This SURPRISE brought him to TEARS! *Emotional*

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previously on our Channel all right who's going in you yeah what I was thinking Mommy [Music] I don't want to go in there I was thinking mommy kind of wants to go in there why would I ever really look like she wants to go in there who think that you want to bring your kids in there no I don't want to bring any kids in there I just think mommy should go in there by herself I think just we shouldn't even have a conversation you go in there and you're not the bravest but you're going in okay you think you're the brightest you want to do it oh I'm the bravest I'm going I'm doing this seriously oh yeah here you go give me the camera okay okay oh see anything [Music] um I see a towel yeah well see anything else [Music] wait who's that [Music] what you see someone yeah I see Rey Mysterio yeah the action figure yeah wait I see something else it's a note [Music] what's it say um let's just talk about this in the morning okay [Music] hey hi what are you doing I'm just looking at my phone at pictures where are the kids playing in the backyard ah oh yeah look at them well this might be a good time to talk to you about uh that note last night I know like that time to get a pet so what should we do get a pet I mean it would be really good for the kids right give them a little responsibility yeah I like that oh we still need to pick a winner for one of these yes should we do it right now or with the kids let's do it with the kids should I call them yeah call them in here okay Titus Ryan Titus Ryan [Applause] I can't hear you I can't okay Titus Ryan it worked God here they come hi guys hi having fun outside Bowie wait a minute what are these oh trees whoa you have two pigtails now yeah wow can I have some knuckles yeah well guys will you have a seat please guys we want to announce the winner of one of our giveaway prizes you guys want to do it yeah yeah all right who wants to announce it uh Bowie [Music] okay but are you sure you can do it okay all right well Bowie who is the winner of our first giveaway congrats coops Mama three we're gonna DM you get your info and get that sent out to you that's right well guys should we do some shout outs we haven't done those in a while yeah yeah all right who wants to start uh Titus start it off shout out go to Ashley 3565 and her daughter Lily the second shout out goes to Lauren Bauer three zero one five the third shout out goes to Fernando Hernandez 30. and the last shout out goes to judy9493 thank you guys so much for watching this video and giving us a thumbs up we love you if you guys want to be shouted out don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and leave the comments in the comments and guys don't forget we are still looking for three more winners for one of these right mommy what do people have to do to have a chance to win one of those all you guys have to do is give this video a big old thumbs up and comment down below if you want a shout out that's right so guys mommy and daddy have been talking about possibly maybe getting a pet right yeah would you guys want a pet yeah yeah right right what kind of pet would you want a what cheetah a cheetah oh my gosh it's illegal I don't think you can have them yeah I don't think we can own a cheetah what we what kind of pet would you want what what kind of pet what it's open a dolphin um okay I knew this was how it would go they're their pet ideas are horrible aquarium for that guys we can't own a dolphin or a cheetah so Titus is there another pet you want a golden retriever golden retriever always okay but I mean is there a smaller animal that we can actually have 100 okay very cute buddy they only say small for a little bit yeah they're only tiny for a little bit um wait wait wait wait I have an idea we should go to the pet store and see what we like what do you guys think yeah you guys want to go yeah yeah let's go come on [Music] okay what do you think about him I love him you like him what about you yeah boy you like him yeah what about you Mommy no no yeah I'm gonna have to agree with Mommy I don't think we're much of a uh what is that reptile reptile family bearded dragon maybe there's something better we can guess a what a snake um what's up to Mommy snake yeah uh definitely not a snake Okay no snake anything else maybe a fish a fish I like it yeah where are the fish they're the fish let's go guys comment down below if you can remember the name of our first two fish we had oh baby you want a fish I feel like Bowie would want anything would you like a crocodile yes okay do you want a dinosaur yeah I want a dinosaur do you want a snake oh no we gotta know so a fish a fish a fish I mean I like fishes but kind of a lot of work now they're kind of boring you can't hold them or do much for them Adam should we go look around for a pet that we can actually like pet and play with yeah yeah all right let's do it what do we got here guinea pigs did you ever have a guinea pig I had a hamster what do you mean had a hamster where's the hamster now well unfortunately he had had to go to a nice home in the country something like that my hamster had to go to that same home in the country look at that wait um that looks like a rabbit is it what is it what is that it looks like a humongous rat excuse me what are you it says guinea pig oh it's a guinea pig why does it look like oh it is a guinea pig it's cute it's like hard bunny guinea pig is that his guinea pig is part Pig bunny or rat and Bunny or part Guinea and pigs oh it's a Guinea what oh I forgot Bowie oh my gosh boy what do you think what do you guys really think are we guinea pig people absolutely yes mommy are you guinea pig person I'm not a big guinea pig person yeah I gotta agree with Mommy I had one it was fun for about a week and then yeah you don't really think about kind of the grossness of it very cute though very cute but maybe we'll find something better let's keep going all right what else oh wait look at this little animal oh my gosh how cute what is it I don't know it looks like a little kitty cat that's a cat it's so weird looking oh my gosh you should try to cut it yeah yeah okay I'm gonna pet it oh it hissed at me oh God I want to try it okay oh you're bad you're a bad kitty look at this little animals oh he looks way nicer that's really sweet hi can I touch you oh he's super cute I love him oh my gosh here hold the camera I'm gonna get him oh look how nice oh my gosh cats what about a cat I'm allergic oh that's right so look how happy they are um guys uh mommy has something really horrible to tell you oh I love cats but I'm so sad guys I'm super allergic to them like my eyes swell up wow guys no cat but uh maybe there's something else yeah what about over there what he wants a home um went to hell I went to home he probably has a home and a management company and an agent and everything he's got a gym yeah look at him he's good he's probably sad every day he's probably here right now I like this is friendly he is pretty friendly looking look at him you know what I have an idea let's go home regroup we'll look online maybe we adopt an animal that we see online oh yeah yes yeah all right let's go home and really think about this come on all right let's do it come on bro all right guys it's been a couple days since the pet store and we looked everywhere I mean everywhere for a dolphin and a cheetah very hard to find but we did find the kids dream pets our Dream pet too yeah and if you guys have been watching us for a while you'll know exactly what we're talking about but we pick him up tomorrow morning while the kids are at school flies in on an airplane I'm kind of nervous I'm so nervous it's like Christmas Eve oh my gosh but anyways that's what we're doing tomorrow we'll see you guys tomorrow all right guys we just got here to pick up Charlie you excited you're gonna Cry he's right in there you ready yeah okay let's go I'm so nervous interesting spot to bring the dogs oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] oh my gosh hi baby is he nervous he's nervous come on okay hi Bubba come here come here buddy oh you poor thing come here I'm not gonna hurt you I'm here baby oh come here Charlie Charlie hi love it's okay oh baby hi floppy oh honey [Music] thank you oh he loves me oh my God what is happening it's instant love at first sight he loves me so much I'm a momina always hugging me oh God we're doing he likes you he snuggled in my neck I never put you in that Queen again oh oh my gosh he's bear hugging me you want to hold him yes he's so good thank you he's cute [Music] he loves me hey come here I love you thank you so much good boy good boy let's get him home to surprise the kids come on come on Charlie oh boy Charlie you ready to meet your best friends and blow dry and he smells amazing you ready to meet your best friends I think he has a best friend eyes I'm literally shaking I've never been this nervous for anything they're coming up the hill okay you go hide quiet how was school what did you do in school learning what did you learn about a lot a lot of what have a seat right here so like I said this was a Christmas gift that didn't arrive on Christmas but I'd like to think of it more as a gift for you being so good at school and being such a good brother lately this is for you it's nothing big but I think you'll like it you can throw it around what are those for what a dog [Music] hold me close don't ever put me down every time I look at you you look you love my dear [Music] when you are around everything seems crystal clear [Music] whose songs well I guess you need a dog then [Music] new best friend [Music] this is your best friend [Music] you got your golden Bubba oh do you want to help us surprise Ryan next okay hey how was school good what did you learn um new math and we got a good report oh good I got all stars and I learned how to do stars wait the tough Stars yeah you can do those now yeah yeah nice well there's your present have a seat right here like I said this is a Christmas gift that didn't quite make it for Christmas but I like to think about this gift as a gift for you because you've been doing so good at school and being such a good big sister to Bowie so good job and here you go it's nothing big but I think you're gonna like it [Applause] yeah you like it why is it dog toys oh I guess we're gonna need a dog [Music] this is Charlie this is our new dog it's a boy and he's a golden he's ours this is your puppy snuggles and he's a lumpy one and it's just a bag of meat that's right [Music] okay how about me and Mommy go get Bowie and you two bring Charlie out when the time is right all right pick him up buddy grab him you got him let's go Mommy all right we'll be right back [Applause] on our next video okay here comes Bowie Bowie Joey here she is you ready for your surprise okay [Music] are you ready one you ready [Music]
Channel: Trav and Cor
Views: 3,971,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trav and cor, tydus, titus, tidus, mini Jake paul, ryry, knock knock, nock nock, scary, shocking, bad, surprise, surprising, the scientist, the clone, ruined, Jake paul, cried, fight, crying, caught, blamed, clone, clones, boy, footage, catching, Tydus clone, awful, sad, mad, she, broke up, split up, splitting up, heartbroken, boxing, helped, highlights, emotional, puppy, new dog, dog, new puppy, puppy surprise, try not to cry, puppies, people getting puppy, cry, cute, present, presents, pet, new pet, tears
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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