Two Millionaires Talk About How to Make Money When You're At $0.... TJ Millionaire Mentor & Swaggy C

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[Music] guys we in the building swag you see is here austin's behind the camera you guys don't know what time it is um this video doesn't really need any introduction but i'm gonna give a slight one just in case uh if you missed the last episode of secure the swag i went to tj millionaire mentors you know big compound mansion in beverly hills if you don't know who he is he's a big car enthusiast he just had a 40 or 50 million dollar exit selling one of his you know tech companies and he did a lot of good things you know um but right here we had a very good 30 minute interview uh talking about entrepreneurship giving you guys good advice on what you guys should do whether starting a business or chasing your dreams and your goals like it's a full-on interview so i implore each and every one of you to watch the interview in its entirety make sure you subscribe below and make sure if you find any type of value from this video even if it's just one give it a thumbs up like the video and um that's pretty much it awesome without further ado enjoy [Music] you know and the thing with me is like you have to be accredited like people will try to do what my business does but they're not traders at all they're not investors at all where it's like people can check my background my platform broker statements and i actually do trade and then people can verify that and then now i have a business that teaches people how to do it and that's what solidifies it that cinematics i mean austin put out and it verifies it all dang we in the building i'm gonna put this away oh you can do whatever you want man do whatever you want man swag academy we are in the building i'm your host swaggy c as usual but you already know that i got a special guest in the building tj millionaire mentor yeah what's going on man how are you feeling yo so i have my man tj in the building and i met him about six months ago and he's giving me some keen advice on you know scaling my business tj you can explain it better than me but you've created businesses you've had exit deals worth 40 50 60 million dollars i may be undermining that you know what i mean so talk to the people and let them know what you do now before you know i start asking you some questions and taking some wisdom yeah i appreciate that so tj millionaire mentor i hope people grow and expand their business so my focus is young entrepreneurs entrepreneurs that are growing their business just starting people generally under about 5 million a year in terms of their business so for me i've built a lot of different businesses so tech services is a business that i just exited uh in february so i sold that business i grew that to just about 50 million dollars in sales and i sold that business i owned a hotel loan restaurant on mobile detail car wash business i'm glad to tax you wow yeah you can bring those up yeah i've done commercial construction like uh stuff that we've done design build stuff in hospitals and things like that so i've done a lot of different things and i've also done a lot of online marketing stuff which is where my focus is now where we've sold uh a lot of books well we've you know gotten like five million dollar deals for for uh book publishing and online classes and subscription services and that sort of thing which is the type of thing that we were talking about last time no that's that's pretty dope so you know to get right into it you know because this is right up your alley so seeing as you you know you came out and you just had a multi multi multi-million dollar exit just now um and you've created a lot of businesses what is your advice for the entrepreneur who's starting from zero from scratch like who has no money but they have all the ideas in the world like which i'll address rather them when somebody's starting their business i have a friend that was like working on a whole business plan right you don't need to build out a whole business plan i don't know the whole business but you need to know what problem you're solving okay who you're solving it for why you're the best answer and what your unfair advantage is so having said that the best way to do that is to say the better be in a position where you say um everybody needs me i just uh but they just don't know me yet right so to identify what who everybody is what that group is what they need from you and then spend all of your time trying to find those people so essentially when you're creating a business you're essentially no matter if it's a product or or a service you're trying to solve a problem at the end of the day oh absolutely of course do you think everybody can just stop what they're doing right now and be an entrepreneur not everybody not everybody you think it's only meant for a select few yes it's it's meant for people with vision yeah it's meant for people that are self-starters like if you need someone to tell you when to punch the clock yeah and what to do then you're not going to be an entrepreneur if you think working eight to a nine to five or you know then you know being an entrepreneur is probably not for you right so no everybody can't be an entrepreneur everybody might want to be an entrepreneur but it also means that you are taking a lot of risk right so whatever your venture is you believe in it so much that you're willing to do this stuff that's a good question until you get the results and some people aren't willing to do it long enough to get the results that's what i say all the time is that a lot of people fail one because they just aren't entrepreneurs but the majority of them they just they just quit they just quit after if their idea doesn't work in two months or three months they don't have the persistence to to go along with it you know i read about you as well where you had said maybe you didn't say that but you told the story where you worked the job from like three to 11 but you came in hours early and learned everybody's job and then used that to flip and then start a business that you just exited from what made you have that type of grind and hustle to always see the end goal because i was someone also in the car coming here that like if i got a job from 311 not me because i feel like i'm built different as well but if i'm the norm i'm coming in from 3 to 11 going to sleep coming right back in that three i'm not coming in at 10 right especially if i'm not getting paid for that extra time right you know what i mean what made you do that because i never looked at my job as a job i looked at it as my career and the job was just the thing giving me the experience right giving me the experience give me the relationships so for me like it's funny that people will pay a lot of money for school education go to college they'll pay for that but they won't work for free right they won't they won't invest in themselves to get the education so for me it was like you know tantamount to educating myself you know i've gone to college and all that sort of stuff um pretty much right but what happened was i'm working in this place i'm like there's all these different departments they're doing these things what are they doing in these different departments right and i was in it or tech and and that kind of thing so and i had learned to code but i didn't know what they were doing in all these other areas so for me because my job was from three to eleven what the hell was i gonna do during the daytime yeah right dream about making more money yeah you know go out and you know watch tv you know i wasn't gonna do that that didn't make sense to me i was going to be productive and the most productive thing i can do and anybody can do is learn skills that nobody can take away from me do you think that asset or that characteristic is taught or you're born with that like the the ability to grind and hustle more no i think you can learn it uh there are some people that have it innately there's some people that's hungrier than others and i don't think it's about like you know if you're poor like for me i grew up poor so and i wanted something because there's a lot of people that were poor with me that didn't do that that's factual 100 right totally understood so and then there's people that are wealthy that you know grew up in wealthy families that still had that grind in the hustle i think it's a matter what you want for yourself you know how bad you want it and how bad you want to win for me my biggest thing is i could not watch the cosby show or friends or whatever it was i couldn't do that because i'm or football like sitting there and i'm watching football for three hours right yeah and i'm sitting there thinking about it man that these dudes are rich yeah these things and when i grew up right like it was uh dion sanders deon sanders played baseball he played football right and he was amazing and i remember one time dion was like uh somebody was he was uh somebody was interviewing him right and they were like uh some they were saying something about the fans you know and then i was like ah forget the fans all the fans can do is sit up in nosebleed and buy my merch buy my jersey and when he said that i was like you're right i'm sitting here watching this rich guy yeah this guy's rich right and for three hours i'm gonna give him my time that didn't make sense to me so i'm gonna watch a reality show for an hour right what can i learn in your business about trading work in that amount of time what can i learn in in my case technology in that amount of time and that's never going to go away once i learned that of course ever never so i wasn't going to do that so that was the epiphany that i had a long time ago is that if i take my time and i am every bit of free time i have i invested in me then i'm gonna win ultimately and i love that answer and i feel like i believe the same way what do you say to those people who feel like i can learn this but i can still have my five hours of being lazy or procrastinating like this people out there in a row would be like damn tj damn swaggy like dude does everything got to be work work work work work i can go bowling for three hours and and go do this for two hours you know what i mean like is entrepreneurship just not for them do they need to hear the harsh truth or they can have they can watch tv for three hours and still you know become one of us most people can't yeah most people can't there's some people that are lucky that they're so gifted and talented in something let's say you're a gifted and talented uh artist and you're so gifted and talented in that that maybe you don't have to invest and do all that maybe you're born six eleven you know i mean you're not born six yeah yeah you're born six eleven yeah and you're athletic you know you got huge advantages right so there are some people that have huge natural gifts that allow them to get away with stuff most of us don't right and so what we've been told now and what we've been told for a long time is that balance balance is the most overrated thing ever you know so i think life is a series of sprints you sprint you go hard and then you rest you know you take it away you sprint you go hard and then you get to this another place another place right and but what people have been taught is balance i'm going to have the relationship i'm going to have the downtime i'm going to have the you know you know i'm going to go out and i'm going to volunteer and do a whole bunch of stuff yeah i'm going to build a business at the same time no you're not it's not going to happen it's not going to like work out yeah name one that person is super balanced that's been uber successful oh i can't like i said i study entrepreneurs all the time and successful businessman and you know like i said my favorite show is shark tank and kevin o'leary and mark cuban all of them say the same thing where it's like you gotta even kobe like kobe and lebron like relationships and like downtime you have to sacrifice that if you want to become here if you want to get great and if everybody is saying the same thing they can't be wrong you know what i mean we can't listen to a normal person somewhere in a regular neighborhood who's saying nope i can do this as a net you haven't done it yet you know what i mean so it sucks because sometimes like i try and say that and i'll get painted as like the aggressor or somebody who has no life because but i'm i'm happy and i know you're happy doing i'm happy look bro i'm happy look here's what i say chase your potential to me there's nothing better than that there's nothing more fulfilling than you like literally going here's what i can be here's what my vision is and you're doing everything you can to achieve it that's fulfilling you know i was talking to a friend yesterday and she was like um you know are you happy or how was your day were you uh were you happy and joy so i don't know like i wasn't even thinking about that but i you know i got this vision and it's hot and i'm like i'm trying to make it happen i'm trying to figure it out and that is you know amazing feeling to me yeah that's what pushes me like you know me and austin are you know brandon i don't want to keep you know single in austin now cause brandon just got you know came on the team yeah um me and austin what's up yeah brandon's over there in the background on the team now and he just came upon but me and also been doing this for months and me and austin get fulfilled when we're chasing that gold chasing that go putting something out like you said sprint sprint and then resting we don't find happy i mean some people do i don't want to fault them but like in order to build the empire we don't find happiness in let me relax and just you know watch tv for four hours and then let me just sleep for 15 and i i just don't find happiness in that now i literally was talking to someone today and they were talking about their their business right they were talking about their business and last time we talked with them i was talking to them and they were uh we were talking about advertising and i said so how's that going and i said have you really committed to it to understand and learn it and she said um gave me some stuff and i could tell it was like excuses not really in it and then she said you know what i just i just don't like it like who cares i didn't ask you if you liked it this ain't no damn hobby do you like it yeah you know what i mean like if everybody liked all aspects of what they did in business everybody would do it everybody would be uber wealthy do you like it you know but people have been told that so right now one of the big things that people have been told is do what makes you happy right if you're not happy don't do it do something else and for some people that might work because they got somebody that's got them got their back they got a safety net plan b right but for other people you know what you got to secure the bag if you don't secure the bag first you're not going to have a foundation correct go off and do this other stuff so you got to secure the bag and the way you secure the bag is by building skills that are transferable by building a career not just having a job make sure whatever job you have it's actually a cool it's here yeah yeah this is why like you know like i said i saw when you said that you worked your job and then you used that to do something else for me it's like i became you know a good and a great day trader and investor but i didn't have money to fund that if i didn't like i said get the foundation and babysit i had to get money from somewhere it wasn't going to come from my dream i was you know what i mean i sucked at it yeah you had to just look like a babysitter bro i'm telling you not how you google you have built successful businesses there are people who are turned away by failure and they're they're they're hinged by it i'm pretty sure there's probably a business or two that you failed oh absolutely how did you get over that and that never set you apart and be like all right maybe this business thing and this route isn't for me i never thought about like this business thing getting for me for me you know i think i've always had confidence that if you can see something you can build it and so for me it's just a matter of saying okay i've got a vision for this thing i'm going to build it out and there's been mistakes right like i built a i call it the 750 000 car wash i built a car wash mobile detailing business i had kiosk in the washington dc area i had a warehouse with a bunch of mobile trucks and i had people going out and doing all this business right and i spent 750 000 and make a dime really you know had lawsuits and everything because like the signs that you put like the realtor signs for the car watch yeah with the wind would blow hit somebody's car yeah you tell somebody how to wash the car but then they would you know spread on the rag and then do this they spread it right in it the guy's ferrari's not working anymore you know so i had all types of issues that caused problems in that but you take that and you learn right and that's why like as a coach it's so much easier for me to look at your business or his business or his business or their business and say look here's how you can improve that because i've had this experience i've had failure in that stuff and i've had things where i said now if i start something i can spin that up a lot faster i remember you said something to me about six months ago when you told me if you had the money you had now or just the knowledge you have now going forward you wouldn't uh start a new business you would just acquire a business yeah you still for the same way about that now yeah like if i okay the context for that is if like right now i don't want to be an operator i don't want to run a business um the business that i sold i took 10 years so i didn't go into an office that you didn't go into office yeah i didn't go into office i hired a had a president i had cfo you know i mean i had those folks and they were taking care of things i literally have checks uber to me to sign them right and i was signing but but i built other businesses yeah we're building other businesses but i just got to a point where i didn't like the tech business and what i was doing had done it for so long solving the same problems hearing the same stories i didn't like it anymore i didn't want to be in that business so i i always the way i look at businesses is i want to blow life into the business so that it runs yeah on its own right and i'm not that guy that's like the operator so what i meant by that is if i was still wanting to be the operator of a conglomerate like that right and managing people and doing this stuff a long time ago i would have started buying businesses as opposed to building them from startup and and the reason why that's so much easier is because you and i can look at a business and evaluate the business and ask all the pertinent questions about the business find out why they want to sell the business find out what the opportunities are right to make that business better right and then you can go in and buy that business and you can use leverage to buy that business right you don't have to it's like when you buy that business when people say it's a leverage about people have a misconception of that right when people here leverage about what they're thinking is there's a hostile takeover people went over and said let me put all this money on the table that let me give them an offer they can't refuse and now you got to go and i'm going to take over that's what they're thinking about but a leveraged about is just when i'm taking the assets of that business to buy the company right such that i can still service the loan so if that business just to break this down a little bit further right so if i go in i'm going to buy a business it's a plumbing business it's a i wouldn't be buying plumbing because i'm not a plumber yeah anything about it but if someone was going to go out and buy a business that they had knowledge of they can go out and buy a business with virtu with actually they don't have to put any money down they can use like something called the 7a program they can go in and say i want to buy that business and they go um it's a tech business right so i know a lot about tag so i qualify as a manager right so the bank would look at me and say he's qualified so what i'm going to do is look at the accounts receivables for that particular business and how much they got coming in and going to have coming in on an ongoing basis they want to sell that business for five million dollars right so the loan amount for that five million dollars if the account receivables that i've got coming in can service that loan and still pay everybody then i can buy that business with no money down so so buying businesses is the best way to come up if if you want to go in and now be the president of that business yeah and operate that business right and lead that business i am not interested what about the action so you would rather make a meal well maybe little money to you but you'd rather make five million completely hands-free than 10 or 15 and you had to be there every single day for me now for you you know absolutely yeah yeah yeah yeah that's when i get stuck all day because i've been working bro i started working at 11 years old i started working you know 14 years i had a paper route or wait no uh 13 or 12 years or i had a paper route started working in a restaurant so i've been working for a long time you know and so for me my lifestyle right and my freedom yeah is paramount means everything right yeah to be able to work with people that i like right and so if i'm working with people and they don't want to be around me they don't like me guess what they're going to go real fast because i work in my home so the only people i'm going to work around is people that i get along with in life you know so when you own a business like a bigger business you might have people that are just amazing and they have specialty specialty skills or experience that you might have to deal with right because they have that i don't want to have to deal with it you know that's just what i'm at now but i also have a lot of passive investments that allow me to be in that situation which i love and i probably have maybe three three four more questions uh left for you um you talk about you know passive investments and being completely hands off you know i was telling you early on i feel like my overhead is insane you know for what i'm doing right now like right now i have about five streams of income i have my my personal day trading which is how i got everything i have um my day trading course i have my youtube that pays me i have t-shirts you know all the the sponsorships and social media just all those five yep and my overhead just on a monthly basis that i feel like there's something that i'm overpaying that don't need is around 150 you know a month and i was wondering for you when you if you're running you know multi-million dollar business you know per month does that sound like a lot or that sounds normal yeah well it depends on like what that i mean it's like the profit margin if i'm bringing okay if i'm bringing in around 600 you know per month with all five income makes sense and 150 makes sense yeah really okay because i'll be trying to think of myself like all right like am i spending too much here my my life makes sense but it doesn't mean that there's not places that you can cut back it's a matter of if you're making a kind of profit that you want to make yeah and then if you're not then you can do some things and then you know because you want to make the profit to be to pay yourself and pay your folks but also to be able to invest in other ideas yeah you want to make sure you have a margin yeah you want to make sure well you want to make sure right like there's operating but then there's developing other business stuff right so you know so when you're in business one of the biggest things that you can do to grow your business that people overlook at your stage is investing in leadership so you can bring somebody in to do work you can bring in a manager but a manager is just going to manage what you've already told them to manage yeah when you bring in leadership they're going to be like damn we should be doing this we should be doing these things and they're they obviously overlap in terms of what you you you some of the stuff that you're doing but they're seeing things a whole different way and you're bringing a hold of and that changes the game when you invest in leadership which i've heard and you may give some advice to to me on this because i've probably hired all right reframe this how do you know you're hiring the right people because like i've hired probably 15 people and i probably fired about 12 of them like that i mean that makes is that normal because like people come in they're messing up or it's something i don't give a grace period is that they don't care they they have no passion for what i'm doing right you hire slowly you fire quickly where that's just simple that's yeah hire slowly far quickly when someone's not um performing the way they're supposed to form they're not on your team they're not with you they don't believe in you get rid of them that's right i give too many chances like and that slows that's slowed up me in austin the last four months that we had we fired probably let's say six people over the last four months and we knew in like week three we should have fired them and we let them rock until month four and it slowed us down there's one kid we just fired two weeks ago and i don't want to say his name or anything but like that was the only higher we like hired slowly and fired quickly when we knew it wasn't working but the others not we let it rock for three to four months and how do we know that you're making the right decision you already knew yeah like you knew because it's going to play out like you can try like you know like i think one time i had a situation where um i didn't fire a guy right and it worked out oh work one time one time okay and all the people that i've been like you know what let me keep giving them a chance let me keep giving them a chance let me keep giving them a chance and that sounds like all those times it ended up being what i thought it was unfortunately one guy so that that tells you right there one guy okay right and and i still remember the circumstances his name yeah everything right and i was like under normal circumstances i would have fired that guy i don't know why i gave him a chance and the guy ended up around forever and you know you know making a lot of money and doing this thing and you know and and and whatnot but yeah yeah for me like the the great thing about i want to ask you one of my last few questions is about diversification with you you know you said you started a restaurant business a hotel business you know you did a lot of things how important is it for the young audience out there to see that you know you need to make sure you have your money in different places and to kind of ask another question do you think they should start out the gate in multiple places or master one thing and then go to the other yeah yeah so i'm glad you the way you phrased that because some people think right i want to be a mogul i want to do all these things and so the one thing that i said is i like to blow life into a business right and let us do its thing so and i'm not going to go on and do anything else until i blow life into that business i mean i have leadership in place i have so there's three parts of a business right there's the delivery what so let me there's the sales and marketing right everybody knows what that is you know the promises that you make the messages that you get to get the business then there's delivery how do you deliver on that promise right and then there's the operations all that stuff around it right like how do you pay the bills and how do you do the legal contracts and all that other stuff right those are the big three circles right and for me i have to have leadership in those areas and have those things working well before i'm going to start something else right and working without me worried about that that's what that's the biggest thing right okay working with with my vision but not with me in operating that's what i mean i don't want to be an operator so for me i got i look at businesses that way and i make sure all three of those are being taken care of before i can go off and do something else because if you don't then you're just gonna you know be back yeah yeah right so so i i think it's more important to build a one business that's really successful and printing money right than it is to build a whole bunch of different businesses and think about that right because i think um even with me in some cases if i was double down on just a tech thing i could have made it even bigger i just didn't care too at that point right one i didn't care to because i was like ah the limitations of what i was willing to give and do because i didn't want to suit up yeah and go to another office i've been in liberty mutual john hancock watching washington mutual coca-cola exxon shell you know i've been in tj tj maxx you know tjx you know i've been in uh you know all of these companies right i didn't ibm price waterhouse bruce uh bruce allen i didn't want to go to another company in a suit yeah you know and and do that whole you know um um you know listen to me and i'm great kind of stuff and my team is great and we can solve your problems and have to prove to them that we can solve their problems and all that sort of stuff i just didn't want to do that anymore and i didn't want to be involved in the conversations around that and i didn't want to solve the same problems i was solving and i didn't have the creativity to diversify that business and the interest so i knew that there was only a certain size that i would be able to take that business to right other people might bene take that business to a whole another level but for me i knew where it could get to so that's why i started the then the construction business and the other businesses because at the end of the day i love starting stuff and growing stuff so my last question is um so i'm glad you made that point on mastering something and going something else because if i wanted to do a million different things it wouldn't work with me like i got great at day trading and then i was able to use that to leverage to teach others to go on youtube and teach for free what youtube pays me and then make merch off of it but it started with day trading after you master you know your one thing and you feel good at it how do you know when it's time to move on and start something else in your mind well for me those three things right making sure that can this business run on its own um and with my leadership and what does that leadership look like in this right and am i comfortable with that do i have people in place that i can trust and when i sold my business i had um you know a couple people probably making about a million a little over a million dollars a year in that business some other people making in the high you know uh six figures right in terms of a number of people making high six figures so in order to get there those people had to help me do that right but for me right i think if you're planning to exit the business i think you have to exit the business sooner than you probably think sooner than when you like are drunk because you're thinking i want to exit the business when all the stuff is perfect and and it's cool to have some metrics right but in general be prepared to exit sooner than you think be prepared to put it on the market sooner than you would think so you just said something that maybe you want to ask one more question we had talked about it um for for your channel as well in your opinion how is perspective changing a bad thing like when we talked about you know how for me when i was a little kid i thought a million dollars was the biggest thing in the world and now a million dollars is not that much money in my opinion i just bought two cars it's not about two cars is 1.3 yeah i don't want to sound arrogant you know what i mean to a certain extent but like like i said like when you know when you're making millions it's like do you get excited when you hit another i mean you you get excited but like is perspective changing a bad thing where like you go from all right million's the biggest thing in the world so now it's not that much money to all right like for me it was like i want to get this car this tesla or this penthouse and then i get them it's like all right it's great but i'm already looking at we're in we're in a huge mansion beverly hills right now i'm looking to get a mansion right now are you out to meet like and for me i feel like perspective may be detrimental where i don't ever ever satisfy in the moment i'm never satisfied i'm always like what's next i think it's important to enjoy you know take some time to enjoy what you're doing what's bad but no no i i think it's important to enjoy the things that you're doing but not get stuck there we're not that kind of people yeah right like like i'm also already looking down the road right way down the road so i think uh you know like for me like you see things like i always go to car events and stuff right and for me like you ask me how many cars i got no i don't want to count you know i don't wanna you know i just don't want to have it in my head but like i'll go meet people and they'll be like like this last week i was at an event and this guy had a garage with 25 cars you know and this other guy had a garage with 14 or 15 or 16 or 18 cars you know another guy bought a dealership because he liked cars so much a little different right now i don't know about that dealership because he liked cars so much right and then he has all the cars that he wants and does some things and i'm like dude why'd you buy that's a four percent margin business three percent four percent margin business i love cars right so so so your perspective changes and i think it's good that your perspective changes and it's always changing because i think one of the most powerful things that we want we people want to achieve is is growth we always want to be making progress if you and your wives relationship was not doing anything it could be good the way it is right now but nothing changed all of a sudden you'd be like damn you know anything so cool yeah because you're not growing you're not experiencing things so i think our one of our great human desires is to be growing right so for people like us we're always looking out at the next thing so that's why when you say ah let me just get a little two million dollar place here and settle and you know i can yeah like in texas or something like that like in texas yeah you could do that but um you know you'll be so s you can you can get stagnant now if you find ways to not become stagnant and to continue to grow right it's different right but because that's what we have to do and so for entrepreneurs it's then how do we build more faster how do we help more people how do we get our message out you know more clearly so those are the things that's important for entrepreneurs right and as humans and as type a personalities and as successful people and overachievers you know the whole thing is how do i make progress if you to stay right where you are now and you're making what you make now you're highly highly highly successful but you would be miserable five years from now if that's all you did you don't do anymore you'd be like oh my god man you know we're not growing you know this is horrible yeah you know so that's who we are so basically what you're saying is a tesla doesn't cut it i need a bentley truck oh hell no awesome the tesla is on he's been ragging on me this entire time for having the tesla model x i'm like yo i paid 100 000 cash for it he's like all right like you need a bentley what's next what's going on so i'm like all right so apparently i got to get a lambo swag academy or or a bentley i think you're a bentley convertible kind of guy or you know like you know you you have the tesla which is the utility vehicle it's useful it is this is useful it's like a big prius right so it's very useful you cannot like you know the only thing that you can't really knock a tesla except if you sit out here on ventura you're going to see about 20 of them go by and they're three different colors black white right so you know so i mean you know it's like not a whole lot of personality for you i mean you're sweaty oh my god here you go come on man so a bentley convertible i think that's your move appreciate you for popping on the channel guys if you have not subscribed to him it's at tj millionaire mentor real quick how important is it to to pour into the people working for you the last question you got to because that that's the only way you're gonna you can't do what you do without them yeah right so and make sure you're straight if you're not pouring into them why are they doing this if you're not building a path forward for them while they're doing this yeah if they don't know that you care about them and their families and their dreams while they're doing them just give them a paycheck or whatever yeah yeah they can get that anywhere so you got to do that once and and once that stops happening they ain't going to be happy they're going to be like yeah yeah you cool bro but you know i had to do something else yeah and so yeah it's that's super important yeah i make sure um as a closing remark i make sure that uh the team is taken care of um and austin and brandon aren't going anywhere but sometimes i find myself with other people like damn are they getting paid too much you know what i mean because like the lowest person on my team probably gets paid like six dollars a month like the lowest price that's the assistant you know what i mean and sometimes i'm thinking like damn is that too much but like they do like the best job ever because they're motivated because i care and they get like you know they get a good check and everything yeah as long as you get you're getting what you need yeah from it what i found is sometimes you you can overpay someone and they're doing so much that if they left you'd have to break their job down into two two two different jobs right as an example and those two different people might do a better job than that one person you know because it's more focused but it's also who you like and who you want to work with and who you want to help and who believes in you and who you believe in for me that's that's super important especially in the type of business that we have people come to where you live to work yeah right and they hang out with you and you want to have that good energy you know so guys follow him he has all the answers and all the advice in the world i appreciate you guys for tuning in make sure you subscribe to the channel and make sure you head over to tj millionaire mentor's youtube channel and subscribe as well he is doing a phenomenal job and especially if you're a car enthusiast you'll find a lot of happiness i'll holla at you guys man of course definitely probably see you in a day or two whenever it goes on but i'll let me bro definitely appreciate it [Music] you
Channel: The Swag Academy
Views: 210,912
Rating: 4.9570546 out of 5
Keywords: forex, stock market, forex Swaggy c, the swag academy, forex the swag academy, forex market swaggy, forex market the swag academy
Id: LNd9jazW9Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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