Two sisters in one body. The sad story of the Hilton Siamese twins

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[Music] hello friends in today's episode i will tell you about the tragic fate of two beautiful and talented girls who are conjoined twins and spent their whole lives together their sad and tragic story had everything love and betrayal and the world of glamour and intrigue but first things first let's begin when the girls were born the mother decided that it was god's punishment apparently god wanted to punish her for having children out of wedlock the twin girls turned out to be different from normal babies the right thigh of one of them was tightly fused with the left thigh of the other the mother even thanked the midwife when she expressed the desire to buy her babies who would say no to such a lucrative offer thus began the difficult and yet colorful life of daisy and violet hilton the most famous conjoined twins of the 1930s the birth of conjoined twins is always a sensation and the doctor who delivered the babies in the english city of brighton on february 5th 1908 described in detail the condition of the babies in a special medical journal it turned out that the girls were fused together in a way that made it impossible to separate them one of them probably wouldn't have survived the surgery what happened to the twin's mother the 21 year old kate skinner who sold her children is unknown but daisy and violet bought out by the midwife a certain mary hilton got the last name of their adoptive mother and began to perform for the public at the age of three years yes the new mother didn't buy the babies out of the goodness of her heart she quickly realized that she could make a fortune off of these children all sorts of freak shows where people with congenital physical disabilities performed were very popular back then unfortunately the host of the shows exploited the performers in every way possible however many of them still managed to earn decent money and end their lives as well-off people and even surrounded by loving children [Music] daisy and violet had a different fate they were treated as property by their adoptive mother and her family the little girls looked like adorable living dolls on stage just sitting next to each other both had blonde curly hair they wore cute dresses and had bows on their shoes the audience loved watching the girls perform a duet on the piano and violin their performances in the uk and germany drew crowds but real fame came to them in america of course getting to america wasn't easy the u.s authorities refused entry to the family on the grounds that their adopted daughters were physically disabled then mary hilton threatened to make a fuss in the press and they were finally allowed into the country the twins performances made a splash in the new world the girls earned five thousand dollars a week a huge amount at the time but they never saw a scent of this money their adoptive family kept all of it when their tamer mary hilton died their life did not get any easier the custody over the girls was given to the daughter of the deceased edith edith and her husband turned out to be even more cruel than mary was the sisters entire lives were under the family's complete control the girls weren't even allowed to go outside since people on the street would see them however their keepers failed to completely isolate daisy and violet from society after all the sisters were still part of the show business world and shared the stage with other actors world famous illusionist harry houdini became their best friend he was the one who gave the young girls the idea to go to court and divorce their keepers the girls had already reached the age of maturity at that time they were 23 years old but no one knows how long they would have continued to endure their miserable life if not for one incident during one of their tours the sisters became friends with their agent william oliver they spent so much time together that mildred oliver's wife even got jealous of their relationship when he later received a postcard from the sisters signed with the sweet phrase with love mildred got furious and filed for divorce during the trial the offended woman demanded that the sisters pay her 250 thousand dollars in moral damages the mayors took the sisters to a lawyer it was there that the girls laid out the whole truth about their life when the mayors left the girls alone with the lawyer they said that they were tired of the mayor family dictatorship the details of their life shocked the lawyer so much that he advised them to immediately sue the mayors and even personally took their case and the court sided with the girls it canceled their contract and ordered the mayors to pay them compensation in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars the twins finally got their long-awaited freedom the u.s citizenship and money to start a new life the sisters dressed in the latest fashion each in her own style and cut and dyed their hair their lives became the subject of endless gossip which increased the girl's popularity and brought them a lot of money there were rumors that the girls were having romantic relationships with many men however the details of these relationships were never reported to the public but the press wrote that a special phone booth was installed in the sister's luxurious apartment which provided them some isolation from each other [Music] for example when daisy wanted to be alone with a man she'd close herself in the booth and violet would sit on the other side of the door and paint her nails it's hard to believe but both sisters even managed to get married although there was a scandal involved every time in 1934 violet announced that she was engaged to the musician maurice lambert however they never actually got married not a single american state would accept their application for marriage citing a violation of moral norms as a result the groom lost his nerve and left violet then it was daisy's turn she managed to legitimize her love with actor harold estep however for some unknown reason the marriage was annulled 10 days later and a few years later violet got married again the sisters manager terry turner launched an entire advertising campaign telling the world about the love of violet and dancer james moore but couple divorced just two weeks later violet admitted that they only got married to entertain the audience and the public could never forgive their idols for this deception the sisters popularity began to decline rapidly however time was also working against them unfortunately the twins were getting old now they were simply two attractive middle-aged women who sang well in 1951 the sisters tried to regain public interest by starring in a movie chained for life the plot was about a tragic story of conjoined twin sisters one of whom killed her sister's boyfriend and the court had to decide what to do with the criminal as the innocent sister would have gone to jail with the killer [Music] violet and daisy put all of their savings into this film however it flopped at the box office there was hope that the movie could at least bring in some money if it was screened in drive-in theaters across the country in 1961 the movie was screened for the last time in north carolina that's when the sister's manager ran away with all the proceeds leaving his clients alone and without money fortunately the world is not without kind people the owner of a grocery store in the local town of charlotte gave the former show business stars a job at his shop the sisters lived in a trailer and stood behind the counter selling potato chips on new year's eve 1969 daisy got the hong kong flu she died in early january violet followed her sister a couple of days later [Music] their eternally tied bodies were discovered by the police after the shopkeeper got worried that his employees hadn't been to work for several days the sisters were buried as they had bequeathed in one coffin benefactors paid for their place at the cemetery so friends that's the sad but interesting life of the hilton sisters i think you'll agree with me that this story is an example of true courage and resilience and no matter what the sisters managed to build relationships with the world and with each other although it was very difficult and that's all for today like the video if you enjoyed watching it subscribe to our channel and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Wonders of the World
Views: 53,013
Rating: 4.9146342 out of 5
Keywords: Wonders of the World, Siamese twins, the most unusual people, life stories, sad videos, touching video, twins, unusual children, how fate developed, a love story, how Siamese twins live, two sisters, celebrities
Id: PBK5yZ1rJy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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