Tyler Durden Shows You How to Get Supreme Confidence! (REVEALED SECRETS)

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you nervously walk into the class hey it's you that [ __ ] that weird dude what's up bro what are you going to do today say something stupid in class his new nickname is idiot what did I do to deserve this you don't want to go there anymore don't you the question is why does no one respect you let me help you struggler I became a man who commands respect when I enter a dining Hall everyone turns their attention towards me and stands up after all my presence and competence is the reason why the people are so intrigued and that makes me so valuable that they couldn't help but to pay me respect who am I Tyler Deron but how did I became like this now listen up struggler seek respect not attention for it lasts longer I know many people that went from being that little Video Game Nerd that quite frankly no one respected but it wasn't that you just didn't have the respect of people around you including your friends wasn't it it was that you received their disrespect more often than not imagine being around your friends and they're constantly making fun of you they're roasting you for every hobby every interest that you have they're making you cry and then laughing at you for crying are you about to give up now tell me this struggler where were you in the wider Social Circle at school or uni or whatever situation when you were younger you weren't the kind of kid who would get any level of respect from people because answer this question truthfully would you have respected your younger self if you saw a day in the life of younger yourself where you woke up late and what was the first thing you did when you woke up you fapped or did something stupid like that and maybe if I wasn't Tyler Duran I'd do it multiple times eating a breakfast that's loaded with sugar with no protein and there I am skinny fat with gynea must a [ __ ] titties not even concentrating on the teacher or my work or my studies on developing myself being a stronger man and instead just obsessing over the girl that I've got a crush on who doesn't even know me come back and just spend my time playing video games would you have respected younger me and don't lie but why am I not like that because I put in the work and so how could anyone else respect you now maybe you're not playing video games as much as you used to but you've certainly got a list of bad habits that are still quite embarrassing to have these days you're becoming a grown man but sometimes you still act like a boy and so you want to know the secret of commanding respect and this isn't some clickbait video that's made by some punk ass [ __ ] who doesn't even know what he's talking about this is knowledge coming from someone who had absolutely no respect from his peers to now respect of men from around the world every single day I get the looks of women men whatever you can think of and they all are interested in me I've got so many men behind my back respecting me seeing me as their leader this is just pure fact this isn't even me invoking my ego here I certainly do have a big ego but it's not so much about this stuff it's more like my physique knowledge an experience that makes me so ballsy so you can see that your learning from the right person go watch my movies go watch Fight Club read how to win friends and influence people stop being a lazy [ __ ] I've got some good things to share with you because I have not been that well-respected guy all of my life I've went through the transition that you need to go through most of the other guys and other videos about this topic are either guys where you can tell have no respect from other people why are they making these videos or is the kind of guys that you know have had the the respect from other guys all their lives so they are Naturals so they are like a Chad so what are they going to teach you because you need to go through this I've got good news for you to transform to a high value man which is totally possible you need to learn from someone who's done it himself and with all of my experiences I've realized that there are just three things that will drastically increase how much respect that you get from other people it's an acronym that we can follow which is CSI confidence success identity you need all three of these to get more respect from people if you only have one or two it's not going to work you need all three let's go through them confidence should be the last thing on this list CSI I just said it in the order of CSI but confidence comes from your success and your accomplishments you know so many guys like yourself have probably asked how do I get more confident how do I become like that confident guy over there well you need to have something to be confident about so many guys are trying to fake it and become more confident by watching a YouTube video it's not how it works struggler it's really not how it works you can't just watch a video and be confident you become confident when you are competent think about what confidence actually means if I said I am confident at talking with people and persuade them or if I said I am confident at going to the gym and lifting weights what would that really mean would it mean that I've just watched a YouTube video and that is the whole reason I'm confid net now that doesn't really work if I was confident at weightlifting that would mean that I was competent at it that I had done it a bunch of times and I knew what it was like I've been in so many fights especially so I know where everything is I have talked to so many girls and men that I actually know how to act and what to do to persuade them so how are you trying to shortcircuit the process of confidence by watching YouTube videos online you know how you really get confidence no one's going to like this you you want to know how to get confidence do the hard work stop being a loser and do something hard and then do it repetitively and then you will start to feel confident about that singular thing because this a lot of guys who are confident about one thing but they're not confident around everything else are they there's a nerd who goes to the spelling contest and he's really good at spelling but then he's not confident in the social situation is he maybe you're confident in some video game that you used to play then you're not confident with girls because confidence isn't just an all-around thing no it's what you're confident at and so if you want to be a confident guy you need to be confident at so many different things you need to know how to navigate people relationships how to date women how to actually kiss them properly you need to know how to play sports you need to know what to do when you're playing sports and that head friend of yours who's not actually a friend pushes you too hard you need to hit life in so many different areas life is about getting hit and standing back up God only tests his strongest soldiers and this is such an unsexy answer for me to give you it would have been so much better for me to just give you like a big motivational speech and tell you I actually want to help you and so there's a lot of losers who click off and get bored right now but maybe if you're still hooked to my words understand that to feel confident in general you need to feel competent in many different areas that are important to you and you got to figure that out but for me personally it was getting a strong body meeting girls making allies those were the three things that I first started off that changed my life forever and now of course I've got other things like leadership status wealth now that I'm a bit older when you're an actual confident guy and you're competent in a few different areas or a lot of different areas people respect you imagine being that confident guy when you walk into the gym and you know what you're doing you've been there for a while you've got a shirt that is literally tight against your Bice ceps and your triceps you're going to feel confident in there aren't you and if you feel confident if you walk around and you're actually like a big guy in the gym you're going to get respect from other people this leads into the thing that actually gets you confidence which is success and we can replace the word success for accomplishments you need to have a list of accomplishments that you've actually done well in and I'm not talking about some participation trophy that you've been given in some shitty sports club I'm talking about something that you have absolutely dominated your competition in now I am an extreme case I have to dominate my competition or else I might die but maybe you've not been told this but this is so important listen success is all based on dominating other people specifically other men if you want to have a list of accomplishments that make you feel confidence that then gets you respect from people you need to get used to competing with other guys and destroying them maybe this is one of the of the first times you've ever heard a man speak like this because in this modern day most men are all [ __ ] and you probably hear a lot like just concentrate on school you do not need a strong body get a job and be a slave for the rest of your life while nobody respects you no you need success as a young man and there's a variety of ways you can do this just like before I said there's different areas of your life that you want to get confident in well there's different areas in your life you want to get successful in now you don't want to pick too many of these because to reach success you really have to go like serious pick one maybe two things what are two important things in your life that you really want to get successful in for me it was fighting and dealing with people I focused on two things and did pretty well at both of them when you've built a really good amount of success that other people really look up to well that's respect I have young guys run up to me and say that they want to be just like me and they're asking me loads of questions because they respect the work that I've done and the strength that I've shown the last thing that we're going to talk about is identity your identity is kind of like your self-image it's who you are and how you see yourself and this is probably the most important part of all this because how you see yourself the person that you are the identity that you have how other people see you is the greatest part of your self-improvement journey and there is nothing else even close if you see yourself still as this little chump video gamer you're not going to get respect from anyone maybe you'll get respect from the other chumpy video gamer who's slightly behind you but not that much if you want to Skyrocket how much respect you get if you want to become more successful if there's a goal that you really want to reach for you want to know the secret to achieving all that so much faster than everyone else update your identity to believe that you already have it it sounds crazy sounds like those mottos that those Law of Attraction girl you know the girls who are on self-improvement and their just rubbing crystals or some [ __ ] they're like they're doing like I am a high value woman but you've got a double digigit body count this is the one superpower the one FastTrack to self-improvement update your identity see yourself as the guy who you want to be already you know what every fighter you know what all of them say to themselves it's so simple Mike Tyson before he became the World Heavyweight Champion was saying to himself I am the world heavyweight champion before he was even given the belt before I even had all these women I was saying to myself I'm a great attractive man now I say to myself I'm a man with more [Music] greatness now I say to myself I'm a fighter I'm going to do well in the fights in my future you need to have the identity first before you can actually do the thing this is so important we'll be making more videos like this in the future a lot of people with low IQ won't understand this concept and they'll be struggling for the rest of their lives still coping and playing 1 hour of video games today if you really want to change your life click and watch the videos we will make in the future so struggler stop searching for quick fixes and start the real work be the best version of yourself and let the people see the incredible person you've become that is the only way to win in later videos Me Or Another Hero is going to dwell deeper into this problem leave a comment on what you would like to get taught next tell me about your interests and we will make it a course with your favorite person so if you want to instantly win over other people start by winning over yourself be the hero of your own story just like I've become Tyler der are you willing to do the work others won't struggle ER
Channel: FatherhoodAITeaching
Views: 16,318
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Id: VX1pu8AtdTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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