Tydus made his sister so ANGRY she did THIS!! *Big Trouble*

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we were paid by Mattel to create this video [Music] [Music] I don't know [Music] well maybe it's nothing maybe they're just talking I mean talking about what [Music] um you're right he doesn't look very happy she doesn't look happy either [Music] she's going home oh here he comes um [Music] hey okay yeah what happened we broke up why she's moving she's moving do you know that I didn't know um right buddy guess what you can still visit her yeah [Music] Jake's fights there oh yeah maybe we can see her when we go to Jake's fight yeah hmm well you want to go snuggle on the couch yeah all right let's do it [Music] hi guys [Music] uh what are you guys doing on [Music] I see that [Music] you guys realize it's a beautiful day outside I mean look at that the sun is out and you guys are on a phone and rolling a ball around right Titus shouldn't you guys be outside enjoying the beautiful day [Music] okay I know what to do here foreign [Music] oh nothing just sending these pictures of you guys being lazy to a friend of mine at WWE yeah just sending those in those photos of you guys being super unproductive today when it's beautiful outside you said those photos too at WWE oh well a friend of mine yes I did oh and wait I think they're getting back to me now yep Titus go sit down on the couch over there okay I think this is gonna be a very much needed message from one of my friends at WWE oh my gosh all right you guys ready yeah yeah what are you all doing laying around on the couch your dad reached out to me because he told me you're not living up to your WWE Superstar potential and I'm here to fix that I'm Bianca Bellaire the EST of WWE and I'm going to be your WWE Superstar coach for field day challenge a grueling epic field day of challenges in your very own backyard that are going to prove once and for all if you're a WWE Superstar or a couch potato now come on you've got some field day challenges out there with your name on it and hey make sure you come out there like real WWE Superstars I want to see some of that WWE Superstar Swagger now let's go so wait are we doing this right now we are doing it right now all right let's go get ready turn [Music] react you Whispering my name thinking I won't be the same to eviction in a fact [Music] [Music] oh ladies and gentlemen I'm Chuck Matthews and welcome to the first annual Talbot family WWE build day let's meet our first Superstar competing today please welcome WWE Superstar Riot Reagan oh cause I took a break you're making a huge mistake thinking you can take the throne [Applause] very nice please take your spot right over here Miss Ryan Reagan and good luck to you and now please welcome the next WWE Superstar Titus strong [Applause] yeah okay let's meet our last competitor bossy Mommy [Music] okay let the games begin okay WWE Superstars join me over here please you will each be picking one of these other WWE Superstars to be your partner today Riot Reagan please choose first Charlotte Charlotte's excellent choice Titus strong you're up next who do you choose to be your partner today Bobby you can pick anyone you like Drew McIntyre Drew McIntyre great choice okay bossy Mommy you're up Bianca Bellaire baby if you're gonna be a WWE Superstar you need to be ready for anything you gotta have strength you gotta have speed and above all else you gotta have that wow factor you know that thing that makes people look at you and say wow now that's a WWE Superstar on today's field challenge is designed to test you on each of the skills it takes to be a WWE Superstar whoever wins the most events will be declared the champion of field day challenge and be awarded the grand prize now go show me what you got that's right and whoever wins the most events will be winning the surprise that's under the blanket as well as the WWE championship title [Applause] are you guys ready for your first event yeah [Applause] yeah okay save it for the challenges please follow me right over here for the first event okay this first event is called the egg race challenge you and your partner will carry one of these eggs starting at the starting line you will race to the end of the grass turn around and come back whoever passes this line first will be declared the winner if you drop your egg you are out are you competitors ready yeah on your marks get set go boy got a big lead from Riot Reagan 's out all right Reagan making a move there goes tight is strong and Titus strong drops his egg at the very end Ryan Reagan wins the first event great job right and I think we have someone that wants to congratulate you personally wait to go Riot Reagan you and your ex show them that it's going to take a lot more than a little competition to make you crack you in that egg made the ultimate tag team to break the competition Congratulations by Reagan on a hard one match but it's still anyone's competition this next event will push your strength to the limits good luck Talbot congratulations [Applause] well done wow right that was good girl are you guys ready for the second event yeah yeah okay this next event is the push-up challenge each of you will line up right here whoever does the most push-ups will be declared the winner on your marks get set go [Applause] everyone's going strong right Reagan has good form Titus strong looking strong as ever bossy Mommy appears to be struggling a little bit uh-oh push through the struggle you guys are WWE Superstars oh and it appears [Applause] Ryan Reagan and Titus strong who will do the most and right Reagan has given up meaning tied as strong is our winner of this challenge tight is strong with the win that's what I'm talking about living up to your name and showing us how strong tight is strong really is with that impressive display of push-ups and right Reagan you were right behind him Titus you better watch out and well bossy Mama you'll catch up keep your head in the game it is now one to one to zero but that's okay maybe Mommy will win the next event bossy mommy you have to win this next event in order to continue on in the competition are you guys ready to hear what the next event is the next event is arm wrestling competition [Applause] okay the first arm wrestling competition will be bossy mommy against Titus strong the winner will go to the winners bracket the loser will go to the losers bracket are you guys ready put your hands together [Applause] one two three armor we got a tough match here competitors seem to be trying to strong are you trying bro bossy mommy making Titus strong laugh I don't know if that's good or bad [Applause] now Titus Strong's trying to make bossy mommy laugh and that seems to be working [Applause] Here Comes Titus [Applause] strong to the winners bracket bossy Mommy to the losers bracket okay on to our next match this will be bossy mommy against Riot Reagan if bossy mommy loses she will be out of the competition are you both ready put your hands together Ready Set Go to be a good match very even here right Reagan giving it everything she's got bossy mommy very determined to beat her whoa Ryan Reagan uses a tactic we have never seen the double arm clinch to take the victory bossy mommy is out of the competition okay the final arm wrestling match is between Titus strong and Riot Reagan are you both ready yeah the winner of this will be the winner of this event on your marks get set get set go [Applause] start Shania Reagan giving it all she's got using the double arm technique quite a strong [Applause] is the winner of the event you can't deny that Titus strong gave it his all even against an opponent like Riot Reagan I mean it was neck and neck to the very end but there is only one undeniable arm wrestling champion the Unstoppable undeniable unbeatable Titus strong let's hear for him and congratulations Ryan Reagan on a hard one match but it's still anyone's competition this next event will push your stream to the Limit good luck Field Day competitors very good job though Riot Reagan which means sorry bossy mommy but you are out of the competition let's give her a round of applause well done bossy mommy whoever wins this last event will be declared the winner and will get what's under the black blanket and the WWE title belt okay competitors this last and final event is the obstacle course we're gonna have bossy mommy show you how it's done when I say start you're gonna weave through the cones you're then gonna come to the Rope challenge we're gonna go inside Outside Inside Outside Inside Outside Inside Outside Inside Outside Inside Outside Inside Outside all the way the end and then all the way back then you're gonna jump over the blocks if you knock a block off you will be disqualified then you're gonna come to the Rope challenge you're gonna climb the Rope as fast as you can once you get to the top you're gonna hit the wood and that's gonna stop the clock foreign you know you're not in it anymore bossy Mommy that's good that's good okay do you guys understand the rules bossy mommy will be timing you guys so again whoever has the fastest time will be the winner since you both have two victories whoever wins this event will be declared the winner Riot Reagan you'll be up first are you ready yeah excellent please take your mark on your mark get set go a good start by Riot rig on to the next very good food she's making great time and the turn here she comes around the block jump excellent job and she's gonna start the Rope climb here she goes right Reagan is making great time up this rope look at her go up the Rope oh my gosh she is so strong she is almost there and she hits it stop the clock great job what was her time 58 seconds 58 seconds time to beat tight is strong are you ready excellent please take your mark on your mark get set go he goes kind of strong he's looking very quick very strong three points to the block jump great jump and it starts climbing oh and he falls a little bit but he's got it right back up here he goes Titus strong seems to be making up some time he is climbing quick look at him go oh my gosh he is so strong and he's done bossy mommy what was his time 57 seconds his strong wins by just one second [Applause] congratulations tight is strong for winning this year's WWE field day challenge it wasn't easy you showed some real WWE Superstar grit out there when things got tough and I knew those muscles weren't fake I have never been prouder to Grant someone the title of honorary WWE Superstar and to you Riot Reagan and even you boss Mommy I saw a lot of hearts and a lot of determination out there you gave it everything you had and I respect that I've always thought that everyone who participates in field day challenge is a champion except for Titus who is actually the champion but well done everyone I am so happy to see you up off the couch and Sean you have what it takes to be a superstar I'll see you all soon congratulations Titus strong how do you feel awesome are you ready for your Victory surprise please follow me right over here you are receiving the WWE championship title congratulations and what's under the black blankets a bunch of WWE Superstar figures Undertaker the one hey wait look oh my gosh Championship Showdown that's right congratulations Titus thank you you want to pick one out very nice gesture Rey Mysterio well guys did you have fun yeah right there no sorry about that did you guys have fun or what oh my god well should we go inside and have some dinner yeah yeah all right let's do it come on [Applause] come on ah well how fun was that so so so fun right that was awesome guys what is better hanging out inside the house and doing nothing or going outside and doing something going outside and doing something right wait wait wait I'm getting a call let's see how to create this video Titus I think this is for you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Trav and Cor
Views: 2,453,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trav and cor, tydus, titus, tidus, mini Jake paul, ryry, knock knock, nock nock, scary, shocking, bad, surprise, surprising, the scientist, the clone, ruined, Jake paul, cried, fight, crying, presents, caught, blamed, clone, clones, sister, brother, boy, girl, footage, catching, Tydus clone, awful, sad, not good, this, mad, she, hawaii, waterslide, water slide, biggest, emergency, we broke up, first girlfriend, broke up, splitting up, new song, wwe, competition, Bianca belair, wrestling, roman reigns, John cena
Id: SJjjVumWbA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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