Tyler Reacts to @MattsOffRoadRecovery Using His Buster Brace for a Rescue

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hey Tyler what you might want to take a look at this you might need to take a break and take a look I got to crawl out from under the Bronco huh I was working on yours finally too it's about time so we got a call for a Bronco with a broken tie rod up on toille Fall Road so we're going to head up there and see if we can get it fixed we've got our Bron Buster pieces in the back so this is going to be a real quick job we're going to go up there we're going to clamp it together and drive it out how's it going he it's good that's why I got to get portals yes tyus portal all right so Mark actually has video of this happening we're going to show you that right now do it never happen unless you got on video broke your tiod all right it all takes that wheel spin and then that connect so okay put it in part let off the brake Jamie's definitely Pro driver here not strong enough for this almost got Matt's hand I was going to say he's pretty brave putting his hand right there oh yeah we've seen that before the most famous broken tire rod picture on the internet was ours doing that exact same help out with the off-road game so he gets a jacket but it's extra large all right he where's my jacket he gave us shirts where's a jacket I thought it was two movie oh what's the guy Chrisley I'm calling guy little Co all right so the first thing we've got to do before we can fit those pieces on is we're going to have to cut this little end that is you don't have to do that Matt it's got the pocket actually here's one right here designed it fits right in that pocket and it kind of helps hold it in there that's all good passenger passenger okay let's get that part out this little so this little reinforcing thing is made by Bron Buster and it's designed to reinforce so you don't bend tie rods but also he says that it will momentarily get you off the trail we're about for 3 Days on the trail yeah we took Tom's Bronco for 3 days after he broke it on a Raptor and he wheeled it hard with that setup so it definitely these are like they're supposed to be a reinforcement you just wear yes he's not got them on right but for recover it's fine just get them on there easy get them off the trail normally it turns so you don't hit the shocks and stuff as you're articulating but uh all right okay good job Jamie it's dark and cold I it's dark and cold who cares you just want to get it out of there the front camera there's a camera yeah you could have washed it for me it would have been a little bit better yeah you are okay let's get half a out of here all right this is going to be something it is something I'm confident I've already seen what it can do to hold it together so I know it'll hold come on up we've definitely Bron bust and tested it my way Tom helped her that drift that thing four-wheel drift all right she's going to do just fine from here on out all right I guess now all we've got is to drive out of here and we'll be done it's crazy how clamping system works cuz we're still doing a little bit of Wheeling and it's like I well yeah even after I put it on there I can tell that it's just got a really robust clamping Force so obviously you can't just drive it like this it's going to need to get the right you know get the tie rod put back in there now you can just drive like that but I wouldn't go you can put those clamps on there and that problems over yes you pretty cool product but Bron do this keep it on there oh very cool so it's interesting because I don't know we we met Matt for the first time oh a little over a year ago at uh Trail hero and uh when we were at Trail hero he came by our booth and and uh we already knew the guys at yanam rope and then he introduced us like what is that and we showed him and told him about it and I said actually this would work as a recovery and he looked at it explained how it could work and he left he came back another time and like sat there and looked at it again and uh we talked about some more we just kind of talked and then he left again and I got thinking you know what I just I had to go give some to him because of anybody to go out there and and help the Bron Buster test had improved Matt's Offroad is the perfect one so I gave him to him U of course we've been out there and done other stuff with him since we we've gotten to be pretty good friends with them but I had no idea this video was hit and they didn't tell me nothing about it that's that's one thing is uh that was not staged it wasn't like reenacted or made up um Matt stuff is very authentic and uh I guess that's what may why there was a jump in sales earlier well I've been getting a lot of phone calls will it work for the rivan will it work for the F-150 will it work for this will it work for that well the answer is this specifically used in this intended purpose you could recover quite a few vehicles with it I think Rory uh yeah Rory about a month ago Rory Irish at U Trail Mater they used it to recover vehicle I don't remember if it was a rivan or not according to Theory this should work so these are these aftermarket for Broncos yeah yeah Bron Buster is the company that makes [Music] them doesn't fit perfect but they fit yeah like I said that's welded together on the inside and then the Bron Buster clamps around the outside so it shouldn't let it Bol you know Bend or Flex which is going to keep it together but just as easy as we can we'll get out of here we are working on other models for other vehicles sounds like rivan needs to be next on the list because a lot of people are breaking rivan tie rods Ranger is an easy one we'll be doing um F-150 you know on and on and on but we're also working on a recovery one one specifically designed that will be a universal uh just a recovery kit that if your buddy didn't come prepared and breaks a tie rod he can get off so anyways now cool video thanks Amy mhm thought you would like it okay so to talk a little bit about the Buster brace uh this was our second product actually it all came out of necessity I mean we were Bronco owners we had little sister on order we had brought bought broncbuster taken it out and everybody's seen this famous picture we put it right here of the Bronco doing Bronco hugs right I mean it would made jokes across the country and uh I mean jeep jeep guys thought that was the greatest thing bronos brand new Bronco breaking and anyway so we left there frustrated I mean getting towed out it cost us the entire day and as I'm sitting there thinking about the new Bron bushing and how that's going to come to Market and I'm thinking man what could we do on this and I'm thinking about how you could maybe weld something on both sides to reinforce it then you can't you know you're not going to be able to adjust nothing and and uh I woke up day after Christmas like 3 o'clock in the morning that's the way my head works and I had this kind of like aha moment and I pictured these two pieces that would clamp over the top have bolts that go through it and hold it together and at the time I I mean it was just an idea I didn't know if it would work or not I went about it not really thinking this to be a big product this has actually become our number one product at rockbuster so to this date we've never had a broken tie rod and that's a success in and of itself that's how the Brock Buster the Buster brace was born um I've had calls now over the last two days of is this available for this vehicle for that vehicle uh it's time I think we start working on it but first we're going to do a universal one that kind of is a universal recovery tool I think is what's needed so we're excited to get that out but uh we're excited that that Matt finally took us up on this and saw the value of what this does for recovery because I mean that took him what 5 minutes to install it mhm and then able to just drive it right on out drive it right on out and I guarantee it'll hold better than welding those two pieces together you might still break again and then you're you know this here guaranteed to work so anyways hope you [Music] enjoy
Channel: BroncBuster
Views: 129,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: broken bronco, BusterBrace Tool, using his buster brace for a rescue, regional, BroncBuster, fordbronco, using his busterbrace for a rescue, Broken Tie Rod, Vehicle Rescue, busterbrace tool, Vehicle Recovery, Trail Recovery, Trail Emergency, ford bronco, Recovery Equipment, did you know our busterbrace, broken tie rod, broken bronco raptor, broken bronco parts, regional mexican songs 2023, latin, tyrone brunson, Rescue, using his buster brace for a, Using His Buster
Id: Kf_2d2a33rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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