and restrain myself because this is what the album was supposed to be I love cinnamon but you can't put it on your spaghetti while on the surface Igor shares identical Melodies with Flower Boy tell wanted EIG to push the line he wanted a bit of that abrasive chaos that his older fans were used to I think that's why I made eigor because I was itching for I need Distortion in an annoying base and pitch and this is going to come out of nowhere and I put 18 bridges on One S like I needed that but it still has some of the musical growth that we first saw on Flower Boy Tyler notoriously has always disliked his singing voice because of his lower vocal register like I really want to sing but my my tone of voice is too deep to do what I want so now I'm just listening to like Isaac Hayes and Barry White and things like that I've always kind of hated my voice mhm so like my stuff from like 2008 I would pitch it up then 2009 10 I would pitch it down mhm cuz I just hated it so he's done everything from pitch's voice down on wo to pitching it up on Flower Boy to having other artists sing for him on Cherry bom but while working on eigor Tyler had trouble finding artists to sing on his song Earthquake with Justin Bieber rejecting the song and Rihanna not wanting to sing the hook eventually Kendrick Lamar would hear Tyler's progress on the album and Kendrick gave Tyler some encouraging words and confidence to say more on his project I know I'm not the best singer but a friend of mine and Kendrick was uh I played with some stuff and he said oh oh this [ __ ] is just filling like feeling like you weren't worried about the technical per being perfect with your vocal it was actual emotion and uh when he said that it was like oh [ __ ] you're right that's why I don't try to always get people to sing my sometimes I'm just like [ __ ] it I'll sing it cuz someone else can't really sing my truth and what I'm trying to say so I got it out eagor is self-described as an experimental album the project showed up as an unexpected new world full of cinematic love ballets heavy Distortion and deeply personal confessions all tied together with Sonic's inspired by 80s UK pop soundscapes yeah very 80s pop kind of what I was going idealistic love and idealistic heartbreak that's where the ' 80s were that were like not you don't hold anything back this album was such a good album to describe situationships you know it starts off and he's just in love and everything is perfect and it's like let's get together and then it's like yeah now we're together and then it's like oh we broke up and I don't mess with you but then it's like hey can we still be friends with the creation of eigor came a new found maturity in Tyler's Artistry Tyler came to the realization that he's reached a point as an artist where his creative kinks are combed out and proved himself to be one of the most polarizing and uncompromising artists of his generation I was like oh maybe I should stop being funny on the internet and maybe people will realize how talented I am or start taking my music and art more serious but when you're starting you're trying to get that attention but you don't realize it till you're 25 I didn't know cuz I'm also I'm 28 now on May 17th 2019 Tyler the Creator released eigor to the world along with the album release came a message for first time listeners with this message Tyler made it clear that he wanted people to listen to eigor with an open mind so then I see the Instagram POS and he's like you know go for a bike ride like no distractions vies cool I turned off all my lights and these fairy lights they go with music so I listen to it in the dark with just like these little lights and they go with the Beats of the music and it was phenomenal and he said no distractions and I said I put my phone on D and D and I just laid in my bed and I listened to it and it was like I was obsessed with that album from the first listen I was like this is one of the best albums that's ever come out following the release of that album eigor immediately gained recognition for being music that was simply a cutab finally Tyler reached his goal of combining the ugly and the pretty and this music really like when people be like hey the album's great I know and thank you and it's not an ego thing it's like I'm so proud of it yes I put in so much effort and I love it and I know that it's good eagor became Tyler's first album to reach number one on a US billboard 200 while fans were excited for Tyler reaching the top spot there were some people who were less than happy about the ranking I got to say this too I make albums so people can play it and you actually hear it you know driving your car you hear another car playing it you know go to the barber shop you hear them playing it you know turn the radio on and you hear them playing it you know it's playing everywhere it's called great music it's called albums that you actually hear the songs not no mysterious [ __ ] and you never hear it Tyler responded to the hate DJ KH put on his name with his own set of tweets and comments to be fair this Show's Tyler's maturity level has gone up because a younger Tyler would have trolled DJ khid a lot more than this in addition to Eagle reaching number one eager single earthquake peaked at number 13 on a Billboard Hot 100 in hid and sight it was a good thing Justin Bieber and Rihanna rejected this song because the catchiness of earthquake did tell well becoming one of his biggest hits cuz you make my earth oh my God [ __ ] you are crazy quake quake and I later in the year Tyler would find himself nominated again at the Grammys for eigor Tyler was competing for best rap album of the Year regardless of the obvious pop and soul sounds on eagor and there he Stood Beside music legends Charlie Wilson and Boys to Men as they sang an Acappella rendition of Tyler's hit song Earthquake me out making my arm make my arm up to this point in his career Tyler Creator tirelessly worked at his craft and intentionally molded himself into a respectable musician for over 10 years all to accomplish one of his lifelong goals thank you for giving us the opportunity so talented in that category musicians who did their thing this is for us winning a Grammy award and the Grammy goes to LA stand up eigor Tyler the Creator yes to my mother you did a great job raising this guy to the clanes my manager my managers you guys took a seed and watered it and I thank you for trusting my ideas to my fans and my label again trusting my crazy ideas to the new fans to the old ones all the crazy stuff I do I I I never fully F felt accepted in in rap and stuff so for y'all to always stand by me and get me here I really appreciate that most black artists get stuck in heaven to be either categorized as rap or R&B and it's like a lot of this stuff doesn't really be R&B it's like Neo Soul alternative contemporary and it's like it all gets put under one category as somebody who watches the gramys and as somebody who follows music very closely I feel like he is on the money the whole Urban categorization of Awards and songs and albums is really just a way of saying like this is black people music and so for Tyler I think it was kind of crazy for him to get nominated for best rap album because it quite literally was not a rap album I feel like I remember him saying this is not a rap album so I thought it was very disrespectful but the Grammys in general are disrespectful to black artist it's like even if you get nominated like that's a feat and of itself because they're not tapped into the culture as the buzz surrounding Igor continue to Echo through the music world Tyler stood at a Crossroads of anticipation and expectation having carved out a new bold path of his previous album the question on everyone's mind was what would teller do next what is your open bear my li sisters and I used to spend a lot of time together we we graduated we moved to different places so I don't get to see them as often and um on my birthday which is in October they did a whole like three-day weekend they planned an itinerary um they did like Sherie boards we went to the club we did like um a siping paint but like the siping paint was based on like uh them painting like what our first interactions were like so like the theme was like me and like their relationships to me and it was just such an outpouring of like love and it was all of us together and it just was a very good day like that was just like the whole weekend it was just like a beautiful moment of like wow I feel so appreciated and loved and like I to be around people that I love and care about so I would say that would be my November it got to a point where I'm just like it Kanye said it in one of them songs but he's like is these really better than me you start thinking that I'm just like bro no and I felt like it wasn't being seen so because of feeling like that it pushed me to push myself and do cherry bomb cuz I was like I want to be the best producer ever I could do every genre and when that came out was like nah and I was like y'all think I can't write songs oh oh okay I'mma write pop songs I gave him CU you again I gave him boredom I gave him 911 like that's where that came from and then was like oh he playing it safe now I'm like oh I'm playing it safe oh y'all still playing with me so then I did eigor but then I was like not only am I going to go left I'mma give these these pop records that just think I can't and then that's when I did earthquake and then was like oh bro he was never good of a rapper anyway that's why he had to pitch his voice and sing oh really okay transitioning from the experimental genre defining sounds of eigor Tyler's latest project hinted at a return to his rap rots when Tyler dropped eigor there was a debate about his status as a rapper you know a lot of people are like can can he actually like still spit bars or has it just become like you know singy style rapper kind of like you know what happened when Kanye went went and did like 808 I feel like Tyler used call me if you get lost shut down that conversation completely it's like I can still rap I can still do it as good as any of you guys and I'm here to tell you that I could choose to Branch out and do whatever but at the end of the day I could go head forhead with any rapper and I think call me if you get lost help like cement that Legacy released on June 25th 2021 call me if you get lost became Tyler's second album in a row to hit number one on the US billboard 200 call me forget lost was Tyler the Creator at his most audacious and Unapologetic he kind of compounded as an artist you know what like there couldn't be a flower boy without Cherry Bond exactly everything just like added up like over the years I feel like on Calli if you get lost he I would say that's Tyler's style completely refined the raw product was obviously from all his projects just like fully compounded on call me if you get lost um listening to call me if you get lost I feel like to be honest if I really wanted anyone to get into Tyler I actually would give them that album just because I feel like it has like it has so many elements from his previous projects but like like I said very more refined like you hear the grit from like his early like early Tyler like you hear that grit on songs like Lumberjack for example like there's a lot of grit there's a a lot of like I would say anger and then you you you see a lot of softness you know on songs like sweet I thought you wanted to dance like you still get a very soft Tyler melodic Tyler and then you get the rap fully so it's just like on call me if you get lost he's like I've done all these things and before it was kind of separate like Igor isn't gritty at all like you get some gritty songs like maybe new magic wand but he's singing for most of it so I feel like on call me if you get lost it was just I've done all this I've experimented now I'm going to gather everything that I've experimented and refine it and just put it on one project to just showcase how versatile I could be following the release of call me to get lost Tyler found himself back in the Grammy Award Spotlight this time around his album's audacious soundscapes and introspective storytelling garnered nominations across multiple categories first off I'm hyped thank you to DJ Drama you are [ __ ] so important to rap music grills thank you to all of my friends for being my cheerleaders thank you to my whole team the whole Squad what would you say is year November the music has always been like a huge part of my life I went to University in like a really small town so it was really lonely most of the time and like my final year was like hell there will always be like this place where I I like biking so I would always like just put on my headphones and just whenever I felt like anxious or anything I would just like bike you know and there's like this pathway where like had like tall trees on like either side and I would just bike down there just listening to one song on repeat and that's like hi by Freddy Gibbs that song has a lot of like Memories for me because I would just go back and forth and especially like in the Autumn when like the leaves are like very pretty like I would just ride my bike just listening to that song and honestly I that song is like it's in November for me what's your November you know I've been thinking about it a lot throughout making this video and I feel like it's storytelling I'm like a deep Cuts guy I'm one of those guys that like like to really look into the lyrics and say oh this is a metaphor for that and he was really talking about this as a synonym for that like going like I really love that kind of stuff so me being able to have my own uh I guess Easter eggs or just small little metaphors that only four people will notice in my own videos is really fun for me when I was a kid I used to like be really depressed but people like Kanye kid Cy Kendrick Lamar they had like these worlds that they just built that I could just Escape in even if it was for just like a couple minutes I just want to be able to do that and give that Solace to other little kids like me that like might not like I don't know I was a pretty weird kid and they they just kind of gave you this feeling of hey dude it's [ __ ] okay okay I'm weird too and actually me being weird I made this really beautiful thing out of me and I just uh I don't know I just really [ __ ] with that I just want to add on to that that's a really long answer but I would say that's my November that's cool put that in your video that's so ARF you should put that at the end I just yeah I just might maybe I might uh switch it around make it all about myself yeah in the deluxe edition of call me for get lost the very last track sorry not sorry emerges as one of his most vulnerable and honest songs to date looking back on his previous erors Tyler uses the song as an opportunity to reflect on his past with pure honesty I'm I'm I don't see you more I'm sorry that the 4 minutes where you see your son feel like a CH say I'm sorry I'm your kid sorry we ain't close as we should have been sorry to my old friends the stores we could have wrote If our Eagles didn't take the sorry to the freaks I oh who thought they life was going to change cuz I gave them head but instead I SP off yeah I know I'm dead sorry to the guys I had to hide I just loved the fact that he was being like he was being real you know embodied all of his alter like Egos and came to say I'm sorry for this I'm sorry for that but at the same time it wasn't beggy he didn't even sound like extremely remorseful that's kind of what makes the song cuz like the title is literally like sorry not sorry the [ __ ] is cool stay in your pocket this is cool blah blah blah blah BL do such a way body got problem sorry I'm not his career is very special because his growth over the years has just been crazy like when you compare to when he first started and how gritty his music sounded and how he was able to kind of transition give us that flower boy to igore and then just kind of just switch it up completely so for someone to have that amount of alter OS like and to be able to come and reconcile that with the audience and be like I'm not going to just acknowledge that this never happened it happened and I'm kind of like stepping and own it up today I know I'm supposed to fight but this Shin brother in black man I'm make it right in the I get some these blood [ __ ] [ __ ] the price then again I can't say [ __ ] I'm not super I'm sorry I'm pretentious sorry that the talent knowledge passing isn't missing and when I talk my [ __ ] and I'm backing up with confidence to get you [ __ ] tripping [ __ ] the numbers [ __ ] a h put me on the stage let me see y'all hit a stage let me see yall write a pagea I don't know about minim cat B stretch nigas makees like a Di and I did [ __ ] feel good work off that we go Cate [ __ ] claim you ever when they came to moments of feel so they a sorry Sor I no two words could possibly summarize Tyler the career better no matter what was thrown his way Tyler the Creator has always been blessed with an incredible innate sense of self-confidence sometimes in our lives we can find ourselves in situations that leave us in complete darkness where we don't know our left from our right in these periods of uncertainty it might be worth taking a page from Tyler's Playbook to trust what is right and true to yourself while moving forward regardless of what the world to the left or right of you may say because the truth is regardless of what you do the world is always going to have something to say [Music] so thank [Music] you y'all get home safe till next [Applause] time
Channel: Spacial
Views: 222,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyler the creator, flower boy, see you again, igor, call me if you get lost, cmiygl, earfquake, video essay, tyler the creator video essay, tyler the creator documentary
Id: 1CRrbQCdmok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 2sec (4682 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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