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hi and with all due respect hello super exciting video but i just wanted to take this moment and say subscribe okay now doesn't that feel good now hit the notification bell how euphoric does that feel for the two of us i know i feel good about it now okay now you've all right so let's okay let's just go let's just get right into the girls room okay thank you hi guys i'm jenna and i'm sarah and welcome to the girls room [Music] so today we're going to talk about friendships [Music] our friendship is like no friendship it's like no flavor ever seen progress to me we are crazy with each other i don't just love friendship okay i don't just love making friends i love to make my friends and i think that's beautiful who was the first friend you had oh the first friend i had i think it i think it was you was it yeah oh my god in grade 10 yeah my first i'm taking these off these are stupid well okay my first friend was my first friend was you and you know that too and you know that yeah honestly if i'm being honest yeah we're both kind of losers before we met each other [Applause] guys let's be honest about something let's be serious for just a second sometimes you find that friend and that friend changes your life for me that friend was sarah dumpsters and yeah i bet you can figure out who her father is [Laughter] seriously i seriously guys but seriously though since the beginning sarah dempsters has been my friend since the beginning we've gone through so much and here we are today best friends and better than ever and i'm so excited to be sharing this podcast with you guys because when i was getting my lippy injections and i almost died from anesthesia poisoning because they had to put me under because my skin was too tough to get the needle inside for the lip injections you are right there so thank you sarah dumpsters that's all that's all that's all that i have i memorized that last night you believe how good that was i know you're literally the cutest thank you you're literally the cutest stop crying you're so cute let's talk about us becoming friends because it's kind of a funny story actually it's kind of a funny story so it's like kind of exciting so we met on the volleyball team both of us were very good at volleyball yeah i was the captain jenna was kind of new to the team she just tried out kind of got in like based on luck she was like the last one and sarah had these huge hands her hands were so big so she was like so you were so good at serving the ball up because you would just smack it and you could hear from the other side of school it was loud and you got really good and i tell them i haven't missed yeah who's our gym teacher yeah he was like kind of like the the teacher supervisor then he comes up to me one day and he's like jenna how are you i was like like what i was standing there and i was just standing there i was kind of listening down he's like jenna what's up i was like sorry sarah one second and then sarah starts like walking the way she slips she falls she breaks her nose i i did i broke there's blood everywhere it was so sad everywhere and so like i was on the floor and like screaming for help and i was busy my nose yeah she was busy like i guess didn't really hear or something i don't know because they just kept kind of talking and i was like lying on the floor of the school like screaming as loud as i possibly could because my nose was broken into pieces i didn't tell it was hers like somebody help that dude he did say that he said that and it was it was actually like really funny um it wasn't funny for me he said that [Laughter] he said that he really did it it was funny not really like that um funny for me so funny pet peeves and friendships pet peeves pet peeves and friendships pepsis i'm going to tell you one of my biggest pet peeves puppies shot everybody quiet certainly don't talk about her one of my biggest parties what is it is when one of your friends will like talk to the guy that you're talking to a lot like you match on tinder a few weeks ago and like you feel like it's really going well and then one of your friends will like actually actively search and search and search and search and search for that same guy on tinder like swipe for hours come to your house so you're in the same location and swipe for hours to find the same guy so we need to talk about what makes a healthy friendship what makes a healthy friendship and what makes a toxic friendship an exercise that has been really helping strengthen friendships is you just sit with your friend and you just you you look into each other's eyes in silence for four minutes straight should we try it right now i think that would really strengthen us everyone really has to try it i'm really interested in this people so me and sarah are going to look into each other's eyes and for four minutes straight we are going to express ourselves [Applause] i was taught today i learned a lot just now i have a new teacher and she's taught me so much the things i've learned the things i've learned jenna went on her instagram story and asked you guys to give us some questions for advice to give to our little mini girl bosses out there for a segment that we like to call ask a girl hey girls what is your best advice for trying to get your crush to like you back oh my god okay first of all if your crush doesn't like you back [Music] that's like not something we've ever really experienced so i don't think good luck josh how do i reject someone that is my friend but i still want to be friends so i guess their friend likes them and they still want to be friends [Music] next question how do you trick a guy into liking you set up a booby trap and by booby i mean booby trap thank you so much for tuning in this week thank you guys so much for tuning in this week we honestly really appreciate it we would not be the girl bosses that we are today no without our little mini girl we are so desperately looking for sponsors and this has been the girls [Music] you
Channel: Boman Martinez-Reid
Views: 25,139
Rating: 4.9921799 out of 5
Id: 8gvGkPj06HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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