EVERY DAY GET UP AND DO THIS | Brian Tracy | This Powerful Speech Will Change Your Life in 2024

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good morning my friends today I want to share with you a powerful principle that has the potential to transform your life the habit of doing this every single day when you wake up you see how you start your day sets the tone for everything that follows it's the foundation upon which your entire day is built and by cultivating the habit of doing this each morning you can set yourself on a path to success fulfillment and happiness now you might be wondering what exactly is doing this well I'll tell you it's a simple yet profound action that has the power to align your mind body and spirit with your goals and aspirations it's something that successful people all around the world swear by and it's something that you can Implement starting today but here's the thing doing this isn't just about going through the motions it's about approaching each day with intention with purpose with a burning desire to make the most of every moment it's about seizing the opportunity that each New Day brings and leveraging it to propel yourself closer to your dreams so as we embark on this journey together today I invite you to embrace the power of doing this every morning make it a non-negotiable part of your routine commit yourself wholeheartedly to the pursuit of excellence and watch as your life begins to transform before for your very eyes thank you for joining me on this exploration now let's dive in and discover the incredible potential that lies within each and every one of us to make the most of every day your identity is something very valuable if we don't know who we are then we don't know where we're going if you struggle with an inferiority complex praying more working harder and promising to improve won't change anything just like remodeling an old house with cracked foundations you can redecorate every room but the floors and ceilings will just keep cracking until they eventually collapse you have to face your foundations but don't condemn yourself we're all afraid of change even knowing that if we don't change we'll be distressed very soon many people constantly seek to achieve that state of fulfillment and happiness in their lives however life is a process of continuous learning it's about being in constant motion falling down and learning to get back up life like anything else seems to be governed by certain Norms or rules that we must follow if we want to progress whether you believe in karma or not when you genuinely do good to someone else somehow you'll receive the same in return and even to a greater extent all change begins from within you and is reflected on your exterior it's you who finds a way to attain self-love and be in harmony with yourself but what does self- Lov mean the best way to understand it is by standing in front of the mirror and simply observing yourself without judging look at your body and your appearance observe yourself with full attention and realize how you are at this moment it doesn't matter if you're not perfect it doesn't matter if you've gained weight or you're not in shape just smile at your own image smile at the mirror in your reflection just relax free yourself and smile this action has two benefits a smile activates certain empathy processes in your brain which will make you feel good even a force smile can improve your mood use your body to change your emotions remember self-love involves valuing yourself enough to not allow others and even less yourself to harm your well-being and fulfillment in life when you love yourself you take care of yourself in all physical mental and spiritual aspects your self-love is reflected in the effort you dedicate to yourself in the love work and dedication you invest in your actions thoughts and habits however to achieve this you must know your current state for this it's useful to do an exercise called The Wheel of Life this exercise allows you to assess the state of your life and see the areas to which you give more priority and those to which you don't give as much importance the bigger the circle you create the greater fillment you'll be experiencing in your life since nothing is static it's advisable to do this exercise at least once a year to evaluate your overall life status if you find that you're not comfortable with yourself the first thing you should work on is your self-concept that is what you believe about yourself if you perceive that you have an unfavorable image reconcile with yourself and keep in mind that even if you're not your best version right now you're working to improve and that speaks volumes about you remember that within you you have all the tools necessary to achieve everything you desire you need nothing more than that to unleash the potential that resides within you Newton's first law known as the law of inertia states that an object tends to maintain its state that is an object in motion tends to remain in motion and an object at rest tends to remain at rest this law also applies to you as long as you remain static you're likely to continue without making changes however when you start moving it's easier to maintain that momentum this law is applicable to various situations in life so if you wonder how to start changing your life don't worry and just begin any change no matter how small can be the starting point for transforming your life you don't need to read 50 pages of a book if you've never picked one up just start with the first page and you'll see that you're getting closer to completing the book remember the first step doesn't have to be gigantic but it must be the first one what matters is that you dare to take that first step towards great things and towards a completely different future set small goals that you know you can achieve and once you accomplish them gradually apply them to keep moving forward so what kind of person do you want to be it's important to accept that life is as it is and that there are things you won't be able to change however there's something you can always control the way you choose to perceive life regardless of what happens around you it's important to learn to live with it many people seem to let one situation that doesn't go their way ruin their entire day the truth is there are things that are out of your control and you shouldn't let them control you don't let events over which you have no control drastically affect your joy look for Alternatives seek solutions that allow you to move forward forward in the best possible way and accept that there are things you can't control learn to live with them otherwise you'll be in constant struggle when you do this you're allowing your well-being to depend on external factors you can't control if you want to take control of your life and start controlling your emotions you can't give so much responsibility to something external Focus your energies on what you can truly control observe what you're giving power to whether it's something or someone outside your circle of influence and think about how you could change your perspective and face that situation as it is let me share with you a powerful mindset shift it's about accepting what is while working towards what you desire in life it's not about settling it's about acknowledging your current reality and embracing the journey towards your goals as you strive for your dreams don't lose sight of the present moment cherish it for it is fleeting and every moment is unique never to be repeated remember everything in life is transient the high the lows they all pass when faced with challenges remind yourself that this too shall pass tough times are temporary and there's always a glimmer of hope on the horizon even in the darkest moments keep the faith for every setback is a stepping stone towards greater resilience and strength you may have heard the adage everything happens for a reason while interpretations may vary don't forget that a bad day doesn't equate to a bad life minor setbacks don't Define your word bir or trajectory embrace your emotions for they are a natural part of The Human Experience be mindful of your selft talk and communication with others for they shape your reality your thoughts wield immense power influencing your emotions actions and ultimately your outcomes the challenge lies in managing the torrent of thoughts that inundate our minds daily while we can't control every thought we can choose how we respond when negativity Creeps in pivot towards positivity reframe your thoughts focusing on solution rather than problems remember what you focus on expands cultivate a positive outlook seeking the silver lining in every situation with practice you'll develop a habit of finding the good no matter how challenging the circumstance having a purpose and a firm plan this technique is a way of telling your brain this is serious having a clear goal or purpose allows you to know what you want and from there to plan or a series of steps to achieve your goals however you shouldn't forget get where you come from as every step of the way regardless of whether it was painful or joyful contains valuable lessons remember achievements and goals are ephemeral as once achieved they become part of the past living in the past leads to worry and distress while living in the future makes you long for a day or a specific goal visualizing your goals and dreams is truly useful and Powerful only when done consciously because the key is to live in the Here and Now lastly believe it sincerely both successes and failures provide us with opportunities for learning and growth it's important to Value the journey and not focus solely on reaching goals as we bring our discussion to a close today I want to leave you with a powerful reminder the habit of doing this every morning when you wake up has the potential to shape your entire day and ultimately your entire life throughout our time together we've explored the significance of starting each day with intention purpose and a commitment to Excellence we've discovered that by embracing the practice of doing this consistently we can unlock a world of opportunities and set ourselves on a trajectory towards success and fulfillment but let me be clear doing this isn't just about going through the motions it's about approaching each day with a sense of gratitude enthusiasm and a burning desire to make the most of every moment it's about seizing the opportunity that each New Day brings and leveraging it to become the best version of ourselves so as we part ways today I urge you to take what you've learned and apply it to your own life make doing this a non-negotiable part of your morning routine commit yourself wholeheartedly to the pursuit of excellence and watch as your life begins to unfold in ways you never thought possible thank you for joining me on this journey now go forth and make each day count remember the power to shape your destiny lies within you embrace it harness it and watch as your dreams become reality farewell and may each new day bring you closer to the life you've always dreamed of [Music]
Channel: ThinkStation
Views: 172,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motivation, EVERY DAY GET UP AND DO THIS, SuccessTips, This Powerful Speech Will Change Your Life in 2024, Goal Setting, Brian Tracy Speech, Personal Development, Productivity Tips, Self Improvement, Positive Mindset, Success Habits, Growth Mindset, Achieve Success, Life Changing Talks, Motivation Daily, Self Discipline, Positive Change, Transform Your Life, Do This Everyday
Id: 68hUDISrhKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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