Tyler Perry Gives A Word That Everyone Needs To Hear | Essence Festival | ESSENCE

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all right so you just finished the Madea farewell tour yes so with the farewell there's always a hello so what are we bringing in what are you working on I am working on some brand new shows for BT right now that I'm really really excited about all of you who love to have and have-nots this new show wait till you see my new show called The Oval and I got a show called sisters about four four black women and run going through their lives so those are the two shows that I'm starting with over there I'm really excited really excited about it so when are they coming can you give us yes this fall this fall along with BT plus starts this fall let me tell you what BT plus is how many y'all have Netflix and Amazon and all this stuff well well BT plus is our version of Netflix and Amazon and I'm really really excited about it all black content all new shows that's where my new movies will be who knows my dear may be popping up there - Tracy okay so it's Sunday thank you look beautiful looks look so beautiful I'm sorry go ahead happy yeah it's Sunday happy Sunday so it's Sunday and I feel like down on the inside you got kind of a preacher man that stirs up and he showed up while you were accepting your icon award for BT at the BT Awards which was amazing you already don't have to not everybody knows everything there were people in the audience like whoo it was like church for real so one of these moments you talked about mr. Butler yeah and how you helped him cross right and I'm somebody that even before you know me I feel like you helped me cross and so I want to know some of the ways that you're helping people to cross over I know that there's so many taraji who introduced you you helped her cross what is the thing that guides you to help people cross because mr. Butler was when you were a child yeah he was a child I never forgot him like right down to Washington Avenue here in New Orleans way live but what I didn't say in that speech is that he was the only black man he was the first black man to see me and he was blind that's why he needed help but he saw me he talked to me like a person not like a child that was just to be this discarded but but what I what I tried to do in helping people cross in when I say that is I can hire you I can teach you how to how to do this like like I'll tell you this like every time a black person does something really amazing in this business I call them up and say hey you and I should talk like I see them going to make billions of dollars for people and then they get 5 million or 10 million which is a lot of money but why didn't you get most of the money because they got it why didn't you get it because what is important is that that that is how we transition wealth to our children that's how we change our community that's how we change our lives we can't keep working for someone else at some point you got to own your stuff so that you can pass it on to your children and their children and you can hire people so that's that's what I've done I've tried to like people forget that about it was probably two thousand five or six where no black shows were on television no black people were on television and it was House of Pain that came along and broke the mold and let them know that black people are still watching television so I even though I you know if you look back at the actual history of what I've done it's the facts speak for themselves you know they speak for themselves they really do and they speak strongly and they've spoken to so many of us which kind of brings me to my next point so now I have a scripture because it is Sunday yeah so I got a couple of them to bring home then well bring we can have a scripture battle if you don't no no we don't need a battle well in Romans 12 and when it talks about our reasonable service and so mr. Butler we know is one of your forms of reasonable service what else is there for you in terms of your reasonable service and what is it for us what should we be doing is our resource well I'll give you a scripture to Psalms 37 and 3 says trust the Lord and do good just just do good I was I'm dealing with something with somebody right now that I just hired to do some stuff and they didn't take the half did it I'm like do good do good and as black people we have got to come into this level of professionalism that is that is the yeah yeah because he's the thing people the reason my shows every one of them starts on time at they say go telly we need to wake up people at nope we're starting on time because because they say black people are always late so so we as black people need to start dispelling this myth but when you run your business it opens at the right time it closes at the certain time you are professional you are kind you're not cussing your customers out listen because you're MIDI ahead us to launch it because it every day everybody out but but but just have a level of excellence about what you do because the way you do one thing is the way you do all things so just have excellence about what you do okay that's how we can help so this is this is what I want to tell everybody just briefly see I will text Tyler Perry yeah I'm lucky I will text Tyler period and which I'll need to know is this TED talk he just gave you in 30 seconds that's what the text messages sound like to you you have a way of inspiring people just in your being like you don't even have to do you do a lot yeah but just the way that you present and you make yourself manifest to the world that's inspiration enough I appreciate that because I want us all to know what I have learned yeah nothing is holding us back nothing is holding us back we have the capacity we are smart enough we are we are brilliant enough we are talented enough there's a ship if we can just understand the shift in the system the shift from working for to ownership that is that that is the key I look at I look at how all of our stuff is hoard out like our music and our talent it's poured out they go and they take it they make billions of dollars off of it and then they say oh here's here's five million dollars and you like bling-bling look at me I got you like come on rented it's rented you know somebody's my sons turning five somebody asked me what I late would I let him play football I said if he owned the team no no and you just listen to me if if I could get you my God in heaven if I could get you to realize that the thing that you think about yourself is what you are and you become so if you start to believe and see yourself as a full whole person if you start to believe and see yourself that you should have wealth that you should have money that you shouldn't be worried about that you shouldn't be worried about how you gonna send your kids to school now I'm sound like Buddha George but I'm serious right now it's just just understanding that it it all starts in your mind and your spirit with great faith you can do anything I came from this town right down the street with nothing I was scared too every time it listen to me every time I open the cabinets in my kitchen there's a hallelujah in my soul because because when I open it I remember being on Baronne Street opening that cabinets and rats and roaches jumping up and down my arm right so every time I open it sometimes I go to the kitchen just open and say God thank you ain't nothing jumping out at me you know but we don't have to live that way my parents my parent my mother my father right from Greensburg and Amy Louisiana right up the road they were they are they are they came from a Jim Crow Jim generation my mother would tell me when I go to the store she said be careful don't cross that Street don't be around those white folks at night don't go in st. Charles Avenue walk the other way she could she was so worried because of where she came from so sure so they gave birth to this kid who had a vision and hope that he could be something else but they kept saying no you've got that's for white folks you can't do that you can't do that so I had I'll show you mentality right I'll show you that I could do this and the color of my skin won't stop me I'm smart enough to figure it out and the reason that why I was able to own my shows that owned the studio is I was smart enough to figure out that wait a minute you guys are gonna make all the money if I do it this way but if I just take less over here see if you eat a little you eat a long time so sometimes tweet that tweet that tweet that sometimes you got to step back and say you know what I'm gonna take a little bit I'm gonna take this a little bit and I'm gonna make it work because black people know how to take a little bit and make a whole lot out of it so so when did that change we know how to make a dollar out of 15 cents so why aren't you doing that in your business and then you're in whatever you have in your job whatever you're doing turn that thing into something that's gonna grow and I'm telling you it would blow your mind I sit there looking at every day and I'm sitting there shaking going God thank you what is happening in my life you have done this for me yo y'all better leave me alone okay you have gone from and I'm seeing part of your transformation because as I told you I fell in love at Madea like watching a play on it on a DVD leg blech no but you went from the stage plays to making TV shows to make it movies to right invest selling books I got a no from even if like you shifted paradigms in each of those places everywhere that you went and the door was open for you you not only ran through that door you ran through with so many of us yeah so when you think about what's next in your paradigm shifting moment and where else you're bringing us to what is the next frontier in addition to the new content you're creating all right you know what I've done I've stepped back and said okay I've dreamed everything I could drink God now I'm not what do you want me to do it's like surrendering knowing that that everything every dream that I've had has come true so then you get to a place where you surrender to the will and the mercy of wherever God is going to take you in your dreams and listen sometimes I'm tired sometimes you know I don't feel like getting up and going do the next thing but something will happen that reminds me that hey you've been given this opportunity nobody else has yet so go and show and teach them how to do it right so so whatever's next for me I'm open to it I'm open to it and I tell you as I was talking about you know teaching people calling black people up and I don't know if I finished that thought calling him up saying hey I know how to do this I learned this I learned this if you take this amount of money just do this and do this most of those people don't call me back I kid you not I don't know I don't know whatever the reason is but I know my job is as my Angela said will you learn teach right so I've just been teaching so if they want to call back and have the conversation so that I could teach them about shifting from just being a director to being a Steven Spielberg who directs and owns the whole franchise so those are things I want us to know do you do you do that with folks outside of the entertainment industry I do it a lot with the in the entertainment industry but I do it and only with things that I know about like we're talking about real estate we're talking about something like that we're talking about what I've learned in taxes I'll call you have a conversation with you about it because nobody was there to teach me I paid for a Harvard education ten times in the mistakes that I made not understanding taxes not understand not having an uncle that could I could call up our dad just say hi dad I got an issue here with this what do I do and he could tell me I didn't have any of that so I made all of those mistakes so I don't want people to make those mistakes especially especially young ones coming up black folks coming up who who are just getting this opportunity you know what's the greatest mistake you made that you're like man that was so avoidable here's the thing I'll tell you this and when I say these people like he's so arrogant I haven't made any mistakes I tell you why blame yourself I tell you why everything that I thought was a mistake God turned around and looked that thing out everything everything [Applause] [Music] take me to court DJ taking pictures so he ain't got to shout music ready I mean come on I promise everything I look back on every time every moment I say man that I wish it a debt back I look back in a while look how God turned that around cuz if I did that then that that wouldn't work and then I wouldn't met that person and that wouldn't work it's like one little thing so you got to get it to the flow of God and just surrender just be all about the surrender of it [Applause] well I know we don't have much longer okay boo to judge five hours [Applause] [Laughter] was basically everything I'm getting all the inspiration rubbed off on me and you can on the rebel that's right there we go don't what that's right okay so so then going back to this idea of every single mistake that would have happened God turned it around for your good yeah so give us one of those give his testimony service now give us one of those just just things that like if okay let's go back to two I had this opportunity I signed this contract to do a television show yeah and the guy Chuck Lorre he did two and a Half Men big bang Roseanne and they were so excited the agents was so excited they were like yes and they Tyler silent Tyler Sally I was like but I signed it right so I get into the room and we start working on the show and they tell me no Tyler we're not gonna talk about Jesus we can't do this you can't do that we don't know no we're gonna so I'm sitting there going what did I do god what did I do I signed this contract I'm obligated to do this TV show I got to do this TV show and I felt like so like just wrong if this felt wrong so anyway I'm sitting there at home later on he decided he calls me up he says Tyler we're gonna go with two and a Half Men we're not gonna do your show I'm sorry as if as if he was like sliding me right I hung up that phone I started crying said God think so so I had been on the road I took my little money and I went to it Atlanta and I shot ten episodes of a show called house of pain right and I put the show in the can and my I'm like I feel like I need to do 10 my agent saying don't do 10 who does team know but just 10 you do one you see if it works like no I feel like I need to do 10 I felt strongly about these things set in the can for months nobody wanted them they didn't like him they didn't want him well the WB and UPN merged and when they merged a lot of the channels didn't have shows so they started calling around what you got somebody said well we got this guy in Atlanta it's got these 10 shows like give it to me so they put the 10 shows on the air the ratings were higher than what was there before so everybody came with a deal in their hand because because that contract didn't work out so so the contract doesn't work out and they said I said well what do I need for syndication for those you don't know what syndication is that means when your show you get a hundred episodes and you usually get that over four or five years I said I want somebody to give me 90 episodes so I have 100 they like Tyler that's never done nobody is going to do that nobody gonna give you down the episodes I was like that's what I want well a couple of weeks later TBS called said we'll give you 90 episodes so so so the thing that you think is your mistake or your problem may be the blessing that is being set they're setting you up or something incredibly [Applause] so those of you who think that your husband is the pro I'm gonna stay over there tell me about it so the last thing I have is Madea yeah and there was a farewell yeah Madea is home now technically yeah so I just feel like Madea should have like a closing final farewell moment for this audience because Madea have something to share with the people on this beautiful Sunday you really you really put me on the spot let me tell you this at the Tour de let tour we did was so crazy successful that I'm thinking of 2020 continuing it coming to New Orleans and all the cities we didn't get to so but I gotta get these BT shows I'm telling you when y'all see the Oval when y'all see sisters I'm telling you just brace yourself all y'all who let BT put them other channels I know you're out there just just come on back I promise you I got some come back I come home I got something for you Andy is not gonna talk to us that what do you want hell I did that a month I know felt pretty good she has words of wisdom sometimes and it's the Sunday we kind of have a benediction from Lydia but you do know that's me right I mean come on it's better black woman in audience okay your mama's friends they used to be sitting at the table what what job I'd say we're out of time we're out of time reclaiming my time reclaiming my time baby but I'm just closing do you want to close it yeah okay you you want a madea close yeah all right I want y'all to understand if you don't know you special ain't nobody else gonna know you special then it [Applause]
Channel: ESSENCE
Views: 778,029
Rating: 4.9271321 out of 5
Keywords: Tyler Perry Speech 2019, Tyler Perry, Essence, Essence Festival, tyler perry bet awards, Angela Rye, The Oval, The Sisters, Madea, black women, african american women, tyler perry speech, tyler perry essence, tyler perry essence festival 2019, master p tyler perry essence
Id: -vMRjukNtiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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