Tobias Harris on The Sixers Championship Goals, Doc Rivers and Joel Embiid’s MVP Case | JJ Redick

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all right let's welcome in uh our friend tobias harris my former teammate tobias what's up man all is well brother good to see you tommy i haven't told you this yet but originally i had asked tobias uh about three weeks ago three or four weeks ago to come on the podcast to bless us with his presence and his initial response was i told jj that i'll go on the podcast when you're my teammate again i mean it's a good response it's completely it's completely fair here we are well here we are but the real reason he decided to come on i had to bribe him i had to bribe him i had my wine guy jeff goldstein i had him send tobias a bottle of 2004 soldera soldera is the king of brunello in italy and o4 is a great have you opened the bottle yet no not yet it's actually right in here it'll be open save it for me all night no save it for me awesome but it's in there this is definitely the best this is the best background of any guest we've had on the show so far i think jj would you agree i'm biased but yes it is the best background that means a lot to me that means a lot for a lot of hard work right there for the listener and not the youtube viewer tobias is in what appears to be some sort of man cave with a gigantic wine cellar behind him good for you good for you i've learned from you so is that anyone wants to know that's why that's what that five-year near max contract will get you uh we got to talk about one thing before we start talking about tobias and the sixers and we're going to get to eat pray dunk we have to talk about this weight room situation we're recording this on friday and there was some photos yesterday on the internet of the women's weight room in the ncaa bubble versus the men's weight room in the ncaa bubble there was a player from oregon uh sedona prince who put out a video because until that video came out i was like well anybody could have just taken a photo of like a whack a rack of weights and said this is it right so i'd like to see the whole room not that i'm always skeptical but you know how the internet works you never know so she shows the whole vid the whole room and it's an empty room meanwhile the the men's teams have access to basically what we had access to in the bubble which is just an insane weight room it's unacceptable it's unacceptable for sure unacceptable you know to be honest i haven't saw i haven't seen the video i've seen kyrie had posted something today uh bringing light to it but it's for sure unacceptable especially when you look at the ncaa umbrella that they're under you know you gotta do better have to do better they're supposed to be taking care of their student athletes and yeah so much of this the athlete part of that is the well-being and the health and it's just it's it's mind-blowing to me you know what a lot of a lot there the ncaa i don't want to bash them too much because i've bashed them enough over the course of my adult life no okay but they they've they've shown their true colors this year not that they don't every year yeah but this is the fact that we've even had to put a season on right now and all these kids are getting is a scholarship well they also they also did not apologize that's that's the crazier thing is it's one thing for this to happen and you can say you know like we [ __ ] up we're going to rectify it they just they just kind of dodged it and they're just hoping that with the game starting people were just going to forget about it like they haven't even said they're going to make it right and they won't i mean i've been saying for the longest that uh student athletes should be compensated more in the scholarship especially uh the ones that are bringing all these dollars to these institutions so i mean i i still think we're we're a long ways to go but you're starting to now see different things come to light like the g-league bubble was something you know the ignite team that had the young high school kids on team and i was watching a few of their games i was like this is exciting like the julie bubble was exciting to watch so you know the ncaa doesn't really uh want to treat student athletes properly i think there's going to be more routes coming about are opening up those pathways so you know i'm glad to see that for sure what what what do you think 18 year old you if you were deciding where to go would be do right now man right now i just think the dynamic is is so different um like i was speaking to to one of my buddies that said it's so weird recruiting now because i'm recruiting a high school athlete and i'm talking about twitter and social media right and i think the game has changed but for me i i wasn't necessarily a clear-cut one-and-done player at a high school it was like it was more of a two to three year plan so you know when i went to tennessee it was kind of hey let's see what happens whereas i think some some other guys that were clear-cut one and done it'll be more of a hey let me take you know the g-league or the overseas route and and see how that goes so but yeah i mean i'm even you know i see the guys going to the um you know thom maker's brother going to hbcu that was also a nice route uh it didn't work out like his season didn't work out because he got hurt but i think that's another route that guys could look to go to we've uh in our society in our sports society we've canonized the college basketball college football experience as if it's some uh you know some course that we have to take in order to get to the pros right but yeah we're seeing these alternate paths you mentioned the g-league you mentioned overseas i don't know if you saw overtime now is doing overtime elite where they're offering high school players like a hundred thousand dollars to be a part of this league um i think they're gonna play games in atlanta so there's all these different routes to take and look in europe this is how they do it yeah you're not playing high school sports and going to college for three or four years then turning pro uh you know nico melli like he's in his whatever his i think his second year in the nba he's 29 or 30 years old my teammate he's in his 15th year of being an nba or being a professional basketball player you know he started his hometown this is this is the model in the rest of the world and the ncaa has held this monopoly over amateur athletes for so long it's the system is going to break entirely at some point or they're going to have to completely change how they monetize or how how they choose to uh spread the monetization of these two particular sports yeah this the system's got to break um and uh you know reason why is there's so many other avenues now that guys are seeming to go it's like if you didn't go to college you i feel like some of these high school athletes that come out now it's a little bit different but if you didn't go to college you were just rated and graded in a different way right it was like oh you know he doesn't have the college experience or he didn't have a full year to practice and get under you know head coach but now i think that there's there's these resources now where teams are also figuring out it's like you know a guy goes to g league he's playing against pros every single day like i felt those guys that went to the g league we're getting better experience playing and getting used to an nba type schedule and an nba type atmosphere than some of the guys that are in college now and i remember when i was coming out i was like a discussion between me and my father and i said like uh i'm thinking about actually going back and he was just like whether you go back for two years three years four years when you come out the learning curve from a college player to the nba is the same amount you know and i i really do believe that today i'm like i see guys come out after two three years and i just say like he could have that much experience in college but the learning curve from a college athlete to an nba player is it just takes time you know you got to get your body used you're playing different guys the schedule it takes a while to process i had to record a video earlier today for to congratulating this year's class of mcdonald's all americans and i was thinking back to when i was a high school senior and my mindset was i'm gonna go to duke for four years i'm gonna have the four-year duke experience these avenues i mean you could obviously there were guys like amari in my class who left after high school you entered the draft after high school didn't go to college carmelo was a one-and-done guy chris bosh was a one-and-done guy so guys we're definitely talking about the nba that whole week but like it wasn't even on my radar the nba was not on my radar i was like i can't i can't wait to go play four years at duke tobias i had to look this up earlier by the way i was like i wonder what tobias did in the ncaa tournament what was your march madness memory tobias [Applause] losing about 30 to michigan first round but wait so we so yeah that was a that was a funny year i think because uh i don't know so bruce pearl was my coach at the time and we had all this drama with the ncaa all year i mean like we would go practice there's like five people on the sidelines from compliance if like boost pearl said the f-bomb they were like time out coach come here like it was like one of those things and this happened from the jump and i'm like a freshman 18 years old i'm like what type of practice is this like what's going on here so you know make a long story short we get to charlotte and we're about to play and like team is we're like fired up it's like 8 30 at night and we just turn on espn and the ad comes out and he's like bruce pearl will not be our head coach next year this is the night before we're playing michigan so we're all like like what the heck is going on here so we get on the game it's just one of those fields we're like looking at a coach like like danny like you you're you're out of a job we're down like 25 like this is this is it you know and at the end of the game he's like giving us a speech and we're just like man like like what if we really just get ourselves into we got our ad saying the coaches getting fired the night before the ncaa game the whole year has been madness with the ncaa and compliance it was just a storm waiting waiting to hit and it hit that night for sure and in the game is that because they they gave you a bag is that the reason why that the ncla was no it was because of uh something happened with some photo with uh aaron craft in ohio state that's what happened really that's so weird that's so weird uh tobias you're you're having arguably i don't you probably have a different opinion or maybe you don't but arguably your your finest nba season this year yeah um some of that i wanted to ask you about was just playing for doc again because three of your probably four best years of your career have been with doc and i think so much of coaching and this is not a knock against any of your other coaches but so much of coaching is is figuring out ways to max put put your best players in a position to maximize uh their talents so what is it about doc that allows you to maximize your skill set you know to be honest um a lot of it comes down to him maximizing everyone else's skill set too on the floor right so we went from a team last year who had all this talent different pieces different guys but didn't gel together enough right and we go to this year and the roles are clear-cut where it's like look we're gonna feed the beast that's joelle ben you're gonna push the pace you're gonna get guys involved tobias this is what you do best you make plays in you know one two three dribbles not six seven eight right uh you're a good pick-and-roll player you know so he he doc has done a really good job of establishing roles for everybody on the court but in terms of myself ben and joelle it's been clear-cut of what's needed from us on a nightly basis and the positions we're going to be in on the floor so like i'm going into games knowing hey like these are my spots these are gonna this is where we're gonna get it you know if something crazy happens and maybe not but i know on a nightly basis where my looks are coming from and that that helps and that that was a reason why i was successful in l.a with doc was was that same thing you know it's i i having played for doc for four years i think that's such an important statement i just want to reiterate what you just said in that if you if you and i are preparation preparation-centric you know we like to prepare we like our routines if you know where your shots are coming from and you can base your entire pre-game uh post-practice post-shoot-around preparation based on those shots your percentage is just gonna be higher i've been on teams where on a on a nightly basis i have zero idea what shots i'm getting yeah night to night you know and and i've been on some other teams like with doc and some other some other years where it's like night to night you're like all right these are the shots that i'm going to continuously practice so it's not just about the preparation i think i just want to clarify the preparation isn't just about all right i'm going to get my shots up and i'm going to do this it's about practicing the shots that you're going to take in the game with your role on that team 100 and like for me for you guys who are like very strategic in the way that we work in the way that we approach a game it only helps you out knowing how you need to work like you know over the break i was working out and i was just like those aren't the shots i'm getting like put me in a pick and roll right let me this is what i'm getting or i'm getting a slide up three or i'm wearing a transition three from uh from ben simmons uh you know dribbling the ball down the court and hitting me so a lot of that is on a strategic way of playing and for for our team especially doc has come in from day one this is how we're going to play they need to move basketball make extra pass let that thing flow around so everybody can play out there in a type of flow and in a rhythm and you know being able to know where your your spots are for any type of play i don't care who you are if you know where you're getting your looks at you're going to be more successful i was going to ask are you surprised at all at how fast everything came together because both new coach and then also just a lot of new personnel and it's like you guys have been rolling from the jump yeah i mean in the in the beginning the training camp when we uh when we were all out there i was like i was like man this is a lot of talent still but i'm like i wanna i wanna really see how this unfolds and uh our first game we played um you know we we got going out there and i was like all right i mean i already know however um how far we go is kind of going to be on how joe comes to play every single night and i think from early on the season joel had this mindset like i'm gonna dominate and that's what i'm gonna do and until teams start double teaming understanding like that i'm about to kill their five we're going to make plays and we're going to roll and i think you know he really joel really kind of got the ball rolling of look nobody can guard me out there on the floor and if everyone around me is in a good vibe and everyone around me is flowing that only helps his game so you know we just we just rolled off that from from the jump and we was able to get out to a good start we had a we had a tough training camp a good one like really successful work but doc came in and day one was like we have to win the east and that's where we're at and we've been able to flow from there but it's been um it's been it's been a quick ride especially when you look at the season you know we had like yeah we were the first team playing with seven guys out there you know i'm saying we're like we still look at that like hey those are like two losses that bring those back to us you know what i mean so we we had some up and downs too but it's been good i i saw a chart earlier today on twitter that was like uh games lost days lost of work um and they went through each team you know and you guys were at the top of the chart i think the boston celtics maybe were at the very top of the chart um in terms of their whole you know contact tracing covet thing we'd like to thank amp human for sponsoring this episode of the old man of the three amp human is a human performance company dedicated to helping athletes at all levels unlock their limitless potential their latest innovation d plus lotion is a first of its kind gel-based lotion that delivers vitamin d directly through the skin that's right just two pumps applied to the inner forearms contains 5000 iu of vitamin d3 to boost your immunity improve sleep quality and support brain function backed by clinical trials it's proven 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just go to click on the microphone at the top of the page and type in jj that's enter offer code jj make ship happen uh i don't want to harp on last year i don't i actually don't really want to talk about i'm not going to ask you about it just fine no but it it seemed like there weren't many happy campers on the team last year it wasn't that there was animosity necessarily like player to player it just felt like no one was having fun on your team last year and like i like followed you guys i follow you guys this year too i watch you play i'd be like man this is just clunky and you'd read the quotes and it's the whole season it felt like you guys were trying to convince yourselves that it was gonna be all good eventually and it never was and joe is such a big part of that and he came on the podcast in august and he admitted to being in a mood you know he was in a mood when the season started last year he has shown a completely different demeanor all season and it looks like he's having fun and that's permeated i think the rest of the team you guys are sitting in first place when as of right now you're tied with brooklyn uh is he the mvp 100 100 like he's what he's done on a nightly basis like when i say that you can literally see fear from other teams five men like i mean it and um i just think when you look at somebody that's doing what he's doing on that dominant of a level and being a a five man like that's even more impressive to me seeing a five man go out there and do that dictator game dominated game from where he plays you know it's a it's impressive i think like the biggest thing is even when we have him out what we miss the most is the fact defensively what he what he does out there like ben is a great defender i think both ben and joelle should be considered like 1a1b for defensive player of the year and i i say that because i see joel out there defending and i see guards go downhill and i could see them like look to kick the ball out because they know he's there like joelle he's for sure playing at mvp level this year and i think he's doing it in a way where like last year i did feel like he was in a mood also but like this year we're winning he has his uh this work ethic this desire and he's just motivated things are pushing him in a different way that i haven't i haven't seen since since i've been here the year before i got there i think when joelle was on the floor the sixers this was like a 20 win team the sixers had the number one defense and he great he didn't play in a ton of games but when he was on the floor the sixers had the number one defensive rating relative to the number one defensive rating overall in the league you guys are at number two right now the two years i was there if joe was on the floor the team had the number one defensive rating in the league wow but i think what makes you guys different than other teams and i don't want to single anybody out but different than other teams is the versatility of the rest of the group yeah and the length and the size and you mentioned ben danny you matisse um you know i think i think that's ultimately what is going to win in the playoffs is that length yeah i mean i would say so and especially when you look at some of the teams that we're gonna have to go up against uh you know size for sure is is a key factor you know you look at teams like the bucks uh brooklyn you're talking about you know guys who can get a bucket out there kevin durant get a bucket at any time that's 6 10 6 11. so having versatile defenders on the floor helps us even even more i mean you know matisse coming off the bench being a lockdown defender on on guys who can go out there and get 30 is key for us in in so many games and he's only scratching the surface of how good he can be defensively and then we add you know danny green this offseason who's who's known for his defense we we really come together and we have really good complimentary pieces that are around all of us helping us out there i want i've have a couple of basketball things first with with you guys defensively jj and i talked about this a bunch but it feels like the rest of the like the rest of the league offensively is just having a uptick all year i mean it just seems like the scoring is way up across the board and there are some nights where you know it's like teams are scoring 135 points and losing like it just is a there's a bunch of reasons for that it's like with you and the lakers feel like the only two teams that are just locking up do you feel like do you guys do you feel like you mentioned like people have fear of joel do you feel like there's like a little bit of an intimidation factor with you guys a little bit where it's like they know when they come face you at this point it's not just you know what you guys can do offensively and what joe's doing offensively everything like that but it's like you're dealing with just kind of like a mean bunch on d yeah i mean uh i think it's i think that one's a little bit two-fold so we'll get a couple of those teams that look at look at us and are like oh we have we have no chance and then we get majority teams like all right this is a game that we can make a night we can make a name for ourselves or we can really take down the top dog in the east um but you know the scoring is up league wide i think that's a kind of a a result of more threes being shot and guys get into the free throw line the game is stopping more there's more opportunities to score um and then you know just call the way it is we there's some things we go against and we're just like hey look we can score any time down on them they're not going to play an ounce of defense tonight and you know they they understand that too they're just like hey we'll just go out there and and score points and try to see if we can score more this game but you know i think it's just accumulation of both but at the end of the day um i think the game is still exciting like people can say what they want about threes and and whatnot but the skill level of the game is at a at a at a high and i think that's a that's a good good thing to be a part of i'm biased of course tobias but i agree with you people talk about different errors yeah there's a lot of players from different eras that could not play in this league there's i would say the majority of players in this era could play in any other era yeah um the skill level is just too high but we're like we're like the aliens though yeah so me and joel we always have a conversation with sam cassell by we're like hey what would this player do in this era and you know sam is old school so he goes with the he goes with the old guys but i'd say to joelle i said you can't bring that guy in this era of basketball because like i think everything is based off of what you see right so like lebron became lebron because of who he is but he also had michael jordan magic johnson to look at right like i see the young kid in high school um his name is uh bates he's like 611 and i look at him like this kid is kevin durant like he must watch all kevin durant highlights and like kids now the next generation they have so much access to basketball right there's youtube there's a cell phone there's social media like you can go on youtube and figure out how to be a better basketball player like like that and i i see that our era we've had the technology we have treatment like there's so many ways to enhance how you play basketball when you came in the league you were probably bench pressing every single day and squatting right now you do different type of movements you you barely pick up a bench press right if ever but um just the generation of knowledge is changing and um i'll i'll say this now but i believe in 20 years you're going to have women basketball players dunking the basketball like it's nothing right like in game because of the technology and because of it learning so i think it's just evolution so let's not compare errors let's just respect basketball and keep it pushing you can only play in the era that you are in that's so it's not a knock i don't want to knock the previous generation you know the old heads they paved the way for us like there there's there's like an uh you know a level of respect that i have for anybody that helped grow the league and grow the game the game evolves and you you have to evolve with it and you know you've seen lebron has evolved with it like the game was different in you know 03 when he came out he's evolved with it he's gotten better every year it's wild um you've been asked this before um and i don't really you can talk about it but you know not being an all-star this year um i think was really disappointing for you we've talked about it privately of course um [Music] i would like to start a a sort of formal petition i think to expand the all-star rosters because number one to our point about the skill level there's it seems like now the last few years is like there's so many deserving guys the the the barrier of entry now is so high to be an all-star and i want to show you i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you guys some stats so the first all-star game was in uh 1951 there were 11 teams there were 110 total roster spots in the nba there were 20 there were 20 all-stars so 18 of the league were all stars 61 there were only eight teams in 88 roster spots 22 all-stars there were 25 percent of the league was all-stars this year all right there's 30 teams we now have two-way contracts there's 510 total roster spots still only 24 all-stars that's 4.7 percent of the league there's no reason that we can't have 15 spots that's a normal nba roster 15 spots per conference tell me i'm wrong no you're not wrong i i agree with you i think that you know you even like when um the results for it came out i was like disappointed i wasn't on it but you know i looked at i was like hey i'm not gonna lie i could name like three other guys that could be just as disappointed as me right so uh in terms of having 12 i remember when i missed it in l.a steve curry brought that up like we should have 15 roster spots on all-star team um but hey for me it was it was disappointing uh but at the end of the day i kind of just you know made peace with it like it is what it is but i would say the the most disappointing thing was just trying to like as a person and player figure out what classifies you to be an all-star now right like like what are the credentials because in the past you were most people were voted in by by wins like when atlanta hawks had four guys that were all stars it was it was by w's right so no you know i think that coaches vote for all stars but the culture of uh i'm just bringing up any team coach of the orlando magic does not watch every philadelphia sixers basketball game right so like that was one thing i also really realized too it's like these coaches vote but they don't watch every game and um no it just is it's just how how it goes um but it would be fun to get it but i think it won't be my last time being looked at as an all-star i'm sure of that so i'm fine with that oh i know that i know that you're always trying to get better you're an all-star in my book i appreciate that the the thing that i wonder about not so much for you because i know where your head's at right now but i think for some people like the equation of your contract to an all-star versus the equation of your contract to a non-all-star does that matter does that do you think that matters to some people like how can this guy have a this contract he's never made an all-star team before yeah you know honestly that does play a factor not not to people like me i'm not the people who know basketball know what yeah economics of things of course they they don't think that but i'm saying to the casuals to the casuals to the percent to the capital it'll be so many uh why is this guy a max player he's never been an all-star right like and these are for people who don't watch basketball or don't watch bleach report i mean i'm saying like these are people who only watch bleach report and house of highlights so if you're not on there you're not an all-star you're not a max player right so it was funny because like you're hearing the word casuals now that are like as out there and everyone's saying it but it's the truth like there are so many casuals who don't watch basketball that are just out here talking and have a have a voice too which i think is even a little bit more alarming i want to be very clear too when i say casuals i mean it in the most disrespectful way i mean in the most disrespectful way like if you're not all consumed with nba fandom like you and i are nba fans like i'm an nba fan but if you're not all consumed with nba fandom maybe listen more just maybe listen more yeah or or just watch a couple of games maybe not one game look guys in case you need a refresher here's why amazon pharmacy is freaking 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your loan application go to jj we we talked about this with conley a little bit because when we had him on we had him on in january before he made it and he obviously had never made it before this year but it's interesting thinking about even you describing like your role on the team now is like mike's whole thing was like he's not like a super flashy guy and he always won he always won in memphis and he was the leader of the team but he wasn't like he wasn't the dude that like the casuals would be watching youtube highlights of you know what i mean he was just the guy that like made his team better but he fit into the system of of the team rather than just trying to put up numbers yeah i know that's just that's been him that's his personality and um you know i was so happy when he got in the game like people were dming me like you should have been there over conley i'm like no like i'm happy first off like he's in the western conference so you're casual this guy gets in right but i'm like no like i'm happy for somebody like that because i do believe um no he's not somebody that brings attention to himself and it's not to say as a good thing or a bad thing it's just who he is as a person but you know one thing that i always stand on is just he's respected by everyone around the league and you know me as a player i look at that and say well hey it's great to be an all-star but if you're respected by the guys in your locker room guys around the league i think that's a better compliment than anything and um yeah man that's just uh that's how i look at him for somebody like that to be rewarded uh i thought was was was really cool even you know when guys like when chris middleton made the all-star game and the bucks are first in the east i'm like dope like because he's somebody that isn't you know like self like he isn't out there like that you know what i'm saying he's just very quiet he's so good by the way yeah he's so good he's so good i talk about like his game all the time because i'm like yo like people don't understand this guy is basically 50 40 90. two years three years in a row you know what i mean at 22 five assists five rebounds yeah does it every night does it on the defensive end exactly low maintenance as low maintenance as they come like yeah it's unbelievable it's so it's kind of like like it's kind of how the game is a little bit like guys like that kind of get left out um in terms of like the social media world but real basketball people understand what they bring to the table and that's what matters at the end of the day is there a harder place in the nba to be a max contract player than philadelphia you know i've only been a max contract player in one place so this is all i know but uh i would say that this um you know when like i think that when you look at my myself in the position that that i'm in you know when you when it rains when it rains it pours you know what i'm saying so like when we were going through last season in the bubble like that that was that [ __ ] was bad like when it ended i was like yo phone like ocean you know what i'm saying like but it it just made me as a player like really evaluate who i look at myself as as a man as a person you know what i'm saying like i can't have the just the identity of just basketball and um not it also let me know like you gotta win you have to win winning solves a lot and i think myself joelle ben we all realized that like we have to win or else we're going to get these death threats and we're going to get these hate hate messages on instagram or you know so it's like hey like let's do this thing but not for that but for the fact that we have the talent to win so i will say philly is a is a tough place but when when you up you up like you know they they ride with you to to the end so you know i do respect that about them i think the justification for for anything in philadelphia it comes down to winning so it's like i asked you the question earlier about that for the casual right the contract versus an all-star appearance versus a non-all-star appearance it's like for the philly fan it's like if you and ben and joe lead the sixers to a championship oh that's it right there that's what matters to the fans yeah 100. like we if we win a championship well when we win a championship i gotta speak it into existence like that's going to be you know for for our fan base basically like grooming a little baby to see him grow up you know what i mean because this was this whole process and um fans got to see ben as a rookie joelle as a rookie get hurt like this is like the grooming of something that just needs to blossom so they would be ecstatic for that
Channel: JJ Redick
Views: 73,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tobias harris, tobias harris joel embiid, tobias harris joel embiid mvp, joel embiid mvp, mvp, nba mvp, tobias harris interview, tobias harris podcast, tobias harris jj redick, jj redick, jj redick podcast, tobias harris the old man and the three, the old man and the three, jj redick the old man and the three, philadelphia 76ers, 76ers championship, doc rivers, doc rivers sixers, tobias harris doc rivers, tobias harris 76ers, tobias harris sixers, tobias harris all star
Id: zH7Ejbql6bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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