Tyler Henry Can't Help But Laugh At DJ Qualls' Late Grandfather's Penis Jokes | Hollywood Medium

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my name is DJ Qualls and Tyler might recognize me from puzzle inflow the new guy road trip or my new TV show the man in High Castle this is beautiful thank you I'm nervous oh no worries I'm nervous too good when DJ opened the door I had absolutely no idea who he was but he was very sweet and right when I sat down I knew in that moment everything was going to be okay have you ever seen a psychic before yeah but just like just have my cards read and sort of as a laugh okay yeah right so I didn't have a connection with I didn't really speak to very much sure I won't say that I'm a Believer but I will say that I'm really open because I I'm smart enough to know that I don't know a lot I think a lot of people need to think that there's something else uh I like to think that I don't because I'm very skeptical and that's kind of the funny irony about the fact that I'm I'm a psychic I'm an incredibly skeptical psychic of other psychics because anybody can tell you your loved one loves you interesting I always like to kind of describe um basically how I do what I do um I don't use cards I don't have a crystal ball my head's not going to spin around or anything it's very straightforward I've been to La so long that if your head spun around I probably wouldn't think anything of it I'm getting nervous a lot of my life is spent with people looking at me on a set but that's controlled and I'm used to that but this is about me in my house and it's it's making me feel a little uh nervous and timid for you any questions about your personal life I do have questions uh sort of health things like I'm always curious about that kind of stuff absolutely so I will basically go down the list of susceptibilities a very high susceptibility to acid reflux so much so that you even have inflammation in your lower esophagus area so that's good to keep in mind you have a susceptibility to a long-term chronic issue it won't ruin your life or anything along those lines not anything that's super bad or super serious but you do have a susceptibility to a long-term inflammation problem this is interesting so in multiple aspects of your body you'll notice Implement like inflammatory related problems how could you know this as a child I had cancer and how we diagnosed it is I had inflammation of my lymph nodes all over my body right right um we dealt with it but I have to constantly keep an eye on it I think if anything it's just the residual effects of what you've already been through the health information so specific the uh esophageal stuff like I have terrible heartburn and last night I woke up with terrible heartburn um so dead on [Music] um let me see if I can get any connections on the medium side okay so um the way that I kind of work with this is that I really value evidentially based information as I connect and kind of start picking up on info I'm a bit like a bloodhound I get a Cent and I have to kind of go with it um generally I'll try to connect to whoever comes through it's so weird to think about that there could be people's souls and energy still out there it's it's something I don't think about obviously or I would never have sex because I think it'd be more like hovering around looking at what I'm doing it looks like there's an object here so um do you mind if I hold on to it be careful because there's an actual razor oh wow okay good to know I've had a couple of people who are really close to me pass on one in particular that I think about all the time it would be interesting to see if any of that comes through okay so that's physical okay so I have to initially talk about talk about a man that's coming through who is referencing to his physical health and he's going to talk about how he passed um before he passed away lungs were affected and he's actually one of the few family members that would have like really strongly had that characteristic okay do you know who that is I do okay there is a reference to a middle so this is uh just got my symbol for this um I got the symbol for a reference to a name being passed down oh my God so was your name passed down from somebody else yes okay who is that it was passed down um from my father right I think this is my grandfather you're talking about actually because yeah it's whose object that you're right that you're holding makes sense now the interesting thing about this man is these very straightforward he's acknowledging the fact that um he's referencing to his things after he died so I know I'm holding on to this but he's aware of a book of a specifically involved his handwriting um that he is acknowledging that would have been passed down after he died it's not a book um it's a pouch it's a pouch and it's the only piece of his handwriting that we have he wrote his name on it okay my grandfather couldn't read interesting since it was the only time I'd ever seen a signature right okay that would make sense he he left it to me he had this pouch of things that were his sort of favorite things like his little like Little Treasures basically right and and I used to play with him as a child he kept it in the bib of his overalls and he would pull it out and I would play with those things oh that's so fun yeah it's funny even he's referencing to the marble or like a rock like white Valley with a rock have wow it's so jarring that you are hearing things and then new things are coming up my my uh this this sorry my brain is exploding well I don't know what this is there was a rock that's hematite that he told me it was a piece of the Moon exactly because I'm like I'm looking at it yeah it has it was not a piece of the Moon I believed it until I yeah like because I was like in high school he also had a funny sense of humor in it it was one of the funnest people ever met he's hilarious it's interesting because I just did an interview where they asked me the best advice I'd ever gotten and it was something funny that my grandfather had told me well he is referring he used to give really interesting advice about dating relationships but it was because I told me never to put my penis somewhere I wouldn't put my mouth first no I know I'm aware I'm blushing at the top race talking about the relationship joke dude he's out of his mind I love that man yeah I didn't expect the other side to talk about penises but it happens that's kind of the video of it you never know what's going to come through there's a joke about it that a terrible joke but having to chop off a kinky or a toe he didn't have a pinky he lost a pinky we call it stubby oh my God that's there's a joke about the stub well he uh my grandfather worked in an ice factory like in the 40s and 50s wow and uh he ground his pinky off in an ice machine and people called him stubby but he used it as a teaching tool he told me because how it how this happened it somebody had gotten poison ivy on their hands and couldn't come to work right and uh he said and it was a guy that he didn't like and he was like basically I hope it eats his finger off and he lost his finger that same day and he told me that story about his pinky so I would never wish something bad on another person wow wow that is really specific yeah yeah yeah I haven't thought about that in years I really feel like DJ's grandfather came through so much with so many specifics childhood memories inside jokes basically help him remember that they had such a beautiful relationship this is so emotional I wasn't expecting this he's referencing to his physical health now the defining factor with him is that he's referencing to a susceptibility to Serious lung issues he's putting an abnormal emphasis on the fluid part he's not showing me lung cancer it's not it's like he's but he is referencing to the fluid in the lungs this is something else wow this is incredible he's saying that he really put on a brave face this is really kind of the big thing when he came across this is a guy who didn't like to complain you definitely right he never talked about right anything and it was kind of like and don't need to run off to the doctor to get bad news he would not see the doctor at all from his perspective he was okay with his passing to him if he had to just wake up every morning and take a supplement or take a pill that to him would be limiting his life so crazy because he would not take medication he had diabetes but he died his fluids his lungs filled with fluids and that's how he passed wow um and so I think that maybe there was maybe some pneumonia that he thought was coming he would not go to the doctor right the thing is I I I was the person that found him and when I think about that I just I I think about his is him lying there and drowning in his sleep and um that would be something very specific to say to me because I thought about it so much yeah the way that he comes across with this is that he's acknowledging that at the time that he actually passed away that nothing could be done at that point and that's important to know um I'm gonna grab a tissue sorry this is way more emotional than expected my parents were very young when I was born and my grandfather sort of took up the slack when he died I uh it was such an absence for me and I still feel it thank God my image isn't like a tough guy or as I'm blowing it into pieces right now um he views that after his passing he snaps his fingers at me in regards to your career um and no doubt I'm sure it's taken time for you to work and do things not immediately famous he's like snapping his it happened immediately I auditioned for a one-line part in a movie got one of the leads the movie made over 100 million dollars and six months later I was on The Tonight Show wow like it was so fast I did like 12 movies in the first three years of my career after the initial Rush of attention and my life changing so much it was very very hard for me to deal with my grandfather died when I was only 11 and now I'm a man and my life has become what it's become and it is amazing it continues to be just more than I could have hoped for but there's all there's something missing because [Music] it he didn't see it and I don't get to talk to him about it and so it was like this after this adulation and brand new money and all the things that I sort of ever secretly wished for I got I was alone [Music] it was very very hard for me to deal with just because when he comes across I mean his emphasis really strongly is he knew a very different version of you yeah and that was where you're at now is so incredibly proud of you and I need you to know that that's really cool I needed to hear that good I needed that validation I think I think I needed to to know that he knew that our family had gone a little further than we maybe thought it could it means a lot to me absolutely thanks brother you know just to hear how he feels about where I am now in my life and that he's proud of me and it's a gift I think when I'm going to sleep a little better tonight oh good you're giving us messages from people that are the closest to us that we can no longer touch or see yeah absolutely and I view it as a privilege you know the idea of loss is so scary this makes it seem like loss Isn't So final and now I feel very calm like I feel like a big catharsis you're the best dude oh thank you I just needed this and didn't know that I needed it was so much thank you oh this has been can I hug you absolutely anytime if you ever need anything absolutely I think it was important for me to have Tyler in my house because when you were in the public eye for long enough you develop a subconscious veneer you decide what you're going to project to the public and everything else is private and yours and this was good for me because I was able to just be myself and not be afraid to be judged and and be honest I feel so relieved and so thankful and really so appreciative that he was so vulnerable and open and he was amazing I mean very rarely do I have clients that really showed that much of themselves and put that much on display I'm just I don't know what to say [Music]
Channel: E! Entertainment
Views: 658,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollywood Medium, CELEBRITIES, E! SHOWS, E_SHOWS, ENTERTAINMENT, REALITY TV, REALITY_TV, TYLER HENRY, TYLER_HENRY, HOLLYWOOD MEDIUM, Medium, clairvoyant, medical intuitive, Laugh, DJ Qualls, Late Grandfather, Jokes, grandfather, family, messages, connection, spirits, spiritual, paranormal, supernatural, ghosts, afterlife, advice, Hustle & Flow, inappropriate, closure, grandpa, clairvoyant medium, reading, spiritual reading, reality tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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