Tyler Herro on Learning from Jimmy Butler and Playing in The 2020 NBA Finals | w/ JJ Redick

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damn tyler going all in on miami wearing a marlins hat

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nightvoltz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ah, the GOATed Florida Marlins hat.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vicaris_mb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love that he doesn’t know any of these shows. All work baby!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Elroy_berdahl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I miss the Florida Marlins.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lensgana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is the interview worth watching?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/baiacool πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right let's welcome in our guest the young legend tyler hero tyler what's good man how you doing thanks for thanks for having me on uh our listeners by the way have been asking for you for months now so we're we're very excited i know the listeners are excited to hear from you too yeah i'm ready let's do it um you just had probably the longest rookie season in nba history actually it had to have been the longest rookie season nba history because you started training camp last october and you finished the nba finals in october right um what what what have the last two months look like for you i know judging through um your instagram feed it looked like you spent some time in turks and caicos on vacation uh but i know you're a gym rat so what does the last two months look like in sort of preparation for uh what's coming up uh yeah i took a couple days off well i took like a week off but i went home saw my parents my brothers then i did go to turks for for a week and then once i got back from there i just got back to work and uh you know ever since then just trying to get back and getting ready for the season gearing up you know starting soon when did the when did the tattoo happen uh right when quarantine uh happened actually like right when the season shut down okay so this you had this in the bubble you had this in the bubble yeah and it's it's no work no check pretty self-explanatory right uh from from someone who has a sleeve tattoo i'm gonna co-sign this one tommy i'm gonna co-sign this one appreciate it wait wait speaking of tattoos we have to ask this tyler uh duncan has duncan uh one of our correspondents on the show and he came on the show and asked jj whether he should get a sleeve yeah he he was talking about it yeah i think he has not gotten what is your feeling on this um i would love to see duncan with the sleeve like why not i think it would be good i think duncan needs to to step up just his overall sort of um vibe you know what i mean by that like he's he he's got this vibe of like being this really nice kind of dorky kid i'm not knocking him and i think that's the general perception of him he needs to just like he needs to get a little bit more street cred i feel like yeah for sure i feel i tell him that all the time like i think it was the game in the bubble he hit like eight threes i'm like he didn't post anything or say anything to anybody i'm like do something bro like build your brand a little bit like you're you're like you're good i think this is this is actually a an interesting point to make though because i do feel like you guys are not necessarily similar players but uh you both had you know breakout seasons this year and from the outside and knowing duncan a little bit it seems like you guys are a little bit of polar opposites uh yeah i mean we we're really cool on the court and when we see each other like we're really cool we will hang out off the court but we definitely have go our separate ways um we are interested in different things i would say but i mean we are cool and you know we have a great relationship and you know we've been playing together ever since i got drafted into the summer league and ever since so you know it's been good and really fun to play with him who who wins in a shooting contest uh depends on the day i mean if we're just you know catching shoot spot up we're pretty even but he's he's like you when you can start running off screens i i still got to get better at that your your skill set though is is very unique i feel like for uh someone who just came in the league um and only played one year of college basketball i i read this and i've heard this just from talking to different people you started working with like a trainer right uh pretty early on in high school you had somebody working you out when you were pretty young when did that start uh i would say like i was always in the gym but like i really focused and like you know got into my skills and started working on you know my craft probably my freshman and freshman years when i started to take it like really serious i know with uh with joelle i so windhurst wrote an article about you during the finals and i know with joelle this was sort of the same way but he said something i think it was either your high school coach or or somebody that you worked with in high school um you know you you can do a move or learn a move and within two or three reps you're able to do that at game speed uh joel was the same way there's not many guys they're like this and we've talked about this tommy a bunch on the show but it seems like uh the the young players coming into the league now are light years ahead of where my generation was uh in terms of those skills in terms of those uh you know the dribble skills the the footwork uh the video went viral the other day of you were you doing the the chris paul spin fade away what is it about uh these things that just make it easy easy for you to learn um i don't know i think just attention to detail and just like really just honing in on the the little things and um i just love learning and being able to you know pick up on things quick like you said um i think that's important to to any any young player any player that's you know trying to get better just the pic the faster you can pick up on things is you know probably very important you know you want to be able to to pick up on things and apply to your game and you know get better fast who did you model your game uh when you were growing up after uh you know i watched like lebron and then once i got older um when devin booker went to kentucky that's when i really started to watch him and i love his game people have made that comp i think people on the show have made that comparison between the two of you yeah i mean i think that's i think that's a good comp i actually do is that i was going to ask you about like how you view yourself like not to put a ceiling on your own career or anything like that but i assume you have sort of goals in terms of being an all-star all-nba or those sort of things so is that sort of is that sort of your vision of a ceiling is like being a devin booker level player yeah i mean i i definitely want to be like one of them like an all-star i mean i dream of you know things like that but you know like i said i love his game the way he gets to his spots and you know he can score with the best of them and um yeah i just think he's so fluid and skilled you know he can just really score the ball but i think we're our bodies are different because i got short arms like really short arms so so my body's a little different than his butt you and me both foul you and me both this may come this this may come across as a very weird question but i'm going to ask it anyways and this goes back to um to something jimmy butler said when he came on our podcast in march and he said tyler thinks he's black um and he legitimately thinks he's black and i'm sure at some point in your life over the last let's call it five years six years however long you've sort of been a household high school name a college basketball uh big name and now an nba player someone has compared you to a white player does it bother you to be compared to a white player um i mean not not necessarily like some white players are good and it's okay to be able to compare to them like but i mean like some some are just not realistic like some will just say you play like him because and it's like are you just saying that because he's white or are you actually watching the game well i mean i i i've seen in some comments that there has been uh a very brief comparison let's say like tyler hero to me right yeah um we're both white we're both around six four six five we both have the aforementioned alligator arms and we both can shoot the basketball but i think really i mean i'll be honest with you realistically uh you know that for me at least that's where the comparison ends so it would not offend me if you said that you were upset if people said uh this guy plays like jj reddick no i would i definitely would not be upset with that comparison like i'm definitely not upset with that that's that's great man tyler wouldn't when in your life um was it like middle school high school when in your life did you get the swag did you just like wake up one day and you were like you like you just like looked outside and you're like this is different no no um i think i don't know i feel like i've always i've always i've always been like who i am this is me i don't know there's there's listen from the outside at least from the outside i feel like you are one of the players that i'm extremely jealous of because like whatever anxieties i have about putting myself out there and posting stuff on social media like you just don't give a [ __ ] you know like and you're you're out there and this is a compliment man you're out there living your best life and it's it's beautiful to watch it's beautiful to watch i appreciate that but i mean i don't know it's not that i don't care it's just like for me the work always comes first so like if you're taking care of the business and you're doing you know your work and you're still focused and doing you know taking care of things that really matter you know family the game you know everything else just comes with it and um just i guess i take what comes with it jj don't you think tyler we've been accused many times of being like a heat fanboy podcast on doing this show but don't you think some of that mentality is your whole team and you have guys i mean like obviously jimmy is you know like we know well and he's been on the show whatever jimmy's like that in his own way duncan's like that in his own way you have all these different people that uh you know not everyone is exactly the same but like part of your run this last year wasn't just that you guys were winning it was like you were winning in kind of like a fun way where you were kind of like lighting people up and it was like even even when you got down we sort of knew you were coming back at some point and there's nothing they could really do about it yeah i think we had like a like you said we all have different personalities and uh we all have different ways of showing our whatever it may be um but i feel like we just had a great group of guys that just you know meshed well together really really got along you know throughout the locker room off the court we're really close and then on the court it just showed you know we all played for one another and it was for being a young guy you know coming into the league you don't you hear so much about you know the vets some vets aren't good you know but for me i got you know a great great mix of you know vets and younger players and we all really meshed well together so it was a great first season tommy this is the uh this is the first episode in about four or five episodes that we have mentioned the miami heat we were accused over the course of about two months of being heat homers i don't know where this comes from we were accused of being a miami heat podcast at one point because we talked about the heat so much wow i do i do to tommy's point i do feel like it is such a a unique group of guys a unique unique mix of players uh in that everybody has like just this insane work work ethic on their own right and i'm wondering in your case where that come from and you you said earlier you know you you've always been that way but that that had to have come from somewhere that come from your parents that come from a uh somebody you grew up with uh yeah where did where did that come from um definitely for my parents you know my dad always had me you know working hard whether it was basketball or not it was you know you're gonna work hard um but i would say when i really like basketball wise like like i said i started taking a serious freshman year sophomore year got more intense each year but like junior year when i didn't senior year when i didn't make the mcdonald's all-american game that like hurt me the most that was like that was like the thing that hurt me in high school i was i was sick so ever since i didn't make it that that in that game i went to the gym at like five six a.m every morning until until i got drafted did jimmy make you go to the gym with him at 4 am ever uh 5 am was the earliest we got we will go back five and we went to the beach we're throwing medicine balls around on the beach i'm like five in the morning i actually think i actually think i remember that post that he put up of you guys you guys were like on like uh uh yeah sand sand volleyball court or something like that yeah how important how important was him for you this year because it seemed like he took you under his wing from the jump from the get-go like he he reached out to you and and kind of took you under his wing yeah um well how went down i actually reached out to him when when we signed him or traded for him and then i just you know hit him up and just told him i'm willing to work with him whenever you know i want to get some work in and get better and he was like yeah come down to chicago and we'll we'll work so i came down there and that's when we woke up at five and was we're on the beach throwing medicine balls around but i i leaned on them so much my rookie year you know just being able to lean on someone like him who's seen everything who's been through it all you know and then we built such a great relationship and for being a young guy for me it was just in the playoffs i was you know just trying to play for him and i know he's always been that guy that people talk about as a bad teammate and stuff that's like the complete opposite of who he actually is so um just just being able to play with him i work here was was a blessing i think after this year jimmy butler has been redeemed as a teammate he is right good teammate um can you describe because i i played with him obviously in in philly but can you describe him as a teammate and what he's like just being around him on a daily basis uh as a teammate um i mean he's gonna come into the gym and he's gonna joke smile laugh do all the do it he's just a great guy you know he's he's that guy that you would want to lead your team you know he's a leader people will follow him um he always leads in the right direction and um you know he's a worker and he wants to win so that's why the heat and jimmy get along so well just because they want to win and he wants to win and we put a really good team together i feel like we got to see the real jimmy this year like when we tommy we talked about this back in march with him yeah i didn't i didn't feel like i got to know the real jimmy as a teammate i got to know the real jimmy as a person off the court but as a teammate i didn't get to see the real jimmy because he was so he was so unhappy it just yeah he wasn't happy you could see it on his face and that was that that was kind of disappointing for me then to go see him go to miami and make it work and blossom you know it was it was a little frustrating for me yeah i bet like you could have did this in philly yeah come on it wasn't i mean i guess it wasn't the right mix of guys but um you know i i obviously i've talked with him a bunch after the season i love that dude he's uh i'm always pulling for him yeah for sure tyler do you do the um like the chip on your shoulder thing like do you remember the teams that draft that that uh picked people ahead of you and stuff like that and do you do make a mental note or you kind of like i don't care just like it is what it is um a mix of both like i see the players that they drafted ahead of me for sure and i think about it when i play against them but um it's not something that i dwell on like i'm i'm definitely okay with being in miami at 13 at the 13th pick um i feel like i got it blessed into the right spot we were we were talking earlier just about the the confidence your your um your confidence clearly stems from just your personality but also the work you put in you know it's clear that you believe in preparation and you believe that the work equals results and the work equals confidence um where do the stones come from though where does where do the stones come from for a 19 or a 20 year old to drop 37 in a playoff game or to go six for 18 for most of a finals game and then kill down the stretch there's there that that goes to me that goes beyond confidence and that goes towards not being afraid of the moment when most people would shy away yeah um i think just being not you said it like just not being afraid of the moment um you know at the end of the day it's just basketball and we all love it and we all just play it to because we love it and we you know it brings joy to us so i feel like you know at the end of the day make or miss everyone you know everyone gets the opportunity and um i just try to make the most about every every opportunity every every big shot every every big game i try to make the most out of it what do you think the i was looking at your uh game log earlier today and like everyone knows everyone who follows sports overall knows you and what sort of what you're capable of especially in the fourth quarter after the bubble and after the playoffs this year but you were doing that from kind of like the jump down there and i don't think a lot of people were necessarily paying attention because it was like you would go like three games you'd score like two points and then you would have a game where you'd score 25 and you'd hit like like three threes in the fourth quarter or something like that when do you think the heat we're like okay we actually can trust him in the fourth quarter um i would say about halfway through the bubble when we were playing those uh regular season games in the bubble because i think jimmy and goran actually went down or took some time off to get ready for the playoffs so i ended up starting those for like two or three games and i think i had like played the sons and i had like 25 10 and eight and then we played okc the next game and i had like 31 and then from there on out they kind of just trusted me i guess do you we we've talked about this a little bit with with duncan and i've experienced this in my own life but in the fourth quarter of games did you feel like because you're white with short arms teams teams would target you defensively yeah yeah i mean me and duncan know at this point like going into the game they're coming at us no matter what if we could be playing the best defense in the world they're still going to come at us i feel like at times it's like i've gotten [ __ ] five out of six stops and i know they're gonna just they're gonna manipulate a ball screen so i gotta guard their best player yeah that's how that's how it is oh man it is what it is that's hilarious 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committed to wisconsin you're from wisconsin you're from a suburb of of milwaukee you committed wisconsin as a junior um and then you kind of killed even more so uh your junior year and then the aau season going into your senior year and you you decided to end up going to kentucky it was it's not like wisconsin has a has a bad basketball program that you know around the time you had committed they had made a final four run i think in 15. um you lost it lost to duke i want to say in the final yeah i think so the blue devils yeah and uh so what was what was that this why why did you make that decision to to decommit and then go to kentucky what was it about kentucky that you felt was a was better for you um i just wanted to play against the best and be able to compete every day and at the end i knew my goal at the end of the day was to make the nba like that's what i might i dreamt of my dream wasn't to play in college you know i wanted to play an nba so when kentucky was like an option and i started to play really well that door had opened up i just felt like i couldn't pass it up because um i kind of just wanted to like bet on myself and be able to go into kentucky with you know other kids that are my in my age and we all have equal opportunity to go and you know earn minutes and you know at the end of the year the usually the best three players from kentucky go to the nba so that's that was my goal and that's what i wanted to do i think i think we talked about this with uh de aaron uh when he came on but maybe some other people as well but he talked about cal and kentucky and especially with guards and how basically like cows like whether you're a freshman whatever if they pick you and they trust you they're sort of like you go it's your team you go do your thing did you feel that right away or did you feel like you had to sort of like grow into that when you were there um so we had a we had like a preseason tournament in the bahamas and coming in i was only a four-star i was the lowest rated recruit so i really came off the bench in the bahamas and i was in the bahamas i was averaging like 18 a game out of the four games and like coach cal told me right after that he was like you're going to be taking all the shots this year so you know he kind of sensed that to me early that i was going to be taking a lot of shots and then more towards the to towards the end of the year he kind of gave me the keys and um you know just let me rock out who did who who was the big shot against that you hit in the tournament uh houston in the sweet 16. that's right houston the sweet 16. that was the first time i ever saw you play that was actually the first time i've ever heard you i got to be honest basketball no i don't ever since i made it to the nba i don't watch any uh college basketball i'll watch duke occasionally of course but yeah and so anyways you you hit the shot and i'm like oh okay you know whatever i i did the bias thing and i'm like oh white shooter cool he's got a white shooter whatever and then you declare for the draft and i was like that kid that kid what no yeah and then you come out and kill of course and i'm like all right i'm gonna i was wrong but um i i do i do sense that you you carry with you that uh that doubt that people have about you and and i wonder if you also carry with you some of that animosity uh that you got after decommitting uh from wisconsin and then committing to kentucky because i would imagine then going and playing a an entire high school season in the state of wisconsin you probably dealt with a lot of [ __ ] that season oh yeah for sure um i mean yeah i definitely carry carry that with me always like everywhere i go even off the court i feel like um people just because we're like we're white and we're the nba so there's there's odds are stacked again against us i guess and i feel like you know just you got to carry that with you to be able to compete and actually um to make it in in the league as you know you've you've obviously made it and um you gotta you gotta be able to you know have a little dog in you to be able to to be able to compete and stay in it tommy have you ever seen one of tyler's uh high school mixtapes yeah i went on a i watched some on youtube today yeah the ball is life mixtapes of tyler hero are phenomenal but the best part about all these mixtapes though just the amount of [ __ ] talking that goes on like talk to me about that a little bit so you're you're you're you're clearly there's some some back and forth in these mixtapes so it's not just you it's not like me at duke when i just went out on the court and talk [ __ ] for no reason people are sort of egging you on but there's like i i don't watch a lot of mixtapes but i'm like these three and a half minutes are wildly entertaining no they were i mean those are the those games were so fun like i remember like my boys would text me and during the jv game like yo the whole gym sold out got people can't even get in and they're all coming in with wisconsin gear because i just had decommitted so everyone comes out in the wisconsin gear and that just i mean that just fires me up like i'm like all right let's get it and then i just go out there and most times and uh most nights i was putting up like 35 45 and talking [ __ ] that's that's about it i love it um i gotta ask you a question so in watching these tapes this is just a little thing i picked up on but did you did you alter your release point or the timing of your release on your shot from high school to the nba because it seemed like in high school and and i kind of did this too you know as you move up in levels but in high school you would release it kind of at the top of your shot whereas yeah now it's a quicker release it's almost a steph curry like where it's on the way up is that does that make sense am i accurate in that yeah you are uh dead accurate um when i was in high school i i jumped more too i elevated higher uh and in college too i elevated higher but when i got to the heat the the heat shooting coach actually kind of changed it up a little bit he said he noticed that in my shot and just thought that it would be better to shoot it going on the way up and it is it's much easier uh my range has extended um so yeah i definitely had made that adjustment that was a the reason i had to make that adjustment i'm sure maybe he didn't tell you this but when you're six four in high school and you let's say pull up against somebody you're generally gonna be guarded by like a five nine person it really doesn't right you yeah you don't even see i'm just like i don't see you i'm gonna shoot right over you then you get to league and it's like oh okay this guy's six six with a 611 wingspan so the release just naturally and and for me i probably adjusted a little bit more gradually than than you did in just one season but again this speaks volumes to just you being able to pick up things uh so quickly yeah i mean is that how you do it too you shoot it on the way up right more so now yeah i still if i have like a where i'm like let's say on a dead sprint on like a three on one fast break and i catch it on the wing i'll be able right yeah i'll be able to elevate a little bit more and shoot it at the top of the jump right but for the most part i mean unless i'm fading away with a ton of separation yeah i'm you know yeah like i've seen you i've seen you running to your right and you'll kind of fade right fade into the corner um elevating high up opposed to catching and shooting if you're like in a standstill position yeah i actually hate shooting standstill shots i noticed that you don't really shoot that many do you yeah well i don't get that many either i don't get that many but no it's not i feel like for me like as a jump shooter i get more i just get more natural momentum if i'm on the move and even off the dribble um where you can and i noticed that you started doing this too with the like the throw and go yeah you know where the chase action or whatever i don't know what you guys call it miami but like so you have the ball at the top of the key we talked about this bradley beal because i stole it from him and you and you throw it to bam and then you just kind of cut off that go get it from bam now you have momentum into your shot so whether you shoot off the dho or now you're coming off one dribble there's just more momentum and i feel like that's that for me that's just an easier shot than kind of waiting and not and being out of rhythm and and shooting it that way yeah i agree duncan does it so well he'll throw it to bam and just sprint right off it and and nine times out of ten the the dude who's guarding you falls asleep when you pass it and you just take off and yeah well the other thing with bam that makes that so good is that his his keeps right he's he's so good when he has his live dribble as you're coming off or jimmy's coming off or duncan's coming off he's just like the fake and his guy will just take that step to be in position to be in a drop and bam just goes turns and goes i'm pretty sure i don't think i don't think spo was using that action in miami until i busted their ass in the playoffs two years ago i think spo took that [ __ ] from me he probably did like we're gonna use this this works oh man that's great um i i want to ask you a few things just off the court stuff um when when did you when did you get into fashion because you i i don't know the exact stat on this but i'm sure you know i think you were on one of the all-league fits teams this year i don't know if it was first second or third team you definitely were on the all-league fitzrookie of the year team um you know you have you just have some legendary fits man i was not prepared i was not prepared for that this season um when did you get into fashion um growing up like i was obviously watching uh the nba and just like i always loved how guys would come to games like i would watch lebron when he was in miami d wade when they would walk walk into games or you know the press conference after the game just would always pay attention what guys in the league would wear and i was always intrigued into fashion and you know how what people would wear so um as i got older and more comfortable with myself i was just really i could take risks and not really care what people say and just wear what i want i do feel like in a way miami is not just the perfect fit for you on the court but also off the court yeah because some of the [ __ ] you wear to games i don't know that you could wear that in minnesota no you couldn't you definitely could the all silk romper i don't know what i don't the all silk jumpsuit i don't know what that was that was sick though appreciate it what about what about uh the wrapping rapping yeah when'd you get into that i don't rap all right do you not rap mm-hmm so our i'm going to blow her up her spot she told us to ask our friend taylor rooks shout out to taylor literally said oh so what's the deal um no i stopped i used to back in uh pre-bubble days free boba days you know who else used to rap who's that jj oh yeah you got to send me some songs i got it oh dude i will send you some songs i swear to god i die so i had i had everything burnt on a cd you don't even know what cds are so these things are compact discs yeah i had everything burned on a cd and and i accidentally threw it away when i moved to new york three years oh damn so i i was like ah the songs are lost whatever they exist somewhere on a hard drive somewhere my boy has them from college whatever right so this dude hits me up on twitter like three months ago and he's he says um he he you know at jj redick and he writes one of the lines and the line was if you've never heard of me dial 9-1-1 it's a rap emergency and i'm like i'm like hold up so so idea i dm the guy i dm the guy i'm i ask him i'm saying what what is going on here what do you how did you hear that that song and he's like i went to duke you didn't you didn't know me but my my dorm room was down the hall from curlew that was our boy that uh that recorded all the the wraps and made some beats for us or whatever like curly had to had to like record in my room one night so i ended up with like nine of your songs and then so i hit up curlew and the curlew found the songs and he put him on a soundcloud so they exist they're in the universe now they're in the universe yeah and i know somewhere the 10 rap songs that you recorded that you admitted to taylor that you recorded they exist somewhere they're my phone they're my phone i haven't released them yet i don't think i can do that yet how did you how did you get to know uh jack harlow is just just strictly from kentucky or did you guys connect after kentucky because he just came out in the last month or so with a song called tyler hero that has has been uh has been a hit uh how did you guys connect um honestly just both being white we were just like yo what's up bro and i was a fan of him and he was a fan of me and we kind of just uh we've been cool ever since but when i was at kentucky uh he's from louisville and um i was at a i had after i declared for the draft i went to the kentucky derby in louisville and this is before i even knew jack so i guess he had bumped into one of my guys and like we we had got face to face whatever had happened and i met him like a couple months ago when i or about a year ago when i met him and he was like you don't even know this but last year we had bumped into each other at the kentucky derby and i was i was about to fight your god i'm like oh i did not know that it was just it was crazy can you provide can you just provide maybe one bar one lyric i know you got something memorized here man oh wow um i don't know i'll get back to you at the end of the show you don't want to hear my raps i'm telling you they're not they're nothing special i i think the people i think the people want to hear the raps here's here's okay so the raps are they on uh are they on somebody's beats are they on like an instrumental of like a real song uh somebody's beats yeah okay we go to the street we went to the studio in miami a couple times and uh just me and my people just made some songs a couple songs all right i hope your your phone is encrypted there will be people that try to break into your phone oh yeah please don't invade my phone people all right before we get to the draft i just want to ask you about year two and what year two looks like for you your mindset going in you guys have a quick turnaround i know your team goal obviously is to win a championship but yeah you personally what is your mindset about what year two looks like as you as you take a step up in your career uh yeah i just i want to be able to take uh take that next step um i feel like i made a you know a great run in the playoffs and i learned some things and you know we had great experiences throughout the the playoffs but uh i just want to make make that next jump take that next step i don't know what it looks like but uh you know i want to i want to make a jump in some way so i have a basketball question for you um who was the first guy when you got to the league uh guarding you defensively that you were just like this dude is a different beast like i'm in i'm in the big leagues now uh i don't know i mean they're so i haven't really i wasn't that guy that got the the assignment you know i wasn't the best player i wasn't ever the best player on our team for for their best player or their best defender to guard me so i haven't really gotten that assignment but i mean in the playoffs like jalen brown he's a great defender you know he's long athletic can really move laterally so um you know there's a bunch of guys in the league they're just like jj said six six with seven three wingspans is just athletic as hell so and they they they bother your shot i can tell you that especially especially coming this way right you're right on my shot i don't like that do you have any good uh uh pat riley stories pat riley honestly i when i first got drafted i met him but i haven't like i just respect him so much i just say hi to him when i see him i say hi but i haven't really had much of a much conversation with him he hasn't he hasn't made made you kiss the ring yet then no not yet look it's no secret our lives were always a bit chaotic but nowadays the current climate is making things even crazier than ever everything has been affected then on top of that thrown a million pressing social issues and an expectation to be on 24 7 and it's easy to get worn down sometimes you just need a moment to turn off and hit reset that's when you reach for coors light it's made to chill exactly when you crack open an ice cold coors light things just seem to be a little better it's mountain cold refreshment that's cold lagered cold filtered and cold packaged it's 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this right 60 day risk-free guarantee 12-month warranty for a clean butt yes seems like a deal it seems like a deal go to hellotushy.com three t-h-r-e-e to get ten percent off that's three spelled out this is a special offer for our listeners so go to hellotushy.com three for ten percent off hellotushy.com three ten percent off for a clean but let's do it uh all right let's get to the draft uh tommy please explain the draft our category is uh our favorite movie slash tv characters from the city of miami in any capacity mine would definitely be bad boys will smith to mike mike lowry michael you got to be specific because we can pick like we can pick somebody else from that movie yes we can pick somebody else from that movie so mike lowry bad boys number one pick overall yeah okay great first pick all right i'm going uh willy beeman any given sunday i knew you were going to take him early that would have been my number one overall he's the best i i mean i don't know how i don't take tony montana third he has to be the third pick and i feel like i'm shocked that he made it to three this feels a lot like when jordan made it to three in 1980 i didn't i disagree i disagree you'll see later you'll see later why so i've i have to name another person you're going through yeah you've got to name a lot more people you're going to have to name it you have to name five total five total all right cool but we'll help we'll help if you don't have a list we'll help you don't worry cool i've got my draft board right here this is the only thing jj cares about on the show is this part of the draft he's not very good at it but he cares a lot about it i got my draft board too scouts took some notes for me perfect all right so i'm gonna my second pick i'm picking dexter morgan from dexter ugh great pick great pick no have you ever watched that show tyler dexter yeah no am i too young for that i wouldn't start he's one of the most iconic anti-villains in television history tommy you know that one of the worst one of the worst finales in the history of television was that show okay but i wasn't picking shows i was picking characters okay all right second by second pick this might be a little bit of a wild card i'm gonna throw it out there you're picking us a wild card in the second round yeah mary mary from something about mary is my second pick mary jensen off the board that's a good pick i don't think that's a wild card that's a good pick me you took tony montana right yeah so i will take jamie foxx miami vice as a ricardo tubbs ricardo tubbs i love it great choice and then i will take the rock um as spencer strasmore bought from ballers so jj was going to pick that for sure he was very high he's definitely going to pick that all right mom third yeah uh ace ventura pet detective you know what tommy i gotta say this is the first time in like four episodes where you haven't completely botched the drone i'm ready man i'm ready to do it you're right i'm ready i'm winning this [ __ ] i am winning this [ __ ] to a great start you're off to a great start um all right i i know i have a couple here that i really like but i know they're going to be here later in the in the draft so my next pick i'm going to pick tony d'amato any given sunday the coach yeah but she played by alba really just the last scene makes it okay not a great character otherwise but the last scene the last scene makes it and then um i'm gonna go blanch from golden girls i was thinking about taking that yeah iconic television show gold girls golden girls you have you ever watched it i honestly haven't heard of any of these movies golden girls is classic yeah it was uh it was like really big when i was a yeah very small child you actually should watch you should watch golden girls and then come back on and talk to us about it after you watch it i think you're okay um all right i'm fourth yeah see this is i'm not picking tony mom i don't think tony montana is a bad pick but i'm picking the skull from scarface who's the guy that kills tony montana at the end that dude is a better character than tony montana because he wins that guy that takes out tony the skull from scarface better than tony okay okay i think everybody will disagree with you on that but okay when people think of the movie scarface what do they think of skull no tony montana [ __ ] exactly all right uh wait you got two you got two more tyler so this is your last two picks right here all right um i'm going with back to bad boys uh i can do i can do that right yes yes i'm gonna go with uh martin lawrence as marcus guy you got both marcus burnett i know i was hoping that i would end up with that with my with my fifth pick i was hoping to make it way back to me that's a good choice and then i'm going to go as ice cube and all about the benjamins as book them interesting interesting interesting interesting is that is that a bad pick for someone who did zero prep you this was a fine draft i think the ice cube pick is probably a little bit of a stretch but everything else is good like this is that's a solid five you have you have a great draft you got two you got you got the two with the two bad boys and one draft that's uh that goes on us for screwing that up i'm going uh uh don johnson miami vice my fifth don johnson miami vice so here's a question i have for you tommy yeah just about miami vice in general yeah um did you enjoy the movie with colin farrell and jamie foxx not really really i like the show a lot better have you ever seen the show tyler it's from like the 70s or 80s when is it from i think it's 80s from the 80s it's like it's classic it's like uh you actually should watch it just to see like it's the most i mean isn't there literally like a miami vice uniform you guys wear yeah yeah like it's like the it's the most miami [ __ ] ever like you should watch it was it what's it called again it's miami vice it's the original miami vice so the jamie foxx movie was based on this show that came out in the 80s and it was don johnson and uh uh what's the guy's name philip michael thomas was the other guy that was in it with him and it's just like it's just the most miami thing you could possibly see i'm i'm looking at this draft board right now and i feel like you were so good the first three rounds tommy whereas tyler was consistently excellent up until the fifth round i don't love i don't love a couple of my picks yeah i feel like this fifth pick will just seal the win for me well you picked dexter in the second round which probably lost this for you to be honest with you like dexter is just a trash show bro i have the number one overall player in the game who wins championships the greatest players hold on one second hold on one second you don't have that both uh will smith and bad boys and willie beeman are better than tony montana all right b tyler when you watch these shows this is the best yes when you watch these miami shows watch golden girls watch miami vice do not watch dexter because you're going to get mad at us because you're going to be like why the [ __ ] you guys tell me to watch it just don't watch it all right all right pick it who's your fifth pick let's see horatio kane from csi miami played by david caruso dude csi miami is the best csi david caruso is the best lead in that series and it's set in miami and it's i it's a great fit it's great value in the fifth round okay great value in the field i love it okay whatever um all right my guy tyler we appreciate the time come back soon best select this season i think we're playing you guys in like two weeks in the pre-season so i'll see you then see you appreciate you bro yes sir thanks for having me
Channel: JJ Redick
Views: 283,549
Rating: 4.9345365 out of 5
Keywords: tyler herro, tyler herro nba finals, tyler herro finals, tyler herro playoffs, tyler herro miami heat, tyler herro heat, tyler herro jj redick, tyler herro jj redick podcast, tyler herro jj redick interview, jj redick podcast, tyler herro the old man and the three, jj redick new podcast, tyler herro swagger, the old man and the three, the old man and the three jj redick, om3, jj redick miami heat, tyler herro 2020 nba finals, tyler herro 2020 nba playoffs, tyler herro lakers
Id: ZFmg79wbhYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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